Temperature and Heat

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Temperature & Heat

Temperature vs Heat
 What is temperature (degrees)?
• A measure of the average kinetic energy of
the particles in an object
 What is heat (joules)?
• That energy transferred between objects
because of a difference in their temperatures
 How does heat flow?
• Heat flows from a hotter to a colder body by
transfer of kinetic energy to adjacent
Temperature & Heat 2
Units of Measurement
 There are 3 units of temperature
• Degrees Celsius (C) (Water: 0 – 100)
• Degrees Fahrenheit (F) (Water: 32 – 212)
• Kelvin (K), referencing absolute zero
 Conversion - Celsius & Fahrenheit
• F – 32 = 9/5*C
• K = C + 273
Temperature & Heat 3
Measuring Devices
 Thermometers
• Analog
• Digital
 Thermocouples
• The temperature of the junction of 2 different
wires creates a small voltage, related to the
temperature of the junction

Temperature & Heat 4

 Each material expands, according to its
natural property, as its temperature
increases by ΔT degrees C.
 Options
• Linear: ΔL = Lo α ΔT, where
• α = coefficient of linear expansion
• Area: ΔA = Ao (2α) ΔT
• Volume ΔV = Vo β ΔT, where
• Β = coefficient of volumetric expansion

Temperature & Heat 5

 A metal bar is 1.6 m long at 21 C. If the
bar is heated to 84 C by how much does
it expand? ( = 1.7 x 10-5 / C)
 L = Lo* *(T2 – T1)
• L = 1.6 * 1.7 x 10-5 * (84 – 21)
• L = 1.7 x 10-3 m

Temperature & Heat 6

Specific Heat – basic property
 The amount of heat, in joules, required to
raise the temperature of 1 kg of a
substance by 1 degree Celsius.
• Symbol of the specific heat of a substance is “c”
• Examples of c
• Water = 4187 J/kg- C,
• ie 4187 joules of heat energy are required to raise the
temperature of 1 kg of water by 1ºC.
• Iron = 448 J/kg- C
• Aluminum = 899 J/kg- C
• Ice = 2090 J/kg- C
Temperature & Heat 7
Implications of Specific Heat
 The heat energy (ΔQ) transferred into or
out of a mass (m) of material with a specific
heat (c) is given by:
• ΔQ = m*c*ΔT, where ΔT is the change in
 This phenomenon can be used when
bodies of different temperatures are
brought into contact
• Hot bodies lose, while cold bodies gain heat
Temperature & Heat 8
Example of Heat Transfer
 How much heat is required to raise the
temperature of a 2 kg block of copper
from 20C to 250C (cCU=386 J.kg/˚C)?
 Solve Q = m*c*ΔT
• Q = 2 * 386 * (250 – 20)
• Q = 177,560 J

Temperature & Heat 9

 What would be the final temperature of a
5kg iron (c = 448) rod at 20C if it
received 110,000 J of heat?
 Solve Q = m*c*ΔT
• 110,000 = 5 * 448 * ΔT
• 49.11 = ΔT
• But ΔT = Tf – To = Tf – 20
• Thus, Tf = ΔT + 20 = 69.11 C
Temperature & Heat 10
Mixture Examples
 What happens when 2 bodies of different
temperatures are brought into contact, such
as a hot piece of metal being placed into a
bucket of cold water?
• The hot body (metal) cools while the cold body
(water) warms according to the conservation of
• Heat lost by hot body = Heat gained by cold body, or
• (m*c*ΔT)lost = (m*c*ΔT)gained
 Heat flows from hot to cold!

Temperature & Heat 11

Example Mixtures
 See OHP…

Temperature & Heat 12

Phase Change – Change of State
 All solids, liquids and gases are made of
particles, and the only difference between
them is how much energy the particles
have. If you give the particles energy, or
take energy away from them, then you can
change their state.

Temperature & Heat 13

Energy in – Energy out

Temperature & Heat 14

Phase Change – Change of State
 There are 2 different types of heat
• Sensible (or specific) – the addition of which
causes a rise in temperature of the material,
• Latent – the addition of which causes no
temperature change until the current state of
the material has changed completely, from solid
to liquid, liquid to gas or in reverse.

Temperature & Heat 15

Latent Heat
 There are 2 different latent heats
• Solid > liquid = latent heat of fusion or melting
• ( ex. turning ice to water)
• QF = mass * heat of fusion, or
• QF = m * hf (where hf = 3.35 x 105 J/kg for ice)
• Liquid > gas = latent heat of vaporization
• (ex. turning water to vapor)
• QV = mass * heat of fusion, or
• QV = m * hv (where hv = 2.26 x 106 J/kg for water)
• In graphic form it looks like…
Temperature & Heat 16
Change of State
 Heat can be applied to an object to
change its state from solid, through
liquid to gas, according to the 5
steps shown:

1. Heat the solid until it reaches

melting point (specific heat of solid)
2. Heat the solid until it changes
completely to liquid (latent heat
3. Heat the liquid until it reaches the
boiling point (specific heat of liquid)
4. Heat the liquid until it changes
completely to gas (latent heat of
5. Heat the gas (specific heat of gas)

For example, H2O…

Temperature & Heat 17
Heat Phases – Water

Temperature & Heat 18

Steps in Solving Specific/Latent
Heat Problems
 Identify the temperature range in the problem
 Mark the temperature range on the heat graph
 On the graph move from the lowest to the highest
temperature identifying the sloped/flat stages
 Calculate the heat (Q) for each step as follows:
• Sloped > specific heat stage > Q = mcΔT
• Flat > latent heat stage > Q = mh (h for fusion/vaporiz’n)
 Add the Q values for each step to determine the total
heat (Qtotal)

Temperature & Heat 19

 How much heat, in joules,
is required to raise the temp
of 2 kg of ice from -10˚C to
• Mark start and finish temp
• Count slopes and flats F

• 2 x slopes + 1 flat, meaning:

• 2 x specific heat segments S
• 1 x latent heat segment
• Calculate Q for each segment,
then total the Q values

Temperature & Heat 20

 Segment 1: sloped = specific heat for ice being
heated from -10 to 0˚C
• Q = mcΔT = 2 * 2090 * (0 – (-10)) = 41,800 J
 Segment 2: flat = latent heat converting ice @
0˚C to water @ 0˚C
• Q = mhf = 2 * 3.35 x 105 = 670,000 J
 Segment 3: sloped = specific heat for water
from 0˚C to 20˚C
• Q = mcΔT = 2 x 4187 * (20 – 0) = 167,480 J
 Total heat (Q) = 879,280 J
Temperature & Heat 21

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