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Roll # 18661556-042

Name: Dua Javed

Class system on the basis of profession
(Society and culture of Pakistan)

Class system:
The people in society are divided into homogenous group on the basis of

The body of people in learned education. It is also called occupation.

In Pakistan, peoples are divided into three classes.
i. Upper class
ii. Lower class
iii. Middle class

Upper class:
The group of people have high level of income, luxuries, lives in the cleanest
place of country and have no problem related to money and they are 2% of total
society. They are actually
a. High status leaders
b. Big business man
c. Top management of country
d. They have their own norms which is different from others.

i. Politics:
Mostly these people are involved in politics.
ii. Business:
Almost all people of upper class are business man. There are many types
of business.
iii. Judiciary:
Many of them are administer justice.
iv. Bureaucracy:
A lot people of upper class are bureaucrat.
v. Import and export:
They have their own import & export.
vi. Banking:
They have their own private banks.
vii. Foreign investment:
Many of them involve in foreign investment.
viii. Restaurants & organizations & airlines:
They have their restaurants ,organizations and airlines etc.
ix. Govt. project management:
They contract with govt. and work combine.
x. Industries and mills:
They have their industries and mills.
xi. Surgeons, doctors and engineers etc.

Lower class/working class:

This is the lowest class. They are not much educated. They are very poor. They
have houses in slum areas without basic utilities. They are about 30 to 40% of total
a. They are mostly drug addicted.
b. They have not even food according to their hunger.
c. They can’t afford medication.
d. Therefore, crime rate is high in lower class.

i. They are very small rank shop owner.
ii. Low grade govt. staff
iii. Poor formers
iv. Local political workers
v. Poor women are maids in school and homes
vi. Conductors
vii. Sweepers
viii. Attendants at schools, colleges
ix. Security guards
x. Drivers
xi. Gardeners
xii. Cargo holder
xiii. Caretaker

There is a term class mobility(transfer from one class to another).

It is very low but extreme in lower class and choose crime to become rich.

Middle class:
This is a class between upper and lower class. These people have enough money
to fulfill their needs and lives a peaceful life. They have basic utilities. They have their
own houses in good areas. But they have high class mobility to change their life.
a. They live comfortably than poor.
b. Their norms are similar to poor to some extent.
c. They are exploited.
d. They are about 50% percent of total population.

i. They are employees.
ii. Engineers
iii. Doctors
iv. Nurses
v. Carpenter
vi. Normal rank shopkeeper
vii. Small business
viii. Mechanics
ix. Teachers
x. Lab attendants
xi. Secretaries
xii. Managers
xiii. Bakers
xiv. Workers
xv. Midrange govt. officers
xvi. Builders
xvii. Laboure
xviii. Free lancers

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