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General statement

Forest fire is a natural disaster that can cause changes in the shape of the forest due to massive
burning. The forest which is supposed to be a habitat for a variety of plants and animals is
scorched due to the blaze that engulfed the forest.

Statement of cause and effect

There are two factors that cause forest fires, namely natural factors and human factors. These
natural factors generally occur due to long drought which results in sparks. Moreover, if the
forest is filled with peat soils that are flammable.

In addition, human factors also cause forest fires. Human behavior is negligent or intentionally
performs some actions that result in forest fires, such as throwing cigarette butts, burning forests
for the sake of opening new land and carrying out illegal logging.


Indonesia is one of the countries that often experiences forest fires. Most of the causes are our
lack of awareness and concern for nature. The development of various industries that require
new land is the cause of forest fires. In fact, we should preserve the forests that act as the lungs
of the world.

       General statement

    Drought is the most complex hydrological factor, manifestation, and additional problems
related to climate. The complexity increases because it is known that drought is a slow process
disaster, which is why drought is often referred to as a "crawl" disaster. Drought does not come
suddenly like a flood or earthquake, but comes slowly so it is easily ignored.

Cause and effect

      There are two types of drought, natural drought, and anthropogenic drought. Natural drought
occurs due to low rainfall in one season. This is due to a lack of surface and underground water
supplies. Then the plants will die slowly. Shortage of water supply in the long run will cause

Anthropogenic drought occurs because water demand is more than water supply. This happens
because of human disobedience to cropping patterns or water use patterns and damage to water
reservoirs. That can cause an increase in surface flow. This increase causes the water that should
have been deposited on the ground to be carried by surface runoff.


    From the explanation above, the dry season experienced a lack of water supply. This happens
because of human disobedience to cropping patterns or water use patterns and damage to water
reservoirs. Besides being caused by natural factors, it can also be caused by human factors.

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