Computer Networks COMNET Editorial For 2018 - 2019 - Computer Networks PDF

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Computer Networks 148 (2019) iii–iv

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Computer Networks (COMNET) Editorial for 2018

Almost two decades have passed since Ian Akyildiz and Harry From time to time we receive questions about various subjects
Rudin became Joint Editors-in-Chief for Computer Networks back which we try to clarify here.
in January 20 0 0. While Ian Akyildiz was responsible for regular We do consider SURVEY papers. In fact, we encourage re-
issue papers, Harry Rudin has been organizing special issues on searchers to submit more survey papers on hot topics in the fu-
several various hot topics in computer networking. The last two ture. We are also continuously looking for high quality technical
decades were an interesting journey for the incredible progress of papers.
the journal. Recently, Harry Rudin retired from his position and we Another issue is about simultaneous submissions to a confer-
are fortunate to have Burkhard Stiller as the new Editor in Chief ence or to another journal. In these cases we reject those simul-
for special issues. We wish all the best to Harry Rudin for his taneously submitted papers immediately. On the other hand, if
outstanding work and contributions to the huge success of COM- papers appeared in a conference proceedings prior to the sub-
NET journal. We look forward to Burkhard’s following the legacy of mission to our journal then we do consider them for publica-
Harry Rudin. tion. However, we expect that the authors do some additional
In the last two decades the journal has gained a strong reputa- work, e.g., more experiments, more detailed descriptions, proofs
tion in the networking research community in terms of publishing etc., so bringing the prior published conference version of the pa-
high quality technical papers by having very high standards, a rig- per to a journal level. The conference paper must be cited in the
orous review process, short-turn around times, by covering timely paper.
research topics and publishing special issues on the most recent Another frequently asked question is about paper the fil-
popular research areas. These all contributed to a very healthy in- tering process. Each submitted paper is double-checked by the
put flow of high quality papers. EiC or later by the assigned Editor to see whether it fits the
The most notable success in the last two decade was, without scope of the journal or that it does not cover an obsolete topic
any doubt, the Impact Factor (IF) for our journal which reached and that it has sufficient technical depth. Any non-suitable pa-
2.522 up from 0.249 when we started our tenure back in 20 0 0. per is rejected by the EiC or the responsible Editor immedi-
Even much better when we look at the cumulative IF in the last ately. In this way, referees will not be bothered by additional
five years, we see a remarkable result of 2.589. work and the authors do not waste their time waiting for referee
Given that each year we have eighteen issues (12 regular and reports.
6 special issues) which not only helps further to reduce the turn- Many researchers have volunteered their time and technical ex-
around time for manuscripts and gives us the opportunity to pub- pertise during the last year to provide referee reports. They play
lish special issues on hot topics in the research field but this makes a key role in continuing the high quality of the Journal. On be-
the meaning of our IF much more respectful because the IF is cal- half of the authors, editors and Elsevier, we express our appre-
culated by the total number of citations divided by the total num- ciation to them for their invaluable time and help. We list these
ber of papers published in a year. reviewers in the back of this issue. If you are interested in serv-
The facts, i.e., a short turn-around time, a rigorous review pro- ing as a referee, please do not hesitate to contact us or any of
cess, and coverage of timely research topics, all contributed to a the editors whose names are listed in the inside cover of the
very healthy input flow of very high quality papers which are re- journal.
flected in the total number of very large number of submissions. We also want to point out the administrative team our journal
The overall acceptance rate is approximately 20%. It is with grati- is fortunate to have, consisting of the Publishing Editor, Sweitze
tude and pleasure that we extend our hearty thanks to the authors, Roffel in Amsterdam office; and Journal Manager, Mohammed
reviewers, Guest Editors, Members of the Editorial Board, and read- Samiullah, in the Chennai office and Special Issues Manager, Li-
ers that have made this possible. uqing Zhang, in Beijing, all key figures. Our journals’ administra-
In the last 20 years we also published many special issues tion truly reflects the power of computer networking and how the
on very timely which inspired many researchers in the world to world can be regarded as a small village through this administra-
conduct research in those areas. If you are interested to organize tive team in Amsterdam, Chennai, Beijing, Atlanta and Zurich. We
special issues on timely topics, please do not hesitate to contact work harmoniously although we are residing physically in various
Burkhard Stiller. parts of the world. Despite these physical distances, our dedica-
iv Editorial / Computer Networks 148 (2019) iii–iv

tion and working together are major components in the success of Guest editors:
Computer Networks journal.
Ian F. Akyildiz
Requests, wishes, and suggestions from our readers are always
Atlanta, December 2018
welcome. If you have any feedback please do not hesitate to con-
tact us. We will continue to bring you the most important and sig- Harry Rudin
nificant research contributions in the years to come. Zurich, December 2018

Burkhard Stiller
Zurich, December 2018

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