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Test (11th grade)

I. Four sentences have been removed from the text. Select the appropriate sentence for
each gap in the text.

The benefits of higher education are obvious. It boosts your career prospects and earning potential,
while giving you the chance to immerse yourself in a subject that really interests you. …(1)
And yet going to college or university, especially when it means moving away from home and to a new
city, can be a daunting prospect. … (2) You are likely to meet lots of new people, have a whole range of new
experiences and start learning about your independence. It's also a time to decide what you want to do and
when you want to do it. You may move into a hall of residence with lots of other students in the same position
as you or you may choose to go straight into rented accommodation. Student houses are notorious for poor
standards, including heating systems that don't work and windows that don't open. … (3)
Don't panic though. There are student unions which were started to provide services, support
and representation for students. All universities have student welfare officers who can help you
choose a safe and sound place to live. … (4) You will receive details about all of these services
before you arrive in your new city.

A. And what is worse, there is a risk of carbon-monoxide poisoning from badly maintained gas supplies.
B. Remember that you are not alone!
C. Moreover, it gives you the opportunity to get involved in lots of other activities.
D. The costs of being a student vary between different parts of the UK.
E. The university's student union may also arrange social events for you to meet potential house mates.

II. Choose the correct variant and, on your exam sheet, write the corresponding letter next
to the number of the sentence.
1) My brother ………………about buying a new car.
A. is thinking B. thinks C. think D. shall think
2) Our grandchildren ………………us for a long time.
A. hasn’t visited B. haven’t visited C. don’t visit D. didn’t visit
3) As soon as Harry ………. London he was called back to Prague.
A. is reaching B. reach C. will reach D. reached
4) We are looking forward ………………….you next week.
A. meeting B. meet C. to meeting D. be meeting

III. Each of the following sentences contains one error. Rewrite the correct sentences.
a) Every time I went shopping, I spend too much money.
b) He told me to not touch the parcel.
c) I’ll phone you if there will be a problem.
d) Money don’t grow on trees.
e) She is not as her brother at all.

IV. Complete the sentences with one word only. 6 points

1) Mobile phones must be switched …on airplanes.
2) Try not to talk to him because he is not in a good…today.
3) I can’t …people telling me lies.

V. Why should people subscribe to a Facebook account?

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