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Uniforms in schools

The school uniform policy has been a controversial topic for many years. Teachers
and parents have varied opinions about the need for students to dress alike to go to school.
While many people feel that uniforms are a symbol of equality and a way of abolishing the
social castes in schools, others claim that it takes away students’ freedom of self-expression.
Can school uniforms reduce the social differences between the students or will they have
bad repercussions on the educational system ?

One of the many advantages of uniforms is that they are a symbol of equality and
evenness. They are a way to put all the students at the same level, and to prevent the
formation of cliques based on the social status. Thus, it reduces the likelihood of
discrimination and bullying in schools and creates a sense of unity within the students.
Secondly, uniforms make the students feel more connected to their classmates and reinforce
their sense of belonging to the school. It helps the integration of new students and increases
their self-esteem. Finally, uniforms reduce the likelihood of attacks in schools and make it
easier for everyone to spot intruders. They are a way to keep children safe in school

However, the uniform policy has some undeniable disadvantages that could cause
problems in schools. For starters, wearing the same clothing for an entire week can create a
sense of boredom for the students and a lack of creativity. I imagine that wearing the same
blue shirt all the time makes this color dreadful for the students. Moreover, imposing a
common attire for all the students could be interpreted as a breach to their individuality and
freedom. Nowadays, teenagers hold on to their clothing style to be unique and express
themselves, which is why they see uniforms as a denial of their rights. Finally, uniforms are
not a radical way to solve the social classes problem in schools. Students can still show their
family’s wealth through accessories, phone brands and designer shoes. They will look in any
gap in the rules and regulation around clothing and exploit them to their advantage. The
school uniform might create a fashion balance, but it also creates a natural rebellion against
group thinking.

In conclusion, the purpose of school uniforms is to ensure that all students have the
same level in terms of social classes and education, but usually uniforms don’t help reach
this goal. In my humble opinion, dress codes are more effective and are a fair compromise.
This way, students can be unique and have a minimum of freedom while respecting the
school and their classmates.

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