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Agham, Teknolohiya at Lipunan


Science is a systematic process of knowing and explaining things in this

world. Science is similarly to magicians. A prominent film concurrence related of

what is happening right now. Science is a twin of magician I absolutely agreed to

C.S. Lewis. Science is strong dangerous, it can be function as religion, credulity, a

power, and also can destroy us individually. We encountered and fighting the

pandemic virus (CoVid19) right now. Some of us will increase the faith to Almighty

but some are not. Some says that science is the tool and only the person rather a

doctor will save us but some believe to the miracles. Now were encountering this,

we must know the disadvantage of science so that we can figure out what will

believe it or not. This film composed of collectible brilliant idea of C.S. Lewis will

help you. . Scientism is the exorbitant faith in the intensity of scientific knowledge

that is mostly illustrated in the film. It’s the use of systematic designs and logically

inclined dispositions and/ or ideas that are drawn from the natural sciences which

are then integrated to human exercises and social experiences. It is the belief that

science is the only way to be safe in times of catastrophic events. A horrifying

situation we had now in this generation we rely to a technology created by Science.

And a science that hold by Oligarchy. In short oligarchy holds us. They use science
to control us, and believe them without hesitation especially in terms of our health

condition. For us to live we give all out for the doctors such a money, a time and

effort for them just to heal us just like a God. Scientism leads us to an exaggerated

trust and almost blind faith in the ability of science especially science divorced from

God, to answer any question and solve any problem some also sees it that gives life

and meaning. We're looking for a deception truth and science full fill it. This

Scientism of scientific religion leads to science as power where science becomes the

dictator of the culture.

Science Technocracy is a proposed arrangement of administration where

leaders are ideally chosen based on their technical ability and field of specialization.

Since term “technocracy” was initially used to advocate the use of scientificmethods

to address and take care of societal issues, it is somehow likened to scientism

because this said framework expressly appears in a variety of ways in relation to the

idea of technocrats being in total control over those people with various political

affiliations or parliamentary abilities. At this point I totally agreed to C.S. Lewis,

without knowing we can be a puppet of the oligarchy. Some politicians want to rule

over the world, this actually the main driving force of science and technology.

Individually, must think twice. We can’t rely on science itself because for me

how they can explain that the knowledge and wisdom the scientist had come from,

the human existences were its start and other mysteries without the creator and

that’s God. I’ve been drowning a lot of information in this film that the atheist is

clearly emphasis, rather scientific atheist. But C.S. Lewis film in the last part

definitely prove that theirs a God and result to increase more my faith to the Creator.

He made convince the one of his student which is atheist. He started from the

argument of beauty, then the argument of morality, next is reason , the argument

from functional complexity and finally from the laws of nature. C.S. Lewis recanted

Anthony Flew atheism, affirmed Intelligent Design and accepted the possibility that

the story of Jesus Christ in the New Testament documents might be plausible. Of
course, we can deny that believing in Intelligent Design is not the same as believing

in the Bible or believing in God in the person of Jesus Christ. However, it does

eventually lead to the point. Additionally of what our professor told us, how will

you explain the basis of time? There’s a Before Christ (BC) time basis. We conclude

that God is exists a long time ago, a contradiction to the scientific religion as said in

the film particularly a Darwinian religion. We must know the limits of science what

shouldn't and should we do. We can prevent the good thing of science that being

twisted by evil motive. Our scientific advancements, when put into wrong hands

and when driven by ill intentions of powerful oligarchs, could really end up into

something devastating and worst, the destruction of humanity. Like C.S. Lewis, I

hoping too that a scientist will find themselves rescue science to science creating

regenerated science of the humanity that respective human rights and honor dignity

so that the science will be no longer a magician’s twin. Yes, we find are scientific

utopia using this science and technology but knowing the fact that it can invent a

human that eventually outperform us in the future. Do you think we will need us in

future, unless you can execute greater than they invented. Science can remake the

world. We can lessen the use of technology by appreciating the aesthetic of

ecosystem. We must realize before the end that the ecosystem is much valuable than

a created machine that operate by oil, battery etc. We are protector of ecosystem,

ecosystem that no one can manipulate and a republic that no one is a puppet. We

can gather some ideology of science but never forget the cultures that modify you of

what who you are now, cultures that illustrate your identity. We must also respect

what others beliefs for them it is the life and truths. It doesn’t matter of what having

strong evidence, a power or a credulity etc. but it’s a matter of how peace and liberty

will execute to the country.

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