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 Quantity Surveyor is a competent person in the building industry who works with all the financial
related issues during the construction/civil works, in a nutshell Quantity Surveyors are the CA’s of
Engineering.  Quantity Surveyors performs several task throughout the stages of the project.

2. 3. What Services does the Quantity Surveyor provide?

 Prepare the initial budget before the fully detailed architectural drawing is develops to check if the cost
will not exceed the budget

 Prepare tender documents for pricing.

 Negotiation of tender sum with the “contractors”.

 Valuing the construction works that are executed on site.  Assessing insurance claims.

3. 4.  Thus the QS provide various services during all the stages of building project namely: I. Pre-Tender
II. Tender III. Post Tender

4. 5. PRE-TENDER STAGE  The QS assists the Client to develop his wish-list into a brief.

 An Estimate sum is developed from the architectural sketched drawings.

 Note at this stage construction drawings are not yet available thus the will be no accuracy in costing
of the Materials.

5. 6. TENDER STAGE  QS prepares a BOQ from the full detailed plan and gather the tender
 QS valuates the tender to make sure that the tenderer priced correctly and accordingly with the work
done on site and hand over to the principal agent. TENDER DOCUMENTATION 1. BOQ 2.
Specifications 3. Tender Drawings 4. Tender Form( JBCC Principal Building Agreement Tender Form)

6. 7. POST TENDER STAGE Pre- Contract  QS valuates all the tenders which have been submitted to

ensure that all contractors have priced accordingly.  QS formulates a tender report and submits to the
principal agent and assist the client to make a decision on which contract/tenderer will be suitable for the
project.  Lastly the QS prepares a Contract documentation.

7. 8. Contract Stage  A t this stage the QS is responsible for monthly valuations and cost valuations and

cost reporting.  Contractor submits a claim to the QS for his work done.  QS value the work and
submits a valuation to the principal agent.  Principal agent issue out a certificate for the work
confirming the amount due to him.  Contractor raises an invoice to the client based on the amount on
the certificate.  Client pays the amount on the invoice and certificate on the terms stated in the contract
under the payment terms.

8. 9. Post contract  QS formulates the final accounts for the Principal Contractor as well as the Nominated

and the selected amounts. Finalising the Final accounts involves:  External works are usually measured
provisionally, thus at this stage they are included in the BOQ in order to sum up the Total Cost of the
project.  The pricing and approval of variations brought about by the site instructions and revised
drawings.  Preliminaries Adjustments calculations.  Issuing of the final valuation.

9. 11. MODEL & SUPPLIMENTARY PREAMBLES.  The Model Preambles for trade is published and

recently by the ASAQS .  This book covers the workmanship and materials encountered in various
Projects.  “By its very nature, this document is a “model” document and one is designed to act as a
basis upon which to build. It is anticipated that it will be supplemented by a “supplementary preamble”.
10. 12. PRELIMINARIES 1. What are Preliminaries?  Preliminaries out lines the conditions under which
the contract will be administered, and describes all matters which may affect the contractor’s stuff or
equipment on the site as well as execution of the works. Namely:  Insurances  Site
Offices/accommodation  Water & Electricity Supply…..

11. 13. STANDARD SYSTEM OF MEASURING BUILDING WORK  It’s a reference book which is

used by the contractors & QS’s to reach consensus on a standard.  “Bills of Quantities” are Prepared in
accordance with the rules laid down in the “Standard System”.  The Standard System is divided into 25
different TRADES.

12. 14. Composition and content  The measured works is however arranged accordingly. 1. Works is
divided into trades. 2. With a specific trade there's logical arrangements: a. Measured by mass(kg / Tons)
b. measured by Volume (m³ ) c. Arranged from the Cheapest to the most Expensive

13. 15. Net Measurements  All the Quantities in the BOQ are Whole numbers.  This actually means that

all the numbers are rounded of to the nearest number for example:  12.34 » 12  0.08 » 0  Note that
the second Quantity is rounded off into zero thus the standard system implies another rule which is
called the Fractional Quantities.

14. 16. Fractional Quantities  This occurs where the final measured quantity is very small.  Using the

Above principle will make these small quantities disappear.  thus in these kind of situation the
quantities must be rounded off into One decimal as far as the standard system is concerned.  For
example:  0.28 » 0.3
15. 17. Provisional Quantities & Provisional Sums  These are the Quantities that are not accurately be

determined the Tender Stage thus they are measured during the final stage of the contract.  Provisional
sums are amounts of money that are inserted/ included in the BOQ by the QS and intended to cover for
specialist subcontractor work.

16. 18. Prime Cost Amounts & Contingency Sum  P.C. Amounts are included in the BOQ inserted to

establish an allowance for the Supply only of a range quality  Contingency Sum can be stated as the
monetary amount which covers for any unforeseen works cost.

17. 19. THANK YOU GET THE FUNDUMENTAL OF MEASURING.pptx Email: Facebook: Lizwi ISO 1900 Nyandu
Quantity surveying is an assessment of the cost based on certain rates of materials and labour.
An estimate should be realistic assessment should be made on actual conditions of market.
Estimation is undoubtedly one or the most important aspects of a construction project. A good
estimation saves the expenditure to a great extent and ensures optimum use of materials.
Estimation is very much technical. It requires good knowledge on structural design, properly or
engineering materials and essentially practical experience.
Essentials in a good Quantity Surveyor: What are the essentials in a good
Quantity Surveyor? He must be able to describe clearly in proper unambiguous
language the requirement of the Architect and so arrange his bill of quantities
(BoQ) that the Builder can quickly, easily and accurately arrive at the
estimated cost or the work. The Quantity Surveyor must have a sound
knowledge or building materials and construction and or customs prevailing in
the trade. He must be accurate in his work and calculations.

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