The Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act

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The Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act + Effective Date and Expiration: This program wil become effective on April 2, 2020 and remain in e*ect untl December 31, 2020. + Expanded Coverage and Eligibility: The Act sgrificartly amends and expences the MLA temporary. The current employee threshold for FMLA coverage would change ‘rom only covering employers with 50 or more employees to instead covering those employers with fewer than 500 employees. It also lowers the eligkilty requiremerc in that any employee who worked for the employer for at least 30 days before the designated leave may be eligible to receive oaid family and med cal lea + Exemptions: The Act includes language thet excludes heelthca”e providers end emergengy responders ‘rom the definiton of empioyees who may take this new leave and to exempt small businesses with fewer than 50 employees if the required leave would jeopardize the viebiliy of their business + Reasons for Emergency Leave: An individual employed by the employer for at leas 30 days (before the frst day of leave) may take up to 12 weeks of job protected leave 10 allow an employee, wnois unable to work or telework, to care for the employees child (under 78 years of age) f the child's school ar place of care is closed or the childcare provider is unavailable due to a public health emergency. This is now the only qualifying need for Emergency FMLA + Paid Leave: The fist ten days of Emergency FMLA may be unpaid. During ths period an employee may elect to substtute any accrued paid leave (like vacation or sick leave 10 cover some or all ofthe ten-day unpaid period. After the ten days, the employer generally must pay full-time employees at swo-thirds the employee's regular rate for he number of hours the employee would otherwise be normally scheduled to work. The Act limits this pay entitlement zo $200 per day ard $10,000 in the aggregate per employee, + Calculating Pay for regula leduie are entitled ro pay based on she average numer ofhours the ‘employee worked for she six montns betore takng Emergency FMLA, Employees tno have worked for less than sx months prior to leave are enttled to pay based on the ‘amployae’s reasonable expectation atthe time of hiring of the av senumberof hours the employee would usually be scheduled to work have the same obligation traditional FMLA to return any employee mho has taken Emergency FMLA to re same ar equivalert postion upon the return te work However, emoloyers with ‘ener than 25 employees are generally excluded “rom this requirement ‘employee's position no langer ext LA leave due t leconamic donmtovmn or other sed by 2 puble heath emergency uring the period of Emergency FMILA, This exclusions subject to the emaloyer making reascnable attempts to return the emplayee to an equivalent postion end -equires an emplayerto make efforts ro return the employee to work for up ro a year “ollowing the employes let as under 5s folowing the Emergency

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