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[159] ZAMBRANO, ET AL. v. PHILIPPINE MFG. CORP.  In its defense, Phil.

 In its defense, Phil. Carpet countered that it permanently closed and totally ceased its
G.R. No. 224099; Jun 21, 2017; Mendoza, J. operations because there had been a steady decline in the demand for its products
due to global recession, stiffer competition, and the effects of a changing market.
TOPIC: [VIII.] Unfair Labor Practice; [A.] In General; [1.] Definition & Gen. Concept o Based on the Audited Financial Statements conducted by SGV & Co., it
incurred losses of ₱4.1M in 2006; ₱12.8M in 2007; ₱53.28M in 2008; and
SUMMARY: Petitioners, who were employees of private respondent Philippine Carpet ₱47.79M in 2009.
Manufacturing Corporation, were notified of the termination of their employment effective on the o As of the end of October 2010, unaudited losses already amounted to
ground of cessation of operation due to serious business losses. They were of the belief that ₱26.59M.
their dismissal was without just cause and in violation of due process because the closure of Phil
 Thus, in order to stem the bleeding, the company implemented
Carpet was a mere pretense to transfer its operations to its wholly owned and controlled
several cost-cutting measures, including voluntary redundancy
corporation, Pacific Carpet. They asserted that their dismissal constituted unfair labor practice as
it involved the mass dismissal of all union officers and members of the Philippine Carpet and early retirement programs.
Manufacturing Employees Association (PHILCEA). o In 2007, the car carpet division was closed. Moreover, from a high
production capacity of about 6,000 square meters of carpet a month in
In its defense, Phil Carpet countered that it permanently closed and totally ceased its operations 2002, its final production capacity steadily went down to an average of 350
because there had been a steady decline in the demand for its products due to global recession, square meters per month for 2009 and 2010.
stiffer competition, and the effects of a changing market. Thus, in order to stem the bleeding, the  The petitioners and DOLE were served written notices one month before the intended
company implemented several cost-cutting measures, including voluntary redundancy and early closure of the company.
retirement programs. Phil. Carpet likewise faithfully complied with the requisites for closure or o The petitioners were also paid their separation pay and they voluntarily
cessation of business under the Labor Code. The petitioners and the DOLE were served written executed their respective Release and Quitclaim before the DOLE officials.
notices one month before the intended closure of the company. The petitioners were also paid
 LA dismissed the petition.
their separation pay and they voluntarily executed their respective Release and Quitclaim before
the DOLE officials. LA dismissed the complaints for illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice. o Ruled that the termination of the petitioners' employment was due to total
NLRC affirmed the findings of the LA, which was subsequently affirmed by the CA. SC held cessation of manufacturing operations of Phil Carpet because it suffered
respondent NOT liable for unfair labor practice. continuous serious business losses from 2007 to 2010. The LA added that
the closure was truly dictated by economic necessity as evidenced by its
DOCTRINE audited financial statements. It observed that written notices of termination
 Unfair labor practice refers to acts that violate the workers' right to organize. There were served on the DOLE and on the petitioners at least one month before
should be no dispute that all the prohibited acts constituting unfair labor practice in the intended date of closure.
essence relate to the workers' right to self-organization. o It further found that the petitioners voluntarily accepted their separation pay
o Thus, an employer may only be held liable for unfair labor practice if it can and other benefits and eventually executed their individual release and
be shown that his acts affect in whatever manner the right of his employees quitclaim in favor of the company.
to self-organize.  NLRC affirmed the LA.
 The general principle is that one who makes an allegation has the burden of proving it. o It held that the Audited Financial Statements show that Phil. Carpet
In order to show that the employer committed ULP under the Labor Code, substantial continuously incurred net losses starting 2007 leading to its closure in the
evidence is required to support the claim. year 2010. The NLRC added that Phil Carpet complied with the procedural
requirements of effecting the closure of business pursuant to the Labor
 CA also affirmed the LA.
FACTS o Ruled that the total cessation of Phil Carpet's manufacturing operations was
 The petitioners averred that they were employees of private respondent Phil Carpet. not made in bad faith because the same was clearly due to economic
o On January 03, 2011, they were notified of the termination of their necessity.
employment effective February 03, 2011 on the ground of cessation of o Opined that the petitioners' claim that their termination was a mere pretense
operation due to serious business losses. because Phil Carpet continued operation through Pacific Carpet was
o They believe that their dismissal was without just cause and in violation of unfounded because mere ownership by a single stockholder or by another
due process because the closure of Phil. Carpet was a mere pretense to corporation of all or nearly all of the capital stock of a corporation is not of
transfer its operations to its wholly owned and controlled corporation, Pacific itself sufficient ground for disregarding the separate corporate personality.
o They claimed that the job orders of some regular clients of Phil. Carpet were ISSUE(S)/HELD
transferred to Pacific Carpet; and that several machines were moved from [1: RELEVANT] WON the respondent liable for unfair labor practice. – NO
the premises of Phil Carpet to Pacific Carpet.  Art. 259, LC enumerates the unfair labor practices of employers. The provisions
o They asserted that their dismissal constituted unfair labor practice as it notwithstanding, only the officers and agents of corporations, associations or
involved the mass dismissal of all union officers and members of the partnerships who have actually participated in, authorized or ratified unfair labor
PHILCEA. practices shall be held criminally liable.
 Unfair labor practice refers to acts that violate the workers' right to organize. o The only limitation provided by law is that the closure must be "bona fide in
There should be no dispute that all the prohibited acts constituting unfair labor character and not impelled by a motive to defeat or circumvent the tenurial
practice in essence relate to the workers' right to self-organization. rights of employees."
o Thus, an employer may only be held liable for unfair labor practice if it  Thus, when an employer complies with the foregoing conditions,
can be shown that his acts affect in whatever manner the right of his the Court cannot prohibit closure "just because the business is not
employees to self-organize. suffering from any loss or because of the desire to provide the
 The general principle is that one who makes an allegation has the burden of workers continued employment."
proving it.  Finally, Phil. Carpet notified DOLE and the petitioners of its decision to cease
o Although there are exceptions to this general rule, in the case of unfair labor manufacturing operations on January 3, 2011, or at least one month prior to the
practice, the alleging party has the burden of proving it. Substantial intended date of closure on February 3, 2011.
evidence is required to support the claim. Moreover, good faith is o The petitioners were also given separation pay equivalent to 100% of their
presumed and he who alleges bad faith has the duty to prove the same. monthly basic salary for every year of service.
o The petitioners miserably failed to discharge the duty imposed upon them. [3] WON the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil be applied. – NO
They did not identify the acts of Phil. Carpet which, they claimed, constituted  A corporation is an artificial being created by operation of law. It possesses the right of
unfair labor practice. They did not even point out the specific provisions succession and such powers, attributes, and properties expressly authorized by law or
which Phil. Carpet violated. incident to its existence. It has a personality separate and distinct from the persons
 Thus, they would have the Court pronounce that Phil Carpet composing it, as well as from any other legal entity to which may be related.
committed unfair labor practice on the ground that they were  Equally well-settled is the principle that the corporate mask may be removed or the
dismissed from employment simply because they were union corporate veil pierced when the corporation is just an alter ego of a person or of
officers and members. another corporation.
o The constitutional commitment to the policy of social justice, however, o For reasons of public policy and in the interest of justice, the corporate veil
cannot be understood to mean that every labor dispute shall automatically will justifiably be impaled only when it becomes a shield for fraud, illegality
be decided in favor of labor. or inequity committed against third persons.
o In this case, as far as the pieces of evidence offered by the petitioners are  Although ownership by one corporation of all or a great majority of stocks of another
concerned, there is no showing that the closure of the company was an corporation and their interlocking directorates may serve as indicia of control, by
attempt at union-busting. themselves and without more, these circumstances are insufficient to establish an
 Hence, the charge that Phil Carpet is guilty of unfair labor practice alter ego relationship or connection between Phil. Carpet on the one hand and Pacific
must fail for lack of merit. Carpet on the other hand, that will justify the puncturing of the latter's corporate cover.
[2] WON the petitioners terminated from employment for an authorized cause. – YES o The Court has declared that "mere ownership by a single stockholder or by
 Under Art. 298, LC, closure or cessation of operation of the establishment is an another corporation of all or nearly all of the capital stock of a corporation is
authorized cause for terminating an employee. not of itself sufficient ground for disregarding the separate corporate
o In this case, the LA's findings that Phil. Carpet suffered from serious personality."
business losses which resulted in its closure were affirmed in toto by the o It has likewise ruled that the "existence of interlocking directors, corporate
NLRC, and subsequently by the CA. officers and shareholders is not enough justification to pierce the veil of
 It is a rule that absent any showing that the findings of fact of the labor tribunals and corporate fiction in the absence of fraud or other public policy
the appellate court are not supported by evidence on record or the judgment is based considerations."
on a misapprehension of facts, the Court shall not examine anew the evidence  It must be noted that Pacific Carpet was registered with the Securities and Exchange
submitted by the parties. Commission on January 29, 1999, such that it could not be said that Pacific Carpet
o Even after perusal of the records, the Court finds no reason to take was set up to evade Phil Carpet's liabilities.
exception from the foregoing rule. Phil. Carpet continuously incurred losses o As to the transfer of Phil. Carpet's machines to Pacific Carpet, settled is the
starting 2007, as shown by the Audited Financial Statements which were rule that "where one corporation sells or otherwise transfers all its assets to
offered in evidence by the petitioners themselves. another corporation for value, the latter is not, by that fact alone, liable for
o The petitioners, in claiming that Phil Carpet continued to earn profit in 2011 the debts and liabilities of the transferor. "
and 2012, disregarded the reason for such income, which was Phil Carpet's  All told, the petitioners failed to present substantial evidence to
act of selling its remaining inventories. prove their allegation that Pacific Carpet is a mere alter ego of
 Notwithstanding such income, Phil Carpet continued to incur total comprehensive Phil. Carpet.
losses in the amounts of ₱9,559,716 and ₱12,768,277 for the years 2011 and 2012,
respectively. RULING
o Further, even if the petitioners refuse to consider these losses as serious
enough to warrant Phil. Carpet's total and permanent closure, it was a DISPOSITIVE: WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The January 8, 2016 Decision and
business judgment on the part of the company's owners and stockholders to April 11, 2016 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 140663, are
cease operations, a judgment which the Court has no business interfering AFFIRMED in toto.

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