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System Requirements
The following hardware requirements are suggested minimums. Systems with increased capacity provide enhanced

Processor Intel® Pen um or AMD® processor 3.0 GHz or greater.

Memory 1 GB minimum, 2 GB recommended (4GB for STAAD.Pro Advanced). More memory almost always improves
performance, par cularly when working with larger models. 4 GB (8 GB for STAAD.Pro Advancd) or more
can help speed up solu ons for very large complex models with large numbers of load cases.

Video Graphics card supported by OpenGL. See the graphics card manufacturer for latest informa on on graphics
drivers. 256 MB of video RAM or higher is recommended. If insufficient video RAM or no graphics card
supported by OpenGL can be found, the applica on will a empt to use so ware emula on. For op mal
performance, graphics display color depth should be set to 24-bit or higher. When using a color depth
se ng of 16-bit, some inconsistencies will be noted.

Screen A minimum screen resolu on of 1280x1024 is required, but higher is recommended.

Resolu on

Hard Disk Requirements will vary depending on the modules you are installing. A typical minimum is 500MB free

Windows 10 (64-bit) - Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Educa on
Opera ng
Windows 8.1 (64-bit) - Standard, Pro, and Enterprise
Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit) - Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ul mate

Note: Windows 7 opera ng system is supported only if you have its service pack (SP1) installed.

Note: You must have the following Microso updates installed on your machine:

KB4340917 - For Windows 10 Version 1803 Builds prior to 10.0.17134.191. The changes in
KB4340917 are built into the August 2018 monthly update of Windows 10.
KB2999226 - For Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, and Windows Server
KB2999226 - For Windows 8.1 (64bit)
KB2919355 - For Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012

Bentley does not support its so ware running on Microso opera ng systems versions that Microso has
"re red". For more informa on on Microso 's applica on re rement policy, click here. For similar
informa on on Bentley products, refer to the Bentley Product Support ar cle.

Addi onal RAM, disk space, and video memory will enhance the performance of STAAD.Pro.

The minimum amount of physical + virtual memory required by the program is over 600MB. You may need to ensure that
adequate amounts of virtual memory are available and that parameters such as paging file sizes should be large enough or span
over mul ple drives if the free space on any one drive runs low.
Another issue to keep in mind is the loca on of the TEMP parameter as in the SET TEMP environment variable in Windows.
While performing calcula ons, depending on the structure size, the program may create very large scratch files which are placed
in the folder loca on associated with the TEMP parameter. You may want to point the SET TEMP variable to a folder on a drive
that has disk space sufficiently large to accommodate the requirements for large size structures.

You should have a basic familiarity with Microso ® Windows® systems in order to use the so ware.

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