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Homework #1 :

The target site of this homework is : IP =

1. (20 points) Select a web site.

1) Use “Wget” or “Teleport Pro” to mirror the site. Look for comments within comment tags. Give
screen dumps and explain what you found.

2) Use “DirBuster” with a proxy feature through “privoxy” to enumerate hidden files and
directories. Screen
dump and explain the hidden files and directories you found.

2. (20 points) Lookup “How I met your girlfriend” in the BlackHat 2010 demo to explain, in 0.5
how this was done.
3. (20 points) Select a person. Use on-line sites for phone book, social network, information, job,
photo management, business directory,, etc. to summarize, with screen dumps and
explanations, what information you can get. If your target is not in US nor native English speaker,
you might need to use on-line sites different from the textbook.
4. (20 points) Google “XYZ resume firewall” and “XYZ resume intrusion detection” where “XYZ”
the name of your target company. Screen dump “useful” results and explain what you got.
5. (20 points) Lookup and Google cached results, and select a target web site. Compare
the differences between an archived and cached copy with its current on-line web site. Give
screen dump and explain the differences.
6. (20 points) Find Google Hacking Database at Summarize what it
and select 3 strings to search. Screen dump and explain what you got.

7. (20 points) Select a web site. Start from to find its registry, registrar, and

The authoritative registry for all it domains can be find by entering “it” in the site. We can
find the following info :

organisation: IIT - CNR

address: Via Moruzzi, 1
address: Pisa I-56124
address: Italy

Questo lo si può desumere anche dalla pagina . In questa

pagina se clicchiamo in corrispondenza del nostro dominio TLD arriviamo sulla pagina dove troviamo , alla fine, le informazioni sul Whois
server del registry che è :

URL for registration services:

WHOIS Server:

Da questo sito , inserendo il mio dominio, ottengo le informazioni sul Registrar e sul Registrant :
Organizzazione:Seeweb S.r.l.

Organizzazione:Roberto Bruzzese
Via Rossi 12
00155 - Roma (RM)
Qui è contenuta l’informazione sui nameservers:


Also select an IP address. Start from to find who owns the IP address. Show your screen
dump and explain.

Il mio IP è IP = Questo mi è stato assegnato in fase di registrazione. Ma se volessi

fare il percorso inverso, e volessi conoscere , dato un IP , a chi esso fa riferimento.
Vediamo quindi il processo inverso.
Andiamo sul sito ed inseriamo il nostro indirizzo IP.
L’IP in questione, che fa parte della rete più estesa –
appartiene a SEEWEB-CLOUD, √Seeweb s.r.l. Corso Lazio 9/a I-03100 Frosinone, cui
dobbiamo fare riferimento per ulteriori informazioni.

8. (20 points) Select a domain name. Use nslookup to dump its DNS records. Show your screen
dump and explain.

1. Dopo aver dato il commando nslookup Set the DNS Record type you wish to
lookup by typing set type=## where ## is the record type, then
hit Enter.  You may
the record type.

Si evince il nome del server presso cui è ospitato l’IP in questione.

9. (20 points) Select a domain name. Use traceroute or similar tools to find the access path to that
domain. Show your screen dump and explain.
Come si vede vi sono 15 hop dal mio dispositivo fino al sito target , oltrepassando il gateway, e
numerosi firewall, motivo per cui si è dovuta usare l’opzione -I nel comando di traceroute.

10. (bonus: 40 points) Follow the case study right before chapter 1. Select one target and run
through all tools (Tor, Vidalia, Privoxy, tor-resolve, proxychains, Nmap, socat, nc). Screen dump
the process and explain what you got in your screen.

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