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SnapPoolMetric (performance_SnapPoolMetric.html)

Namespace: h p://
XML Schema: performance.xsd (performance.xsd)

Java class for SnapPoolMetric.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

<simpleType name="SnapPoolMetric">
<restriction base="{}string">
<enumeration value="BEReqs"/>
<enumeration value="BEReadReqs"/>
<enumeration value="BEWriteReqs"/>
<enumeration value="BEMBTransferred"/>
<enumeration value="BEMBRead"/>
<enumeration value="BEMBWritten"/>
<enumeration value="BEReadRequestTime"/>
<enumeration value="BEDiskReadResponseTime"/>
<enumeration value="BEReadTaskTime"/>
<enumeration value="PercentUsedCapacity"/>
<enumeration value="TotalPoolCapacity"/>
<enumeration value="EnabledPoolCapacity"/>
<enumeration value="UsedPoolCapacity"/>
<enumeration value="AllocatedPoolCapacity"/>
<enumeration value="ALLOCATED_POOL_CAPACITY_GB"/>
<enumeration value="AVG_BE_DISK_TIME"/>
<enumeration value="AVG_BE_REQ_TIME"/>
<enumeration value="AVG_BE_TASK_TIME"/>
<enumeration value="BE_MB_READ_RATE"/>
<enumeration value="BE_MB_TRANSFERED_PER_SEC"/>
<enumeration value="BE_MB_WRITE_RATE"/>
<enumeration value="BE_READS"/>
<enumeration value="BE_WRITES"/>
<enumeration value="ENABLED_POOL_CAPACITY_GB"/>
<enumeration value="PERCENT_USED_CAPACITY"/>
<enumeration value="TOTAL_BE_REQ_PER_SEC"/>
<enumeration value="TOTAL_POOL_CAPACITY_GB"/>
<enumeration value="USED POOL CAPACITY GB"/>

Possible Values
value descrip on
BEReqs The number of read/write requests each second performed by the disk directors to cache.
BEReadReqs The number of read requests each second performed by the disk directors to cache.
BEWriteReqs The number of write requests each second performed by the disk directors to cache.
BEMBTransferred Calculated value: (MBs read per sec + MBs wri en per sec)
BEMBRead The number of MBs read by the disk directors from the disk each second.
BEMBWri en The number of MBs wri en to the disk from the disk director each second.
BEReadRequestTime The average me it takes to make a read request by the disk directors to the cache.
BEDiskReadResponseTime The average me it takes cache to respond to a read request by the disk directors.
BEReadTaskTime The me from the point when the HA puts the read request on the queue and the DA picks it up;
this can be considered queue me.
PercentUsedCapacity The percent of the pools total capacity that is used.
TotalPoolCapacity The total pool capacity in GBs.
EnabledPoolCapacity The enabled pool capacity in GBs.
UsedPoolCapacity The used pool capacity in GBs.
AllocatedPoolCapacity The allocated pool capacity in GBs.
ALLOCATED_POOL_CAPACITY_GB The allocated pool capacity in GBs.
AVG_BE_DISK_TIME The average me it takes cache to respond to a read request by the disk directors.
AVG_BE_REQ_TIME The average me it takes to make a read request by the disk directors to the cache.
AVG_BE_TASK_TIME The me from the point when the HA puts the read request on the queue and the DA picks it up;
this can be considered queue me.
BE_MB_READ_RATE The number of MBs read by the disk directors from the disk each second.
BE_MB_TRANSFERED_PER_SEC Calculated value: (MBs read per sec + MBs wri en per sec)
BE_MB_WRITE_RATE The number of MBs wri en to the disk from the disk director each second.
BE_READS The number of read requests each second performed by the disk directors to cache.
BE_WRITES The number of write requests each second performed by the disk directors to cache.
ENABLED_POOL_CAPACITY_GB The enabled pool capacity in GBs.
PERCENT_USED_CAPACITY The percent of the pools total capacity that is used.
TOTAL_BE_REQ_PER_SEC The number of read/write requests each second performed by the disk directors to cache.
TOTAL_POOL_CAPACITY_GB The total pool capacity in GBs.
USED_POOL_CAPACITY_GB The used pool capacity in GBs.

Copyright © 2020 EMC Corpora on. All rights reserved. Published in the USA.
Generated by Enunciate (h p://

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