Brainbee Challenge Crossword

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5 Programmed cell death.

7 The fiberlike extension of a neuron by which it sends information to target cells.
9 The sheets that surround and insulate the axons to accelerate the transmission of
electrical signals.
10 Specialized cells that nourish and support neurons.
14 The process where new neurons find their proper position in the brain.
16 A specific reading disability.
20 A standard treatment for opiate addiction.
25 A physical gap between two neurons.
26 Scarring of the liver caused by alcoholic addiction.
27 A treelike extension of the neuron cell body.
28 A seahorse-shaped structure involved primarily in learning and memory.
29 A multilayered sensory tissue that lines the back of the eye and contains the receptor
cells to detect light.
30 A critical neurotransmitter that controls functions such as memory, attention, sleep,
heart rate and muscular activity.

1 The centermost part of the eye located in the center of the retina and contains only
cone photoreceptors.
2 A hormone manufactured by the adrenal cortex and is the primary stress hormone.
3 A catecholamine neurotransmitter which its deficit causes Parkinson's disease.
4 A degenerative disorder characterized by symptoms such as forgetfulness and
disorientation as to time or place.
6 A monoamine neurotransmitter which released on the onset of sleep.
8 Specialized neurons that provides an excitatory signal to the arousal system.
11 A structure in the forebrain that is important in controlling emotions.
12 A disorder characterized by repeated seizures and may be treated with anticonvulsant
13 The largest part of the human brain associated with high order functioning.
15 A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable daytime sleepiness.
17 A muscle that moves a joint in an intended direction.
18 A snail-shaped, fluid-filled organ of the inner ear responsible for converting sound into
electrical potentials.
19 The ability of the brain to modify its neural connections to adapt to challenges in the
21 A hormone known as adrenaline.
22 Lobe of the cerebral cortex which important in sensory processes, attention and
23 A brain region responsible for comprehension of language and production of
meaningful speech.
24 Nerve ending that signal the sensation of pain.

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