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Running Head: 3rd RESEARCH PAPER 1

3rd Reserch Paper

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Compare and Contrast the Essays’ Background

The social comparison in both essays can be related to where people were

chosen to seek solutions to some of the controversial problems. However, both

articles present a structural scene undermined by the different issues in the form of a

racist city council in the first essay of the patrol and transsexual landlady in the

second essay of the glory days. Both essays also present a point of concern, which

was gays in the glory days and police brutality in the first essay of Patrolling. The

political comparison drawn in both essays in cases where people's concerns were

ignored, in the case of patrolling, the city council ignored complaints of police

brutality while in the second essay of glory days, Fannie ignored the family and did

not reveal Faust's misconduct. While there were programs and platform started in the

first essay, a ten-point platform in addressing the issue of police brutality, there was a

wall chart with two columns in the glory days. Finally, the economic comparison,

there was no clear financial comparison that could be drawn from the two essays.

How has California been shaped by social movements, historical movements, and

issues that are highlighted in the essays you selected.

Social movements

California is shaped to be a point of disruption of Western civilization. This is

evident in that first essay of the glory days where they weren't worried about the

expansion of regular gay characters. Michael had gotten a hunky gynecologist at the

roller arena and appreciated an extended visit with him in bed(Randy, 1984). In the

second essay, social movements shaped California as a point of disruption in the sense

that well the wonder of racism structured in the city council. Huey, working with the

North Oakland Neighborhood Service Center and the warning board marks for them

to go to the city gathering, to get the city committee to attempt to set up a police


survey board to manage grumblings of police fierceness. The city committee

disregarded us. With the goal that marvels were that the city board was only a

supremacist structure which could think less about the 48 percent Black and Chicano

individuals who lived in the city of Oakland, attempting to make sense of what to

do.At last, closed during those times that there was a need to begin another

association. Furthermore, Huey worked out this program. They the need capacity to

decide their predetermination in our Black people group.

Historic movements

Historic movements shaped California as a backward society THE PUBLIC

WAS snared on "tales" before the year was out. It was gotten notification from

peruses in bars and cafés, and even at the showers some of the time, where different

benefactors would frequently express shock or out and out wrath that was uncovering

California mystery gay world. People were offended that the glory days had

expounded on Gay Night at the Grand Arena roller arena. In the essay of the glory

days, losing all regard for the storage room by at that point(Randy, 1984).

Furthermore, Huey, at last, got it on the polling firm in the city of Berkeley. It lost by

one rate point. Yet, that was one perspective, alongside selling the Black Panther

party paper and managing a ton of different issues in the network that was one of the

critical political discretionary viewpoints in 1968 that the society endeavored to start.

Issues highlighted in the essays

In the essay of the Glory Days, the main issue highlighted was Gayism. This

issue shaped California as a rotten society. A lesbian crafted it was aggregate in Marin

County. The loyal works at the loom of the story were starting ascent among the

individuals of California. The more minds boggling the embroidered artwork turned


into, the more numerous individuals began to get stressed over, in the long run,

unwinding it. Why the damnation hadn't they mapped this thing out before they

started rehearsing such sort of practices. In the brilliance days, the cast of characters

was always lily-white, for a specific something, so the network chose to present a

significant African-American role, that previous admirer of Mona's who shows up out

of the blue to revive their relationship. Dorothy, as it was named in the story, is a New

York model, an advanced wonder much the same as some other ladies. In, the other

essay of Patrolling, California, was shaped as a rotten society due to the effect of

police brutality leading to several assassinations. Adequately as a national association,

the Black Panther Party started to move well. California, when incase of California

state capital, made us initially have a universal reputation.

Provide examples of how those who are underrepresented in California have

articulated solutions to the issues and problems of their concern

There was a piece of a progressive approach. A change program originates from a

power structure that’s mistreating people. In turn, they came up with individuals'

progressive program which teaches the individuals that they must be in resistance and

contradict the power structure. That is the incredible progressive character of the

program. The plan to them creates an impression, regardless of whether the power

structure fuses it in its framework creates a feeling that we're starting from the

network, "That is the thing that you ought to have been doing in the central darn

place. So that was the frame of mind. It was not a Maoist point of view that we had to

such an extent(Huey, 2011). They knew a portion of the rules that were relevant to

their circumstances in the USA as far as the arranging standards. People with

significant influence had faith in a kind of a coop- - helpful communism, and the

individuals didn't acknowledge, fundamentally, a variety of a state control order


economy type idea. The individuals who were under presented pulled from what the

position thought were significant to them. Also, indeed, siblings and sisters started to

acknowledge that. They would need to envision a sibling who has been encouraged

how to peruse operating at a profit Panther party standing up and telling another

sibling on dope, "Sibling, you're acting in a corrupt way." You recognize what I mean.

"That training is the rule of reality," and things like this here. So this is something, to

have grassroots siblings and sisters referring to standard stance, taking a guideline

stance and attempting to teach the network in the endeavor to help raise the heart

Government's Response to the Ideas and Issues of the Underrepresented

For clarity, there is a difference between the demonstration of the black panthers

and what is taking place currently. The incident that took place in California is an

example of how Americans responded to black protest that some say is no the same

on how Americans handle the white people. According to Newton, the Black Panther

was a community-based organization in California for self-defense. The police

arrested the black panther group on felony charges to disrupt a session of the

constitution. The legislation of Mulford, which became Panther's bill was supported

by the Rifle association that knew that a person with a gun did not apply to the black

society. The governor, by then of California, campaigned for the president by

defending the second amendment that was signed to become a law. As much as some

demonstrations failed to tilt the lawmakers to oppose the Mulford act, it never

succeeded in finding the front page in newspapers. The headlines consisted of the

black protestors' suggestive photos, and most of them wearing dark glasses, berets,

and bomb jackets. The response of the American public was a reflection of the nation

that had the division in terms of race (Bloom & Martin, 2013).


Besides, such a demonstration of the blacks served as a platform for recruiting the

black panther party. That was only operating in a few states. The group grew in size

and influence, opening its branches in many cities hence building a presence in

California. The party also attracted many radical learning whites, most of whom were

pleased with the efforts of Black Panther like free food for the children and creating

awareness on drug abuse. But it was known to form the time this party stepped

California that the many protests were going to face a rebellion from the state of


The initial portrayal of the local media on Black Panther would display them as

invaders, and this made them look like a militant group that opposed the whites. In

1967, the director of the FBI took measures to ensure that the support for the

underrepresented was dormant. In a statement after an armed demonstration, the

officer referred to the group as a hate propagator. The director feared that if the group

was left to go on with the protests, then the state would face civil disobedience

(, 2019).

A report uncovered the degree to which the party had been provided with

weapons by an informant. As the Black Panther's profile became famous after years

following the protests, their troubles also grew a thing that most of them predicted.

Newton was arrested and charged with the killings of officers. The party struggled to

find stability between the reliance and efforts of the community, but all was in vain.

There were high profile killings and arrests of the black members that brought

divisions in the leadership of the group. Most whites could not get past their

impression of the party. They were introduced to the party, and how the blacks

exercised their rights was unforgettable in their minds. According to them, the blacks

were hooligans who are hiding behind protests for freedom. The protest by the Black


Panther is not any different in what is happening in America currently. Therefore,

according to the government, the issues of the underrepresented are not realistic, and

most of the time, it is cooled down by the state's forces.

Assesment and View Points to the Strategies, Actions, and Solutions of the


From my point of view, I think the underrepresent is right when they demand to

be heard. The blacks always believe that they cannot be given an audience in a white

state, and therefore, the best way to go is to the street. Thus, the black Panther was a

program that they came up with to summarize their plights and what they need. They

are not wrong to demand what they want as they are a part of America. The issue here

is racism that has seen a big rift between the whites and the black. In cases where

blacks protest, they are always seen by different stakeholders as a threat. For instance,

the media would display blacks as thugs with harmful intentions (Cahiil, 2019).

Moreover, the government also believes that blacks must be escorted with

officers when they protest as they are violent. All that the blacks need here is their

freedom. For instance, they need employment on a full-time basis, end attacks on

blacks, good shelter, stop brutality against the dark, proper education, just to mention

a few. Like any other human, one's destiny is only achievable where there is freedom.

The states need to budget for all in equal terms. No person should be judged on the

basis of race. The underrepresent should be given a platform with the government to

air their views so that they can be an inclusive government where no one feels

sidelined. The whites also take advantage of the situation of the blacks, and therefore

they are always favored whenever there is a conflict between a black and white

individual. As blacks live matter, it is upon the state of California to establish

measures that will see every member of that state treated equally.



Bloom, J.& Martin, J. (2013). Black against Empire: The History and Politics of the

Black Panther Party. University of California Press

Cahiil, N. (2019). Feeling Underrepresented, California Groups Demand 1,200 More

Lawmakers. Black Issues.

underrepresented-california-groups-de mand-1200-lawmakers/ (2019). Black Panthers.


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