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Examples of Paraphrasing for IELTS

1. Eating sweet foods produces acid in the mouth, which can cause tooth decay.


a. Acid is produced in the mouth when sweet foods are eaten and this acid can cause decay of
b. Consumption of sweet foods leads to production of acids in the mouth. The presence of this acid
can lead to decaying of the teeth.
c. Sweet foods when consumed lead to acid production in the mouth and its presence can lead to
the decay of tooth.

2. Nowadays food has become easier to prepare.


a. These days it has become very easy to prepare food.

b. Food preparation these days has become a much easier task to accomplish.
c. Cooking food is now a relatively easy task.

3. Cricket has become more popular than the national sports in the sub-continental countries.


a. In the sub continental countries, the popularity of national sports has been superseded by the
that of cricket.
b. Popularity of cricket has gone beyond the popularity of the national sports in countries in the
c. National sports of sub-continental nations have seen their popularity fall behind the popularity
of cricket.

4. To solve the ever-increasing environmental hazards throughout the world, the best way is to
increase the price of fuel.

a. Increasing fuel prices is best way to overcome the ever-increasing environmental issues that are
affecting the planet.
b. Environmental hazards affecting the planet are constantly increasing and the best way to
overcome them is that fuel price be increased.
c. Increasing fuel price is the greatest way to overcome the endless environmental issues that are
plaguing planet earth.
5. People attend colleges or universities for many different reasons such as new experiences,
career preparation, increased knowledge etc.


a. Multiple reasons such as gaining new experiences, building a career or gaining further
knowledge are reasons that motivate people to attend colleges or universities.
b. Colleges and universities have attracted students for many reasons and some of them are new
experiences, career preparation and increased knowledge.
c. Gaining new knowledge, never before experiences and the chance to build a career are reasons
that attract people to attend colleges and universities.

6. Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have
the greater role in raising children in most societies.


a. A very large section of the society believes that women are better than men at parenting and
that is why women play a much bigger role in bringing up children.
b. In most societies the role of caring for children has been a niche for women as they believe that
women can do a much better job than men at being a parent.
c. The idea that parenting as a role can be fulfilled much better by women than men is held
strongly by a number of societies and as a result the role of parenting tends to be bestowed
more upon women as compared to men.

7. Parents are the best teachers


a. The best teachers are parents

b. Parents can teach better than anyone else.
c. The role of being a teacher can be best fulfilled by parents.

8. World history suggests that violence and conflict were more evident under male leadership
than under female leadership.


a. History shows that violent conflict has been a greater risk under the leadership of men as
compared to leadership of women.
b. Violent conflicts seem to be more prominent under male leadership as compared to female
leadership as suggested by world history
c. World history suggests that women leadership has seen lower incidence of violent conflict as
compared to male leadership.
9. Many office authorities impose a restriction on smoking within the office premises. Some
governments have even banned smoking in all public places.


a. Smoking within offices premises is banned by a lot of office authorities. This is further supported
by governments in certain countries where smoking has been banned in all public areas.
b. Quite a few office authorities have imposed ban on smoking within their office premises. This
action has also been repeated by governments by banning smoking in all public areas.
c. A strict restriction on smoking in office spaces is imposed by office authorities and similar
restrictions have been imposed by governments for smoking in public places.

10. Not everything that is learned is contained in books


a. Books do not contain everything that can be learnt.

b. All that can be learnt may not be found in a book.
c. Books are not home to everything that can be learnt.

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