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For best results, I recommend folding this from a sheet of sized paper (as thin as you can find), ideally 40 cm or larger (the photographed piece was from ‘a 40 om (16 inches) square). | _ | Youshould start with dry paper == | and fold it dry upto te point | that it starts fo become 3D. At \ , | that point, [recommend using YELLOW 4a small paintbrush and a dish of water to selectively dampen Fold the paper in half and JACKET | Teg, wings, body segments, ete» | for shaping, taking breaks to let unfold. ‘one part dry before moving on to incite ne Z y Bring the bottom right Fold th creating a pinch mark by 7 edge. Unfold. the edge. 5 Unfold. : Fold ‘ld the edge to the crease. Fold the folded edge to the Unfold. crease. Unfold. Yellow Jacket 163 Fold the edge to the crease, Fold edge to edge. Unfold. Unfold. Fold corner to comer, creating a small pinch only where indicated (on the third and fourth creases). Turn over. 14 15 Fold edges to the creases. Fold edges to the creases. ‘Unfold. Unfold. 164 Origami Masters: Bugs 10 Unfold. 13 Fold to the intersection points shown. Unfold. 16 Crease as indicated. Note: unnecessary pinch marks are not shown for clarity. Crease as indicated. Crease as indicated. ‘Turn over, Crease as indicated. 165 Yellow Jacket Crease the diagonals as indicated. Repeat next steps onthis corner to. Next, details of the creases needed for the corner. Note: steps 23 to 27 should be repeated on the right corner and side, 23 24 24 6 8 12 4 16 Crease as indicated. Note: the numbers ‘Mountain crease as indicated. represent the 1/56th divisions for reference. 166 Origami Masters: Bugs 12th te 2 4 6 & 40 Fold crease to crease (creases created in the previous step). Turn over. Panes Continue creasing as indicated on the left side. Additional diagonal creases need to be created. ‘The vertical and horizontal creases need to be reinforced or extended, All creases indicated will be needed for the base or for later steps, including the ones marked in a fainter color. Unnecessary creases are not shown for clarity. Crease as indicated. Turn back over to the white side. After creasing the right side, follow the creases indicated for the initial collapse. This is a one indivisible big honkin’ collapse and it needs to be done all at once. Yellow Jacket 167 29 Collapse the top of the base using the creases shown, Some of the necessary creases are not visible in this drawing; the next drawing shows all of the creases needed on unfolded paper. Greases used for this step, shown on unfolded paper for clarity. 168 Origami Masters: Bugs 30 Refine the collapse. Some of the necessary creases are not visible in this drawings the next drawing shows all of the creases needed on unfolded paper. Crease as indicated in the highlighted region, Note that the region near the corner is part of a double layer. Turn over. omen nen of Creases used for this step, on les or der ane unfolded paper. the reverse fold. ‘There are two pairs of layers together in zigzag, Reverse fold ‘one of each pair so it zigzags twice ‘as much with half the width, using the creases indicated in the highlighted region. Turn over. Yellow Jacket 169 32 Creases use fortis step on Refine the collapse. The next eatglaed peer drawing shows all ofthe creases needed on the unfolded paper. Crease as indicated in the highlighted region. 33 ov 34 Greases used for this step, ‘on an unfaided paper. Open the layers to work on Asymmetrically spread sink three corners, the inside of the flap. then close them up. 35 View of the pleats Bae Repeat the spread sinks on the other side 170 Origami Masters: Bugs 36 37 38 ‘This is the complete Open out the two pleats Refold with the collapsed base, Turn over. and stretch. creases indicated. ‘he far sink 39 AQ Tefen AL other folds a th tops. Far corner is closed sink. iy [Near comer is open sink. Bring layers to the front. Sink four edges. Fully Elias-stretch the pleats. 42 44 43 Refold the creases indicated. Q Stretch the top apart. Itwill look like this. Open ‘out to see the interior. Yellow Jacket 171 AD scart actual pen ths par ly a Refold flat on the creases indicated. 48 Fold through thick layers. 51 Precrease the pleats indicated. The legs will become perpendicular. View from the side next. 172 Origami Masters: Bugs 46 49 52 Like so, Reverse fold the flaps that got the three spread sinks and divide the layers at the spread sinks. Tuck part of the wing corner underneath. Legs stick out perpendicularly Pleats from last step Wings — Abdomen Schematic view from the side. 47 Slide an edge out in the sequence indicated: a,b, and c. 50 Fold the thick corners underneath, 53 P Make 3D using the creases indicated. ‘This will separate the segments. Note: wings omitted for clarity. Detailed view next. 54 Segment ay a - sa Make a distinct gap Like this. From here forward, between segments by the body-shaping folds should Schematic cross-section reverse folding the corners. be soft and not all extend fully view of each segment (legs to the corners to keep the body point down) rounded and natural. 57 ies 58 59 Wings ‘Abdomen Schematic view from Details of the head. Crimp antennae to the side. the side with 3D segments. 60 61 62 63 Narrow antennae. Rabbit-ear to make Bend antennae. Fold edges under. 3D. Yellow Jacket 173 64 65 Fold tip under. Fold entire assembly down at soft right angle, Crimp at base of antennae. 68 It will look like this. Schematic view from the side, Fold legs flat. 72 Crimp. Q Detailed view of a typical leg next. 174 Origami Masters: Bugs 66 R Curve and crimp. Side view of abdomen, Next, view from bottom. Pinch legs, then fold out to the sides, —, 7 _ Reverse fold the toes (tarsae) Finished leg. Continue shaping legs and position to match the photo. Folded yellow jacket set against the crease pattern for the model. View from the underside Yellow Jacket 175

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