Director's+Order+ - +Stay+At+Home+03 22 20

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Ohio | ert” DIRECTOR'S STAY A’ Re: Director's Order that All Persons Stay at Home Unless Engaged in Essential Work or Activity 1, Amy Acton, MD, MPH, Director of the Ohio Department of Health (ODED, pursuant to the authority granted to me in R.C. 3701.13 to “make special orders...for preventing the spread of contagious oF infectious diseases” Order the following to prevent the spread of COVID-19 into the State of Ohio: 1, Stay at home or place of residence. With exceptions as outlined below, all individuals curently living within the State cf Ohio are ordered to stay at home or at their place of residence except as allowed inthis Order. To the extent individuals ae using shared or outdoor spaces when outside their residence, they must at all times and as much as reasonably possible, maintain social distancing of at leat sic feet ftom any other person, with the exception of family or household ‘members, consistent wih the Social Distaneing Requirements set forth in this Order. All persons may leave their homes or place of residence only for Essential Activites, Essential Governmental Functions, or to participate in Essential Businesses and Operations, al as defined below. Individuals experiencing homelessness are exempt fom this Order, but are strongly urged to obtain shelter, and governmental and other entities are strongly urged to make such shelter available as soon as posible and to the maximum extent practicable (and to use in their operation COVID-19 risk mitigation practices recommended by the US. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Ohio Department of Health (ODH)). This order does not apply t0 arcerated individuals they are to follow the guidance ofthe facility in which they are confined. Individuals whose residences are unsafe or become unsafe, such as vitims of domestic violence, are permitted and urged to leave their home and stay ata safe alternative location, For purposes of this Order, homes or residences include hotels, motels, shared rental units, shelters, and similar facilities. 2. Non-essential business and operations must eease. All businesses and operations inthe Stat, ‘except Essential Busineses and Operations as defined below, are required to cease all activities Within the State except Minimum Basic Operations, as defined below. For clarity, businesses, including home-based businesses, may also continue operations consisting exclusively of employees or contracts performing astivtien at their own recidences (ie, working from home) Al Essential Businesses and Operations are encouraged to remain open. Essential Businesses and ‘Operations shall comply with Social Distancing Requirements as defined in this Order, neluding by maintaining six-foot social distancing for both employees and members of the public at all times, including, but no: limited to, when any customers are standing in line 3. Prohibited activities. All public and private gatherings of any numberof people occurring outside single household or living unit are prohibited, except for the limited purposes permitted by this ‘Order. Any gathering of more than ten people is prohibited unless exempted by this Onder. This is 5. in accordance with President Trump's coronavirus guidelines issued March 16, 2020. Nothing in this Order prohibits the gathering of members of a houschald or residence, Al places of public amusement, whether indoors or outdoors, including, but not limited to, locations with amusement rides, carnivals, amusement parks, water parks, aquariums, 200s, -museumns, arcades, fairs, children's play centers, playgrounds, funplexes, theme parks, bowling. alleys, movie and other theaters, concert and musi halls, and country elubs or social elubs shall be closed, Prohibited and permitted trayel, Only Essential Travel and Essential Activities as defined herein, are permitted, People riding on public transit must comply with Social Distancing [Requiremens to the greatest extent feasible, This Order allows travel into or out of the State to ‘maintain Essential Businesses and Operations and Minimum Basie Operations. Leaving the home for Essential Activities is permitted. For purposes of this Onder, individuals may leave their residence only to perform any of the following Essential Activities: 4 For health and safety, To engage in aetvities or perform tasks essential to their health and safety, orto the helth and safety oftheir family or household members or persons who are ‘unable or should no: Teave their home (including, but not limited to, pets), such as, by way of example only and without limitation, secking emergency services, obtaining medical supplies ‘or medication, or visiting a heath care professional b, For necessary supplies and services. To obtain necessary services or supplies for themselves tnd their family or household members or persons who are unable or should not eave their hhome, of to deliver those services or supplies to others, such as, by way of example only and without limitation, aroceries and food, household consumer products, supplies they need to ‘work from home, automobile supplies (ineluding dealers, parts, supplies, repair and maintenance), and products necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences, ©. For outdoor activity, To engage in outdoor activity, provided the individuals eomply with Social Distancing Requirements, as defined below, such as, by way of example and without Timsitation, walking hiking, running or biking. Individuals may go to public parks and open ‘outdoor reeeation reas. However, publie access playgrounds may increase spread of COVID- 19, and therefore shall be closed, 4. For certain types of work To perform work providing essential products and services at Essential Businesses or Operations (which, as defined below, includes Healthcare and Public Health Operations, Human Services Operations, Essential Governmental Funetions, and Essential Infrastructure) orto otherwise carryout activities specifically permitted in this Order, including Minimurr Basic Operations. &. To take care of others. To care for a family member, friend, or pet in another household, and to transport family members, fiends, or pets as allowed by this Order. This includes attending weddings and funerals. Elderly people and those who are vulnerable as a result of illness should take additional precautions. People at high risk of severe illnes from COVID-I9, including elderly people and those who are sick, are urged to stayin their residence tothe extent possible except as necessary Page 2 of 12 to seck medical care. Nothing in this Order prevents the Department Health or local health . Duration. This Order shall be effective at 11:59 p.m. on March 23, 2020 and remain in full free and effect until 11:59 pam, on April 6, 2020, unless the Director ofthe Ohio Department of Health rescinds of modifies this Order ata sooner time and dat, Page 9 of 12 COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that can result in serous illness or death, is caused by the SARS-CoV~ 2 virus, which isa new stain of coronavirus that had not been previously identified in humans and can tasily spread from person to person, The virus is spread between individuals who are in elose contact ‘with each other (within about six feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, It may be possible that individuals can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose or eyes, On January 23, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health issued a Director's Joumal Entry making COVID- 19 aClass A reportable disease in Ohio. On January 28, 2020, the Ohi> Department of Health hosted the first statewide eall with Tocal health departments and heeltheare providers regarding COVID-19. ‘On January 30, 2020, the Intemational Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health ‘Organization declared the outl-eak of COVID-19 a public health emergency of international concern, ‘On Januavy 31, 2020, Health and Human Services Seeretary, Alex M. Azar Il, declared a public health ‘emergeney forthe United State 1o aid the nation’s healthcare community in responding to COVID-19. (On Febmiary 1, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health issued a statewide Health Alert Network to provide local health departments and healthcare providers with updated guidance for COVID-19 and revised Person Under Investigation (PUN criteria, ‘On February 3, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health trained over 140 personnel to sta a eal eenter for COVID-19, in the event it was needed. ‘On February S, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health began updating and notifying the media of the number of PUIs in Ohio every Tuesday and Thursday. ‘On February 6, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health updated all agency assistant directors and chiefs of, stalTon COVID-19 preparedness and status during the Governor's cabinet meeting, ‘On Febmoary 7, 2020, the Ohio Department of Heath and the Ohio Emergency Management Agency met to conduet advance planning fer COVID-19. On February 13, 2020, the Oko Department of Health conducted a Pandemic Tabletop Exercise with State agencies fo review resporsive actions should there bea pandemic in Ohio, (On February 14, 2020, the Oho Department of Health held a conference call with health professionals across the slate.” The purpose ofthe call was to inform and engage the healthcare community in Ohio, Presentations were provided by the Department of Health, Hamilton County Public Health and the Ohio State University (On February 27, 2020, the Olio Department of Health and the Ohio Emergency Management Agency briefed the directors of State agencies during the Governor's cabinet meeting regarding preparedness and the potential activation of the Emergeney Operations Center. Page 10 of 12 On Febuary 28, 220, the "Govemor DeWine, Health Director Update COVID-19 Prevention and Preparedness Plan” was sent to a broad range of associations representing healtheare, desta, long-term care, K-12 schools, colleges and universities, busines, public transi, faith-based organizations, non-profit, ‘organizations, and local goverrments (On March 2, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health activated @ Joint Information Center to coordinate COVID-19 communications. (On March 5, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health hosted the Governor's Summit on COVID-19 Preparedness, a meeting with the Governor, cabinet agency directors, local health department commissioners, and ther staf, (On March 6, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health opened a call center to answer questions from the public regarding COVID-19, (On March 9, 2020, resting by the Department of Health confirmed that three (3) patients were positive for COVID-19 in the State of Ohio, ‘This confirms the presence of a potentially dangerous condition whieh may affect the heath, safety and welfare of citizens of Ohio. (On March 9, 2020, the Ohio Emergency Management Agency activated the Emergency Operations Center (On March 9, 2020, the Governor Declared a State of Emergency in Executive Order 2020-01D. (On March 11, 2020, the head ofthe World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic (On March 11, 2020, testing by the Ohio Department of Health confirmed that one (1) more patent was positive for COVID“19 inthe Sate of Ohio. (On March 11,2020, the Ohio Departments of Health and Veterans Services issued a Joint Directors’ Order to limit access to Ohio nursing homes and similar facilites. (Qn Mach 15, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health issued a Director's Order to limit access 10 Ohi jails and detention facilites, (On March 15, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health issued a Director’s Onder to limit the sale of food and beverages, liquor, beer and wire to canry-out and delivery only (On March 15, 2020, the CDC issued Interim Guidance for mass gatherings or large community events, stating that such events that consist of SO ar more people should be cancelled or posiponed. ‘On March 16, 2020 the Ohio Department of Health issued & the March 17, 2020 primary election. rector’s Onler closing polling loeatons for Page 11 of 12 (On March 17, 2020 the Ohio Department of Health issued a Director's Onder for the management of non- essential surgeries and procedures throughout Ohi. (On March 17, 2020 the Ohio Department of Health issued an Amended Director's Order to limit and/or prohibit mass gatherings and the closure of venues inthe State of Ohio, (On March 19, 2020, the Ohio Department of Health issued a Director's Order closing hait salons, nail salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors, body piercing locations, and massage therapy locations. “Multiple areas of the United States are experiencing “community spread” of the virus that causes COVID- 19. Community spread, defined as the tansmission ofan illness for which the source is unknown, means that isolation of known areas o” infection is no longer enough to contro spread “The CDC reports that people ate most contagious when they are most symptomatic (the sickest) however ‘some spread might be possible before people show symptoms although that is not the main way the virus spreads, ‘Mass gatherings (10 or more persons) increase the risk of community transmission of the virus COVID- 19. fngly, to avoid an imminent threat witha high probability of widespread exposure to COVID-19 ‘witha significant risk of substantial harm toa large number of people in the general population, including the elderly and people with weakened immune systems and chronic medical conditions, [hereby ORDER effective at 11:59 pam. on March 23, 2020 all persons ae to stay at home or thir place of residence unless they are engaged in Essential Activities, Essential Governmental Functions, or to operate Essential [Businesses and Operations as st forth in this Order. This Order shall remain in full force and effect until 11:59 pam. on April 6, 2020, ualess the Director of the Ohio Department of Health rescinds or modifies this Onder at a sooner time and date. To the extent any publi official enforeing this Order has questions ding what services are prohibited under this Order, the Director of Health hereby delegates to local ments the authority to answer questions in writing and consistent with this Order. Page 12 of 12 {Segre Hamad ew Shera ates) ‘in Be sn CISA March 19, 2020, MEMORANDUM ON IDENTIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKERS DURING COVID-19 RESPONSE. FROM: Christopher. Krebs. Va Director CA ha Cyhersccuty and lfastuctre Becrty Ageney (CISA) ‘As the Nation comes together to slow the spread of COVID-19, on March 16! the President ised updated Coronavirus Guidance for America, This guidance states that: ‘you work ina ertical infrastructure industry, as defined by the Department of Homeland Security, stch as healthcare services and pharmaceuical and food supply, you havea special responsibility to maintain your normal work schedule.” ‘The Cybersccurty and Infastructure Security Agency (CISA) executes the Secretary of Homeland Security's responsibilities as assigned under the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide strategic uidance, promote a national unity of effort, and coordinate the overall federal effort to ensure the Security and resilience ofthe Nation's ertcal infrastructure. CISA uses trusted partnerships with both the public and private sectors to deliver infrastructure resilience asistance and guidance 0 & broad range of partners In accordance with this mandate, and in collaboration with other federal agencies and the private sector, CISA developed an intial ist of “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers” to help State and local officals as they wor to protect their communities, while ensuring continuity of functions ctitical to public health and safety, as well as economic and national security, The list ean also inform eriical infastcctire community decision-making to determine the sectors, sub-sectors, segments, of critical functions that should continue normal operations, appropriately modified (© sceount for Centers for Nikease Cantal (CTC) workforce and enstemerpentection guidance The attached lst identifies workers who conduct a range of operations and services that ae essential te continued critical infrasructure viability, including staffing operations centers, maintaining and repuiting etiticalinfrastrctue, operating call centers, working constuetion, and performing ‘management functions, among others. The industries they support represent, but are not necessarily limited to, medical and healthcare, telecommunications, information technology systems, defense, food and agriculture, transportation and logisties, energy, water and wastewater, law enforcement, and public works. We recognize that State, local, tribal, and teitorial governments are ultimately in charge of implementing and executing response activities in communities under thei jurisdiction, while the Federal Government is ins supporting role. As State and local communities eonsider COVID-19-related restrictions, CISA is offering this listo asist prioritizing activities related to continuity of operations end incident response, ineluding the appropriate movement of erica infrastructure workers within and between jurisdiction. Accordingly, this Hist is advisory in nature Its not, nor should i be considered (0 be, a federal directive or standard in snd of sel Inaddtion, these identities sectors and workers are not intended to be the authoritative or exhaustive list of critical ingfasteucture sectors and functions that should continue during the COVID-19 and issuing. implementation directives and guidance. Similaiy, eiical partners will use their own jude, informed by ths lis, to ensue continued operations of eitical fnfastucture services and funetions. All decisions should appropriately balance public safety while ensuring the continued delivery of eitical infrastructure services and functions CISA will continue to wor with you and our partners inthe critical infrastructure community to update this list asthe Nation's response to COVID-19 evolves. We also encourage you to submit how you might use this list so that we ean develop a repository of use cases for broad sharing across the county, ‘Should you have questions about this lis, please contact CISA at CISA.CATI@eisa hs. gov, Attachment: “Guidance n the Essential Critical Infastructure Workforce: Ensuring Community and National Resilience in COVID-19 Response” Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce: Ensuring Community and National Resilience in COVID-19 Response Version 1.0 (March 18, 2020) ‘THE IMPORTANCE OF ESSENTIAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKERS. tical nastruture imperative during the response tothe COMIO-19 emeteney for oth publ haath ing Cet ial nfastructre indus Neve a special responsibly n Funsioninge and fy 2 wo a8 comm wal “his guidance and accompanying It are intended o supa Stato, Loss, and industy partners in ening the ‘ial intasturture sectors andthe essen workers need to maintain the seas and functors Americans Petleum produ stags, pple, marine vanepot, tinal, al anspor, oad tenapot ‘rude storage facies piptne, ana marine transport ‘+ Poveeum refine facies 1+ Peveleum secuntyoperatons center employees and warkers who support emergency response sences + Poveteum options conzelroms/cener ‘+ Pavoleum cing, xtreton, reduction processing ening tinal operations, ansporing and etal for eas endef o dst fr chemical manuacturing + Onshore and offshore operations for maintenance and emergency response 4+ Ratal fe centers suchas gas stations an truck tons, and thecsributon sates that supp her Natural and propane gas workers ‘Natural gas teramicion ad dtibutionppsies,Ieuding cmpesso stations Underground storage of tural ge ‘Natural gs processing pins, andl those hata wih natura gas hls 4+ Uquoiog Notwat Gas N8) factines + Notural gs secur operons center, natal gas operations dspatch and conte Yooms/oentrs naturel gas ‘emergency essence and ostomer emergencies, inlding natura gs leak calls + ating, postion, poessng,refring, and wanepoting natal gs for uso a ence fas fondo for ‘homial manufectoring, sen lect generton ‘+ Propane gas atch andcortal eoms and emergeney response and customer emergence, nciing propane ek als + Propane gas sonic mainenanceandrestoraten, including call centers Ceca in cere terior fy ool ees Bertie eee [omen Cera eo Menarini + Processing refining, end wanspvting neta gus nuang propane ga, for uso as end-use fuels. or feedstocks for chemical ranvfactuing + Propane ges storage, traimson, and detrbton centers WATER AND WASTEWATER Employees needed to operate endian dking waar and wastewatr/éaragenesuucture, lug: ‘Operational taf at water authorities Operatina staat wstonatar westment facies Workers epsing wer and wastewater eanojorass ond pafooningfequed sampling or mentoring ‘Operational stat for water detrbuton and testing ‘Qprational tat at wastenatrcolacton folios perationsl tt and tenes! supp for SCADA Cota stems ‘Chemialdenfeton supsors for wastewater nd personnal proteton Workers that maintain aigtalsystons inrasouctresupprting Water and wastewater operations TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS + Smployees supporting oenblng vansportation functions, ning lspatchers, mantenance and rpaie technicians, warehouse workers, uuck sop and rest aoa wrkers, and workers that maintain and inspect inrasrictreGncoding oe hat resi cess der ave) + Employees of fm provdng serdcas that enable logs operation, lung cooling, ttn, peoksang, and isting products wholasale or eta sale o use. + Workers response for operating clsptching paseener, commiser and eign ais and maintaining all inrastuctre and equipment + Maritime transportation weer pot worker, marines, equipment operators + Tuck cers who haul hazardous and waste materi o support etl institu, pedis, functions, | Manufactores and cstris Ars (0 incide service centers nd elated epertons| ef packaging mattis, pales rates, containers, en ater suples needed to support manufacturing, packaging sagingand + Postal and tiping workers to nude vate companies + nplyeet ho eps ond maintan veils, trata equipment, marine vessol and th equipmont and Inrestructare that eles operations hat encompass movement ef cargo 88 possengors management + Wor wha supper the naitenance and operation of or by ar transportation, including Het crens, Coca ees attic ees Cf eee Pease a cic} PUBLIC WORKS ‘+ Worker whe supp the operation inspection, and maintenance of esaentil oms aks nd levees + Works wha supper th peat, inspection, and maintenance of essential public works facies and operations including bide, water and sewer man breaks, Net manana personnal, constuction ot tea ar suatoge inrestwsture, vate signal maintenance omorgaey cation sorvees or bur utes, + Workre sch a plumbers, leticians,exeminators, and other sence providers who pode secs that ae necessary to mainaig te safe), sarltation, and essential epeaion of resdences| “+ Support, sueh a toad an ne learn, to ensure the avail of naeded faites, vanspatation, energy nd communications “+ Ssupprtto ensure te eee removal, storage and spon of eld and commercial sol waste and COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Communications "+ Maltenanee of communitions tesvustute-Incuingpvtalyavned and maintained communicston "stom supooted by tednicians, operators, callcentors, wirene an wireless pode cae sevice provider, ssalta operations, undersea cabo landing stato, Iimet Exchange Ports, and manufacturers and itor of commariatons equipment + Workers whe suppor rai television, and modin serve, ning, bt no nied to font ine News reporter stu, and teciciane for newsgathenng and parting + Worker at dependent Sistem Operators and Reon Transmssion Organizations, and Newark Operations ‘taf, engnoos and/or tetnians to manage the network or oprat facies 1 Engineers, ection and asses personel resporsile fortes ure construction and estate, Including contactors fer onstruction and engneoing of fer epic cables + tstalltion, maintenance and repair techican the establish, suport or repair sence as needed 1 Cana tie personel maintain and operate coral oflee, det contr, and eter netwerk fico facts ‘+Customer sence an supsor stat ncluding managed and proessonl serves as wll as emote powders ‘of suppor to taniteningempleyes to et up and maintaln home oes, who interface wth customers to ‘manage o support serve emvirnments aed secuy ass, ining pay bling, aud nd troubleshooting + Dispatchers involved wth enos repr and restoration Information Technology: + Werkere who sport comand conte, nding, btn ited to Network Operations Cammang Canter, ‘srcadeast Operations Cool Center and Socury Operation Command Ceter 1 Datacenter operators, incuding system admiisatrs, HVAC & eecical engineets, security personnel, IT ‘managers data vanserssitene enghoors, oftware and hardware engineers, and databae admintator. 1 Chont sane coral engheos, on chor ecnicians supporing eicalinrasvuctr, 2s woll 3c eee ore tucsaerrieetia Es Peet eee ney ER Frceroaxconycisa Ceeree mesma cit manufactures and spl eala vendors that provide hare and safware, and information technology ‘salem (onlade micoslctraics and eemicondtors) for rial inastrutre + Workers responcing to oernecens icing cial fastrotre, including mee faites, SLIT ‘towers and federal 'sities, nergy and vies, and banks and nancial instittons, and ther ral lnastucture categories and prsonnel + Workers supporting te pevsion of esantal bat, natona an ozlinrastucure fr computing serves {ind oud computing sorces) busines fas vtire, web-based sence, ond ete manufacturing + Workers supporting eomrunoations aysems and information tecnoley used bylaw enerement, pute + Suppor required for eon of see, nluding janitor leaingpersernal OTHER COMMUNITY-BASED GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS AND ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS. + Workers to ensue contin bling functions {Sacunty stato maintain sang sozess Conve and physical sacuty measures {> lacions perenna 1 Federal sate, and Local Tribal, and Tertral employes who support Mlsion Essential Futons and femuestone network Trade Ofc (FAnogotates;itemationa ta flow administrator) Workers tat maintain cgtal ystems inastuctareeveparting other eral goverment operations Wrers st operations cortersneceasr to mantan ter essential funeoons Workers who support neosser eredontlng,veting ana lensing epartens for tansprtation workrs Customs wore who areal oltatng ade supper ofthe nstinal emergency response Supply chain ‘Educators sunpating pubic and rate 12 sehen, collages, and universes for purposes offacitating distonceleming or pestoming othe essential Tuna, operating under ules fer socal dtarcng + Hote Workers where notes ee used fer COVIDA9 mgaton and containment measres CRITICAL MANUFACTURING “+ Workers neceesan for themsanufsturng of meters oh products necdoafr meal sus chans, trenepoiation, ener, conmunieatons, food ana grout, chanical manufacturing, near fotos, the ‘pertono dame, water nd wastewater eaters emergency sence, ad the defenso dust bs. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4+ Workers at nla facies, workers managing medial Wasa, workers managing wast fam pharmacoutals nd cies materia procution, and waver at aboratavesproaessing est kts “+ Workers who support hazardous materials response end cleanup 1 Workers who maintain ia stems nastcture supparing hzadous meters management operations Cre ea Pees Ptr ee oe EF ross Peoria nieete tenis FINANCIAL SERVICES otters who are neadodto process and maintain sstamsfrprocossng andl ransoctions and sarin (eg, payment, dearng, ad sotdoment wholesale funding; insurance services and capital markets aces) ‘Workers who are neededto provid coumer acess to banking and lending sence, nla ATs, and 0 ‘move cureny and payments (eg, armored cash cai) Workers who soner fen operations, son asthe stafing data ana socunty operations centers CHEMICAL, Workers supporting he canal ang Indust gas supply hans, Inuding workers at coms! manufacturing Pants workers inlaboratates, worker at davbuton facies, waters who anspor ase raw chemical Instr tothe producers of ndustal and censure gods, naling hand saniter, eed and food ‘Workers supporting th sf anepertton of chemical, inca hose evpprting tank truck leaning facies ond workers whomaniactre packaging Kem \Workers supporting the prsicton of protective leaning and meal slo, personal protective equipment ‘and packgng tht provers the contamination of fod, water, medene,amang ers exert pedis Workers supporting the orration nd maintenance facies (arcu ose wh Nh ek chemicals nd torts that canna be shat down whose work canot be done emetaly ad rquies the presence ot high {Tained personnal to ansue safe operations eluding pont conte werkers who pre napectiona \orters wo suppor the roduton an anspor of cline ara ala manufacturing singlewse Plastes and packaging Wet prevents the contamination of supprts the coinued manufacture of foo, water, nadine, nd the essa! products, Icing gas cnr manufocurng DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL BASE rere who support the essential sovcs require to meet national scuriy commitments tothe federal ovement and. Mita, These indus, ince ht arenes mot, neroepace mechanical 9nd ertwar enginor,manvacuring/ reduction workars; It supper: ocuriy sta souny pereonnel, intatigance supper, arc ang weapon sem mochanes and maintainers Porsonel working for corranies, on ther subconvacters, who perfor under contact tothe Department of Defense posing materite ana aerdces tothe Dopatent of Defense, and governtewned contactor ‘operated ana goverment ond goverment operated alias Caan Fn coeeetia sl eco eas Co ea Ed Factor conyoisa Peers

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