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OpenVPN requires a configuration file and key/certificate files. You should

obtain these and save them to OpenVPN's configuration directory, usually
C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config. Starting with OpenVPN 2.4-alpha1 you can also
put user-specific configurations to %USERPROFILE%\OpenVPN\config when using

You can run OpenVPN as a Windows system service, by using OpenVPN GUI or from a
command-prompt. To use the OpenVPN GUI, double click on the desktop icon or
start menu icon. OpenVPN GUI is a system-tray applet, so an icon for the GUI
will appear in the lower-right corner of the screen. Right click on the system
tray icon, and a menu should appear showing the names of your OpenVPN
configuration files, and giving you the option to connect. Starting in OpenVPN
2.4-alpha1 admin privileges are no longer required for launching OpenVPN
connections using configuration files stored in the global config directory
(usually C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config). Users who belong to the built-in
administrator group, or to the local "OpenVPN Administrator" group can also
store configuration files under %USERPROFILE%\OpenVPN\config. In both of these
cases OpenVPN Interactive Service needs to be running: if it is not,
administrator privileges are still required to successfully start OpenVPN
connections. For further details please refer to OpenVPN GUI documentation:

OpenVPN 2.4-alpha1 and later come bundled with three system services:

OpenVPNService (new, improved background service)

OpenVPNServiceInteractive (required to run GUI as non-admin)
OpenVPNServiceLegacy (deprecated background service)

The installer starts OpenVPNServiceInteractive automatically and configures it

to start at system startup. This is done to allow unprivileged users to start
OpenVPN connections using OpenVPN GUI without any extra configuration.

OpenVPNService is based on openvpnserv2, a complete rewrite of the OpenVPN

service wrapper. It is intended for launching OpenVPN instances that should be
up at all times, instead of being manually launched by a user. OpenVPNService is
able to restart individual OpenVPN processes if they crash, and it also works
properly on recent Windows versions. OpenVPNServiceLegacy tends to work poorly,
if at all, on newer Windows versions (8+) and its use is not recommended.


Official OpenVPN Windows releases are cross-compiled on Linux using the

openvpn-build buildsystem:

First setup the build environment as shown in the above article. Then fetch the
openvpn-build repository:

git clone

Review the build configuration:

Build (unsigned):

cd openvpn-build/windows-nsis

Build (signed):

cd openvpn-build/windows-nsis
./build-complete --sign --sign-pkcs12=<pkcs12-file>\
--sign-pkcs12-pass=<pkcs12-file-password> \

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