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Javier L

Department of Engineering,
University of Almerıa,
Almerıa 04120, Spain
Design of Three New Cam-Based
Daniel Garcıa-Vallejo
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Constant-Force Mechanisms
and Manufacturing, Constant-force mechanisms are designed to keep a constant or nearly constant input
University of Seville, force along a prescribed stroke of the mechanism. The implementation of this kind of
Seville 41092, Spain mechanisms has been approached in literature using compliant mechanisms or through a
e-mail: certain combination of springs and nonlinear transmissions. In this work, three new
constant-force mechanisms based on the use of springs, rollers, and cams are presented
Francisco Manuel Arrabal- and analyzed. The rolling friction forces between the rollers and the cam are included in
Campos the force equilibrium equations and considered in the integration of the cam profile. The
Department of Engineering, influence of the friction force on the input force as well as the design parameters involved
University of Almerıa, is studied based on numerical techniques and simulations. In fact, the results evidence
Almerıa 04120, Spain that to obtain a precise constant-force mechanism, rolling friction forces must be consid-
e-mail: ered in the cam profile definition. The main design guidelines for the three constant-force
mechanisms proposed are described. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4040174]
Jose Manuel Garcia-Manrique
Department of Civil Engineering, Keywords: constant-force mechanism, cam profile, rolling friction
Materials and Manufacturing,
University of Malaga,
Malaga 29071, Spain

1 Introduction et al. [25] designed a weight compensation mechanisms based in a

noncircular pulley and a linear spring, and studied the reduction
Constant-force mechanisms (CFMs) are designed to provide a
on the actuators torques values required to keep a static posture.
nearly constant input force over a prescribed range of displace-
In the second group, one or both spring ends moves along curved
ments. These mechanisms are gaining interest in recent years,
surfaces, using rollers to reduce friction. A smaller number of
increasing the number of applications where they are advanta-
these devices have been found in the literature [3,26,27]. Liu et al.
geous and developing new design solutions to the problem of
[26] designed an adjustable constant-force mechanism to pas-
achieving constant-force for each particular application.
sively regulate contact force, which mainly consist of a linear
One of the simplest and widely used constant-force mecha-
spring and a cam mechanism. In a later work, the same authors
nisms are based on negator springs [1]. A negator spring is a flat
proposed another solution also based on linear compression
spiral strip of spring steel, which exerts a constant force when it is
springs, rollers, and a curved surface [27]. Bidgoly et al. [3]
uncoiled. These springs are used in several commercial items as
implemented a rotational nonlinear spring with a user-defined
retractable measuring tapes and weight counterbalancing devices.
torque-angle profile, based on the combination of a cam and a
Constant-force mechanisms can be classified into two main
stretched translational linear spring, where one end of the spring
approaches [2,3]. In the first approach, compliant mechanisms are
is hinged to the center of the cam and the other end is allowed to
used, where the mobility of the mechanism is gained from the
move over the cam surface through a roller. They designed cam
deflection of flexible members [4–6]. Compliant constant-force
profiles to generate different nonlinear springs, including
mechanisms are mainly implemented in small size components,
constant-torque springs. In these previous works, the cam profiles
showing reduced wear and high precision. Pseudo-rigid body
were obtained using static models which neglects friction forces.
models [5,7–9] and optimization techniques [7,10–13] are usually
Nevertheless, as it will be demonstrated in this paper rolling fric-
used in the design of compliant constant-force mechanisms. Sev-
tion between the rollers and the cam will modify the theoretical
eral design solutions found in literature are based on a positive
force value, differing from a real constant force [26,27]. Besides
stiffness besides a negative stiffness generated by a bistable com-
these two main approaches used to obtain constant-force mecha-
pliant mechanism [10,14–17], where the bistability is provided by
nisms, other authors have proposed devices based in pneumatic
buckling a curved-beam structure [18,19]. In the second approach,
systems [28], or dielectric elastomers [29].
constant-force mechanisms combine a linear spring and a nonlin-
Gravitational force static balancing mechanisms can be imple-
ear transmission. According to Bidgoly et al. [3], two different
mented through constant-force mechanism, allowing the reduction
groups may be differentiated inside this second approach. In the
of the total mass of a device as well as actuators efforts [7,30]. In
first group, a linear spring has one end hinged while the other end
addition, the use of CFMs instead of free weights in exercise
is pulled by a cable which wound on a noncircular cam or pulley
machines avoids the inertial effects of these large masses on
[20,21]. This constant-force mechanism is also found in an exer-
the resultant exercise strength, where the necessary accelerations
cise machine patent [22]. In other field as Robotics, the profile of
during the exercise execution lead to a non-constant force. Also,
the cam is designed to achieve not only a constant-torque profile
constant-force exercise machines without free weights are
but also a predefined nonlinear torque-angle profile [23,24]. Endo
required for low gravity environments [22,31–33].
More recent applications of constant-force mechanisms have
Contributed by the Mechanisms and Robotics Committee of ASME for
publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received January 18,
been proposed in Robotics, especially concerning contact forces
2018; final manuscript received April 26, 2018; published online May 28, 2018. and object manipulation, where the use of CFMs minimizes the
Assoc. Editor: Massimo Callegari. need of sensors and complex force control. Lan and Chen [14]

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presented an adjustable constant-force mechanism to adapt the Figure 1(a) is a schematic of the first proposed mechanism,
end effector of the robot to an unknown surface with variable CFM-1, a constant-force mechanism that comprises a double cam
height. Lan and Wang [34] designed a forceps for robot-assisted geometrically symmetric with respect to a vertical axis. Each
surgical manipulation to generate a constant torque regardless of curved surfaces of the cam guides the rolling movement of a
the input rotation. The same authors also proposed a compliant roller. The rollers are connected one to each other through an
gripper that can provide a constant gripping force to handle extension linear spring whose ends are fixed, respectively, to the
objects of various sizes [35]. The use of compliant constant-force axis of each roller. The vertical displacement of the spring and
mechanisms has also been extended to others applications. In par- rollers is realized by means of a horizontal rod pulled by a vertical
ticular, a fully compliant grasper for minimal invasive surgery cable. The cable is coincident with the axis of symmetry of the
was proposed by Lamers et al. [8]. Wang and Xu [36] proposed mechanism and may be properly guided by an external pulley (not
a CFM with applications in biological cell micromanipulation. drawn) to keep its vertical direction. To avoid the slipping of the
Furthermore, Constant-force mechanisms have been used for roller, a double roller is used in such a way that each roller rotates
overload protection [10], snap-fit connectors [37], automotive freely along the cam and the horizontal rod, respectively. The pro-
clutches [38], grippers [15], and electrical contacts [11,39]. file of the cam can be determined to maintain a constant force
In this paper, three different proposals of constant-force value in the traction cable for any position of the roller over the
mechanism are presented and discussed. All solutions are based cam, where for greater elongation of the spring, the angle between
on the use of linear springs, rollers, and cams; then, they can be the tangent line to the cam surface and the spring axis (spring
classified within the second group of the second approach restitution force direction) approaches 90 deg. Although the sche-
according to Bidgoly et al. [3]. The quasi-static model of each matic solution showed in Fig. 1(a) is realized for a pulling force,
design is presented and the cam profiles are obtained by numeri- simple modification of the mechanism can be done to allow it to
cal integration methods. Friction forces have been considered in work with constant compression forces. As an example, the hori-
the calculus of the cam profile to improve the ability of the zontal rod could be pushed from the bottom side instead of being
mechanism to maintain the constant force. The influence of the pulled with a cable. Another solution would be to fix the horizon-
rolling friction in the shape of the cams profiles as well as tal rod and to allow vertical movement of the cam when the latter
the deviations of the force for a certain cam profile when the is pushed from up to down.
rolling friction coefficient changes is studied. The solutions pro- The second conceptual design, CFM-2, is shown in Fig. 1(b). It
posed are discussed in terms of its reliability versus friction can be seen as a simplified version of CFM-1, where the horizon-
changes, working stroke, and mechanical implementation. tal rod and its rollers have been removed and the traction cable
Besides the numerical results, simulations of the three constant has been attached to both roller axes through individual braces.
force mechanisms have been performed to verify the results and This solution is mechanically simpler than the first one and also
to study the influence of occasional defects of the mechanisms can be modified to work with compression forces. To do that, the
in its force response. cable could be fixed and, as described above, the vertical move-
In the remaining sections, the design of three new constant- ment of the cam could be allowed under the action of the external
force mechanisms is described in Sec. 2. In Sec. 3, the mathemati- force.
cal models from quasi-static analysis are formulated and the Finally, CFM-3 is based on the rotation of the spring instead of
conditions for constant-force requirements are established. In a translational movement. In Fig. 1(c), CFM-3 includes a cam and
Sec. 4, the geometry of the cam profile of each mechanism is an extension spring. One end of the spring is hinged to the center
obtained through numerical integration taking into account the of the cam while the other end of the spring is articulated to a
rolling friction forces. Next, the influence of the friction forces main roller that can move rolling along the cam surface. The
and design parameters in the performance of the mechanism is movement of the roller takes place thanks to the action of a roller
discussed in Sec. 5. In Sec. 6, simulations are performed for vali- chain, with one end attached to the main roller axis and the other
dation and further analysis of the mechanisms. Section 7 summa- end being pulled by an external force. The roller chain is wound
rizes the main difference between the three designs proposed and around and rolls along the cam surface. The cam profile can be
compares them with the existing CFMs. Finally, Sec. 8 summa- defined to achieve a constant force at the roller chain end for any
rizes the conclusions of this work. angular position of the spring.
Figure 2 shows the CAD design of each one of the CFMs
2 Conceptual Designs described above, showing a more realistic mechanical implemen-
tation. In all cases, it have been adopted a solution that includes
In this section, the conceptual design of three new constant- two spring arranged in parallel. The cam profiles showed in the
force mechanisms is described. All of them are based on a noncir- CAD designs have been derived for a certain value of the coeffi-
cular cam and a linear spring that is deformed when one or both cient of rolling friction (the procedure to obtain the cam profile is
of its ends move along the cam surface. A three-dimensional detailed in Secs. 3 and 4). Additionally, Fig. 2(b) shows a modifi-
CAD design is presented for each mechanism proposed. cation in the axis of the roller assembly to include a larger number

Fig. 1 Sketches of the three constant-force mechanisms proposed: (a) CFM-1, (b) CFM-2, and (c) CFM-3

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Fig. 2 Three-dimensional CAD designs of the three constant-force mechanisms: (a) CFM-1, (b) CFM-2 with four springs
arranged in parallel, and (c) CFM-3

of springs arranged in parallel (Fig. 2 shows four spring in parallel along the surfaces, only rolling friction occurs [40]. These friction
but a larger number is possible). forces can be expressed as the product of the coefficient of the
rolling friction lr and the normal force at the contact
3 Constant-Force Condition Equations
Ff ¼ lr N (1)
From the operating principle of the CFMs described in Sec. 2,
one can define the shape of the cam in order to achieve a constant From the force diagram at Fig. 3, the equilibrium equations in
force at the input link. Based on a quasi-static force analysis of the horizontal and vertical directions can be written as
the mechanisms, the mathematical conditions that must be ful-
filled will be used to define the cam profiles. In the following, it is FK þ Ff 1 þ Ff 2 sin b ¼ N2 cos b (2)
assumed that inertial forces due to the moving masses are negligi-
ble. This assumption is accurate enough for low accelerations and N1 ¼ N2 sin b þ Ff 2 cos b (3)
in static position. Also, when the weights of the springs and the
rollers are small compared with the input force, as will be usual, where b is the angle between the tangent to the imaginary curve
their contribution in the dynamics of the mechanism will be negli- that describes the axis of the roller and the vertical axis. The slope
gible even for higher acceleration. of this curve is defined as

3.1 Analysis of Constant-Force Mechanism-1. The external dx

tan b ¼ (4)
force acting at the input link of the mechanism can be expressed dy
as a function of the parameters of the mechanism. Figure 3 depicts
the forces acting on the rollers assembly when the rollers move Note that x defines the cam profile while y defines the axis of sym-
upward, where N1 and N2 are the normal forces at the contact with metry of the cam.
the horizontal rod and the cam, respectively; Ff 1 is the rolling fric- The spring force FK, for an ideal linear spring, is expressed as
tion force between the roller and the rod; Ff 2 is the rolling friction
between the roller and cam surface; and FK is the restitution force FK ¼ 2KDx (5)
of the linear spring. Assuming that the rollers roll without slipping
where K is the stiffness coefficient and 2Dx is the total elongation
of the spring. According to Fig. 3, this elongation 2Dx is the dif-
ference between the actual length 2x and the rest length 2x0 of the
Using Eqs. (1), (3), and (5), Eq. (2) can be written as
l sin b  cos b
2KDx þ N1 lr1 þ r2 ¼0 (6)
sin b þ lr2 cos b

Since the mechanism is symmetric, the normal force N1 will be

the half of the external force F

N1 ¼ (7)
Finally, substituting Eq.(7) in Eq. (6), the input force F is
expressed as a function of the stiffness coefficient K, the spring
elongation Dx, the coefficients of rolling friction, lr1 and lr2 , and
the slope of the curve
1  lr2 tan b
F ¼ 4K Dx  lr1 (8)
tan b þ lr2
Fig. 3 Forces diagram for the rollers assembly of CFM-1 A

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Since spring stiffness K is a constant, the geometric condition The tension force of the brace is related with the force F
of the cam profile for constant-force results in according to
1  lr2 tan b F ¼ 2Ft cos a (15)
A ¼ Dx  lr1  constant (9)
tan b þ lr2
Finally, substituting Eq. (14) in Eq. (15), the input force F is
Then, for given values of force F and spring stiffness K, the determined as
required value of the constant A is obtained from Eq. (8) and a  1
unique profile of the cam that complies with Eq. (9) can be 1  lr tan b
F ¼ 4K Dx  tan a (16)
derived. The shape of the cam profile will depend on the spring tan b þ lr
stiffness. The influence of this design parameter in the perform- B
ance of the mechanism will be studied in Sec. 5.
The direction of the friction forces drawn in Fig. 3 represents The previous expression is quite similar to the Eq. (8) for
an upward displacement of the rollers. Alternatively, if the rollers CFM-1 but including a new parameter, the angle a of the brace.
move downward, the friction forces turn to the opposite direction For a given spring stiffness K and a required constant force value,
and the signs preceding the rolling friction coefficient in Eq. (8) the shape of the cam must verify that the term in parenthesis in
changes as follows: Eq. (16) keeps constant
 1  1
1 þ lr2 tan b 1  lr tan b
F ¼ 4KDx þ lr1 (10) B ¼ Dx  tan a  constant (17)
tan b  lr2 tan b þ lr

Finally, when friction is ignored, the force equation reduces to When friction is ignored, the Eq. (16) simplifies to
F ¼ 4KDx tan b (11)  1
F0 ¼ 4KDx  tan a (18)
3.2 Analysis of Constant-Force Mechanism-2. In a similar tan b
way, the equilibrium equations and the constant-force condition
are obtained for CFM-2. The free-body diagram of the roller is
shown in Fig. 4. The equilibrium equations in the horizontal and 3.3 Analysis of Constant-Force Mechanism-3. Figure 5
vertical directions can be written as shows the forces acting on the roller for CFM-3. The equilibrium
equations in the radial and circumferential directions are written
FK þ Ft sin a þ Ff sin b ¼ N cos b (12) as

FK þ Ff sin b ¼ N cos b þ F sin b (19)

N sin b þ Ff cos b ¼ Ft cos a (13)
N sin b þ Ff cos b ¼ F cos b (20)
where a is the angle between the brace and the y-axis and Ft is the
tension force of the brace. Using Eqs. (1), (5), and (13), Eq. (12)
can be written as: For a linear spring, the spring force is given by
  FK ¼ KDr (21)
l sin b cos a  cos b cos a
2KDx þ Ft sin a þ r ¼0 (14)
sin b þ lr cos b
where the elongation of the spring Dr is the difference between
the actual length r and the rest length r0 of the spring. Using
Eqs. (1), (20), and (21), Eq. (19) can be written as

Fig. 4 Forces diagram for the roller of CFM-2 Fig. 5 Forces diagram for the roller of CFM-3

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lr cos b sin b cos2 b 4.1 Detailed Definition of the Trajectory of the Roller
KDr þ F ¼F þ sin b Center of Constant-Force Mechanism-1. In order to obtain the
sin b þ lr cos b sin b þ lr cos b trajectory of the roller center required in design CFM-1, Eq. (9) is
(22) rewritten as follows:
0 1
or dx
B1  lr2 C
    B dy C
lr cos b sin b 1 þ lr cos b sin b Dx ¼ AB  lr1 C (29)
KDr þ F ¼F (23) @ dx A
sin b þ lr cos b sin b þ lr cos b þ lr2

Finally, simplifying Eq. (23) the input force F for CFM-3 is where tan b in Eq. (9) has been substituted by dx=dy in agreement
defined as follows: with the definition of axes in Fig. 3. The following nonlinear first-
order differential equation can be obtained from the previous one
F ¼ K Drðsin b þ lr cos bÞ (24)
|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} as follows:
dx 1  lr2 f ð xÞ
The condition for a constant-force mechanism requires that the ¼ (30)
dy lr2 þ f ð xÞ
term in parenthesis be constant
C ¼ Drðsin b þ lr cos bÞ  constant (25)
f ð xÞ ¼ ð x  x0 Þ þ lr1 (31)
Finally, if friction is neglected, Eq. (24) can be simplified to A

F0 ¼ KDr sin b (26) An implicit first-order integration formula is utilized to solve

differential Eq. (30). The numerical scheme is based on Euler’s
Here, further comments on the force given by Eq. (24) are backward finite difference formula
required. As shown in Fig. 5, the force F is acting to the axis of 
dx  xk  xk1
the roller. This force will be different to the force required at the ¼ þ OðhÞ (32)
other end of the roller chain as some friction takes place between dy yk h
the rollers of the chain and the cam. This friction force will
depend, among others, on the value of the force F, on the distance where h is the integration step size in variable y. The use of the
between chain rollers and on the winding angle, which continu- previous equation leads to the following iteration equation:
ously varies with the movement of the mechanism. In this work,
the friction of the roller chain has not been included in the model 1  lr2 f ðxk Þ
xk  xk1  h ¼0 (33)
and, therefore, the only rolling friction effect considered is that of lr2 þ f ðxk Þ
the main roller.
which has to be solved for an initial value of x (xðy0 Þ ¼ X0 with
4 Numerical Integration of the Trajectory of the y0 ¼ 0) by using an iterative algorithm for solving nonlinear equa-
tions. Note that X0 is different to x0, meaning that the spring may
Roller Center be elongated at y ¼ 0. In this research, Newton–Raphson method
Each one of the three conceptual designs of constant force [41] has been used to solve Eq. (33). While the order of the finite
mechanism presented in this paper requires a different trajectory difference formula utilized for the integration could be improved,
of the roller center that in principle can be obtained from Eqs. (9), it has demonstrated to be enough for the purpose of this research.
(17), and (25), respectively. Note that the cam profile can be eas- Figure 6 shows different trajectories of the roller center
ily obtained from the trajectory of the roller, x–y, its radius, R, and obtained for a certain combination of target force, F, and spring
the normal to the cam profile. In particular, according to Figs. 3 properties, see figure caption, and different values of the rolling
and 4, the Cartesian coordinates of the cam profile for concepts friction coefficient. In the figure, it has been shown in the same
CFM-1 and CFM-2 can be obtained as follows: color curves corresponding to the same rolling friction value, but
      with opposite direction of the motion. For each pair of curves in
xc x cos b the same color, the one at the left corresponds to the motion of the
¼ þR (27)
yc y sin b roller in upward direction according to Fig. 3. It is interesting that
the trajectory of the roller center only ensures a constant force in
where xc  yc are the coordinates of the contact point in the cam one direction of the motion. Note that a nonrealistic and exces-
profile and angle b defines the orientation of the normal to the sively large value of the rolling friction (lr ¼ 0:02) has been
cam profile at the contact point, see Figs. 3 and 4. On the other included to remark the different shapes required for the cam
hand, the Cartesian coordinates of the cam profile for concept depending on the motion direction.
CFM-3 are obtained as follows: The robustness of the numerical integration algorithm used to
      obtain the trajectory of the roller center has been studied through a
xc x cosðh  bÞ convergence test. The test consists of finding the same trajectory for
¼ þR (28) different values of the step size, h, ranging from 1:0  101 mm to
yc y sinðh  bÞ
1:0  102 mm. As it is shown in Fig. 7, the roller center trajectories
where xc  yc are again the coordinates of the contact point in the obtained for 1:0  101 mm and for 1:0  102 mm are almost the
cam profile and angles b and h are used to obtain the orientation same and the generation of the profiles with h ¼ 1:0  101 mm
of the normal to the cam profile at the contact point, see Fig. 5. seems to be accurate enough for the purpose of this investigation.
This section deals with the utilization of the previous
referred equations to precisely obtain each one of the trajecto- 4.2 Detailed Definition of the Trajectory of the Roller
ries of the roller centers. In Sec. 5, a discussion on the use of Center of Constant-Force Mechanism-2. In order to obtain the
each cam mechanism depending on its friction characteristics is trajectory of the roller center required in design CFM-2, Eq. (17)
included. is rewritten as follows:

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 2 !12
1 x x
f ð xÞ ¼ ð x  x0 Þ þ 1 (37)
B lt lt

The implicit first-order integration formula in Eq. (32) has been

used once more to obtain the following iteration equation:

1  lr f ðxk Þ
xk  xk1  h ¼0 (38)
lr þ f ðxk Þ

which has to be solved for an initial value of x (xðy0 Þ ¼ X0 with

y0 ¼ 0) by using an iterative algorithm for solving nonlinear equa-
tions. As occurs in concept CFM-1, X0 is different to x0, meaning
that the spring is elongated at y ¼ 0. Again, Newton–Raphson
method [41] has been used to solve Eq. (38) since it has demon-
strated to be efficient enough for the purpose of this research.
Figure 8 shows different trajectories of the roller center
Fig. 6 Trajectory of the roller center of concept CFM-1 obtained for a certain combination of target force, F, cable
obtained by numerical integration. All curves are generated for length, and spring properties, see figure caption, and different
a target force of 30 N and a spring with natural length of 180 mm values of the rolling friction coefficient. In the figure, it has
and stiffness constant, K, of 4 N/mm. been shown in the same color curves corresponding to the same
rolling friction value, but with opposite direction of the motion.
For each pair of curves in the same color, the one at the left
corresponds to the motion of the roller in upward direction
according to Fig. 4. Again, a nonrealistic excessively large value
of the rolling friction (lr ¼ 0:02) has been included to remark
the different shapes required for the cam depending on the
motion direction.
As a mean of comparison between design concepts CFM-1
and CFM-2, different trajectories of the roller center have been
obtained and shown in Fig. 9 for the same combination of target
force, rolling friction, and spring characteristics. As shown in
the figure, there are slight differences in both designs that disap-
pear as the brace length of CFM-2 tends to large values. Of
course, this is reasonable since in concept CFM-2 the direction
of the pulling force ends up to be vertical when the brace are
infinitely long and therefore concept CFM-2 converges to con-
cept CFM-1.
A convergence test similar to the one shown in Fig. 7 was per-
formed to select an appropriate value of the integration step size.
The test is not shown again for not to unnecessarily increase the
text length.
Fig. 7 Convergence of the numerical integration scheme for
different step sizes. All curves are generated for a target force
of 30 N, a value of the rolling friction, lr of 0.002 and a spring
with natural length of 180 mm and stiffness constant, K, of
4 N/mm.

0 1
B 1  l r C
B dy C
Dx ¼ BB  tan aC (34)
@ dx A
þ lr

where again tan b in Eq. (17) has been substituted by dx=dy in

agreement with the definition of axes in Fig. 4. Furthermore, tan a
in Eq. (34) can be developed in terms of variable x as

 2 !12
x x
tan a ¼ 1 (35)
lt lt

Finally, the following nonlinear first-order differential equation

can be obtained from the previous two as follows:
Fig. 8 Trajectory of the roller center of concept CFM-2
obtained by numerical integration. All curves are generated for
dx 1  lr f ð xÞ a target force of 30 N, a cable of length lt, of 250 mm and a
¼ (36) spring with natural length of 180 mm and stiffness constant, K,
dy lr þ f ð xÞ of 4 N/mm.

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between the tangent and the perpendicular to the radius vector
from the center of the cam to the center of the roller, see again
Fig. 5, the term cos b can be easily evaluated by using the expres-
sion of the scalar product as follows:
cos b ¼ dh  (40)

where h is an angular coordinate used to describe the trajectory of

the roller center in cylindrical coordinates. In Eq. (40), t is a vec-
tor perpendicular to the radius vector r

t ¼ ½ r sin h r cos h T (41)

and ðdr=dhÞ is a vector tangent to the cam profile,

dr dr dr
Fig. 9 Comparison of the trajectory of the roller center for con-
¼ r sin h þ cos h r cos h þ sin h (42)
dh dh dh
cept CFM-1 and concept CFM-2 width several values of brace
length lt. All curves are generated for a target force of 30 N, a
Therefore, the expression of cos b can be reduced to
value of the rolling friction, lr of 0.002 and a spring with natural
length of 180 mm and stiffness constant, K, of 4 N/mm. r
cos b ¼ s 2  2 (43)
dr dr
4.3 Detailed Definition of the Trajectory of the Roller r sin h þ cos h þ r cos h þ sin h
Center of Constant-Force Mechanism-3. In this section, dh dh
Eq. (25) is utilized to find the trajectory of the roller center of
mechanism CFM-3. In order to do that, the mentioned equation is Finally, the trajectory of the roller center is obtained by approxi-
rewritten as follows: mating the derivative ðdr=dhÞ again by using an implicit first-
order finite difference formula as
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi C
1  cos2 b þ lr cos b ¼ (39) 
r  r0 dr  rk  rk1
¼ þ Oðhh Þ (44)
dh hk hh
where it has been used that Dr ¼ r  r0 , being r0 the natural
length of the spring according to Fig. 5. Since b is the angle which leads to the following iterative nonlinear problem:

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi C
1  cos2 bk þ lr cos bk  ¼ 0;
rk  r0
cos bk ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 2  2 (45)
rk  rk1 rk  rk1
rk sin hk þ cos hk þ rk cos hk þ sin hk
hh hh

The previous nonlinear problem is solved for an initial value of The test is not shown again for not to unnecessarily increase the
r (rðh0 Þ ¼ R0 with h0 ¼ 0) by using an iterative algorithm for text length.
solving nonlinear equations. Note that R0 is different to r0,
meaning that the spring may be elongated at h ¼ 0. As previ- 5 Influence of the Rolling Friction and Design
ously mentioned, Newton–Raphson method [41] is used to find
the trajectory of the roller center in terms of cylindrical coordi- Considerations
nates, r and h. Since rolling friction affects the value of the force at the input
Figure 10 shows different trajectories of the roller center link, it is important to study its influence in the response of the
obtained for a certain combination of target force, F, and spring mechanism concerning the constant-force condition. In a first
properties, see figure caption, and different values of the rolling approach to the design problem, one can define the trajectory of
friction coefficient. In the figure, it has been shown in the same the roller center by two different ways. In the first case, the trajec-
color curves corresponding to the same rolling friction value, but tory of the roller center is derived ignoring friction effects. As far
with opposite direction of the motion. For each pair of curves in as authors know, this is the procedure used in all previous works.
the same color, the one with the smallest radius corresponds to the Liu et al. [26,27], for a friction analysis, once designed the cam
rotation of the roller in counterclockwise direction according to profile without friction consideration, studied the deviation of the
Fig. 5. Again, a nonrealistic excessively large value of the rolling force applied to the input link due to the friction force. In the
friction (lr ¼ 0:02) has been included to remark the different second case, the cam profile can be designed accounting for
shapes required for the cam depending on the motion direction. the friction forces as shown in Sec. 4. This strategy is useful when
A convergence test similar to the one shown in Fig. 7 was per- the requirement of constant-force condition is preferable only in
formed to select an appropriate value of the integration step size. one movement direction of the mechanism stroke. Note that since

Journal of Mechanical Design AUGUST 2018, Vol. 140 / 082302-7

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Fig. 11 CFM-1. Ratio of the force without friction F 0 and the
Fig. 10 Trajectory of the roller center of concept CFM-3 force with friction F for different values of the rolling friction
obtained by numerical integration. All curves are generated for coefficient, when the rollers moves in positive direction of y-
a target force of 30 N and a spring with natural length of 180 mm axis (continuous lines) and when the rollers moves in negative
and stiffness constant, K, of 4 N/mm. direction of y-axis (discontinuous lines).

the friction force is opposed to the movement of the roller, as pre- the center of the roller for a desired constant force F of 30 N when
viously showed, the cam profile that meets constant-force condi- the rollers move in positive direction of y-axis (with a rolling
tions will be different for the loading movement than for the friction coefficient of 0.002) and for different spring stiffness
unloading movement of the mechanism. Also, to obtain a precise coefficients K; while Fig. 12(b) shows the corresponding forces
cam profile, the coefficient of rolling friction must be known. ratio F0 =F for coefficients of rolling friction lr1 ¼ lr2 ¼ 0:002
Since such rolling friction coefficient is difficult to be known (this value of rolling friction may correspond to a hard material as
accurately, and may change over time due to wear or changes in hardened steel [40]). According to Figs. 12(a) and 12(b), to reduce
operational conditions, the study of the influence of the coefficient the influence of the rolling friction, given a target constant force,
of rolling friction in the performance of the mechanism is of inter- it is preferable to use springs with small stiffness values. This
est. In this section, the influence of the friction forces and the leads to cam profiles with small slope values, see the cam profile
design parameters in the performance of the three mechanisms depicted in black in Fig. 12(a). The choice of the spring-cam pair
proposed is analyzed. is a critical factor regarding the friction effects, especially when
For CFM-1, from Eqs. (8) and (11), the ratio of the force with- the mechanism requires a long stroke. Although it is not clearly
out friction F0 and the force with friction F results a function of appreciable in Fig. 12(b), the ratio F0 =F has a maximum for values
the slope of the cam profile and of the coefficients of rolling fric- of y around 1 mm; for smaller values in the y-axis, the ratio F0 =F
tion as decreases rapidly, as can also be understood from Fig. 11 when
the angle b approximate to p/2.
F0 1  lr2 tan b Other factors must be taken into account in the design process,
¼ tan b  lr1 (46) as space limitations that may limit the cam width, or the admissi-
F tan b þ lr2
ble elongation of the spring. The spring elongation is directly
The ratio F0 =F as a function of the angle b is plotted in Fig. 11 related with the stroke of the mechanism. Thus, when the largest
(continuous lines) for different values of the coefficient of rolling possible stroke is required, one must select springs with values of
friction. Note that these curves are independent of any other stiffness coefficient K and maximum admissible elongation 2Dx
design parameter of the mechanism. Values of angle b close to that allows the maximum stroke of the mechanism (coordinate y
zero or to p/2 lead to a higher influence of the friction forces. Dis- in Fig. 12(a)). Spring elongation may be a limitation for the use of
continuous lines represent the ratio F0 =F when the rollers move in these mechanisms in applications where a large stroke is required.
the opposite direction (negative direction of y-axis in Fig. 3) and A design solution to increase the stroke of the mechanism is to
then Eq. (10) instead of Eq. (8) is used. Figure 11 is useful to use, instead of two springs, a larger number of softer springs
know the deviation in the target force F0 , for an estimated rolling arranged in parallel, with the same resultant force (see Fig. 2(b)).
friction coefficient, when a cam profile without friction considera- In this way, since softer springs have larger allowable maximum
tions is designed. In the same way, similar curves can be obtained elongation, the stroke of the mechanism can be increased. The
to estimate the variations in the force value, due to changes in the possibility to add and remove springs in parallel allows to modify
friction coefficient value, when a cam profile is designed for a the resultant equivalent stiffness K, giving the mechanism the
given rolling friction coefficient. This study is of interest when the ability to easily change its input force F, as can be seen from
working conditions of the mechanism are subject to significant Eq. (8).
changes in the coefficient of rolling friction. In any case, it is Next, in a similar way, from Eqs. (16) and (18), the ratio of the
recommended to use materials for the cam and the rollers with a force without friction F0 and the force with friction F for CFM-2
rolling friction coefficient as low as possible. results in
As described in Sec. 3, for a required constant force value and a   1
given spring stiffness constant, there exists a cam profile that F0 1  lr tan b 1
¼  tan a  tan a (47)
meets the constant force condition. Then, in the design process, a F tan b þ lr tan b
pair of cam profile and spring stiffness must be selected. To visu-
alize the influence of the friction depending on the cam profile, where, in addition to the slope of the cam profile and the
Fig. 12(a) shows in solid lines the trajectory that must describe coefficient of rolling friction, the angle a between the brace and

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Fig. 12 (a) Solid lines show the trajectories of the roller center for a desired constant force F of 30 N, a value of the rolling fric-
tion coefficients, lr 1 5 lr 2 , of 0.002 and different spring stiffness for concept CFM-1 while dashed lines show the trajectories of
the roller center for a desired constant force F of 30 N, a rolling friction value, lr, of 0.002 and different spring stiffness
(lt 5 250 mm, x0 5 90 mm, X0 5 90 mm) for concept CFM-2 and (b) solid lines show the corresponding ratios of the force without
friction F 0 and the force with friction F (lr 1 5 lr 2 5 0.002) for concept CFM-1 while dashed lines show the corresponding ratios
of the force without friction F 0 and the force with friction F (lr 5 0.002) for concept CFM-2

the y-axis appears. In this case, to obtain the ratio F0 =F, some geo- seen that the influence of the friction forces is somewhat lower in
metric parameters of the mechanism must be known. For a brace CFM-1. The differences between CFM-1 and CFM-2 curves will
length lt ¼ 250 mm, a spring rest length 2x0 ¼ 180 mm and an ini- decrease for larger brace lengths of CFM-2; also the trajectories
tial condition X0 ¼ 90 mm, Fig. 12 shows in dashed lines the of the roller center of CFM-2 in Fig. 12(a) will approximate to
required trajectory of the roller center for a desired constant force CFM-1, as was shown in Fig. 9.
F of 30 N when the rollers move in positive direction of y-axis Finally, for CFM-3, from Eqs. (24) and (26), the ratio of the
(with a rolling friction coefficient of 0.002) and the corresponding force without friction F0 and the force with friction F results as
forces ratio F0 =F. Similarly to CFM-1, for softer springs, a wider
cam profile is preferred to decrease influence of the friction force. F0 1
¼ (48)
Also, space considerations and the required stroke for the F 1 þ lr
mechanism are limitations for the cam width and spring selection tan b
(stiffness coefficient and admissible elongation). In addition, for
CFM-2, the brace length lt must be selected, where the angle a in where the ratio F0 =F depends on the angle b and on the coefficient
Eq. (47) depends on the brace length lt (see Fig. 4). Figure 13 of rolling friction lr.
shows the effects of the brace length in the ratio F0 =F. For smaller The ratio F0 =F in function of the angle b is plotted in Fig. 14
values of lt, the angle a will be larger and the tension force at the for different coefficients of rolling friction. The friction force
brace increases (see Eq. (15)); this results in higher values of the increases with lower values of the angle b, i.e., when the spring
normal force and therefore of the friction forces. Then, a large elongation, and therefore the normal force between the roller and
brace length is preferable instead a shorter one. Comparing the
forces ratio F0 =F for CFM-1 and CFM-2 in Fig. 12(b), it can be

Fig. 14 CFM-3. Ratio of the force without friction F 0 and the

Fig. 13 CFM-2. Ratio of the force without friction F 0 and the force with friction F for different coefficients of rolling friction,
force with friction F for different brace lengths lt (F 5 30 N, K 5 4 when the spring rotates counterclockwise (continuous lines)
N/mm, lr 5 0.002, x0 5 90 mm, X0 5 90 mm). and when the spring rotates clockwise (discontinuous lines).

Journal of Mechanical Design AUGUST 2018, Vol. 140 / 082302-9

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Fig. 15 CFM-3: (a) Trajectory of the roller center for a desired constant force F of 30 N, a rolling friction value, lr, of 0.002 and
different spring stiffness (r0 5 180 mm, R0 5 180 mm), and (b) the corresponding ratios of the force without friction F 0 and the
force with friction F for a coefficient of rolling friction lr 5 0.002 along the arc length

the cam, increases. Note that these curves of F0 =F versus b are force, spring stiffness, spring natural length, and brace length for
independent of the size of the cam and of any other design param- CFM-2, are equal to those used in Sec. 4. Additionally, rollers
eter of the mechanism. It is convenient to remember here that the with a diameter of 30 mm have been used. The roller center trajec-
force F in Eq. (48) represents the force acting on the roller axis tory used in the construction of the cam profile was obtained
instead the force at the final end of the roller chain, i.e., the fric- according to the method described in Sec. 4, where an upward dis-
tion between the roller chain and the cam has not been included. placement of the rollers (positive direction of the y-axis) and a
This means that the ratio F0 =F, in case that F is the force at the rolling friction coefficient of 0.002 were considered in the condi-
end of the roller chain, will differ from the curves shown in tion of constant force. Figure 16 shows the trajectory described by
Fig. 14, mainly for angles b close to p/2, where the ratio F0 =F the roller axis and its corresponding cam profile. Due to the proce-
would be less than one. dure used to obtain the cam profile from the roller center trajec-
Figure 15(a) shows the trajectory of the center of the roller for tory, it may happen to find arcs of the cam profile that are locally
a desired constant force F of 30 N (with a rolling friction coeffi- concave. In particular, this happens for the arc of roller center tra-
cient of 0.002) and for different spring stiffness coefficients K, jectory between points 0 and 1 in Fig. 16. Since such concave arcs
while Fig. 15(b) shows the corresponding forces ratio F0 =F along of the cam profile are not usable, the simulation has been per-
the traveled arc length when the spring rotates counterclockwise formed for fully convex arcs of cam profile. Therefore, an initial
for a coefficient of rolling friction lr ¼ 0.002. The traveled arc coordinate y1 different to zero has been defined for each simula-
length, Dl, has been numerically integrated by using the following tion. Table 1 summarizes the minimum and maximum values of
formula: the roller axis coordinate y (y1 and y2) for an input displacement
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (stroke) of 100 mm, and its corresponding angles b (b1 and b2).
ð lf ð h f  2 For CFM-3, values of minimum and maximum angles h are given
Dl ¼ dl ¼ þ ðr Þ2 dh (49) as more representative values instead of the coordinate y.
l0 h0 dh In the simulations, the contacts between the solids have been
defined as no penetration but separation allowed. A value of fric-
where the polar coordinates have been used for simplicity tion coefficient lr of 0.002 has been used for the contact between
(x ¼ r cos h; y ¼ r sin h). Figure 15(b) shows larger values of the the rollers and the cams. The same value has been used for the
force ratio than those in Fig. 12(b) for the same spring stiffnesses. friction lr2 between the roller and the horizontal bar in CFM-1.
As for CFM-1 and CFM-2, a soft spring is preferable in order to Additionally, deformation of the solids due to the contact forces is
minimize the influence of the friction and to increase the stroke of calculated during the simulations, where a contact stiffness of
the mechanism. Again, the use of soft springs leads to small slope 100 GPa is used to approximate the material stiffness at the
cam profiles. boundary of interaction between the two solids in contact

6 Validation of the Constant-Force Mechanism

Designs Based on Computational Simulation
Table 1 Model parameters
Simulations of the constant force mechanisms have been made
to validate the cam profiles obtained from the numerical integra- Parameter CFM-1 CFM-2 CFM-3
tion method described in Sec. 4 and also to study the response of
the mechanism to some possible manufacturing defects or not Desired constant force (N) 30 30 30
ideal working conditions. Simulations were carried out by using Spring stiffness coefficient (N/mm) 4 4 4
the well-known commercial software SOLIDWORKS motion, whose Spring natural length (mm) 180 180 180
simulation capabilities employ the simulation engine ADAMS/ Brace length (mm) — 250 —
Solver to solve the equations of motion and calculates forces act- Roller diameter (mm) 30 30 30
ing in each component of the assembly. Stroke (mm) 100 100 100
Min/max y coordinate, y1 =y2 (mm) 6.4/110.4 5.2/112.3 -/-
Min/max h angle, h1 =h2 (rad) -/- -/- 0.094/0.56
6.1 Models Definition. Design parameters used in the simu- Initial/final cam angles, b1 =b2 (rad) 0.37/0.091 0.39/0.089 0.62/0.17
lations are shown in Table 1. Values for the desired constant

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Fig. 17 Force hysteresis loops of the three CFMs for rolling
friction coefficient lr 5 0:002. Light color curves have been
obtained for lr 5 0.

elastic contact behavior was not taken into account in the develop-
ments of Sec. 3. Figure 18 shows, for CFM-1, the force results for
different contact stiffness values, where larger differences with
respect to the desired force are drawn for softer materials. These
results show that, in addition to their beneficial lower rolling fric-
tion coefficient, hard materials such as steel are also preferable
due to their lower deformation during contact. It should be pointed
out that, although the hysteresis loop for CFM-3 in Fig. 17 is
smaller than for CFM-1 and CFM-2, this force curve for CFM-3
has been obtained without friction forces in the contact between
the roller chain and the cam. The influence of the roller chain fric-
Fig. 16 Roller axis trajectory and its equidistant curve that tion will depend on the length where the roller chain is in contact
define the cam profile with the cam, which varies with the displacement.

(100 GPa is the default value for steel in SolidWorks material

data). 6.3 Response to Defects. Further simulations have been car-
For CFM-1 and CFM-2, simulations have been carried out start- ried out to study the response of the constant-force mechanisms
ing with an upward displacement of the roller from the lower end under some occasional defects. In the following, simulations with
of the cam profile (y1). Once the rollers achieve the maximum dis- the CFM-1 model have been made to analyze the effect of irregu-
placement at y2, it returns downward to the initial position. In a larities in the cam profile, which can be caused by manufacturing
similar way, the simulations of the CFM-3 model have been real- errors, wear, or the presence of hard granular contaminants in
ized with an input displacement of 100 mm, varying the roller axis dirty environments. The irregularities have been modeled as three
position from h1 to h2 and returning back to h1. The simulations small cusps located along the cam surface. Figure 19(a) show
were carried out in all cases in quasi-static conditions using very high value force peaks, up to 10 N for cusps of 0.1 mm height,
slow velocities. when the rollers reach these irregularities. The force peaks are

6.2 Validation of the Constant-Force Mechanisms. Figure 17

shows the results of the force value versus displacement for the
three CFMs. Force values in the upward displacement maintain a
quite constant value, and near to the desired force of 30 N. An
appreciable hysteresis loop is drawn when the rollers move in the
opposite direction, with a small fall in the force values. Figure 17
also shows the force curves obtained when the simulations are
done without friction (lr ¼ 0) in light color (where there is no
hysteresis). The relation between the values of the force without
friction F0 and the force in upward direction F for each CFM can
be compared with those obtained in Sec. 5 (Figs. 12(b) and 15(b)),
where very similar values are obtained. As example, for CFM-1,
Fig. 17 gives a relation F0 =F  0:98 at an input displacement of
80 mm, which fits the value given by Fig. 12(b) for y ¼ y1 þ 80 ¼
6:4 þ 80 ¼ 86:4 mm. Thus, simulation results are consistent with
Secs. 4 and 5. Average values of the force obtained in the simula-
tions for CFM-1, CFM-2, and CFM-3 are slightly lower than the
desired force of 30 N. These differences are attributed to the pene-
tration in the contact between the rollers and the cam, which is Fig. 18 Force hysteresis loops of CFM-1 for different roller-
calculated during the simulations. It must be noted that such cam contact stiffness, Kc

Journal of Mechanical Design AUGUST 2018, Vol. 140 / 082302-11

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Fig. 19 Force peaks due to the presence of cusps at three points in the cam surface of CFM-1, (a) for two different cusps
height, and (b) for two different cams profile with the same desired constant force but different spring stiffness

larger for the cusps located near to the top of the cam due to the Latter, a comparison with existing designs is summarized at the
higher spring force. Figure 19(b) shows curves for two cam pro- second part of this section.
files with the same desired constant force but for two different
spring stiffness constant. These curves show that the effect of the 7.1 Comparison of the Three Constant-Force Mechanisms.
cusps decreases for small slope cam profiles (i.e., small spring In spite of the similarity of the three CFMs proposed, where all of
stiffness). This is attributed to the fact that the increase in the them are based on the use of a cam profile, springs, and rollers,
spring force due to the cusps is smaller in soft spring than in stiffer Table 2 resumes the main differences between them. None of the
ones. three design solutions presents special mechanical complexity,
Finally, another manufacturing or assembly error has been where CFM-2 stands out for its simplicity and reduced number of
simulated. Figure 20 shows the force hysteresis loops for different components. As pointed in Sec. 2, simple modification of the
deviations of the spring rest length (from 1 to 1 mm) from its mechanisms can be done to allow CFM-1 and CFM-2 to work
theoretical value. These simulations may reproduce the effect of a with constant compression forces. On the contrary, there is no
manufacturing or assembly error that modifies the distance direct modification of the CFM-3 that allows it to work in this
between the rollers, or an error in the spring rest length estimation way.
for preloaded extension springs. For a deviation of 1 mm, results For all of the designs proposed, the stroke of the mechanism is
show a variation of 3 N (10%) in the force at the beginning of the limited by the admissible spring elongation. Small differences
displacement, while this difference is reduced to 1 N at the end. have been found between the three CFMs. CFM-1 and CFM-2
Then, a precise assembly without gaps and an accurate value of show almost the same maximum displacement for the same
the spring rest length is required for a good response of the spring, while CFM-3 reaches a slightly greater stroke.
mechanism. An important aspect of the performance of the mechanisms is
the influence of the rolling friction and the force hysteresis loop.
7 Performance Comparison As showed in Fig. 17, CFM-1 and CFM-2 hysteresis loops are
quite similar for a brace length lt of 250 mm. Short brace lengths
Based on the results of Secs. 5 and 6, a performance compari-
of CFM-2 should be avoided so as not to increase the friction
son between the three constant force mechanisms is discussed.
effects. Hysteresis loop increases with the rolling friction coeffi-
cient and the stroke of the mechanisms. Regarding CFM-3, the
friction forces and hysteresis loop will depend on the length of the
roller chain in contact with the cam.
Common characteristics of the three CFMs for a better design
are the use of soft springs together with small slope cam profiles
to reduce the friction force influence and the effects of occasional
defects, and the use of stiff and low rolling friction coefficient
materials, as hardened steel, for the rollers and cams.

7.2 Comparison With Existing Constant-Force Mecha-

nisms. The designs of the three CFMs proposed are based on the
use of linear springs and cams, so all of them must be included in
the same group of CFMs according to the existing classifications.
As described in the Introduction, the three design presented
belong to the group of those CFMs that comprises linear springs
that moves along a nonlinear geometry, see Bidgoly et al. [3]. A
more detailed classification and comparison between the different
types of CFMs was presented in the literature review of Wang and
Xu [2]. In that work, the CFMs are classified, as in Ref. [3], in
two main approaches: conventional rigid-link constant force
Fig. 20 Force hysteresis loops for variations in the spring rest mechanisms and fully compliant constant force mechanisms. The
length (CFM-1) main advantage of the conventional rigid-link CFMs (the group

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Table 2 Comparative of the three CFMs


Mechanical complexity Simple Very simple Simple

Input force action Traction or compression Traction or compression Traction
Stroke Limited by the spring elongation Limited by the spring elongation Limited by the spring elongation.
Somewhat larger than CFM-1 and
Friction influence and Dependent on the cam slope and Increase for short brace length. Higher than CFM-1 and CFM-2.
hysteresis stroke. Slightly lower than CFM-2 Dependent on the cam slope and Conditioned by the roller chain
stroke friction. Dependent on the cam slope
and stroke

that our three designs belong to) is that can be designed for large Funding Data
stroke, also, in general, the mathematical model and structure is
simpler than in compliant mechanisms. Compliant constant force  This work has been partially funded by the Spanish
mechanisms are usually of compact size and do not have rolling “Ministerio de Economıa y Competitividad” under the pro-
or sliding components, avoiding the problem of friction and ject DEP2016-80296-R (AEI/FEDER, UE).
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