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Enel’s Fusina hydrogen-fed power generation

M. Balestri*, G. Benelli*, F. Donatini*, F. Arlati ** , G.Conti**
* Enel GEM/AT Ricerca, Via A.Pisano 120 56100 Pisa, (Italy)
** ENEL GEM/SRI, Milano, (Italy)

Abstract -- The project foresees the erection of a 12 MWe There is in fact a wide social acceptability in the public
hydrogen-fed gas turbine cycle able to couple high efficiency opinion for hydrogen economy for the following main
fuel utilization with low nitrogen-oxide emissions. The reasons:
project will be put into practice at Enel’s coal-fired Fusina • When used, hydrogen generates water as the main
power plant.
by-product and not CO2, which is generally
The aim of a first demonstrative phase is to verify the
correct operation of the gas turbine with pure hydrogen as considered the cause of the greenhouse effect
fuel and to acquire know-how of hydrogen combustion, • It’s generally considered a “zero emissions” clean
safety aspects and control technologies in gas cycles. In a fuel if used with fuel cells
second phase of the program, the goal will be to optimize the • Its typical use will be transport and stationary
combustion technology, paying particular attention to NOx generation in urban centres to ecologically generate
emissions. electric power and heat on a small scale
At this stage the final design of the plant has been
• In energy conversion, hydrogen, unlike electricity,
completed, the public and statutory permission for
construction has been obtained and the gas turbine has been can be considered “intermediate in time” because it
chosen and ordered. This paper will present the final design “stores” the energy spent generating it and can, in
of the plant as well as the on-going development program turn, be stored; in essence, it functions like a battery
for the design and testing of the low NOx hydrogen-fed and could be a strategic asset for the energy market
combustion chamber. for storing the excess energy produced overnight in
base coal or nuclear power plants or energy
Index Terms — Hydrogen, hydrogen cycle, hydrogen produced by renewable sources that is discontinuous
turbine, power generation in time
• Hydrogen, like electricity, can be considered
I. NOMENCLATURE “intermediate in space” because it carries energy
GE: General Electric Nuovo Pignone (FI) anywhere, for use in a distributed way
CREAR: Centro Ricerca Energie Alternative e • It is generally also considered “intermediate in
Rinnovabili (University of Florence) process”, encouraging the diversification of energy
CPR: Consorzio Pisa Ricerche fonts because it can be produced by both fossil and
DIMSET: Dipartimento di Macchine Sistemi Energetici renewable sources through several different
e Trasporti (University of Genova) processes and even by many small-size units
DIM: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica distributed across the territory
(University of Padova) For these reasons, hydrogen is almost unanimously
DIMS: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e considered the strategic clean energy carrier of the future
Strutturale Laboratorio di Ingegneria that will coexist with electric energy and natural gas;
(University of Trento) more and more research is focusing on technologies
IRC-CNR: Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione del enabling its use in every possible field, and the main
CNR (Napoli) industrialized countries (USA, Japan, EU and Canada)
CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics have financed large research and development programs
HRSG: Heat Recovery Steam Generator to sustain the start of the hydrogen economy.
LHV: Low Heat Value The main problem is how to economically produce the
necessary hydrogen for distributed uses without
II. INTRODUCTION increasing environmental pollution and CO2 emissions.
Possible future means of production are through:
In industrialized countries, many people think that the
future of energy lies in a hydrogen economy since it 1) chemical processes (reforming or coal gasification
offers a better quality of life for those living in large cities or others) starting from fossil fuels in large
and could be a force towards achieving sustainable advanced centralized plants with CO2 sequestration
growth. 2) advanced electrolysis processes, but only if the
The use of hydrogen fuel cells in the future for transport necessary electricity is produced in a clean way
and distributed generation is generally accepted to be a (zero emission plants if possible) and limiting CO2
way of decreasing pollution inside city centres and emissions (e.g. with renewable sources, nuclear
positive for the people who live there. source, fossil sources with CO2 sequestration)

1-4244-0632-3/07/$20.00 ©2007 IEEE. 456

This will probably be the long term future for energy, but x innovative combustion systems
it is very difficult to arrive at this hypothetical scenario x CO2 capture and sequestration
directly mid term due to the large number of technical x hydrogen
and economic difficulties and barriers. In order to get Starting from these general motivations, ENEL, being
there, an intermediate period will be necessary in which one of the main European electric energy and gas
all processes and technologies aimed at increasing operators and having a long-term strategic view, has
production and use of hydrogen and the diffusion of its decided to take an active part in hydrogen research and is
transfer network must be accepted, encouraged and working on a program dealing with both hydrogen
economically sustained to start up this new economy, production and utilisation, thus contributing towards
which is also a long way from the real start up point. starting the transition to the new hydrogen economy, and
As far as power generation is concerned, fuel cells seem it intends to lead this transition in Italy using its Research
to be the best choice, as they couple the highest Department.
conversion efficiencies with no pollutant emissions, but Since ENEL’s core business is the production of electric
their massive use can only be expected in the medium to energy, ENEL Research has given priority to the use of
long-term future and they will probably only be used for hydrogen for medium size power generation, but it also
distributed and small scale power generation. On the deals with hydrogen production through coal gasification,
contrary, the future technological frontier for large scale hydrogen storage, fuel cells and hydrogen-natural gas
power generation appears to be coal gasification mixture for transport.
integrated with advanced combined cycles including CO2 When ENEL started to work on a hydrogen-fed power
separation and hydrogen production; both the FuturGen generation plant in 2005, there were also short-term
project in the USA (275 MW of equivalent power) and economic incentives for the company to begin. At that
the RWE project in Germany are moving in this time, by considering hydrogen to be a renewable source
direction. of energy, Italian regulations made incentives available
for hydrogen power generation by providing utilities with
III. THE STRATEGIC MOTIVATIONS OF ENEL ABOUT a form of Green Certificate. This fact would in practice
HYDROGEN have allowed the energy producer to almost triple its
All energy dealers recognise the great importance of hydrogen-made electricity sale proceeds compared to
renewable resources for the future and Enel intends to be profits made from fossil fuels, but this advantage has
a leading energy company that strongly cares about been recently cancelled and at the moment, without any
environmental problems with its 2007-2011 programme economic help, hydrogen generation power plants are still
for “Research, Innovation and Renewable Resources”. not economically profitable. In spite of this not
In December 2006 Enel launched a large investment insignificant change in economic circumstances, Enel has
project that shows its real commitment towards research, decided to go on with its hydrogen project, demonstrating
technological innovation and development of renewable its real long-term strategic interest in this new energy
resources. carrier.
Enel’s mission statement is “Not changing the world”, The medium-period goals of the Enel hydrogen project
which emphasises its strategic vision to reinforce its are:
attention towards protecting the environment. x To acquire direct know-how of hydrogen
The size of the investment shows that this is a concrete combustion and NOx emission control
commitment, which has few paragons throughout the technologies in gas cycles (technological
world. feasibility, efficiency, long-term reliability,
For this reason, Enel will be developing a large availability)
investment programme over the next five years (2007- x To start acquiring know-how about all other
2011) for over four billion euros. The majority of this aspects concerning hydrogen as a possible energy
(3.3 billion euros) will be destined to developing carrier in the future, used either pure or mixed
renewable sources, building new plants to provide a total with methane (safety, landing, transport, storage,
of about 1700 MW, to which about 800 million euros are etc.)
to be added for investments in highly innovative new x Already having coal logistic infrastructures in its
projects. power plants, to evaluate the opportunity in the
This plan will avoid the production of over four million medium term to extract hydrogen from coal in an
tones of CO2 emissions a year. ecological and economical way with a
To reach this scope, Enel is committed in three main simultaneous production of electric energy
areas: through IGCC systems in innovatively designed
x renewable sources thermal power plants with CO2 separation
x energy efficiency and distributed generation x To evaluate opportunities in the long term to use
x “zero emissions” and hydrogen frontier innovative hydrogen cycles with high efficiency
ENEL’s investments planned in this third area are for and zero emissions
about 330 million euros assigned to research activities
and demonstrative innovative plants in the following

IV. HYDROGEN PARK populated areas with electricity and heat with very low
An interesting opportunity for a real demonstration of additional side effects to the environment.
hydrogen-fed power generation technology presented As the project feasibility study progressed in Marghera,
itself in Veneto about 3 years ago. practical difficulties were found in using the co-
The petrochemical plants of the Marghera industrial area generation heat for other civil or industrial uses so Enel
near Venice produce a significant amount of hydrogen at decided to adapt it to increase the efficiency of its coal
acceptable costs as a by-product from other existing fired generation power plant at Fusina.
processes and most of this hydrogen is only used to
produce process heat. This can be easily replaced by VI. THE PLANNED HYDROGEN DEMONSTRATION POWER
natural gas, and so hydrogen could be made available to PLANT
be used in a more innovative and efficient way in order to The above mentioned hydrogen demonstration power
start up new frontier technological applications. plant will consist of a 12 MWe hydrogen-fed gas turbine
In this industrial context, with the aim of promoting the cycle, closely integrated with the existing Fusina coal
development and application of hydrogen technologies in power plant units and able to couple high efficiency fuel
the transport and stationary generation sectors, a new utilisation with low nitrogen-oxide emissions.
consortium, named Hydrogen Park, was founded in 2003 Some critical aspects in the project have appeared since it
at this site in Venice, joining the forces of both private started:
companies (Sapio, Berengo, SAE Impianti, Unindustria x the hydrogen supply guaranteed by producers
Venezia, EVC Italia, etc.) and public companies (Vega, x the development of critical innovative
Venezia Tecnologie). ENEL, with its interest in hydrogen components
technology applications and with two important coal fired x the engineering phase of the different innovative
power plants on this site (Fusina and Marghera), saw the aspects together with the gas turbine maker
possibility of playing a concrete role in this field and towards reaching the stage of erecting and
decided to enter the consortium at the beginning of 2004. commissioning an industrial demonstrative plant
A new associated company was constituted in April 2005 x the economic aspects for long term operation in
from the transformation of the Hydrogen Park the absence of public support.
consortium, keeping the same name and aim, and under
Enel control (51% stake). VII. THE FUEL
This associated company has the potential to really drive
the expansion of the largest experimental park in Italy to The presence at the Marghera/Fusina site of such a
create a full-scale hydrogen-based economy in the complex industrial area with several chemical plants
following years by performing both research and producing hydrogen as a by-product, combined with the
experimental activities and new applied technologies, presence of large generation power plants has provided
providing opportunities for the entire site. an important technical and economical opportunity that
In this context, ENEL is working on a large scale has driven the installation of innovative hydrogen-fed
program for the development and testing of advanced plants.
hydrogen technologies. The hydrogen required to feed the new turbine will be
As a first step of the program, ENEL decided to build a supplied by the chemical plants operating close to the
medium-size hydrogen-fed demonstration plant for the power production site.
production of electric energy on the site of Enel Fusina The short distance between the Enel Fusina coal power
coal-fired power plant. It will be the first in the world in plant and the hydrogen producers means the hydrogen
terms of size and innovative technologies employed. can be carried by simply crossing a channel using an
The Fusina hydrogen-fed generation power plant is existing industrial bridge; the relative positions of the
envisaged in the future to be a full scale experimental facilities are shown in Figure 1. The purple line shows the
research station, further new innovative components can boundary of the Enel coal power plant. The yellow line is
also be tested for use in hydrogen technology. All these the hydrogen pipeline. Possible close hydrogen producers
research activities will be carried out through a close are indicated in red.
collaboration of the Enel Research Department with
Hydrogen Park.


The initial idea of the project 1 was to design an
independent hydrogen-fed gas turbine-based co-
generative cycle, in which steam injection in the gas
turbine would be adopted to couple high process
efficiencies with very low nitrous oxide emissions. This
kind of plant would have been able to provide densely

References n° 9 and 10

10 t/h to be achieved for each test cell with minimal
pressure losses.

Fig. 2 shows a panoramic image of ENEL’s existing

facilities at Sesta, which are specifically dedicated to
testing different kinds of gas turbine combustion

Fig. 1. A view of the area

At the moment, Enel has already placed a contract to

obtain hydrogen from Polimeri Europa and business
negotiations are underway with other producers to
increase the amount of hydrogen available for the project.

VIII. UPGRADING SESTA STATION FOR COMBUSTION Fig. 2. The gas turbine combustor test facilities at Sesta
Enel’s researchers have already gained direct experience
The development of innovative components such as
of hydrogen combustion with previous tests at Sesta and
hydrogen-fed gas turbine combustors will make heavy
Livorno as references show 3 and they will work in close
demands on full-scale hydrogen combustion tests.
collaboration with the gas turbine maker.
The chosen solution has therefore been to upgrade the
Particular attention shall also be paid to safety aspects
capabilities of Enel’s Sesta experimental station in
due to the presence of the large amount of hydrogen.
Tuscany, which has been utilized for many years for full-
scale combustion tests by all the main gas turbine makers
throughout the world (Siemens, GE, Ansaldo, MHI). IX. THE ENEL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
Enel was able to perform syngas and pure hydrogen tests
here in the past, but the best performances obtained were The whole programme foresees a close connection
not sufficient for the new needs of full scale plants. between investment and research activities.
The necessary new investments have just been made and The joint outstanding research activity will be only
the Sesta feed system upgrading was completed in partially sustained by funds from the Italian Ministry of
February 2007, making it now available for use both for the Environmental (MATT) and Veneto Region. The
Enel’s hydrogen project and, in the future, for other amount available for the “zero-emission cycle
customers’ tests. development with hydrogen combustion” research project
The Sesta facility is now able to perform the necessary is a maximum of 2 980 000 euros at 50 % to be divided
full scale tests, firing both pure hydrogen and gas between the Enel Research Department and the other
mixtures up to 0.36 kg/s at 20 bara thanks to the following research partners involved (GE, CREAR, CPR, DIMSET,
upgradings: DIMS, DIM , IRC). This funded research project started-
x Hydrogen storage capacity: has been increased from up in June 2006 and it has an expected duration of three
2 to 4 bottle track bunkers, reaching a total storage of years.
18000 Nm3 (4500 Nm3 at 200 bar for each bottle Mathematical computer simulations and atmospheric tests
track) will be carried out by the Enel Research Department in
x Hydrogen mass flow: a new 4" feed line in AISI 304L Pisa and Livorno respectively. The most promising
ANSI 600 has been installed, increasing the total burner solutions will also be tested under pressure with
hydrogen mass flow up to 0.360 kg/s at 20 bara pure hydrogen in full scale burner tests planned at the
x Natural gas storage: a new bottle track bunker has ENEL Sesta experimental station (Siena) starting from
already been installed and monitored, increasing the next summer.
total number of available bottle tracks from 4 to 5. The research activities will be divided into the following
x Steam mass flow and pressure: the steam feed plant tasks:
has been upgraded and a new 4" feed line in AISI 316 x conceptual development
ANSI 1500 has been installed from the boiler to each
test cell (1&2), permitting a total steam mass flow of 2
Reference n° 7
References n° 3, 4, 6 and 8

x preliminary activity concerning advanced Marghera petrochemical plants. The gas turbine chosen
diagnostic instruments for monitoring was GE 10 by GE Oil & Gas N. Pignone, originally
components during the tests (such as a new designed to run on natural gas. This gas turbine is quite
innovative flame vision system able to see in simple and has only one vertical combustion chamber.
the ultraviolet and visible fields and guarantee The original gas turbine to be modified is shown in Fig.
on-line flame vision) 3.
x mathematical computer simulations (to be
performed by CREAR)
x fluid dynamic atmospheric tests (planned in
Enel’s laboratories in Livorno) and CFD
analysis (to be performed by Enel and CPR 4)
x hot tests at Enel’s laboratories in Sesta for
promising combustor chamber prototype
x integration studies of the new hydrogen
combustion system in the existing gas turbine
(mainly performed by the gas turbine maker GE
and also by DIMSET5 and DIM 6 )
x long term experimental tests and continuous
operation of the hydrogen-fed power generation
plant at Fusina (charged at Enel)
x development of a second phase version of the Fig. 3. The natural gas turbine GE10 to be modified 9
combustion system
x preliminary studies for new technology low NOx XI. PLANT CYCLE DESCRIPTION
hydrogen combustion system (prevalently
The complete plant design foresees two different
performed by Enel and also by DIMS 7, IRC 8
pipelines that carry the hydrogen to the plant; one is un-
and GE )
purified hydrogen at 27 barg and the other is pure
The first step of the program is to modify the existing
hydrogen at 5 barg. It is necessary to raise the pressure of
original natural gas burner and the combustion chamber
the pure hydrogen before mixing it with the other to
in order to run the original machine with pure hydrogen
obtain a final mixture entering the combustion chamber
with only minor modifications, limiting the NOx
with 97.5 % purity (percentage by volume).
emissions to 200 ppmv , which is the contractual value for
The hydrogen cycle will be closely integrated with the
the GE order. In any case, ENEL researchers are still
existing coal fired power station.
confident of reaching below 100 ppmv with only minor
A simplified scheme of the process is shown in Fig. 4.
The second step is to develop a new burner that will
allow the hydrogen gas turbine to run with NOx emission H2

Electric output
values under 50 ppmv 11.44 M W e net from H2
In the medium term, the goal of the project is to arrive at
Comp. GasTurb. Gen.
a highly efficient hydrogen turbine with even lower NOx
Air 15°C
emission values (near zero emissions). Steam
Steam 340 °C 31 bar
Unit 4
320 M W e
w ith coal
In a long-term strategic view, this zero emission H2O

hydrogen burner could become a prototype of burners to Exhaust Increase of

be used by makers for future large hydrogen turbines. M ostly N2 e O2
H2O 140 °C gross thermal
cycle efficiency
H2O 53 °C from 45.25%
to 45.85%
41 °C H2O 33 °C in unit 4
41 °C

The size of the gas turbine (about 12 MWe) was chosen Condensate recovery

according to the availability of hydrogen from the

Fig. 4. General scheme 10

CPR will be involved in CFD simulations of the diffusion The exhaust flue gas coming from the turbine exit is sent
combustion chamber using Fluent, a commercial modeling program to a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) to produce
DIMSET will be mainly involved in heat exchange studies
concerning both the gas turbine blades (in the presence of high
steam. Part of this steam is re-used in the gas turbine
temperature fluids with high steam concentrations) and the heat combustion chamber with the aim of both minimizing the
recovery steam generator (where steam condensation is expected) NOx formation and increasing the efficiency of the cycle.
DIM will be mainly involved in computer simulations of the
combustion chamber thermoacustics
7 9
DIMS will be involved in studies of innovative new materials in Source: GE commercial brochure
the field of transpiration and effusion The 320 MW unit gross thermal cycle efficiency values reported
IRC will be involved in studies of catalytic combustion systems in the scheme are defined as the ratio between the electrical power
using pure hydrogen or hydrogen-natural gas mixture; new recently produced (measured at the output terminals of the main generator) and
developed materials will be studied. the thermal power adsorbed by the fluid in the boiler

The residual steam is sent to the coal fired power station, some (14 %) is re-injected at 140°C after the third low
thus contributing to an increase in the thermal efficiency pressure pre-heater and the remainder (5 %) is
of the plant. In the second part of the HRSG, the transformed into steam at 340 °C and mixed with the
condensate from the power station is heated-up before steam coming from the medium pressure turbine. There is
being re-sent to the plant. A considerable amount of heat also a residual amount (2 %) of water that enters the
is recovered from the wet gas thanks to the condensation combustion chamber of the hydrogen-fed gas turbine
of most of the water present, which will be re-injected which has to be re-integrated.
after treatment into the cycle of the nearby 320 MW coal
34 ata 538°C
fired power plant. Thanks to this integration, the 170 ata 538°C

hydrogen cycle will be able to produce up to 16 MW of 7,03 ata

electric power (about 12 MWe produced by the gas- Boiler

turbine and about 4 MWe as extra power produced by the

existing power station burning the same amount of coal) MP

with a total gross thermal efficiency of about 43 %.

More details of the base full load case with air
temperature at 15°C are presented in Fig. 5. 11

P 1 2 3
1 2 3
0,36 kg/s
H2 97,51 %v 36,85 MWt
CH4 1,738 %v 101.823 kJ/kg
N2 0,628 %v 11.893 Nm3/h cvt
CO 0,124 %v 0,1095 kg/Nm3 Thermal efficiency 31,06 % P
PM 2,455
20 bar 70°C Heat rate at ISO condition 11.590 kJ/kWh
Steam/fuel mass ratio = 3,37
H2 Steam/air mass ratio = 2,64 %

16 bar 4,57 kg/s

417 °C CC Steam H2O H2O H2O Steam
84,3 kg/ s 66,5 kg/ s 12,0 kg/ s 4,6 kg/ s
11,445 MWe
30 bar 53°C 140°C 340°C
CO GT GE 33°C 27,5 bar 25 bar 31 bar
47,76 kg/s
30,2 bar N2 70,98 %v PM 27,39 25,0 bar
240°C 140°C
Air 1,22 kg/s O2 14,61 %v
H2O 13,37 %v H2O 12,01 kg/s
Ar 0,85 %v
1,09 kg/s CO2 0,19 %v 340°C 31 bar
15°C 17,8 kg/s 27,5 bar
46,18 kg/s
60% relative umidity
101,3 kPa
inlet pressure losses 100mmH2O
5,79 kg/s H2O 53°C
66,51 kg/s Fig. 6. The existing 320 MWe unit 4 in Fusina Enel power plant
N2 77,30 %v Exhaust
O2 20,74 %v 0,10 kg/s losses 1,57 kg/s Exhaust
H2O 1,01 %v 250 32,5 bar 45,76 kg/s 41°C
Ar 0,92 %v mmH2O 238°C 228°C
CO2 0,03 %v 4,8 bar N2 75,80 %v
O2 15,60 %v
PM 28,85

PM 28,03
7,50 %v
0,90 %v
0,20 %v In this case, there is an increase in Unit 4 gross thermal
35 bar
5,89 kg/s
472°C 442°C 248°C 210°C 85°C 41°C
cycle efficiency 13 from 45.25 % to 45.85 %.
0,13 kg/s 5,75 kg/s

1,99 kg/s 41 °C
33 °C
30 bar
84,31 kg/s
On the contrary, calculations have demonstrated that if
Auxiliary power: 482 kW
the coal feed remains the same, it is possible to obtain
recovery about 4 MWe of extra power.
The complete plant design foresees similar connections to
Fig. 5. Detailed scheme coal-fed unit 2. The hydrogen turbine will be able to run
connected alternatively with either unit 4 or unit 2.
Referring to our old preliminary scheme12 that foresaw
operation with injected steam-to-air ratios of around 10 % XIII. PREDICTED PERFORMANCE
in weight, the amount of steam that can be injected in the The following Table I and Table II show the predicted
combustion chamber is limited by the characteristics of base performance of the plant.
the existing GE10 turbine and by real problems that still The efficiencies refer to the fuel LHV (Low Heat Value).
have to be solved (flame stability, surge margin,
mechanical resistance and heat transfer issues). An TABLE I
acceptable steam-to-air ratio value is below 3 % and this GE 10 NOMINAL PERFORMANCE WITH H2 AS FUEL
limits the efficiency of the thermodynamic cycle.
Electric power in H2 gas turbine 11.44 MWe


CYCLE WITH THE COAL FIRED UNIT Thermal efficiency just in the H2 gas turbine 31.1 %
The connections between the new 12 MWe hydrogen-fed
plant and the existing 320 MWe coal-fed plant are shown Thermal efficiency with integration with Unit 4 14 42,9 %
in Fig. 6.
The detailed balance shown refers to a case in which the
Heat use index with integration with Unit 4 97.8 %
amount of electric power generated by the existing unit 4
remains the same and the coal consumption decreases
thanks to the introduced heat. Part of the condensate from
the power station condenser (more than 300 t/h) is
heated-up. Most of this water (70 %) is re-injected at
53°C to the plant before the first low pressure pre-heater,

11 13
At the moment the amount of hydrogen already guaranteed by As defined before in the note
contract is only 5 000 Nm3/h, not enough to run the gas turbine at full 14
The thermal efficiency with integration with unit 4 is defined as
load; if this amount doesn’t increase it might be necessary to run the gas the ratio between the electrical power (produced in the hydrogen plant
turbine at a lower load or with a hydrogen-natural gas mixture plus the 320 MW plant extra power) and the hydrogen thermal power
References n° 9 e n° 10 burning the same amount of coal

TABLE II The technical goals of this research project are in order of
• Hydrogen combustion technology development
Reduction in thermal input 10.11 together with the gas turbine maker, arriving at
from coal MWt an adaptation of the existing gas turbine to run
with both pure hydrogen and hydrogen-natural
Case 1 Reduction in coal 1.43 t/h gas mixtures
Running at the same consumption • Optimization of the integration between the
electric load existing power plant and the H2 cycle to utilize
(about 320 MWe) the available exhaust heat as much as possible
Reduction in CO2 emissions 3.43 t/h
• Second-phase optimization of a combustion
technology, paying particular attention to
Increase in thermal cycle 0.6 % emissions and efficiency
• To test the cycle with long period tests.


Burning the same amount Increase in electric load 4.37
of coal MWe During the second half of 2006, all ready component
orders were stopped by Enel, while they were waiting for
the definitive signing of the hydrogen supply contracts.
XIV. FINAL DESIGN OF THE HYDROGEN PLANT This problem has now been overcome. The entire plant
An overview of the future hydrogen plant in the existing investment and research program was definitively
Fusina power station is shown in Fig. 7. The 3D approved by the ENEL managing director in December
representation shows the relative positions of the main 2006.
components. The current situation is as follows:
The presence of three chimneys (bypass chimney, x basic plant design was completed in December
intermediate chimney and dry flue gas chimney) is 2005
motivated by the need for operation flexibility, research x the gas turbine was chosen and design order was
reasons and to have the possibility of running without any sent to GE in December 2005
integration with the existing coal power plant. x public and statutory consent for plant
construction was obtained in June 2006
x hydrogen supply contract with Polimeri Europa
was signed in February 2007
x basic design of pipelines for carrying hydrogen
to the Enel plant has been defined
A summarised schedule of the project is shown in Fig. 8
2007 2008 2009
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Placing H2 supply contracts

Test hydrogen burner design and supplying
Hydrogen burner development tests
Detailed design
Placing contracts and procurement
Gas turbine supplying (GE) First synchronised

GVR supplying
Gas turbine assembling on site Nominal load
Fig. 7. Main components of the plant Construction (Civil works and assembling)
Preliminary Set-up (Natural Gas as fuel)
Final Set-up (Hydrogen as fuel)

XV. THE TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Commercial operation and long-term tests

The main innovative aspects of the thermal cycle process IPC Notice to proceed to GE First firing TU

can be synthesized in the following points:

Fig.8. Timescale
• Pure hydrogen as base fuel 15
• Tests with hydrogen-natural gas mixtures with
ENEL hopes to have the first firing with hydrogen as fuel
different rates of hydrogen
by the end of May 2009.
• A great deal of steam injected in the combustion
chamber together with the hydrogen to reduce
emissions and increase efficiency
• A new burner configuration At Fusina (Venice), Enel will be able to run its hydrogen-
• Significant heat recovery from the gas turbine fed gas turbine with very low emissions and high
exhaust to increase efficiency, including efficiency. This concrete result will be obtained thanks to
condensation of the steam present in the exhaust the company’s strategic vision aimed at industrial
innovation and applied research in order to reduce
pollutant emissions from its plants and achieve
Worldwide there are as yet no gas turbines tested in a continuous sustainable growth.
operation with pure H2 as fuel

This demonstration project will be an important step in
the development of the hydrogen economy. ?idN=1122&idD=154663
In the Venice area, furthermore, it may be possible to [6] G. Benelli, G. Mariotti, L. Carrai, I. Castellano,:
Reduction of gas turbine NOx emissions by hydrogen
create the largest hydrogen district in Italy, and ENEL is
enriched natural gas, 14th IFRF Members’ Conference,
fully involved in trying to reach this goal. 11th-14th May 2004, Noordwijkrhout (NL)
[7] M. Balestri, D. Cecchini, V. Cinti: Unconventional fuels
REFERENCES experimental campaigns in gas turbine combustor at Enel
[1] Benelli, Malloggi, Bella, Feola, Furno: Sull’applicazione Sesta facility, Proceedings of TURBOEXPO 2004, 49th
della combustione catalitica agli impianti turbogas per la ASME International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Technical
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