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Chapter 10
Market Risk

McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2008 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

• This chapter discusses the nature of market risk
and appropriate measures

– Dollar exposure
– Risk Metrics
– Historic or back simulation
– Monte Carlo simulation
– Links between market risk and capital requirements


Market Risk

• Risk related to the uncertainty of an FI’s

earnings on its Trading Portfolio caused by
changes in Market Conditions

• Trading Portfolio….????
• Market Conditions…???

Market Conditions
• Market conditions are the extreme changes in market
such as the prices of an Asset, Interest rates, Market
volatility, and Market liquidity.

• Thus, risks such as Interest Rate Risk and Foreign

Exchange Risk, Liquidity Risk affect market risk.

• However, market risk emphasizes the risks to FIs that

actively trade assets and liabilities (and derivatives)
rather than hold them for longer-term investment,
funding, or hedging purposes.


Trading Portfolio
• The Trading Portfolio contains assets, liabilities, and
derivative contracts that can be quickly bought or sold
on organized financial markets.
• Such as
– Long and Short positions in Bonds,
– Commodities
– Foreign exchange,
– Equity securities,
– interest rate swaps, and options etc

• Further, with the increasing securitization of bank loans (e.g.,

mortgages), more and more assets have become liquid and
tradable (e.g., mortgage-backed securities).

Trading Portfolio


Changing Income Trends

• With increasing global reach of FIs and introduction of new

financial engineering instrument.

• The Income from Trading activities is increasingly replacing

income from traditional FI activities of deposit taking and

• The changing Earning pattern of FIs has increased its market

exposure and uncertainty over the years.

• The uncertainty, or market risk, can be measured over

periods as short as a day or as long as a year

Trading Risks
• In recent years, market risk of FIs has raised
considerable concern among regulators
• Trading exposes banks to risks
o 1995 Barings Bank

o 1996 Sumitomo Corp. lost $2.6 billion in

commodity futures trading.

o AllFirst the U.S. subsidiary of Allied Irish Bank

$691 million losses in FX market.


Importance of Market Risk Measurement

• Management information
– Management can compare this risk exposure to the FI’s
available capital resources.
• Setting limits.
– Risk/Return tradeoff for different traders and their portfolio.
• Resource allocation
– Risk/Return tradeoff in deferent geographic areas)
• Performance evaluation.
– Considers the return-risk ratio of traders
• Regulation
– BIS and Fed regulate Market Risk via Capital requirements
leading to potential for overpricing of risks by prudential
– Thus use of internal models to calculate capital requirements
will reduce the chances of overpricing.

Calculating Market Risk Exposure

• Generally concerned with estimated Potential
Loss under Adverse Circumstances.

• Three major approaches of measurement

o JPM RiskMetrics (or Variance/Covariance
o Historic or Back Simulation
o Monte Carlo Simulation


JP Morgan RiskMetrics Model

• “At close of business each day tell me what

the market risks are across all businesses and

o Dennis Weatherstone, former Chairman of J. P. Morgan

(JPM), now J. P. Morgan Chase.

JP Morgan RiskMetrics Model

• When JPM developed its RiskMetrics Model in 1994 it had 14
active trading locations with 120 independent units across the
• Fixed-income securities • Foreign exchange
• Commodities • Derivatives
• Emerging-market securities • Proprietary assets

• As whole JP Morgan daily volume exceeding $50 billion.

• This is very typical for the major money canter banks, large
overseas banks (e.g., Deutsche Bank, Barclays ), and major
insurance companies and Investment Banks(Morgan Stanley,
Goldman Sashs ).


RiskMetrics Model
• Here we will concentrate on measuring the Market
Risk Exposure of a FI on a daily basis.

• The only concern of FI is how to preserve its Equity if

market conditions move Adversely tomorrow

• Market risk = Estimated potential loss under

Adverse Circumstances

RiskMetrics Model
• More specifically, the market risk is measured in
terms of the FI’s Daily Earnings At Risk (DEAR)

• Components of Dear:
1. Dollar value of position
2. Price Sensitivity
3. Potential Adverse move in yield

• Daily Earnings at Risk = (Dollar value of position) ×

(Price sensitivity) × (Potential adverse move in


RiskMetrics Model
• Since

• (Price Sensitivity) X (Adverse yield move) = Degree of

price volatility of an asset.

• we can also write this equation as:

RiskMetrics Model
• We concentrate on how the RiskMetrics model
calculates daily earnings at risk in three trading

1. Fixed income
2. Foreign exchange (FX)
3. Equities

• And then on how it estimates the Aggregate

Risk of the Entire Trading Portfolio


The Market Risk of Fixed-Income Securities

• Suppose an FI has a $1 million market value position in zero-
coupon bonds of 7 years to maturity with a face value of

• Today’s Yield on these bonds is 7.243% per year.

• These bonds are held as part of the trading portfolio. Thus

• Dollar market value of position = $1 million

– ళ = $1,000,000

The Market Risk of Fixed-Income Securities

• The potential exposure the FI faces should interest rates move
against the FI as the result of bad market move the next day.

• How much the FI will lose…..????

• Depends on the bond’s price volatility…..!!!

• From the duration model in Chapter 9 we know that

• Daily Price Volatility = (MD) x (Adverse daily yield move)

• The modified duration (MD) of this bond is


Confidence Intervals
• Suppose we define “bad” yield changes such that there is only 5%
chance of the yield change being exceeded in either direction.

• From statistics, we know that (the middle) 90 percent of the area

under the normal distribution is to be found within ±1.65 standard
deviations(σ) from the mean. That is, 1.65σ

• And 10 percent of the area under the normal distribution is found

beyond ±1.65 (5% under each tail, −1.65σ and +1.65σ,

• Our concern is only that yields will Rise.

• Which is the Probability of yield Increases greater than 16.5σ Basis

Points is 5%.

Adverse 7-Year Rate Move


Adverse 7-Year Rate Move

• In other words, over the last year, daily yields on 7-
year, zero-coupon bonds have fluctuated (either + or -)
by more than 16.5σ bp only 10% of the time.

• Adverse moves in yields are those that decrease the

value of the security (i.e., the yield increases).

• These occurred 5% of the time, or 1 in 20 days.

Confidence Intervals
• Suppose the standard deviation of the bond was 10 Bb
(or 0.001).

• Thus, 1.65σ is equal to 16.5 basis points (bp).

• 1.65σ => 1.65 x (.001) => 0.00165

• => 0.00165 = 16.5 basis points


The Market Risk of Fixed-Income Securities

• Now we can calculate the potential Daily Price Volatility on 7-
year discount bonds using Equation.

• Price volatility = (MD) × (Potential adverse change in yield)

= (6.527) × (0.00165) = 1.077%

DEAR = Market value of position × (Price volatility)

= ($1,000,000) × (.01077) = $10,770

• The potential daily loss in earnings on the $1 million position

is $10,770 if the 1 bad day in 20 occurs tomorrow.

The Market Risk of Fixed-Income Securities

• To calculate the potential loss for more than one

Market value at risk (VARN) = DEAR × N

• Example:
For a five-day period
VAR5 = $10,770 × 5
= $24,082


DEAR for Foreign Exchange

• In the case of Foreign Exchange, DEAR is
computed in the same fashion we employed
for Interest Rate Risk.

• DEAR = Dollar Value Of Position × FX rate volatility

• where the FX rate volatility is taken as 1.65 σFX

DEAR for Foreign Exchange

Suppose the FI had a £1.6 million trading position in spot Pound
at the close of business on a particular day.

The first step is to calculate the dollar value of the position:

• Suppose for simplicity

• The exchange rate is £1.60/$1 or $0.625/: at the daily close;

• Dollar value of position (£1.6 million) x ($0.625/ ) = $1 million


DEAR for Foreign Exchange

• We find that the volatility, or Standard Deviation (σ), of daily
changes in the Spot exchange rate was 56.5 bp.

• Suppose that the FI is interested in adverse move of not more

than 5 % of the time, or 1 day in every 20.

• Statistically speaking, if changes in exchange rates are

historically “normally” distributed,
• The exchange rate must change in the adverse direction by
1.65 σ

• FX volatility 1.65 x 56.5 bp = 93.2 bp

• In other words, during the last year, the euro declined in value
against the dollar by 93.2 bp just 5% of the time

DEAR for Foreign Exchange

• As result

DEAR = (Dollar value of position) x (FX volatility)

= ($1 million) x(.00932)
= $9,320

• This is the potential Daily Earnings Exposure to

adverse Pound to Dollar exchange rate changes for
the FI from the £1.6 million spot currency holdings.


DEAR for Equities

• Many large FIs also take positions in equities.

• As we known from the Capital Asset Pricing Model

(CAPM), there are two types of risk to an equity
position in an individual stock

• Total risk = Systematic risk + Unsystematic risk

• Beta: Systematic risk reflects the co-movement of

that stock with the market portfolio reflected.

DEAR for Equities

• In a very well diversified portfolio, unsystematic risk can be
largely diversified away (i.e., will equal zero)

• Leaving behind Systematic (undiversifiable) Market Risk.

• If the FI’s trading portfolio follows (replicates) the returns on

the stock market index, the Beta of that portfolio will be 1

• Since the movement of returns on the FI’s portfolio will be

one to one with the market.

• And the standard deviation of the portfolio, will be equal to

the standard deviation of the stock market index.


DEAR for Equities

• Suppose the FI holds a $1 million trading position in stocks that
reflect a U.S. stock market index (e.g., the Wilshire 5000).
• Then Beta ß= 1 and
• The DEAR for well diversified portfolio is

DEAR = (Dollar value of position) × (Stock market return volatility)

Dear= ($1,000,000) x (1.65 σM )

• If over the last year, the σM of the daily returns on the stock
market index was 200 bp.
• Then 1.65 σM = 330 bp (i.e., the adverse change daily return on
the stock market index exceeded 330 bp only 5% of the time).

DEAR for Equities

• So in this case

• Dear= ($1,000,000) x (1.65 σM )

• Dear= ($1,000,000) x (0.033)
• Dear = $33,000

• That is, the FI stands to lose at least $33,000 in earnings if

adverse stock market returns materialize tomorrow.

• In less well diversified portfolios or portfolios of individual

stocks, the effect of Unsystematic Risk on the value of the
trading position would need to be added.


Aggregating DEAR Estimates

• So the individual DEARs were:
1. Seven-year zero-coupon bonds = $10,770
2. Euro spot = $9,320
3. U.S. equities = $33,000
• Senior management wants to know the aggregate risk of the entire
trading position.
• So we cannot simply sum the three DEARs ($10,770 + $9,320 +
$33,000) = $53,090…..!!!
• Why…????
• Because that ignores any degree of offsetting covariance or correlation
among different trading positions.
• In particular, some of these asset shocks may be negatively correlated.
• As is well known from Modern Portfolio Theory, negative correlations
among asset shocks will reduce the degree of portfolio risk.

Aggregating DEAR Estimates

• In order to aggregate the DEARs from individual
exposures we require the correlation matrix.

• Three-asset case:


Aggregating DEAR Estimates

• Suppose the Correlation between the 7-year zero-coupon bonds
and £ /$ exchange rates, is negative (-0.2),
• While the 7-year zero coupon yield changes with, respectively,
U.S. stock returns (0.4)
• And £ /$ shocks, U.S stock index are positively correlated (0.1)

• Substituting value in DEARs equation (in thousands of dollars)


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