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Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Board

DIRECTIONS:​ Like a game of tic-tac-toe you will need to fulfill three activities to win! So you
must complete three, either diagonally, vertically, or horizontally to earn full credit. This
assignment is worth ​30pts total​. Some are individual and others can be done with a partner. The
directions are clear in each box so read carefully and click on links when needed!

1. Comic Strip 2. Compare and Contrast 3. ​ Your Own Ending

Individual Partner Individual
Make your own comic strip by Write your own ending to ​1984.
clicking on this link: ​Storyboard Create a compare and contrast
chart that foils two characters in Whether you enjoyed the ending
You must have a total of 5+ 1984. ​Must have a minimum of or not, here’s your chance to
cells to make a complete comic 5 comparisons and 5 contrasts. alter it to what you would have
strip of any scene in ​1984.​ Each liked! Write a two page short
cell must have images and story based on your ending.
dialogue. Must be an original idea.

3. Poster ​5. ​ ​ ​ FREE SPACE 6. ​ YouTube Music Video

Partner ​Individual or w/ a partner Group (2-3)
Either with pen and paper or Upload your video to: ​YouTube
virtually create a poster.
Create a rap or song to the
Create a poster on one theme novel ​1984. I​ t must have a
in ​1984. ​Fully explain the beginning, middle, and end
theme and how it is presented Present any activity that you that follows the outline to the
in the text. Use quotes and would like. It must be approved novel. Must be 3 min. or
images on your poster! by the teacher beforehand. Be longer. Be creative and have
creative. fun with this one!

7. ​ Timeline 8. Character Analysis 9. A Poem

Individual ​Partner Individual
Create a timeline by clicking on Create your own Prezi by
this link: ​Coggle clicking on this link: ​Prezi Write a 30 line poem about two
main events in 1984​.
This timeline must highlight key You and a partner will create a
events in the novel ​1984. ​Must Prezi on one character in ​1984.
have 10+ key events. Describe their role, interactions,
traits, possessions, and more.
Include quotes that highlight this

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