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Koby Rikard

ENG 112

Mrs. Carroll

18 February 2020

What are the benefits and drawbacks of the keto diet?

The Keto diet is becoming a popular diet used for weight loss purposes and remaining in

good physical shape. Many people do tend to stray away from this particular diet because they

claim the foods that you aren’t allowed to eat should be part of your daily consumption. To

reveal the truth about the keto diet, this essay will cover what exactly the Keto diet is, the

benefits of it, and drawbacks of this diet.

If a person is unfamiliar with dieting then there is a chance that the Keto diet is not part

of their knowledge. Keto diet is a low-carb, high protein diet and not just a quick fat loss diet.

“​The main focus is to consume lots of vegetables and foods high in healthy fats and proteins”

(Smith). As mentioned, keto is great for weight loss. “​After spending 1-2 weeks on the low-carb

diet, reports have shown that individuals are less hungry and not as likely to snack throughout

the day. Feeling less hungry and not snacking throughout the day is also beneficial to weight

loss.” (ProQuest) People have a misconception that keto means cutting out all carbs and that is

not the case. Carb intake is reduced. An example would be removing a bun from a burger and

just simply eating the patty. Low-carb diet should be balanced with vegetables, complex carbs,

and lean proteins. A tip with the keto diet is to use a fork, anything you can eat with a fork and

knife and not pick up to eat is better, for example, eat the burger with the lettuce, tomato, onion

but no bun. Use a fork and knife to cut it and no bun to pick it up and eat it. There is so much
research available for the keto diet and so many tips to help people who wish to try the diet, or

lifestyle. You must learn about healthy fats and oils and what us keto approved. One of the tips I

read said to increase salt intake.

In ​"How to Feed Your Brain with the Keto Diet," it provides options of foods to consume

while on keto diet. “​While on the keto diet you'll get most of your healthy fats from avocados,

grass-fed butter, olives, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds. Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts,

chia seeds and flaxseed are all good options. Dark chocolate is an option if you are craving

something sweet, but if it is 90% that's your best option.” (Silverman) These are some foods to

fuel your body that are acceptable “keto” foods. Eating healthy can get expensive, but it is a cost

that is worth it for your health. According to Silverman, “the most important thing to remember

is that the keto diet restricts the intake of carbohydrates to achieve a shift from glucose to

ketones as a primary fuel source.” One thing to remember is limiting your fruit, grains, and

starches such as pasta and rice, is one of the best options for keeping carbs low while on keto.

You must train your body to get rid of the temptations such as bread, pasta, sugars, and

processed foods. This is something that can be done over time. Many articles talk about starting

simple and slow and easing into the “diet.” There are so many success stories available, meal

plans at your fingertips, and resources to help you get started and stay on track that anyone

should be able to give keto a try. “The keto diet is not only a diet for people trying to lose

weight, it is also good for people trying to improve their mental state or brain health.”

The Keto diet was developed in the 1920’s as a treatment for Epilepsy. Doctors thought

a diet change would help prevent epilepsy for kids that did not do well with medications. Keto is

useful for diabetics and those who want to prevent themselves from being diabetic. Research

shows that this particular diet is one of the better diets to use for preventing certain diseases.

“Research has shown that this diet has numerous health benefits, in particular for neurological

conditions including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, brain

cancer and traumatic brain injury​” ​(James).

The article "Aren't the Foods on the Popular Keto Diet Exactly what we Shouldn't be

Eating?" explains how weight is lost on the keto diet. “The body gets used to what you usually

feed it, so it usually gets good at using sugar and good at burning fat. When there isn't any

glucose around your body switches fuel sources and begins using fat calories for fuel. Burning

sugar does nothing for losing weight, and sugar is not a sustainable source of energy.” (Bowden)

With the Keto diet comes several benefits and one of the better ones and more popular

ones, weight loss. As mentioned earlier Keto is a low-carb diet ​“Low-carb diets are also great

for speedy weight loss and weight management” (ProQuest). Going “keto” gets rid of sugars and

carbs and adds protein, green veggies and healthy fats so when you exercise or burn calories, you

burn actual fat instead of the carbs. ​The ketogenic diet is a “high-fat diet consisting of 70-75%

fat, 20% protein and 5-10% carbohydrates” (Smith).

One thing that people should be aware of that are new to the ketogenic diet have to be

aware of is the keto flu. “Keto flu can cause low-blood pressure, muscle weakening or cramping,
constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, carb/sugar

cravings, and sleep difficulties” (Smith). Staying hydrated and avoiding too much exercise can

help prevent the keto flu. Another negative I read about the low carb aspect states, “​While

lowering carbohydrates may be good weight loss and staying in good shape, study shows that

limiting carbs can shorten lifespan.” (Anaya)

Work Cited

James, Kylie, and Joanne Smith. "The Keto Diet." PN - Paraplegia News, vol. 73, no. 10, 2019,



"DietDemand Breaks Down the Health Benefits and Drawbacks of the Keto Diet." ​NASDAQ

OMX's News Release Distribution Channel​ Aug 02 2018​ ProQuest​. 11 Feb. 2020 .

Silverman, Robert G. "How to Feed Your Brain with the Keto Diet."​ Original Internist,​ vol. 26,

no. 1, 2019, pp. 17.|A5802231

Anaya, Courtney. "25 KETO DIET ESSENTIALS: Going Keto can Help You Cut Fat in the

Short Term, Science Says, so Stock Up on these 25 Foods if You'Re Looking to Shed Fat

Fast."​ Muscle & Fitness/Hers​, 2019, pp. 64.|A59380284


Bowden, Jonny. "Aren't the Foods on the Popular Keto Diet Exactly what we Shouldn't be

Eating?"​ Alternative Medicine​, no. 42, 2018, pp. 16-17.

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