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Benefits and

Drawbacks of Keto

By: Koby Rikard

What is the Keto Diet

● Keto is a popular diet that is best known for low-carbs

● Developed in 1920’s to treat epilepsy

● Main focus is to consume lots of vegetables and foods high in healthy

Keto is...

● The ketogenic diet is a high-fat diet consisting of

70-75% fat, 20% protein and 5-10% carbohydrates.

James, Kylie, and Joanne Smith. "The Keto Diet." PN - Paraplegia News, vol. 73, no. 10, 2019, pp. 16.
Suggested foods for Keto

● Cheese, eggs, avocados, and low carb vegetables

● Seafood, Meat and Poultry

● Healthy fats, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, nuts and seeds

Foods that should be avoided

● Fruits high in sugar

● Grains and Starches

● Sweets and artificial sweeteners

Benefits of Keto

● Keto is a way to trim fat and improves your insulin resistance and
cholesterol levels

● Reduces blood pressure and is a way to offset type 2 diabetes

● After 1-2 weeks studies show you become less hungry

Tips for Success

● Meal Plan with a grocery and ingredient list

● Know the options offered at fast food restaurants

● Stay away from processed items and unhealthy fats

KETO for Beginners


● Low Carb

● High Fat

● Sugar Free
Improves Mental Health

● The keto diet is not only a diet for people trying to

lose weight, it is also good for people trying to

improve their mental state or brain health.

Silverman, Robert G. "How to Feed Your Brain with the Keto Diet."

Original Internist, vol. 26, no. 1, 2019, pp. 17.

Research says:

● “ Research has shown that this diet has numerous health benefits, in particular for

neurological conditions including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple

sclerosis, autism, brain cancer and traumatic brain injury”.

James, Kylie, and Joanne Smith. "The Keto Diet." PN - Paraplegia News, vol. 73, no. 10, 2019, pp. 16.
Health Benefits

“Science has found that keto is an option for those looking to trim fat and can also help improve

your insulin resistance and cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and maybe even offset type-2 diabetes”.

Anaya, Courtney. "25 KETO DIET ESSENTIALS: Going Keto can Help You Cut Fat in the Short Term,

Science Says, so Stock Up on these 25 Foods if You'Re Looking to Shed Fat Fast." Muscle &

Fitness/Hers, 2019, pp. 64.

How weight is lost...

When there isn't any glucose around your body switches fuel sources and

begins using fat calories for fuel. Burning sugar does nothing for losing

weight, and sugar is not a sustainable source of energy.

Bowden, Jonny. "Aren't the Foods on the Popular Keto Diet Exactly what we Shouldn't be Eating?"

Alternative Medicine, no. 42, 2018, pp. 16-17.


Some health professionals are becoming concerned that carb restriction requires someone

to cut out many of the foods that have been consistently recommended as being healthy.

Foods such as fruits, beans, and whole intact grains are some of the foods that are

restricted on the keto diet.

LaMotte, Sandee. "Experts Say the Keto Diet Isn't Sustainable, so Why is it so Popular?" CNN Wire Service,

Drawbacks continued

While lowering carbohydrates may be good weight loss and staying in good shape, study shows

that limiting carbs can shorten lifespan. “A large study presented at the 2018 European Society

of Cardiology Congress found that people on the lowest-carb diets were the most likely to die

from cancer, cardiovascular disease, and all other causes”.

Anaya, Courtney. "25 KETO DIET ESSENTIALS: Going Keto can Help You Cut Fat in the Short Term,

Science Says, so Stock Up on these 25 Foods if You'Re Looking to Shed Fat Fast." Muscle &

Fitness/Hers, 2019, pp. 64.

Drawbacks continued

● Low-energy levels are another form of drawbacks of the keto diet. When a person’s

body has to adjust to lower intake of carbs then there are some factors. Fatigue,

exhaustion and lower energy levels overall can set it on the body for roughly 1-2 weeks.

"DietDemand Breaks Down the Health Benefits and Drawbacks of the Keto Diet." NASDAQ OMX's News

Release Distribution Channel Aug 02 2018 ProQuest. 11 Feb. 2020 .


● The keto diet can be a great way to lose weight and

to maintain a healthy body. In Order to achieve a
healthier lifestyle there will be some drawbacks,
including fatigue, lower energy levels, and carb
cravings. Keto is becoming a popular diet but the
drawbacks backs may not outweigh the benefits.
My Experiences

● My experience with keto was successful. It is a

tough diet and it can be hard to stay loyal at times.
Eating grilled chicken and eggs everyday can
become lame. Sticking to it until the end is
beneficial. Weight loss is the biggest factor in this
diet and is what helped me the most.
My take on Keto

● Keto is a lifestyle change more than a fad diet

● Keto can be easily followed at your local grocery

store with no supplements to buy.

● The benefits to Keto that outweigh the drawbacks

Work Cited

● James, Kylie, and Joanne Smith. "The Keto Diet." PN - Paraplegia News, vol. 73, no. 10,

2019, pp. 16.

● Silverman, Robert G. "How to Feed Your Brain with the Keto Diet." Original Internist,

vol. 26, no. 1, 2019, pp. 17.

● "DietDemand Breaks Down the Health Benefits and Drawbacks of the Keto Diet."

NASDAQ OMX's News Release Distribution Channel Aug 02 2018 ProQuest. 11 Feb.

2020 .

Work Cited

● Bowden, Jonny. "Aren't the Foods on the Popular Keto Diet Exactly what we Shouldn't

be Eating?" Alternative Medicine, no. 42, 2018, pp. 16-17.

● Anaya, Courtney. "25 KETO DIET ESSENTIALS: Going Keto can Help You Cut Fat in

the Short Term, Science Says, so Stock Up on these 25 Foods if You'Re Looking to Shed

Fat Fast." Muscle & Fitness/Hers, 2019, pp. 64.

● LaMotte, Sandee. "Experts Say the Keto Diet Isn't Sustainable, so Why is it so Popular?"

CNN Wire Service, 2020.

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