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Life as a Local

Travel & Volunteer

Yaks of Spi+ | Picture by Milan Moudgill


Threshing Barley | Picture by Yakuta Poonawalla

2 June - 8 June | 30 June – 6 July | 11 Aug – 17 Aug | 1 Sept – 7 Sept | 6 Oct – 12 Oct

We all travel for a plethora of reasons. Be it explora3on, business, pleasure, spiritual or a good
old footloose feeling. However, one common thread that binds all these travels is that we all
want to make it memorable and meaningful. This journey, offers just that opportunity.

Life as a Local is an opportunity to explore oneself while experiencing life in Spi3. Central to the
theme of this journey is the whole idea of volunteering and becoming a part of the lives of the
people whose lands one is visi3ng, engaging in ac3vi3es that form part of the daily chores of
these hardy mountain folks. Live their life, toil their soil, care for their caFle and in turn be
rewarded with one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Up close and personal,
while contribu3ng to their economic, development or conserva3on needs. This program
provides that rare opportunity to experience Spi3 as an insider.

Home to some of the oldest Buddhist monasteries and temples in the world, this journey is a
unique opportunity to experience the culture and lifestyle of a community in one of the
remotest parts of the world. From visits to ancient monasteries da3ng back to over a 1000
years, to staying alongside the monks at the iconic Kee monastery and the lesser know yet
endearing Buddhist nuns of Spi3. Coupled with volunteering in the highland villages and visits to
the lesser know parts of Spi3, this journey gives a glimpse into the true essence of life in Spi3.

Manali – Kaza – Langza – Hikkim – Komic – Kee – Demul – Dhankhar – Tabo – Pangmo – Manali


7 days Tata Sumo/ Family-run Guesthouses Medium to
Ex-Manali Tempo Traveler Tradi3onal Homestays 5000 mts Hard

Kee Monastery| Picture by Thomas Endlein

1 Manali Drive to Kaza – 10 to 12 hours (Share taxi) Kaza
Pick up point: Government Bus Stand, Mall Road, Manali Overnight

Today is an early start (5 – 6 am) for Kaza and we will adopt the local mode of transport Guesthouse
in a share jeep/bus. We drive over the Rohtang pass (separa3ng Kullu from the Lahaul
valley), and descend into the valley of the Chandra river which we follow for a while 3ll
we ascend to the Kunzum la (pass/4551mts), that divides Lahaul and Spi3. We spend
some 3me taking in the fabulous views of the Chandrabhaga range of mountains, visit
the Buddhist shrine at Kunzum and get into our wai3ng jeeps, to reach Kaza by evening.
Though the journey is long today, one hardly no3ces it as the changing landscapes
enroute keep one mesmerized.
2 Kaza Drive to Langza, Hikkim & Komic – 3 to 4 hours | Drive to Kee – 30 mins Kee

Today is a day to acclima3ze and get used to the al3tude. Today we will first head to the
Ecosphere office where we will get more details about our 3me in Spi3 and if your keen
we’d be very happy to share insights into Ecosphere’s ini3a3ves in the Spi3 region that
your trip helps to support. Do drop into the Sol Café for the best coffees and cakes in
town J.

Later today we will head to the World’s highest village- Komic which is adorned by a
beau3ful monastery. Enroute we will stop at Hikkim and visit the World’s highest post
office where one can send off a postcard to family back home (remember to pick up a
postcard from the Sol Café/ Taste of Spi9 before leaving). At Komic visit the monastery on
arrival and thereafer we will head to the beau3ful village of Langza. Adorned by a
Buddha statue and a temple Langza is a picture perfect village. The mainstay of this
village in the olden days was mud craf. Vessels of all shapes and sizes were produced
here and supplied to the en3re valley for household use. However this art has largely
died down. Ecosphere works with the only remaining poFer to help conserve this art.
Langza is also famous for the fossils that could be found here however very few remain.
For those interested in delving into their crea3ve side – one can spend some 3me with
the local poFer and learn the basics of PoFery* and make your very own fossil replica to
take back home with you!

Later today we head to the iconic Kee monastery where we will be spending the night.
Explore the monastery, have a chat with the monks in their over 100 year old kitchen and
if you like join one of their resoudning prayer sessions in the main temple. And don’t
forget to capture the night sky.

For the adventure lover try and Mountain Bike* today from the World’s highest village to
Kee Monastery.

A check dam built by Volunteers | Picture by Chhering Norbu

3 Kee Drive to Demul – 2 hours

Today we head to the village of Demul where we will spend the next 2 days. Demul is a beau3ful Overnight
village set on the highlands of the Spi3 Valley, famous for its local brew – Arak and folk Homestay
performances*. A flavor of both can be had in the evening today.

Before we reach Demul, there is an op3on of hiking or taking a yak-back safari* to a spectacular
vantage spot close to 5000 mtrs which offers almost a satellite imagery of Spi3 Valley (2 hours
steep hike). On a clear day one can spot upto 18 villages !

We spend the next 2 days immersing ourselves into village life and volunteering either on the on-
going ac3vi3es in the village OR gelng involved in a development/ conserva3on need of the
On-going ac3vi3es in the village range from – farm work, herding the village caFle, house
construc3on, building irrita3on channels or mending roads. The major thrust of the ac3vi3es in
the villages during the summers is farm work – which ranges from irriga3ng the fields, de-
weeding, harves3ng, threshing to ploughing, etc. Farm help is always in short supply in the village
– hence an addi3onal pair of working hands is always welcome! Herding the village caFle is
another important ac3vity as herders are limited in number and could do with any help they can
get to herd all the village caFle each of which has a mind of its own. This will entail hiking along
with the herders, keeping the caFle together and will definitely help you hone your crea3ve skills
and put your pa3ence to test J At 3mes there are certain development or restora3on needs in
the village which Ecosphere assesses in consulta3on with the local community. Some of the
4 ac3vi3es volunteers have got engaged in over the years, are:
•  Digging and laying out of a drainage channel and pipes
•  Renova3on and a complete makeover of a few of the village Stupas
•  Building an ar3ficial glacier & digging trenches to enable recharge of ground water
•  Helping to build a village medita3on centre
•  Building mud solar cookers
•  Garbage collec3on
•  Modifying a tradi3onal dry compos3ng toilet to make it more user friendly

Read what travellers have said about the program here :

and some glimpses from the previous programs here:

Demul is fast becoming Spi3’s model sustainable village! In the evenings spend 3me exploring
solar cookers, greenhouses, the solar heated and electrified houses of Demul as you wander the
village. We will end our stay in the village by trying our hand at a local tradi3onal Spi3 game.

If 9me permits and your keen you could also get a flavor of life as a local by signing up for some of
these ac9vi9es* – Evening of folk expressions; Yak rope twining; Cheese making; Session with the
Amchi; Cook like a Local; Arak tas9ng

Nuns of Pangmo

5 Demul Drive to Dhankhar – 1 to 1.5 hrs | Drive to Tabo – 1 to 1.5 hrs | Drive to Kaza – 2 hrs Kaza

Today we bid farewell to Demul and our hosts and head to Dhankhar the erstwhile capital Hotel/
of Spi3. Dhankhar houses an ancient Monastery perched precariously between unique Guesthouse
wind eroded structures. Remnants of the Dhankhar Fort, which housed the royal family of
Spi3, s3ll remain. A visit to the monastery, fort and other subsidiary temples leaves one
spell bound at the tradi3onal architectural marvels. The Dhankhar Monastery was
recently declared as one of the 100 Most Endangered sites in the World. One can trek to
the Dhankhar lake as well if keen and 3me permits (2 to 3 hours).

Later we head to Tabo, famous for its monastery that celebrated 1000 years in 1996.
Known as the Ajanta of the Himalayas, we can visit the monastery and trek to the
medita3on caves if keen.

We head back to Kaza for the night. Once back in Kaza do drop into our office for a quick
chat. We would love to hear how your trip went and get your feedback.
6 Kaza Drive to Pangmo – 1 to 2 hours Pangmo

Today we head back onto the Manali road. Not too far out of Kaza, a slight detour takes us Nunnery
to a very interes3ng spot which archeologist claim was the site for an ancient seFlement.
Let your imagina3on run wild as you wander along rocks and caves with engravings and
mys3cal stories.

We resume our journey for another hour 3ll we reach the Pangmo Nunnery which will be
our halt for the night. We spend the rest of the day with the Nuns and experience the life
of a Spi3 nun up close. Hear their fascina3ng stories of how the Nunnery was formed,
learn some Bho3 (the Tibetan script) and Buddhist mantras if you like, aFend the evening
prayers with them or just chill with them over numerous cups of tea and stories J
7 Pangmo Drive to Manali – 10 to 12 hours | Drop off point: Govt. Bus Stand, Mall Road, Manali Manali
(please do not pre-
We bid farewell to Spi3 today and head onto Manali. book your return
journey today)

Add a visit to one of the most picturesque lakes in the region – Chandratal, at an
addi9onal cost of INR 1700/ person. Payable at the 9me of booking.

Cost Details

Dhankar Lake |Picture by Manyata Goyal

INR 18,990/ person excluding 5% GST (add Chandratal visit @ INR 1700)
•  All accommoda3on Day 1 to Day 6 Why a GUIDE ? Your guide is your window to
on a sharing basis Spi3. Would you like to visit Spi3 in a way
•  Guide Day 2 to Day 6 that you develop a rela3onship with the
•  Meals Day 2 dinner to Day 5 lunch
place and its people – memories that will last
(lunches packed) + Day 6 lunch &
dinner forever ?
Meals have been le\ open on the rest Our guides are locals and apart from being
of the days to enable greater flexibility amazing fun, they are a storehouse of
on meal op9ons and places to eat. informa3on and stories about Spi3. They are
•  Transfers Day 1 to Day 7 very knowledgeable about the culture,
Share taxi between Manali and Kaza. trained as naturalist and in mountaineering
Sumo/Tempo Traveler within Spi9.
•  Monastery fees while in Spi3 and first aid. Given the remoteness of the
•  I Love Spi3 BoFle region, believe us when we say you will know
•  First aid kit Spi3 beFer because of them J

I Love Spi3 - Drink and Drive Change - Potable drinking water is always a concern wherever
we travel, as a result we end up buying lots of boFled water and leave behind lots of trash.

Ecosphere would like to help you to reduce your plas3c footprint by gifing you a Water
boFle that you can refill with filtered water to fulfill your drinking water requirements in
Spi3 and to take back with you for all your future travels J

EXCLUDES: •  Mineral water and beverages (other than those provided)

•  Tips & Insurance
•  Visa & Inner Line Permit (For Foreign Na3onals only)
•  Expenses arising out of unforeseen circumstances
•  (*) ac3vi3es entail an addi3onal charge

Yak-Back Safari- Tired of gelng on and off a car.
*Add-on Activities
Looking for an alterna3ve way to travel through
Spi3? How about a good old ride on the back of a
Yak? Try it in Spi3 @ INR 1600/person

Spin your own Yak rope- For those keen on
exploring local handicrafs sign up for a class on
how to convert wool of the imposing Spi3 Yaks
into beau3ful yak ropes - learn the art of spinning
yak wool and twine it into a yak rope – take back
your very own Spi3 souvenir @ INR 500/person
Yak Safari
Say Yak Cheese- Are you a lover of cheese or all
things dairy? Get an insight into the ingenuous
tradi3onal ways of making buFer, ghee, cheese
and end with a mouthful of Spi3’s unique Yak
Cheese @ INR 500/person

Cook like a Local- Learn how to cook delicious
momos or other Spi3an delicacies with our very
own expert local chef! Take a liFle bit of Spi3 back
with you J @ INR 500 /per person

Cook like a Local | Marlot and Andy ready to make momos

Evening of folk expression- Songs and dances
are ingrained in the very fabric of the social life in
Spi3. Most of these songs and dances are a
common phenomenon in marriages and other
fes3vals. Join in an evening of folk expression in
Demul and learn some Spi3 dance moves @ INR
9000/ group

On a High @ 4000 mtrs.- Feeling not high
enough ? Keen on gelng a taste of why Demul
makes the very best and purest arak in Spi3 –
Spi+ folk expressions learn how it is made and the secret behind the

Bhuchen Performance- The Bhuchens are a
unique sect of minstrel lamas who perform a rare
Tibetan Buddhist tantric dance performance to
get rid of evil spirits. This prac3ce is now only
found in the Spi3 valley. Witness this mys3cal
prac3ce and remove any evil eye that may be
affec3ng you J @ INR 15000/group

**Consump3on of alcohol is at your own risk.
Consuming alcohol at high al3tudes can be dangerous
and lead to serious medical problems and even death
given these are remote mountain villages with
Bhuchen performance
inadequate medical facili3es.

Mountain Biking- Mountain biking is the ideal
*Add-on Activities
way of gelng around Spi3 at your own pace.
Mountain bike down from Komic - the highest
village in the World or between Kaza and the
iconic Kee Monastery @ INR 500/bike (excluding

any jeep transfers if need be)

Mountain biking

Session with the Amchi- For those keen on
gelng an insight into the age old tradi3on and
science of Tibetan Medicine – this could be a
good opportunity to meet the local Amchi*
(tradi3onal Spi3an doctor) and learn more about
this dying prac3se and how he diagnosis and
makes his medicines. Get a session with the
Amchi who will read your pulse and tell you about
your health! @INR 500/person

Amchi | Checking the pulse

Throw your own Pot – learn Spi] Po^ery- Back
in the days, Langza used to be a village specialized
in PoFery. But nowadays, there is only one poFer
lef. Allow yourself a visit to this last surviving
poFer, get your hands dirty playing with clay and
learning the basics of tradi3onal Spi3 poFery and
try out the poFer’s wheel yourself! @ INR 500/


Nun for a day- Intrigued by Buddhism?
Experience what it is like to live in a Buddhist
Nunnery and learn more about Buddhist mantras,
the basics of Bho3 (the Tibetan language) and the
fascina3ng stories of some of the resident nuns.
Write to us for cost details and if you want to
include this into your program.

All programs may not be available on your
Selfie +me for the Nuns J program.
The Ecosphere Difference

A Journey of Change


We are local and we are passionate about Spi3. With us
you will experience the hidden gems of Spi3 like an insider
We ensure highest safety standards on our trips. All our guides are
trained in first aid and equipped at all 3mes with a first aid kit. In
case of an emergency air ambulance services are just a call away.
We are a social enterprise - What you pay for your trip goes directly
towards various development & conserva3on projects in Spi3 Valley.
Travelling with us helps you contribute to a holis3c development of Spi3.
Traveling with us you have a zero carbon footprint – all your carbon emissions
are offset by our award winning solar projects.
We help you to reduce your plas3c footprint while you are in Spi3.


Ecosphere has been widely recognized and awarded as a leader in responsible travel.

Featured and recommended by leading travel guides, magazines and blogs.

Makes a
Carbon Reduc]on & Renewable Energy : Spi3 is a
Travel to SPITI
high al3tude cold desert with temperatures
dipping to -30°C. Huge amounts of wood is burnt
just to keep warm. To top it up electricity is erra3c.
Using solar energy, Ecosphere has helped to warm
houses and provide a reliable source of electricity.
This has helped reduce dependence on expensive
carbon-emilng fossil fuels and fuel wood for
cooking, hea3ng houses and water, by upto 60%
•  Built more than 550 Passive Solar Rooms
Solar panels in Demul Village •  Solar-powered 10 Ins3tu3ons and 2 Villages
•  Set up 25 Solar Water Heaters and Baths

Greenhouse & Food Access: Vegetables do not

grow in the harsh climate of Spi3 and have to be
brought in over large distances, making them
expensive. Ecosphere provides technical and
financial help towards building greenhouses. This
enables a year-round supply of vegetables to the
household thereby enhancing daily nutri3onal
intakes. Excess vegetables are also sold helping to
create an addi3onal source of income.
Greenhouse produce
•  Built over 150 mud greenhouses

Climate Change & Water Access: The Trans-

Himalayas are facing dras3c changes in climate,
which is impac3ng access to water both for
irriga3on & drinking water. We have built an
ar3ficial glacier to recharge ground water and set
up a solar water pump to provide access to
drinking water.

Health & Educa]on:

Girls educa+on •  Providing scholarships for girls towards their
schooling and higher educa3on
•  Suppor3ng a girl’s hostel in Kaza
•  A team of community health volunteers has
been formed and trained in first aid, diagnosis,
preliminary treatment of disabili3es and
pallia3ve care.

Enabling Compassion to Grow:

•  Suppor3ng and mo3va3ng women to become
the caretakers of stray dogs in Kaza, specially
Feeding the dogs in winter feeding in winter, to prevent them turning wild.
•  Improving herding prac3ces of local
communi3es to reduce angst against wildlife.
•  Suppor3ng an old age home in Kee which
houses up to 30 elderly.

Local Livelihoods conserving Nature & Culture:

Trained and enabling communi3es to earn from
locally available resources such as Seabuckthorn (a
wonder berry), Tradi3onal Arts & Crafs, running
Homestays Homestays and cultural immersions.
Installa+on | Picture by George Lubikowski

How to book ?

•  Email us on to confirm availability

and your interest
•  Make the payment of total program cost (5% GST addi3onal) to the
following account:
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Kaza, Spi3, Himachal Pradesh, India
Account Name: Ecosphere
Account Type: Current
Account Number: 30769923704
IFSC Code: SBIN0003337
Swif Code: SBININBB288
•  Banks oken charge a transfer fee for domes+c and interna+onal
transfers, please make sure bank charges are added to the total
amount payable to us and if any deduc+ons are made, you will be
liable to pay the balance accordingly
•  Send us your transac3on receipt and confirm your spot J

Contact Details

Phone: +91 9418860099
Facebook: /EcosphereIndia
Instagram: @spi3ecosphere
Please Note

a.  Spi3 is a high al3tude region. Since few people have been to such al3tudes, it is hard to know who may be affected by high al3tude
sickness. There are no specific factors such as age, sex, or physical condi3on that co-relate with suscep3bility to al3tude sickness.
Some people get it and some people don't, and some people are more suscep3ble than others. If one has not travelled to these
al3tudes before, it is recommended that you consult your doctor especially if you suffer from any heart and lung related issues. We
usually advise dosage of Diamox 2/3 days before reaching Kaza as a safe precau3onary for this trip, however please consult your
doctor before considering to take this medica3on as it does have side effects.
b.  Please note that we do not take responsibility for reimbursements in the event that you are unable to complete the trip due to high
al3tude sickness and/or other personal reasons, bad weather, road blockages, etc. Any addi3onal costs as a consequence of high
al3tude sickness and/or other personal reasons, bad weather, road blockages will have to be borne by you directly.
c.  All 3mings between places men3oned in the i3nerary above are based on ideal road condi3ons with limited stops en route.
d.  Roads to and within Spi3 are rough and mostly un-metaled hill roads. While the experience is exhilara3ng it is not the most
comfortable. Persons with medical condi3ons that could worsen with such road travel are advised they consult their doctor.
e.  The trip runs if we have a minimum of 5 confirmed par3cipants. In the event that we don’t get the requisite numbers we can run
with less than 5 par3cipants if par3cipants are willing to pay slightly extra. Alterna3vely we reimburse the amount paid to the
par3cipants minus any minimal bank charges that may have been cut.
f.  Costs may vary marginally based on 3me of booking before departure of tour.
g.  Costs are on a sharing basis and we pair same sex par3cipants. If you would prefer a single share op3on, this will cost more.
h.  Foreign Na3onals require an Inner Line Permit to enter or exit Spi3 if traveling via the Shimla/ Kinnaur side and for visi3ng Tabo in
Spi3. This can be obtained from the District Commissioner's Office in Shimla, Rekong Peo and the Addi3onal Disctrict Commissioners
Office in Kaza. The office remains closed on weekends and public holidays. Kindly plan your arrival in Shimla accordingly so you can
obtain your permit or mail us if your joining a fixed departure and and we will find the best possible date during the program on
which the permit can be obtained in Rekong Peo or Kaza. Spi3 falls under a Protected Area in India and ofen a Restricted
Area Permit is issued while applying for your visa. Kindly apply for your Visa accordingly. Please note certain na3onali3es like
Pakistani, Chinese, Bangladeshi, to name a few; cannot obtain an Inner Line Permit and will not be allowed to enter Spi3 from the
Shimla/ Kinnaur side and will not be allowed to visit Tabo. No refunds will be provided in the event that you are unable to obtain an
inner line permit.
to reach & depart from the starting point

•  By Air: Shimla has occasional flights. Alterna3vely fly to Chandigarh from where you can get a cab/bus to Shimla or fly to Delhi and
take an overnight bus to Shimla (more details in the By Road sec3on below)
•  By Road: Regular Volvo/AC buses are available from Delhi (9-10 hours) and Chandigarh (4-5 hours). These can be booked on or You can also use to book these buses.
•  By Train: The closest train sta3on is Shimla which is connected to Kalka Junc3on by a toy train
•  By Air: The closest airport is at Bhunter (1-2 hours). Alterna3vely fly to Chandigarh from where you can get a cab/bus to Manali or fly
to Delhi and take an overnight bus to Manali (more details in the By Road sec3on below)
•  By Road: Regular Volvo/AC buses are available from Delhi (12-14 hours) and Chandigarh (8-9 hours). These can be booked on or You can also use to book these buses. Delhi buses will not reach in 3me for you to
connect with the organized transfer to Kaza on the date of departure, so please arrive a day prior to the start date.
•  By Train: The closest train sta3on is Chandigarh from where you can get a cab/bus to Manali (8-9 hours)
Return journey to Delhi or Chandigarh is via the same route. If your trip is ending back in Manali, it is advisable not to pre-book a
connec3ng Volvo to Delhi on the same day as the 3me of arrival in Manali is based on road condi3ons and hard to predict.

General Information

Accommoda]on and Toilets:

Homestays – provide you with a clean and comfortable room in a local house with environment friendly dry compos3ng squat toilets (A
dry compos3ng toilet is usually a two-storied structure or a deep hole in the ground, and uses no water. Your poo is mixed with cow dung,
ash and soil to facilitate its decomposi3on, aerobic processing, liquid absorp3on, and odor mi3ga3on. The compost thus generated is
then used as manure in the fields. Tradi3onal Spi3an toilets are a symbol of the op3mal u3lisa3on of every available resource. The toilets
apart from being a source of precious manure for the fields, are extremely friendly towards the environment as they do not waste or
pollute water like most water toilets do. So while staying at a Homestay you are contribu3ng towards a very previous resource in Spi3 –
Manure J. Remember to not throw any non-biodegradables down the hole (please ask your host or guide for suitable disposal). If you
have problems with squalng do let us know and we can make available a toilet seat on request.
Hot water can be made available on request for washing up. Having a full bath can be challenge while in the homestay so please be
mentally prepared for that. Please ask your guide for the possibility of having a bath.
Hotel/Guesthouse – comprises of a clean and comfortable room with aFached bath (running hot and cold water) and western toilet.
Camping – alpine tents with sleeping bags will be provided.
Food and Water: Cuisine comprises of local Spi3 food or Indian meals. However, if you would prefer to s3ck to basic Indian meals (len3ls,
pulses, rice, chappa3/ local bread) you can inform your hosts in advance. Filtered/Boiled water is provided for drinking. Kindly inform us in
advance of any food preferences.


If it becomes necessary to cancel your tour, you must no3fy Ecosphere immediately in wri3ng. Once we receive your no3ce, cancella3on
will take effect. Please note that the following charges will apply on cancella3on:
•  If cancella3on takes place more than 30 days prior to departure, 10% of the tour price will be forfeited and GST paid;
•  If cancella3on takes place before 15 days prior to departure, 50% of the tour price will be forfeited and GST paid;
•  If cancella3on takes place less than 14 days prior to departure, 100% of the tour price will be forfeited.
The tour price is quoted as a package. No par3al refunds or credit will be given for services not used. Please note that the above quoted
amounts may change without no3ce. We also recommend that you obtain travel insurance upon booking.

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