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Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle

Checking if this works

- Who knows
Maybe it will mayb Ttestiing the waters

Who knows what mysteries lie here

We shall have to see

Oceans and rivers

Waterfulls and lakes

Undersea kingdoms and mysterious shadows

The riches of the sea await

e it won’t

What is the algorithm?

Perhaps it requires numbers? 1+1=20

Or maybeeee

Hmm Idk
Ttestiing the waters

Who knows what mysteries lie here

We shall have to see

Oceans and rivers

Waterfulls and lakes

Undersea kingdoms and mysterious shadows

The riches of the sea await

Let’s try some random word association this is going to be interesting but I think I can keep it
going for a while we shall see who knows oh no now I am in a loop I think I’m not sure maybe
this was a bad idea but like you gotta try or else you won’t success failure is never an option
gotta go fast gotta try hard gotta work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger
daft punk is a good band but really they just are robots does this make me seem like a robot I
hope so this is just a vocalization of my inner thoughts so Hopefully it won’t get weird but who
knows oh no now I am in a loop I think I’m not sure what the fuck that’s so weird I swear I’m
not a robot but these loops get suck in my head I don’t think I’m stuck in a loop but I’m not sure
oh fuck it happened again the human brain is a strange machine, the only winning move is not
to play that sounded dark as fuck I didn’t mean it like that what the fuck

Let’s try some random word association this is going to be interesting but I think I can keep it
going for a while we shall see who knows oh no now I am in a loop I think I’m not sure maybe
this was a bad idea but like you gotta try or else you won’t success failure is never an option
gotta go fast gotta try hard gotta work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger
daft punk is a good band but really they just are robots does this make me seem like a robot I
hope so this is just a vocalization of my inner thoughts so Hopefully it won’t get weird but who
knows oh no now I am in a loop I think I’m not sure what the fuck that’s
Let’s try some random word association this is going to be interesting but I think I can keep it
going for a while we shall see who knows oh no now I am in a loop I think I’m not sure maybe
this was a bad idea but like you gotta try or else you won’t success failure is never an option
gotta go fast gotta try hard gotta work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger
daft punk is a good band but really they just are robots does this make me seem like a robot I
hope so this is just a vocalization of my inner thoughts so Hopefully it won’t get weird but who
knows oh no now I am in a loop I think I’m not sure what the fuck that’s

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