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Part Two

A New Way to Model

Current-Mode Control
By Robert Sheehan, Principal Applications Engineer,
National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, Calif.

Unified models using general gain parameters

provide the solution for any peak- or valley-
derived current-mode converter.

n Part I of this article (Power Electronics Technology, May frequency, continuous-conduction-mode (CCM) opera-
2007), the basic operation of current-mode control tion. Reference [1] covers the theoretical background for
was broken down into its component parts, allowing this subject, providing an exhaustive analysis of the buck
a greater intuitive understanding for the practical de- regulator with its associated models and results. To prevent
signer. A comparison of the modulator gain was made duplication, the boost regulator of Fig. 1 forms the basis for
to voltage-mode operation, and a simple analogy showed the discussion here. A more rapid approach to using this
how the optimal slope-compensation requirement could be information is to bypass reference [1] and follow the general
obtained without any complicated equations. guidelines for slope compensation described in the first part
Now unified models using general gain parameters are of this article. Then the simplified equations can be used to
introduced, along with simplified design equations, and an determine the frequency response.
in-depth treatment of the analysis and theory is presented. A current-mode switching regulator is a sampled-data
This general modeling technique explains how previous system, the bandwidth of which is limited by the switching
models can complement each other on various aspects of frequency. Beyond half the switching frequency, the response
the current-mode-control theory. of the inductor current to a change in control voltage is
not accurately reproduced. To quantify this effect for linear
Modeling Continuous-Conduction Mode modeling, the continuous-time model of reference [2] suc-
This article provides models and solutions for fixed- cessfully placed the sampling-gain term in the closed-current

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Fig. 1. This switching model of a boost regulator topology provides an example for modeling and simulating continuous-conduction-mode

Power Electronics Technology June 2007 22


To place either sampling-gain term into the linear models

for the buck, boost and buck-boost, the following relation-

ships are applied: FM(s) = FM × HP(s) and GI(s) = GI × H(s).
� The accuracy limit for the sampling-gain term is identified
by comparing Q to the modulator voltage gain KM and the
��� � �� ����
�� ����� �� feed-forward term K. Q is directly related to the slope-com-
�� pensation requirement. The derivation starts with the ideal
���� steady-state modulator gain, the physical reason being that
�� at the switching frequency, the relative slopes are fixed with
respect to the period T. A change in control voltage is then
related to a change in average inductor current. Any trans-
��� ����
fer function that is solely dependent on KM in the forward
dc-gain path will have excellent agreement to the switching
��� � �� ����
�� �� model up to half the switching frequency. However, any
�� transfer function that includes K in the forward dc-gain path
���� will show some deviation at half the switching frequency.
���� ��
Simplified Transfer Functions
No assumptions for simplification were made during
Fig. 2. For a buck regulator, sampling gain HP(s) is placed in the forward the derivation of the transfer functions. The only initial
path (upper circuit), and sampling gain H(s) is placed in the closed-
assumptions are the ones generally accepted to be valid in
current feedback loop path (lower circuit).
a first-order analysis. Voltage sources, current sources and
feedback loop. This allows accurate modeling of the control- switches are ideal, with no delays in the control circuit.
to-output transfer function using the term HE(s). Amplifier inputs are high impedance, with no significant
To accurately model the current loop, the unified model loading of the previous stage. Simplification of the results
of reference [3] placed the sampling-gain term in the forward was made after the complete derivation, which included all
path. For peak or valley current modes with a fixed slope- terms. Reference [1] has examples for the buck regulator.
compensation ramp, this also accurately models the control- To show the factored form, the simplified transfer func-
to-output transfer function using the term FM(s). tions assume that the poles are well separated by the current-
To develop the theory for emulated current-mode control, loop gain. Expressions for the low-frequency model do not
reference [1] used a fresh approach, deriving general gain show the additional phase shift due to the sampling effect.
parameters, which are consistent with both models. In addi- The control-to-output transfer function with the sampling-
tion, a new representation of the sampling-gain term for the gain term accurately represents the circuit’s behavior up to
closed-current loop was developed, identifying limitations half the switching frequency. The line-to-output expressions
of the forward-path sampling-gain term. for audio susceptibility are accurate at dc, but diverge from
The upper circuit in Fig. 2 represents the unified form of the actual response as frequency increases.
the model, with K being the feed-forward term. In the lower The current-sense gain is defined as RI = GI × RS, where
circuit, KN is the dc audio susceptibility coefficient from the GI is the current-sense amplifier and RS is the sense resistor.
continuous-time model. The linear model sampling-gain For all transfer functions,
terms, as shown in Fig. 2, are defined as: 1 K × RI
ωZ = and ω L = M .
1 s2 π OUT × R C
H P ( s) = , H( s ) = 1 + ( s × K E ) + and ωN = , To include the sampling-gain term in the control to out-
 Q  ωN
1+  s×  put transfer function, the term
 ωN 
where T is the switching period. The term KE is new and s s s2
1+ is replaced with 1 + + 2 in the low-
emerged from the derivation of the closed-loop expression ωL ωN × Q ωN
for H(s). This derivation used slope-compensation terms frequency equations. This represents the closed-current-loop
other than the classic fixed ramp for peak or valley current sampling-gain term. Inclusion of this term in the line-to-
1 output equations will not produce the same accuracy of
mode. KE can be expressed as ,
ω N × QE results. For peak or valley current mode with a fixed slope-
but this serves no purpose, because QE would need a value compensating ramp, ω L = Q × ω N .
of infinity for the condition KE = 0. To date, no method has
been found which successfully incorporates KE into the open- Sampling Gain Q
loop expression for HP(s). Use of HP(s) is limited to peak or Using a value of Q = 0.637 will cause any tendency toward
valley current mode with a fixed slope-compensating ramp, sub-harmonic oscillation to damp in one switching cycle.
for which the value of KE = 0. With respect to the closed-current-loop control-to-output

Power Electronics Technology June 2007 24


Mode SE, SN mC, Q KM, K KE
Peak Fixed slope VSL SE 1 KE = 0
current SE = mC = 1 + KM =
mode (0.5 − D) × R I × + SL
VAP × D′
D × RI 1
SN = Q= T
L π × (m C × D 5 K = 0.5 × R I × × D × D′
D′′ − 0.5) D

Peak Proportional VAP × D × K SL SE 1 L

current slope SE = mC = 1 + KM = K E = −K SL × D ×
mode T (0.5 − D) × R I × + 2 × K SL × D
K SL = R I × L
L 1
VAP × D′
D × RI Q= T
For Q = 0.637 SN = π × (m C × D 5 K = 0.5 × R I × × D × D′
D′′ − 0.5) D + K SL × D2
Valley Fixed slope VSL SE 1 KE = 0
current SE = mC = 1 + KM =
mode (D − 0.5) × R I × + SL

1 T
VAP × D × R I Q= K = −0.5 × R I × × D × D′
SN = π × (m C × D − 0.5)
5 L

Valley Proportional VAP × D′

D × K SL SE 1 L
current slope SE = mC = 1 + KM = K E = −K SL × D ′ ×
mode T (D − 0.5) × R I × + 2 × K SL × D′
K SL = R I × L
1 T
For Q = 0.637 VAP × D × R I Q= K = −0.5 × R I × ×D×D
D′′ − K SL × (D ′)2
(single-cycle SN = π × (m C × D − 0.5)
5 L
Emulated- Fixed slope VSL SE 1 K E = −D × T
peak SE = mC = KM =
current (D − 0.5) × R I × + SL
mode L VAP

VAP × R I 1 T
SN = Q= K = −0.5 × R I × × D × D′
L π × (m C − 0.5)
5 L

Emulated- Proportional VAP × K SL SE 1 K E = −D × T

peak slope SE = mC = KM =
current T (D − 0.5) × R I × + K SL
mode K SL = R I × L
VAP × R I 1 T
For Q = 0.637 SN = Q= K = −0.5 × R I × × D × D′
D + K SL × D
L π × (m C − 0.5)
5 L
Table 1. Summary of general gain parameters.

function, the effective sampled-gain inductor pole is given is Q = 0.5 (δ = 1). Using Q = 1 may make an incremental
by: difference for the buck, but is inconsequential for the boost
f L (Q) = × ( 1 + (4 × Q2 ) − 1) . and buck-boost with the associated right-half-plane zero of
4×T×Q ωR. For the peak-current-mode buck with a fixed slope-com-
This is the frequency at which a 45-degree phase shift pensating ramp, the effective sampled-gain inductor pole is
occurs because of the sampling gain. For Q = 0.637, fL(Q) only fixed in frequency with respect to changes in line voltage
occurs at 24% of the switching frequency. For Q = 1, fL(Q) when Q = 0.637. Proportional slope-compensation methods
occurs at 31% of the switching frequency. For second-order will achieve this for other operating modes.
systems, the condition of Q = 1 is normally associated with To determine the effect of reducing the slope compensa-
best transient response. The criteria for critical damping tion to increase the voltage-loop bandwidth, an emulated-

Power Electronics Technology June 2007 26

for a stable voltage loop, at the expense of under-damping
���� ���
���� � � the current loop. With Q = 1, sub-harmonic oscillation is
��� � ��

��� ���� ����� ������ quite pronounced during transient response, but damps
��� � ���� at steady state. The reader is encouraged to simulate and
�� �� �� ���

���� ������ ���� observe these effects directly. A simulation example for the
boost is provided after the linear models and transfer func-
���� �
tions are presented.

Linear Models
����� Simple, accurate and easy-to-use linear models have been
developed for the buck, boost and buck-boost converter
topologies. Each linear model has been verified using results
from its corresponding switching model. In this manner,
������ validation for any transfer function is possible, identifying
the accuracy limit of the given linear model. General gain
Fig. 3. The low-frequency linear model for this buck regulator was made
parameters are listed in Table 1. These parameters are inde-
using SIMetrix.
pendent of topology, and written in terms of the terminal
peak-current-mode buck with proportional slope-com- voltage (VAP) and duty cycle (D).
pensation switching circuit was implemented in SIMPLIS. The coefficients for the linear model of the buck regulator
A standard type-II 10 MHz error amplifier was used for shown in Fig. 3 are:
frequency compensation. With T/L = (5 µs/5 µH) and V V − VOUT
RI = (0.1 V/A), the best performance was achieved with VAP = VIN , D = OUT , D ′ =(1 − D)= IN ,
Q = 0.637 for a crossover frequency of 40 kHz and 45-degree
V ×M K
phase margin. By setting Q = 1, a crossover frequency of M = D, IC = AP and FM = M .
50 kHz was achieved, again
PwrElec-Ventronics with1/4p
DigiPwr 45-degree phase margin
5/9/07 1:13 PMbutPage 1 R OUT VAP
reduced gain margin. This appears to be the practical limit The control-to-output simplified transfer function is:

NEW! Digi-Power
= × ,
vC R1 × K D  s   s 

Multi-Charger  1 + ω  ×  1 + ω 

and the line-to-output simplified transfer function is:

v OUT R O × D × K N ωZ
Charges Computers, = × ,
v IN RI × KD  s   s 
Digital Cameras,
 1 + ω  ×  1 + ω 
and 4 AA or AAA - P L
NiMH/NiCD‘s where
Complete with: KD = 1 + , KN = − and
• 5V USB Plug KM × RI KM D
• 12V Car Plug
• AC Wall Plug 1  1 1 
ωP = × + .
OUT  R OOUT K M × R I 
The coefficients for the linear model of the current-mode
boost regulator shown in Fig. 4 are:
VAP = VOUT , D = OUT , D ′ = (1 − D) = IN ,
1 V ×M K
M= , IC = AP and FM = M .
The control-to-output simplified transfer function is:
 s   s 
1− × 1 +
D  ω R   ω Z 
 
• Batteries • Capacitors
• Varistors • Transformers v OUT R OUT × D′
• Power Adapters = × ,
vC RI × KD  s   s 
 1 + ω  ×  1 + ω 
346 Monroe Ave., Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Tel: (908) 272-9262 • Fax: (908) 272-7630 • e-mail: P L

Power Electronics Technology June 2007 28


and the line-to-output simplified transfer function is:

s ���
v OUT R OUT × D′D × KN ωZ �� � � �
= × , ��� ����� ����

v IN RI × KD  s   s 
 1 + ω  ×  1 + ω 

P L �� ��
where ������ �
��� �����

R D2  1
× D′ K 1 R1
K D = 2 + OUT × + , KN = + , ��������
 K M D ′ 

������������� ������
× D′2
R ����
ω R = OUT and �� ����
L �������
������ ����

1  2 D′2  1 K 
ωP = × + × +  .
C out  R OUT R I  K M D ′  
The coefficients for the linear model of the current-mode ������
buck-boost regulator shown in Fig. 5 are:
Fig. 4. The low-frequency linear model for this boost regulator was
VAP = VIN + VOUT , D = , D ′ = (1 − D) = , made using SIMetrix.
D V ×M K ��� � �
M = , IC = AP and FM = M . ���� � ��
���� ���� �����
��� �
The control-to-output simplified transfer function is: ������ ��
 s   s  �
1− × 1 +
D  ω R   ω Z 
v OUT R OUT × D′   ������ � ����� ����
= × ,
vC RI × KD  s   s  �����������
 1 + ω  ×  1 + ω 
P L �� ���
������ ����
and the line-to-output simplified transfer function is:
 s   s 
1+ × 1+
R OUT × D × D ′ × K N  ω K   ω Z 
v OUT ���
= × ,
v IN RI × KD  s   s  ������
 1 + ω  ×  1 + ω 
P L Fig. 5. The low-frequency linear model for this buck-boost regulator
was made using SIMetrix.
D2  1
R OUT × D′ K the optimal Q at one input voltage. The control-to-output
KD = 1 + D + × + ,
RI  K M D′  gain plots in Fig. 6 show only a slight deviation between
1 K RI × D R OUT × D
D′ 2 the two models at half the switching frequency, where fSW
KN = − + , ω R = OUT , = 200 kHz. For the simulation, slope compensation was set
K M D R OUT × D′
D 2
for Q = 0.637.
OUT × D ′ × K N
The choice of simulation program is important, since not
ωK = and all SPICE programs calculate parameters with the same de-
gree of accuracy. For switching-model simulation, SIMPLIS
1  1 + D D′2  1 K 
ωP = × + × +  . is able to produce Bode plots directly from the switching
C OUTT  R OOUT R I  K M D ′   model. This program was used to produce the switching-
model simulation results. The low-frequency model was
Boost Regulator Simulation Example made with SIMetrix, which is the general-purpose simulator
For the peak-current-mode boost converter example, for the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS program. This simulator only
comparisons of results from the switching circuit of Fig. 1 handles Laplace equations for s in numerical form, where the
were made to the linear model of Fig. 4 using the sampling- numerator order must be equal to or less than the denomi-
gain term HP(s). To use the forward-path sampling-gain nator order. PSpice is much better suited for linear models
term, slope compensation was implemented with a fixed with Laplace functions in parameter form. It is more accurate
ramp. The results will be slightly different if a proportional than the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS program but cannot produce
ramp is used, as this modifies the modulator gain term KM Bode plots directly from the switching model. PSpice or a
and feed-forward term K. For an actual boost-converter program with similar capability may be used to obtain the
implementation with a fixed ramp, it is only possible to get simulation results for the linear model.

Power Electronics Technology June 2007 30


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�������������� �������������� �������������� �������������� �������������� ��������������

��������������� ��������������� ��������������� ��������������� ��������������� ���������������

Fig. 6. This comparison of control-to-output transfer functions for a peak-current-mode boost converter using fixed-slope compensation
reveals the switching and linear models behave similarly, with a slight discrepancy at 100 kHz, which is half the switching frequency.

Unified Modulator Modeling Topology iL LE E(s)

In Part I of this article, the criteria for current-mode
control was considered. This led to the linear model, with Buck iL = i LE = L VOFF
E(s) =
the gain terms being easily identified. The importance of D
the concept of KM as the modulator voltage gain cannot be
Boost i L = iG L  s×L 
overstated. Most linear models for current-mode control LE = E(s) = VOFF ×  1 − 
have allowed the math to define the model. In reference 1, D ′)2
(D′  D ′ × (VOFF / I ON 
an intuitive understanding of the modulator was used to
drive the math. By algebraic manipulation, both the averaged Buck- iL = i + iG L VOFF  s×L 
boost LE = E(s) = OFF × 1 −
D ′)2
(D′  D ′ × (VOF 
F / I ON 

Notes: VOFF = VAP ; ION = IC

Table 2. Corrections and clarifications for reference [3].

model and continuous-time model were redefined to fit the

form of the unified model. Combining the unified-model
gain blocks with the three-terminal PWM switch resulted in
the linear models used here.
A new closed-current-loop sampling-gain term has been
defined that accommodates any fixed-frequency peak- or
valley-derived operating mode. Limitation of the forward-
sampling-gain term has been identified, providing direction
for further development in linear modeling. PETech

1. Sheehan, Robert, “Emulated Current Mode Control for
Buck Regulators Using Sample and Hold Technique,” Power
Electronics Technology Exhibition and Conference, PES02,
October 2006. An updated version of this paper, which
includes complete appendix material, is available from
National Semiconductor Corp.
2. Ridley, R.B., “A New, Continuous-Time Model for Current
Mode Control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,
Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 271-280, 1991.
3. Tan, F.D. and Middlebrook, R.D., “A Unified Model for
Current-Programmed Converters,” IEEE Transactions on
Power Electronics, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 397-408, 1995.

Power Electronics Technology June 2007 32

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