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Levels of Comprehension


“Capacity of the mind to perceive and understand”(Webster’s Dictionary).

Comprehension is not something done after reading (Fountas, 2000).
It is the interaction between the text being read and the reader’s existing prior knowledge
and expectations will generate meaning and comprehension (Leu and Kinzer, 1995).

Level Description Question Asked

This level is knowing what
Level one is actually stated. Which Common questions used to illicit this type
LITERAL include facts and details, of thinking are who, what, when, and
rote learning and where questions.
This level involves surface
understanding only.
When they first approach
brand new information,
readers are at literal level
The reader gleans what is
The types of questions asked are open-
Level two implied or meant, rather
ended, thought-provoking questions like
INTERPRETIVE than what is actually
why, what if, and how.
This level involves drawing
inferences or reading
between the lines.
Readers tap into prior
knowledge/ experience
and attach new learning to
old information.
Readers make logical
leaps and educated
Readers are attempting to
understand what the
author meant by what
he/she said in the story.
This involves taking what Common questions may include:
was said (literal) and then In what ways…If these are…If you
Level three what was meant by what were…
APPLIED was said (interpretive) and These questions ask one to go beyond
then extend (apply) the literal and interpretive
concepts or ideas beyond reading by applying
the situation.
Readers analyze or
the information one has just read to
synthesize information and
another similar or familiar situation.
apply it to other
Readers can attempt to
answer this question: How
would the author’s
message apply to other
situations given what you
memorized and
understood at the other
two levels.

Different Kinds of Readings Extensive

Skimming Extensive reading involves learners

reading texts for enjoyment and to
Skimming is reading rapidly in order to develop general reading skills.
get a general overview of a material. It is an approach to second language
It is the action of reading quickly so as reading. When learners read
to note only the important points. extensively, they read very easy,
Skimming tells you what general enjoyable books to build their reading
information is within a section. speed and fluency.
Skimming to save time Another way to say this is students learn
to read by actual reading rather than
Skimming can save you hours of examining texts, studying vocabulary,
laborious reading. However it is not grammar and phrases.
always the most appropriate way to
read. It is very useful to preview to a Intensive
more detailed reading or when Used a shorter text in order to extract
reviewing a selection heavy in content. specific information
Scanning It includes very close accurate reading
for detail.
Scanning is reading rapidly in order to Used to grasp details of specific
find specific facts. situation.
Scanning involves getting your eyes to
quickly to scuttle across sentences. Developmental Reading Stages
Use scanning in research to find
particular facts, to study fact-heavy Stage 0: Reading Readiness/Pre-Reading (0-
topics and to answer questions requiring Age 6)
factual support. This stage is characterized by learning
Scanning for research and study to recognize the alphabet, imitation
Scanning, too, uses keywords and reading, experimentation with letters,
organizational cues. But while the goal and learning the sounds associated with
of skimming is a birds-eye view of the the letters.
material, the goal of scanning is to The children need to have many
locate and swoop down on particular learner- centered activities that
facts. encourage them to experiment with
language and to have an opportunity to
make the connection between their non-
visual information and the visual Stage 4: Multiple Viewpoints (High School,
information of the text. Ages 14-18)

Stage 1: Intial Reading or Decoding (Age 6-7, Readers are instructed in reading/study
Grades 1-2) skills, and reading strategies for
The children begin gluing to print and The successful Stage 3 readers grows
sounding out words. Even words that in their ability to analyze what they read
were easily recognized in stage 0 may and react critically to the different
now be sounded out by the stage 1 viewpoints they encounter.
readers. Stage 4 readers are able to deal with
Children in this stage are beginning to the layers of facts and concepts and
utilize their knowledge of consonants have the ability to add and delete
and vowels to blend together simple schema previously learned.
Over time and with guidance, the Stage 5: Construction and Reconstruction
children at this stage will eventually Stage (College; Ages 18 and up)
move to reading whole words.

Stage 2: Fluency (Age 7-8, Grades 2-3) Stage 5 readers know what not to read,
as well as what to read.
Children consider this to be the “real” Readers have acquired the ability to
reading stage. construct knowledge on a high level of
In this stage it helps to have children abstraction and generality.
reread books fluently. Learners now have the ability to
The learners in this stage need the synthesize critically the words of others
opportunity to hone the skills of reading and are able to form their own educated
in comfortable text and comfortable stance on the subject.
reading situations.
Reading Models
Stage 3: Reading for Learning the New
Stage: A First Step (Age 9-13, Grades 4-2nd Bottom-up Reading Model
Year )
It is a reading model that emphasizes
Readers at this stage have mastered the written printed text.
the code and find it easy to sound out It emphasizes the ability to decode or
unfamiliar words and read with fluency. put into sound what is seen in the text.
Learners are now ready to begin the Readers derive meaning in a linear
study of subject matter and the use of manner.
information text. Readers need to bring
prior knowledge to their reading.
The readers in this stage must use
reading as a tool for acquiring new
Interactive Reading Model

Combination of Bottom-up and Top-

down processes.
Good readers are both good decoders
and good interpreters of the text.

Emerging Reading Models

Rumelhart Model (1977)

States that successful reading is both a

Top-down Reading Model
Orthographic Knowledge
It is a model in which TOP is the higher Lexical, Syntactic and Semantic
order mental and BOTTOM as the Knowledge
physical text on the page.
It is where meaning take precedence Stanovich Model (1980)
over structure.
Interactive Compensatory reading
Readers who rely both Bottom-up and
Top-down processes are depending on:
 Reading purposes
 Motivation
 Schema
 Knowledge of the subject

Anderson and Pearson Schema-Theoretic

It focuses on the role of schemata
(knowledge stored in memory) in text
Schema Theory
a. relationship among concept
b. role of inference
c. reliance on knowledge of the content

Person and Tierney R/W Model

Considers Pragmatic Theories which

state that: “utterance is an action”.
Context is important:

Interactive Roles
1. Planner - creates goal, use existing
knowledge, decides how to align with
the text
2. Composer - searches for coherence in
gaps with inferences about the
relationship within the text .
3. Editor – examines his interpretation
4. Monitor – directs the other 3 roles

Mathewson’s Model of Attitude Influence

Attitude toward reading may be modified

by a change in reader’s goal.
Attitude has tri-componential construct:
- cognitive component
- affective component
- conative component

Maintains that feedback may affect attitude

and motivation during the reading process.

1. Satisfaction with affect developed

through reading.
2. Satisfaction with ideas developed
through reading.
3. Feeling generated during the reading
4. Ideas constructed from the information
5. How the reading affects the values,
goal, and self concept

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