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“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not”- Lorax

“Do you know why we fall? So we can learn to pick up ourselves up”

LIFE is a giant puzzle.

Every experience is a puzzle piece

The more pieces you gathered, the more you start making sense of things.

No life experience, no puzzle piece, no clue of what lies ahead you, no idea of what to make of it.

Some people live to their dying days and still haven’t figured out their puzzle.

They sit there feeling hollow and wonder about their pieces.

So go out there and see the world

Gather you puzzle pieces.

Live an adventure.

Put them altogether one by one.




Once in a while, stop and step back

Take a look at your puzzle.

See what it’s about

The empty spaces will tell you where to go next as you compare to the image on the edges of those
empty spaces.

Life is only a mystery to those who does not wish to seek the answer.

I know who I am. I am not what they say. A stupid person does not achieve the things I have received.

I wanted to win so much that I overcame fear of losing

Dpn’t hate the game, hate the player.

This whole mess is a matter of trust.

I was so sure. I think I’m qualified, and I put effort to make sure I can be affiliated with this show.

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