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Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

______1. The nurse is to teach a client with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Safety
precautions for using oxygen at home. The nurse knows that the client understands the safety
principles discussed when he says the following:
a. “Smoking is permitted when oxygen is use.”
b. “Avoid materials that generate static electricity.”
c. “Acetone, oil, and alcohol are appropriate substances to use with clients who are using
d. “Fire extinguishers do not need to be stored.”
______2. The nursing intervention that is appropriate for use with clients having an
endotracheal tube is:
a. Providing room air
b. Communicating frequently with the client, providing a notepad or picture board for the
client to use to communicating
c. Frequently assessing nasal and oral mucosa for redness and irritation
d. Placing client in a side-lying position
______3. Which is the appropriate method to use when a client is suffering respiratory
difficulty and in need of suctioning?
a. Goggles or face shield not needed
b. Portable or wall suction machine with tubing and collection receptacle
c. Dextrose-and-water solution
d. Nasal cannula
______4. Appropriate follow-up evaluation of a client after suctioning does not include which of
the following assessments?
a. Assessment of vital signs
b. Chart appearance if secretions
c. Compare findings to previous assessment data
d. Only document findings abnormal in the client record; the doctor will see the results
when rounds on the client are done
e. All of the above
______5. While suctioning a client in ICU, the nurse notices that the activity brings about deep
breathing and coughing maneuvers by the client. This is considered a good action because:
a. Deep breathing has no effect on the lungs or the ability of the client to cough.
b. Deep breathing oxygenates the lungs, and coughing loosens and moves secretions in the
c. Deep breathing is impossible to perform when one has a respiratory disease, and
coughing is a reflex action.
_____6. An appropriate nursing responsibility in caring for clients with chest drainage systems
would be:
a. Evaluating respiratory rate every four hours after the tube is inserted
b. Not filling the water seal area of the unit
c. Never using clamps with the drainage tubing
d. Monitoring the patency and integrity of the drainage system
e. All of the above
_____7.Which client is most at risk for developing an upper respiratory infection?
a. A 3-year-old in preschool
b. A 13-year-old with a broken leg
c. A 20-year-old health adult
d. A 50-year-old non-smoker
_____8. The nurse is preparing to perform tracheostomy care. Prior to beginning the
procedure the nurse performs which action?
a. Tells the client to raise two fingers to indicate pain or distress
b. Changes the twill tape holding the tracheostomy in place
c. Cleans the incision site
d. Checks the tightness of the ties and knot
_____9. The nurse makes the assessment that which client has the greatest risk for a problem
with the transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues? A client who has
a. Anemia
b. An infection
c. A fractured rib
d. A tumor of the medulla
_____10. The nurse is planning to perform percussion and postural drainage. Which is an
important aspect of planning the client’s care?
a. Percussion and postural drainage should be done before lunch
b. The order should be coughing, percussion, positioning, and the suctioning.
c. A good time to perform percussion and postural drainage is in the morning after
breakfast when the client is well rested.
d. Percussion and postural drainage should always be preceded by 3 minutes of 100%

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