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One Step at a Time

Jordin Sparks

Part one: Listen to the song and choose the missing words from the box.

enough more world where yet faith doubt

learn chance need falling one live stronger
Supposed believe Everything but so fly and
Hurry up _____ wait It's gonna happen and it's
So close, _____ _____ far away __________ to happen that we
Everything that you've always dreamed of Find the reasons why
Close __________ for you can taste ______ step at a time
But you just can't touch
You ________ and you _______
Pre-chorus: You're confused and got it all figured out
You wanna show the ________, but no one knows ___________ that you've always wished for
your name _____ Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
You wonder when and ________ and how you're If they only knew
gonna make it
You know you can if you get the _________ Pre-chorus
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling _______ and more frustrated We live and we learn to take
And you're getting all kind of impatient, waiting Chorus
When you can't wait any longer
We _____ and we _____ to take But there's no end in sight (When you need to find the
Chorus: strength)
It's your ________ that makes you ____________
One step at a time
There's no _____ to rush The only we get there is one step at a time
It's like learning to ____ Chorus 2x
Or _________ in love

Part two: With your partner, answer and discuss the following questions:
1. What do you think Jordin Sparks, the singer, was talking about in this song?
2. The singer says opposite things at the same time. For example: hurry up is the opposite of wait. Can you
recognize other opposite or antonym pairs in the song?
a. _____________________ and _____________________
b. _____________________ and _____________________
c. _____________________ and _____________________
3. Have you ever experienced something like this in your life where you feel two opposite emotions at the
same time? What happened? How did you resolve it?

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