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WHY DOES STUDENT VOICE MATTER? collaboration between Panorama Education
Research into teaching effectiveness and and the Harvard Graduate School of
school climate shows that student voice Education, the Panorama Student Survey is
plays a powerful role in helping schools grounded in advanced survey methodology
and districts create engaging educational and practice. (See the section “Survey
experiences for students. The Bill and Development Process” on page 3.) The
Melinda Gates Foundation’s Measures of survey exists as a series of scales, or sets of
Effective Teaching (MET) Project—created survey questions related to a single topic
to help schools and districts assess teacher (e.g., School Climate or Teacher-Student
quality and encourage teacher professional Relationships). Each scale has a substantial
development—provides evidence that and growing body of evidence of its validity
student surveys can offer meaningful and and reliability across specific contexts
valid data about effective teaching and and uses.
learning practices.
Schools and districts can customize the
survey by selecting the topics they value
HOW CAN SCHOOLS COLLECT VALID AND most. We recommend choosing between
RELIABLE STUDENT FEEDBACK? four and seven topics so students can
The Panorama Student Survey, launched complete a short, focused survey that
in the fall of 2014, provides educators delivers valuable information on their
with a best-in-class, customizable survey experiences at school.
instrument that shows substantial evidence
of reliability and validity. The survey
measures student perceptions of teaching
and learning, culture and climate, and
student experiences in the classroom
and school. Thousands of schools use
the Panorama Student Survey to design
effective teaching practices and more
engaging learning environments.
Developed through a first-of-its-kind


WHO SHOULD USE THE PANORAMA Dr. Gehlbach and his team developed the
STUDENT SURVEY? instrument based on modern principles of
The Panorama Student Survey is designed survey design. These best practices include:
for schools, districts, networks, and state
departments of education that want to • Wording survey items as questions
gather student perception data about rather than statements
teaching, learning, and school climate. • Avoiding “agree-disagree” response
Teachers, school and district administrators, options that may introduce
and department heads can administer the acquiescence bias and instead using
survey both about the classroom and about verbally labeled response options that
the school. reinforce the underlying topic
• Asking about one idea at a time rather
The questions are applicable to all types than using double-barreled items
of K-12 school settings—including public, (e.g., “How happy and engaged are
independent, and charter schools—and to you?”)
communities serving students from a range
of socioeconomic backgrounds. Panorama • Using at least five response options to
also provides developmentally appropriate capture a wider range of perceptions
versions of the survey for students in grades • Phrasing questions with positive
3-5 and students in grades 6-12. We have language rather than using reverse-
found that students in earlier grade levels scored or negative language, which
(K-2) may not have the cognitive or reading students tend to have trouble
abilities to self reflect on these student understanding
perception measures.
Each of these characteristics substantially
SURVEY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS minimizes measurement error. For more
The Panorama Student Survey was details on the design of the Panorama
developed under the leadership of Dr. Student Survey, please visit
Hunter Gehlbach, associate professor and
associate dean at the at UC Santa Barbara’s
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education and
director of research at Panorama Education.
Dr. Gehlbach and his research team at the
Harvard Graduate School of Education
followed a rigorous survey development
process consisting of literature reviews,
focus groups, feedback from experts around
the country, cognitive interviews with
students, and multiple rounds of piloting
and refinement.

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 3

VALIDATION PROCESS Within these two categories, Panorama
“Validating” surveys is an ongoing process. offers several scales—or sets of questions—
As we conduct more studies and pilot that measure specific topics (e.g., School
tests, the data provide more clarity Climate, Teacher-Student Relationships).
on whether the survey scales measure Choose the scales that work best for
what we intend to measure for different your context. For example, if your goal
purposes and populations. is to give teachers feedback about their
instructional practices, use the scales about
We have accumulated evidence of the the Classroom and Teaching. If you hope to
Panorama Student Survey’s validity through discover areas of strength and growth for
several major pilot tests in distinct types faculty and staff as a whole, use the scales
of schools with diverse populations. These about the School. You can administer only
pilot tests confirm that the survey retains a scales about the Classroom and Teaching,
high degree of reliability, structural validity, only scales about the School, or a mixture
and convergent/discriminant validity. In of the two. Both kinds of feedback—
other words, the survey scales meet specific teacher level and school level—are valuable
statistical requirements. We are still actively for informing professional development
collecting large quantities of data from opportunities and goal setting.
diverse school communities to support this
ongoing validation process. Before administering the survey, it’s
important to communicate the value of
To read the full Validity Brief about the student feedback to teachers, students, and
Panorama Student Survey, please visit www. the broader school community. Our partners have found that one great way to bolster
validity-brief. response rates is by telling students that the
survey is like a “progress report” for teachers
and the school—an opportunity to give
USING THE PANORAMA STUDENT SURVEY feedback about their experiences at school
When using the survey, we encourage and what could be improved.
schools and districts to select the topics that
are most important to their school context or At Panorama, we believe that all educators
community. The Panorama Student Survey deserve access to the best tools available.
contains two main categories of scales: We invite educators to use the Panorama
Student Survey free of charge. We only
1. Scales about the Classroom ask that you identify the survey as the
and Teaching: Measures student “Panorama Student Survey” created by
perceptions of teaching and learning Panorama Education so that others may
in a particular class. find this resource as well. If you have
any feedback, contact us at research@
2. Scales about the School: Measures
student perceptions of teaching and
learning at the school in general.


Dr. Hunter Gehlbach is the
director of research at Panorama
Education, as well as an associate
professor of education and
associate dean for academics and
faculty development at UC Santa
Barbara’s Gevirtz Graduate School
of Education. From 2006 to 2015,
he was an assistant professor and
associate professor of education
at the Harvard Graduate School
of Education. He is an educational
psychologist with an academic
focus on helping social scientists
and practitioners design better
surveys and questionnaires.

Dr. Gehlbach is particularly

interested in helping schools
think about ways to use surveys
to improve teacher and student
outcomes, and teaches classes in
each of these areas at UC Santa
Barbara. After graduating with
a B.A. from Swarthmore College
in psychology and education,
Dr. Gehlbach taught high school
social studies before returning
to school for a M.Ed. in school
counseling from the University
of Massachusetts-Amherst and a
Ph.D. in educational psychology
from Stanford.

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 5

What the Survey Measures

Scales about the Classroom & Teaching

The following scales measure student perceptions of teaching and learning in a particular class.


Perceptions of the quality of teaching and How much students feel that an academic
amount of learning students experience from a subject is interesting, important, and useful.
particular teacher. Example Question: How important is it to you
Example Question: How often does this teacher to do well in [SUBJECT] class?
give you feedback that helps you learn?
CLASSROOM CLIMATE P. 9 How well students deliberately use strategies
Perceptions of the overall social and learning to manage their own learning processes
climate of the classroom. in class.
Example Question: In this class, how much Example Question: How confident are you that
does the behavior of other students hurt or you can choose an effective strategy to get
help your learning? your work for this class done well?


How much students feel that a specific Perceptions of whether students have the
teacher holds them to high expectations potential to change those factors that are
around effort, understanding, persistence, central to their performance in class.
and performance in class. Example Question: In [SUBJECT], how possible
Example Question: How often does this teacher is it for you to change your level
take time to make sure you understand of intelligence?
the material?
CLASSROOM ENGAGEMENT P. 11 Open-ended questions about a variety of
How attentive and invested students are in topics that may be of interest to many schools.
class. Example Question: If this teacher were to
Example Question: How often do you get so change one thing about his/her teaching, what
focused on class activities that you lose should s/he change? Please be as specific
track of time? as possible.


RELATIONSHIPS P. 12 Demographic questions about survey takers
How strong the social connection is between that could be included in the survey and may
teachers and students within and beyond the be of interest to many schools.
classroom. Example Question: What kinds of grades do
Example Question: If you walked into class you usually get?
upset, how concerned would your teacher be?

How much students feel that they are valued
members of the classroom community.
Example Question: How well do people in your
class understand you as a person?


Scales about the School
The following scales measure student perceptions of teaching and learning at schools in general.


Perceptions of the overall social and learning How well students deliberately use strategies
climate of the school. to manage their own learning processes
Example Question: How pleasant or unpleasant generally.
is the physical space at your school? Example Question: Before you start on a
challenging project, how often do you think
SCHOOL RIGOROUS EXPECTATIONS P. 18 about the best way to approach the project?
How much students feel that their teachers
hold them to high expectations around SCHOOL MINDSET P. 24
effort, understanding, persistence, and Perceptions of whether students have the
performance in class. potential to change those factors that are
Example Question: When you feel like giving central to their performance in school.
up on a difficult task, how likely is it that your Example Question: In school, how possible is it
teachers will make you keep trying? for you to change your level of intelligence?


How attentive and invested students are in Perceptions of how well students are able
school. to persevere through setbacks to achieve
Example Question: When you are not in school, important long-term goals.
how often do you talk about ideas from Example Question: If you fail to reach an
your classes? important goal, how likely are you to try again?


RELATIONSHIPS P. 20 Perceptions of student physical and
How strong the social connection is between psychological safety while at school.
teachers and students within and beyond the Example Question: How likely is it that
school. someone from your school will bully you
Example Question: If you walked into class online?
upset, how many of your teachers would
be concerned? FREE RESPONSES P. 27
Open-ended questions about a variety of
SCHOOL BELONGING P. 21 topics that may be of interest to many schools.
How much students feel that they are valued Example Question: What is your best idea for
members of the school community. how groups of people at this school could get
Example Question: How connected do you feel along with each other better?
to the adults at your school?
VALUING OF SCHOOL P. 22 Demographic questions about survey takers
How much students feel that school is that could be included in the survey and may
interesting, important, and useful. be of interest to many schools.
Example Question: How much do you see Example Question: What kinds of grades do
yourself as someone who appreciates school? you usually get?

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 7

Scales about the Classroom & Teaching

Pedagogical Effectiveness
Perceptions of the quality of teaching and amount of learning students experience from a
particular teacher.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How much does this teacher know about the topic A tremendous
Almost nothing A little bit Some Quite a bit
of his/her class? amount

During class, how good is this teacher at making sure

Not good at all Slightly good Somewhat good Quite good Extremely good
students do not get out of control?

How interesting does this teacher make what you are Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
learning in class? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting

How often does this teacher give you feedback that

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often Almost always
helps you learn?

How good is this teacher at teaching in the way that

Not good at all Slightly good Somewhat good Quite good Extremely good
you personally learn best?

How well can this teacher tell whether or not you

Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well
understand a topic?

For this class, how clearly does this teacher present Somewhat Extremely
Not at all clearly Slightly clearly Quite clearly
the information that you need to learn? clearly clearly

How comfortable are you asking this teacher questions Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
about what you are learning in his/her class? comfortable comfortable comfortable comfortable comfortable

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

During class, how good is this teacher at making sure

Not good at all Slightly good Somewhat good Quite good Extremely good
students do not get out of control?

How interesting does this teacher make what you are Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
learning in class? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting

How good is this teacher at teaching in the way that

Not good at all Slightly good Somewhat good Quite good Extremely good
you learn best?

How well can this teacher tell whether or not you

Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well
understand a topic?

How clearly does this teacher present the information Somewhat Extremely
Not at all clearly Slightly clearly Quite clearly
that you need to learn? clearly clearly

How comfortable are you asking this teacher questions Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
about what you are learning in his/her class? comfortable comfortable comfortable comfortable comfortable

Learned a
Learned almost Learned a little Learned quite
How much have you learned from this teacher? Learned some tremendous
nothing bit a bit


Classroom Climate
Perceptions of the overall social and learning climate of the classroom.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How often does your teacher seem Once in a

Almost never Sometimes Frequently Almost always
excited to be teaching your class? while

How fair or unfair are the rules for the Somewhat Slightly Neither unfair Somewhat
Very unfair Slightly fair Very fair
students in this class? unfair unfair nor fair fair

How pleasant or unpleasant is the Very Somewhat Slightly pleasant Slightly Somewhat Very
physical space in this classroom? unpleasant unpleasant unpleasant nor pleasant pleasant pleasant
How positive or negative is the energy Somewhat Slightly Slightly Somewhat Very
Very negative negative nor
of this class? negative negative positive positive positive
Hurts my Helps my
In this class, how much does the Hurts my Hurts my Neither helps Helps my Helps my
learning a learning a
behavior of other students hurt or help learning learning a nor hurts my learning a learning
tremendous tremendous
your learning? some little bit learning little bit some
amount amount

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How often does your teacher seem Once in a

Almost never Sometimes Frequently Almost always
excited to be teaching your class? while

How fair or unfair are the rules for the Somewhat Slightly Neither unfair Somewhat
Very unfair Slightly fair Very fair
students in this class? unfair unfair nor fair fair

How positive or negative is the energy Somewhat Slightly Slightly Somewhat Very
Very negative negative nor
of this class? negative negative positive positive positive
Hurts my Helps my
In this class, how much does the Hurts my Hurts my Neither helps Helps my Helps my
learning a learning a
behavior of other students hurt or help learning learning a nor hurts my learning a learning
tremendous tremendous
your learning? some little bit learning little bit some
amount amount

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 9

Classroom Rigorous Expectations
How much students feel that a specific teacher holds them to high expectations around effort,
understanding, persistence, and performance in class.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How often does this teacher make you explain

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
your answers?

When you feel like giving up on a difficult task, how

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
likely is it that this teacher will make you keep trying?

Does not Encourages me

How much does this teacher encourage you to do Encourages me Encourages me Encourages me
encourage me a tremendous
your best? a little some quite a bit
at all amount

How often does this teacher take time to make sure

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
you understand the material?

Overall, how high are this teacher’s

Not high at all Slightly high Somewhat high Quite high Extremely high
expectations of you?

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How often does this teacher make you explain

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
your answers?

When you feel like giving up, how likely is it that this
Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
teacher will make you keep trying?

Does not Encourages me

How much does this teacher encourage you to do Encourages me Encourages me Encourages me
encourage me a tremendous
your best? a little some quite a bit
at all amount

How often does this teacher take time to make sure

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
you understand the material?

Overall, how high are this teacher’s

Not high at all Slightly high Somewhat high Quite high Extremely high
expectations of you?


Classroom Engagement
How attentive and invested students are in class.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

Somewhat Extremely
How excited are you about going to this class? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited

How often do you get so focused on class activities

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
that you lose track of time?

In this class, how eager are you to participate? Not at all eager Slightly eager Quite eager Extremely eager

When you are not in class, how often do you talk about
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
ideas from class?

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely

Overall, how interested are you in this class? Quite interested
interested interested interested interested

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

Somewhat Extremely
How excited are you about going to this class? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited

Somewhat Extremely
How focused are you on the activities in class? Not at all focused Slightly focused Quite focused
focused focused

Somewhat Extremely
In this class, how excited are you to participate? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited

When you are not in class, how often do you talk about
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
ideas from class?

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely

How interested are you in this class? Quite interested
interested interested interested interested

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 11

Classroom Teacher-Student Relationships
How strong the social connection is between teachers and students within and beyond the

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely

How respectful is this teacher towards you?
respectful respectful respectful respectful respectful

If you walked into class upset, how concerned would Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
your teacher be? concerned concerned concerned concerned concerned

If you came back to visit class three years from now, Somewhat Extremely
Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
how excited would this teacher be to see you? excited excited

When your teacher asks how you are doing, how often
do you feel that your teacher is really interested in Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
your answer?

Somewhat Extremely
How excited would you be to have this teacher again? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely

How respectful is this teacher towards you?
respectful respectful respectful respectful respectful

If you walked into class upset, how concerned would Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
your teacher be? concerned concerned concerned concerned concerned

When your teacher asks, "how are you?", how often do

you feel that your teacher really wants to know your Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always

Somewhat Extremely
How excited would you be to have this teacher again? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited


Classroom Belonging
How much students feel that they are valued members of the classroom community.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How well do people in your class understand you Do not understand Understand a Understand Understand Completely
as a person? at all little somewhat quite a bit understand

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely

How connected do you feel to the teacher in this class?
connected connected connected connected connected

A tremendous
A little bit of Quite a bit of
How much respect do students in this class show you? No respect at all Some respect amount of
respect respect
Matter a
Do not matter Matter Matter quite
How much do you matter to others in this class? Matter a little bit tremendous
at all somewhat a bit

Overall, how much do you feel like you belong Do not belong Belong a little Belong Belong quite Completely
in this class? at all bit somewhat a bit belong

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How well do people in your class understand you Do not understand Understand a Understand Understand Completely
as a person? at all little somewhat quite a bit understand

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely

How connected do you feel to the teacher in this class?
connected connected connected connected connected

A tremendous
A little bit of Quite a bit of
How much respect do students in this class show you? No respect at all Some respect amount of
respect respect

Overall, how much do you feel like you belong Do not belong Belong a little Belong Belong quite Completely
in this class? at all bit somewhat a bit belong

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 13

Valuing of Subject
How much students feel that an academic subject is interesting, important, and useful.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How interesting do you find the things you learn in Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
[SUBJECT] class? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting

How often do you use ideas from [SUBJECT] class in

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
your daily life?

How important is it to you to do well in Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely

Quite important
[SUBJECT] class? important important important important

How much, if at all, do the topics in this class relate to A tremendous

Not at all A little bit Somewhat Quite a bit
your personal values? amount

How useful do you think [SUBJECT] class will be to Somewhat Extremely

Not at all useful Slightly useful Quite useful
you in the future? useful useful

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How interesting do you find the things you learn Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
in [SUBJECT]? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting

How often do you use ideas from [SUBJECT] in your

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
daily life?

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely

How important is it to you to do well in [SUBJECT]? Quite important
important important important important

How useful do you think [SUBJECT] will be to you in Somewhat

Not at all useful Slightly useful Quite useful Extremely useful
the future? useful


Classroom Learning Strategies
How well students deliberately use strategies to manage their own learning processes in class.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

When you get stuck while learning something new in

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
this class, how likely are you to try a different strategy?

How confident are you that you can choose an

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
effective strategy to get your work for this Quite confident
confident confident confident confident
class done well?
Before you start on a challenging project in [SUBJECT]
class, how often do you think about the best way to Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
approach the project?

Overall, how well do your learning strategies help you

Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well
learn [SUBJECT] more effectively?

In [SUBJECT] class, how often do you use strategies to

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
learn more effectively?

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

When you get stuck while learning something new in

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
this class, how likely are you to try it in a different way?

How sure are you that you can figure out a good way Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
to get your work for this class done well? confident confident confident confident

Before you start on a challenging project in [SUBJECT]

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
class, how often do you think about the best way to do it?

Overall, how well can you figure out how to learn

Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well
things in [SUBJECT] class?

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 15

Classroom Mindset
Perceptions of whether students have the potential to change those factors that are central to
their performance in class.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

Whether a person does well or poorly in [SUBJECT] may depend on a lot of different things. You may feel that some of these things are easier for you to
change than others. In [SUBJECT], how possible is it for you to change:

Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Being talented possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Liking the subject possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Your level of intelligence possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Putting forth a lot of effort possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Behaving well in class possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
How easily you give up possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

Whether a person does well or poorly in [SUBJECT] may depend on a lot of different things. You may feel that some of these things are easier for you to
change than others. In [SUBJECT], how possible is it for you to change:

Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Being talented possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Liking the class possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Your level of intelligence possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Giving a lot of effort possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Behaving well in class possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
How easily you give up possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change


Scales about the School

School Climate
Perceptions of the overall social and learning climate of the school.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How often do your teachers seem Once in a

Almost never Sometimes Frequently Almost always
excited to be teaching your classes? while

How fair or unfair are the rules for the Somewhat Slightly Neither unfair Somewhat
Very unfair Slightly fair Very fair
students at this school? unfair unfair nor fair fair

How pleasant or unpleasant is the Very Somewhat Slightly Slightly Somewhat Very
pleasant nor
physical space at your school? unpleasant unpleasant unpleasant pleasant pleasant pleasant
How positive or negative is the energy Somewhat Slightly Slightly Somewhat Very
Very negative negative nor
of the school? negative negative positive positive positive
Hurts my Helps my
At your school, how much does the Hurts my Hurts my Neither helps Helps my Helps my
learning a learning a
behavior of other students hurt or help learning learning a nor hurts my learning a little learning
tremendous tremendous
your learning? some little bit learning bit some
amount amount

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How often do your teachers seem Once in a

Almost never Sometimes Frequently Almost always
excited to be teaching your classes? while

How fair or unfair are the rules for the Somewhat Slightly Neither unfair Somewhat
Very unfair Slightly fair Very fair
students at this school? unfair unfair nor fair fair

How positive or negative is the energy Somewhat Slightly Slightly Somewhat Very
Very negative negative nor
of the school? negative negative positive positive positive
Hurts my Helps my
At your school, how much does the Hurts my Hurts my Neither helps Helps my Helps my
learning a learning a
behavior of other students hurt or help learning learning a nor hurts my learning a little learning
tremendous tremendous
your learning? some little bit learning bit some
amount amount

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 17

School Rigorous Expectations
How much students feel that their teachers hold them to high expectations around effort,
understanding, persistence, and performance in class.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How often do your teachers make you explain

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
your answers?

When you feel like giving up on a difficult task, how

likely is it that your teachers will make you Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
keep trying?
Encourage me
How much do your teachers encourage you to do Do not encourage Encourage me Encourage me Encourage me
a tremendous
your best? me at all a little some quite a bit

How often do your teachers take time to make sure

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
you understand the material?

Overall, how high are your teachers'

Not high at all Slightly high Somewhat high Quite high Extremely high
expectations of you?

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How often do your teachers make you explain

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
your answers?

When you feel like giving up, how likely is it that your
Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
teachers will make you keep trying?

Encourage me
How much do your teachers encourage you to do Do not encourage Encourage me Encourage me Encourage me
a tremendous
your best? me at all a little some quite a bit

How often do your teachers take time to make sure

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
you understand the material?

Overall, how high are your teachers'

Not high at all Slightly high Somewhat high Quite high Extremely high
expectations of you?


School Engagement
How attentive and invested students are in school.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

Somewhat Extremely
How excited are you about going to your classes? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited

How often do you get so focused on activities in your

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
classes that you lose track of time?

In your classes, how eager are you to participate? Not at all eager Slightly eager Quite eager Extremely eager

When you are not in school, how often do you talk

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Often Almost always
about ideas from your classes?

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely

Overall, how interested are you in your classes? Quite interested
interested interested interested interested

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

Somewhat Extremely
How excited are you about going to your classes? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited

Somewhat Extremely
How focused are you on the activities in your classes? Not at all focused Slightly focused Quite focused
focused focused

Somewhat Extremely
In your classes, how excited are you to participate? Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
excited excited

When you are not in school, how often do you talk

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
about ideas from your classes?

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely

How interested are you in your classes? Quite interested
interested interested interested interested

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 19

School Teacher-Student Relationships
How strong the social connection is between teachers and students within and beyond the school.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How many of your teachers are respectful None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
towards you? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers

If you walked into class upset, how many of your None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
teachers would be concerned? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers

If you came back to visit class three years from now, how None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
many of your teachers would be excited to see you? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers

When your teachers ask how you are doing, how many None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
of them are really interested in your answer? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers

How many of your teachers would you be excited to None of my A few of my About half of Most of my All of my
have again in the future? teachers teachers my teachers teachers teachers

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely

How respectful are your teachers towards you?
respectful respectful respectful respectful respectful

If you walked into class upset, how concerned would Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
your teachers be? concerned concerned concerned concerned concerned

When your teacher asks, "how are you?", how often do you
Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
feel that your teachers really want to know your answer?

How excited would you be to have your Somewhat Extremely

Not at all excited Slightly excited Quite excited
teachers again? excited excited


School Belonging
How much students feel that they are valued members of the school community.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How well do people at your school understand you Do not understand Understand a Understand Understand Completely
as a person? at all little somewhat quite a bit understand

How connected do you feel to the adults Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
at your school? connected connected connected connected connected

A tremendous
How much respect do students in your school A little bit of Quite a bit of
No respect at all Some respect amount of
show you? respect respect
Matter a
Do not matter Matter Matter quite
How much do you matter to others at this school? Matter a little bit tremendous
at all somewhat a bit

Overall, how much do you feel like you belong Do not belong Belong a little Belong Belong quite Completely
at your school? at all bit somewhat a bit belong

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How well do people at your school understand Do not understand Understand a Understand Understand Completely
you as a person? at all little somewhat quite a bit understand

A tremendous
How much support do the adults at your school A little bit of Quite a bit of
No support at all Some support amount of
give you? support support
A tremendous
How much respect do students at your school A little bit of Quite a bit of
No respect at all Some respect amount of
show you? respect respect

Overall, how much do you feel like you belong Do not belong Belong a little Belong Belong quite Completely
at your school? at all bit somewhat a bit belong

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 21

Valuing of School
How much students feel that school is interesting, important, and useful.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How interesting do you find the things you learn Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
in your classes? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting

How often do you use ideas from school in your

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
daily life?

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely

How important is it to you to do well in your classes? Quite important
important important important important

How much do you see yourself as someone who A tremendous

Not at all A little bit Somewhat Quite a bit
appreciates school? amount

How useful do you think school will be to you Somewhat Extremely

Not at all useful Slightly useful Quite useful
in the future? useful useful

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How interesting do you find the things you learn Not at all Slightly Somewhat Quite Extremely
in your classes? interesting interesting interesting interesting interesting

How often do you use ideas from school in your

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
daily life?

Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely

How important is it to you to do well in your classes? Quite important
important important important important

How useful do you think school will be to you Somewhat Extremely

Not at all useful Slightly useful Quite useful
in the future? useful useful


School Learning Strategies
How well students deliberately use strategies to manage their own learning processes generally.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

When you get stuck while learning something new,

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
how likely are you to try a different strategy?

How confident are you that you can choose an Not at all Slightly Somewhat Extremely
Quite confident
effective strategy to get your schoolwork done well? confident confident confident confident

Before you start on a challenging project, how often do

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
you think about the best way to approach the project?

Overall, how well do your learning strategies help you

Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well
learn more effectively?

How often do you use strategies to learn

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
more effectively?

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

When you get stuck while learning something new,

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
how likely are you to try to learn it in a different way?

How sure are you that you can figure out a good way
Not at all sure Slightly sure Somewhat sure Quite sure Extremely sure
to get your schoolwork done well?

Before you start on a challenging project, how often

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
do you think about the best way to do it?

Overall, how well can you figure out how to

Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well
learn things?

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 23

School Mindset
Perceptions of whether students have the potential to change those factors that are central to
their performance in school.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

Whether a person does well or poorly in school may depend on a lot of different things. You may feel that some of these things are easier for you to
change than others. In school, how possible is it for you to change:

Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Being talented possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Liking the subjects you are studying possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Your level of intelligence possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Putting forth a lot of effort possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Behaving well in class possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
How easily you give up possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

Whether a person does well or poorly in school may depend on a lot of different things. You may feel that some of these things are easier for you to
change than others. In school, how possible is it for you to change:

Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Being talented possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Liking the subjects you are studying possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Your level of intelligence possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Giving a lot of effort possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
Behaving well in class possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change
Somewhat Completely
Not at all possible A little possible Quite possible
How easily you give up possible to possible to
to change to change to change
change change


Perceptions of how well students are able to persevere through setbacks to achieve important
long-term goals.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How often do you stay focused on the same goal for

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
several months at a time?

If you fail to reach an important goal, how likely are

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
you to try again?

When you are working on a project that matters a lot

Somewhat Extremely
to you, how focused can you stay when there are lots Not at all focused Slightly focused Quite focused
focused focused
of distractions?

If you have a problem while working towards an

Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well
important goal, how well can you keep working?

Some people pursue some of their goals for a long

time, and others change their goals frequently. Over
Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
the next several years, how likely are you to continue
to pursue one of your current goals?

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How often do you stay focused on the same goal for

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
more than 3 months at a time?

If you fail at an important goal, how likely are you to

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
try again?

When you are working on a project that matters a lot

Somewhat Extremely
to you, how focused can you stay when there are lots Not at all focused Slightly focused Quite focused
focused focused
of distractions?

If you have a problem while working towards an

Not well at all Slightly well Somewhat well Quite well Extremely well
important goal, how well can you keep working?

User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 25

School Safety
Perceptions of student physical and psychological safety while at school.

Grades 6-12

Question Response Options

How often are people disrespectful to others

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
at your school?

How likely is it that someone from your school will

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
bully you online?

How often do you worry about violence

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
at your school?

At your school, how unfairly do the adults Somewhat Extremely

Not at all unfairly Slightly unfairly Quite unfairly
treat the students? unfairly unfairly

If a student is bullied in school, how difficult is it for Somewhat Extremely

Not at all difficult Slightly difficult Quite difficult
him/her to get help from an adult? difficult difficult

How often do students get into physical fights

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
at your school?

Grades 3-5

Question Response Options

How often are people disrespectful to others

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
at your school?

How likely is it that someone from your school will

Not at all likely Slightly likely Somewhat likely Quite likely Extremely likely
bully you online?

How often do you worry about violence

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
at your school?

If a student is bullied in school, how difficult is it for Somewhat Extremely

Not at all difficult Slightly difficult Quite difficult
him/her to get help from an adult? difficult difficult

How often do students get into physical fights

Almost never Once in a while Sometimes Frequently Almost always
at your school?


Additional Items

Free Responses about the Classroom & Teaching

Open-ended questions about a variety of topics that may be of interest to many schools.


If this teacher were to change one thing about What are the most engaging activities that
his/her teaching, what should s/he change? happen in this class?
Please be as specific as possible.
Which aspects of class have you found least
If this teacher were to make sure to keep engaging?
doing one thing about his/her teaching, what
should s/he keep doing? Please be as specific If you were teaching class, what is the one
as possible. thing you would do to make it more engaging
for all students?
What do you think is the biggest change this
teacher could make to get along better with How do you know when you are feeling
more of his/her students? engaged in class?

Please list 1-2 things that this teacher could do What projects/assignments/activities do you
to improve the classroom overall. find most engaging in this class?

What does this teacher do to make this

class engaging?
What is the one thing that this teacher does CLASSROOM TEACHER-STUDENT
that you want all your teachers to do? RELATIONSHIPS

What is the one thing that this teacher could What changes could students make to get
do to help the whole class learn more? along better with this teacher?

CLASSROOM CLIMATE What are two specific things that this teacher
does that helps his/her relationships with
Please list 1-2 steps that the whole class could students?
take to improve the climate of the classroom.
What is one thing that your teacher does that
What are the 1-2 aspects of the classroom that makes you feel like s/he understands you?
make you feel least comfortable?
If you were the teacher of this class, what
What is one thing that this teacher could do to is one thing you would do to improve your
improve student behavior? relationships with your students?


What is one thing that this teacher does that What is one thing that this teacher could do to
makes you try particularly hard in class? help students care more about the content you
are studying?
What is one thing that this teacher could do to
make you try even harder in class? What is one reason that the content you
learn in class is particularly important to you
What is one thing you could do to make personally?
yourself try even harder in class?
What is the one thing that you find most
If you were the teacher of this class, what important to you about this class?
would you do to show your students that you
have high expectations?
User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 27
Free Responses about the School
Open-ended questions about a variety of topics that may be of interest to many schools.

SUGGESTED ITEMS What is the biggest barrier that stands

between you and achieving this goal?
What is your best idea for how groups of
people at this school could get along with each Please list a concrete strategy that you can
other better? use to overcome the barriers to reaching your
most important goal?
What are two things that this school could do
to improve? Please be as specific as possible. SCHOOL SAFETY
What are two things that this school does well If you were principal, what is the one change you
that it should continue to do? Please be as would make to the school to make it feel safer?
specific as possible.
What is one thing that students could do at
SCHOOL BELONGING school to make it feel safer?

What is the biggest thing that gets in the way BACKGROUND QUESTIONS
of people at this school getting along with
each other better? What is your gender?

SCHOOL LEARNING STRATEGIES What is your race or ethnicity?

If someone could teach you a strategy to help In which year were you born?
you improve on anything in school, what would
Please indicate the primary language you
this person teach you a strategy for?
speak at home.
Which of the strategies that you use seems to
What kinds of grades do you usually get?
be the most effective for helping you succeed
in school? Please select the highest level of education
completed by your mother. If you are not sure,
SCHOOL MINDSET please take your best guess.
What is an example of a time when hard work Please select the highest level of education
has really paid off for you? completed by your father. If you are not sure,
please take your best guess.
If you were to help a younger student realize
that s/he could get a lot smarter if they put in
enough effort, how would you help him/her
realize this? What would you tell them?


What goal are you most excited to achieve by

the end of this school year?


User Guide: Panorama Student Survey 29
Panorama Education partners with K-12 schools and districts across the country to collect
and analyze data about social-emotional learning, school climate, family engagement, and
more. With research-backed surveys and a leading technology platform, Panorama helps
educators act on data and improve student outcomes. Panorama supports more than 9
million students in 11,500 schools across 46 states, including those in the New York City
Department of Education, Dallas Independent School District, Seattle Public Schools, and
San Francisco Unified School District.

Learn more about Panorama: | | (617) 356-8123
24 School Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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