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The given bar graph gives information about how waste is tackled by four countries (………) by using four

distinct methods. The data is given in percentages.

Overall, most of the waste is managed by Italy, Spain, and the UK by using the landfilling method,
whereas the most preference by the Netherlands is given to recycling which follows other methods less
than other countries except for burning which is least preferred by the UK.

In terms of handling waste by the burning method, Spain is well ahead of others, with a 30% waste
burial, followed by Italy (20%), the Netherlands (10%), whereas the percentage is the lowest in the UK,
at meager 4%. However, as regards tackling waste by using as chemicals method, Italy disposes of as
much waste as Spain does which is about 18%, whereas the UK and The Netherlands are the smallest
waste handlers, which manage only 15% and 12% waste.

On the other hand, recycling is by far the most popular method in the Netherlands, discarding just under
70% waste, whereas in remaining countries waste disposal’s percentage ranges between 20% and 10%.
Surprisingly, a reverse trend can be seen in the landfilling method, which is the most chosen in the UK,
with 68%, as opposed to Spain and Italy which have the same percentage, at exactly 40% and The
Netherlands which has the least percentage, at just below one-tenth.

1. We went out ………………………….. the rain.

a) in spite of b) however c) although

2. We went out …………………………. it rained.

a) despite b) although c) however

3. She went on working ……………………….. she was tired.

a) although b) despite c) either could be used here

4. She went on working ………………………….. the fact that she was tired.

a) despite b) however c) although

5. …………………….. she is a nice girl, I don’t quite like her.

a) although b) despite c) however

6. ………………………. expensive, it was a good watch.

a) however b) although c) despite

7. I didn’t like the film. …………………………., everybody else seemed to enjoy it.

a) however b) despite c) either could be used here

8. ………………………. I didn’t like the film, everybody else seemed to enjoy it.

a) although b) however c) either could be used here

9. We managed to do it …………………………….. he wasn’t there.

a) however b) although c) either could be used here

10. We managed to do it, ………………………….. the fact that he was not there.

a) although b) despite c) however

The given bar graph illustrates the data on four different waste disposal methods used in the
Netherlands, Italy, Spain and the UK

Overall, it is clear that landfilling was the method by which Italy, Spain and the UK dispose of
most of their waste, but recycling is used the most for waste disposal by the Netherlands. The
least popular method is burning in the UK, whereas landfilling, compositing and recycling are
the least popular in the Netherlands, Italy and Spain, respectively.

According to the graph, the Netherlands recycles about two thirds of its waste. About 14 % of its
waste is composited, which means it is used as chemicals. About 8 % and 10 % is landfilled and
burnt respectively. Italy and Spain landfill about 40 % of their waste and use approximately 18
% of their waste as chemicals. Burning is the second most popular method used in these

Spain burns 30 % of its waste, whereas in Italy, about 22 % waste is burnt. In the UK, about 65
% of the waste is put in landfill sites. About 17 % is converted into compost, and about 13 % 15
recycled. Only about 5 % waste is incinerated in the UK.

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