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Wallet Recovery Data Sheet

This document holds the information and instructions required for you to
recover your BTC Wallet should anything happen.
Print it out and keep it in a safe location; if you lose these details you
will never be able to recover your wallet.

Wallet Identifier

Backup Info
Encrypted Primary Seed
fat arena brown skull echo quit ice cycle valid execute mosquito mixture mandate
voice educate ship cricket deposit exotic nothing sausage affair okay junk post
final sketch color episode genius move during potato swap electric stick quantum
come tuition express web moon crisp rotate private vintage retire canal

Backup Seed
subject february select trash garment ripple narrow keep adapt gloom wing firm cloud
cook seed verb old raw among enhance stone brave truth cart

Encrypted Recovery Secret

fat arena brown skull echo quick august video open imitate damp clever solar relief
grace verify keep suffer stomach hobby decade life rule craft multiply nominee setup
gentle tribe sausage space region problem wedding goddess gather lemon leg host hen
style urge gravity stomach lawsuit empty keep thank ride lazy dwarf deputy text
essay hurt rich resemble twist face jazz rally vague power detail embrace robust
lawsuit upper slogan actress pottery office
BTC Wallet Public Keys
1 in total

KeyIndex: 0 Path: M/0’

Backup Info - part 2
This page needs to be replaced / updated when wallet password is changed!

Password Encrypted Secret

fat arena brown skull echo quit idle neutral sweet small steak window blood tooth
tragic hour base accident label brass cherry trigger action success orphan canvas
party science tattoo drum image ritual kitchen type direct wave hill impact narrow
rely snow gospel rose subway fossil today state double total reunion pencil hunt put
video two stick wise trap axis farm whale bridge happy flight crumble all accuse
safe clerk bunker tunnel road

Wallet Recovery Instructions

You can recover the bitcoins in your wallet on
using this backup sheet.
For a more technical aproach on how to recover your wallet yourself, see the
’wallet_recovery_example.php’ script in the examples folder of the Blocktrail

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