Prayer of Rupert Mayer

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Saul Prayer of Rupert Mayer ‘ j & Music by Manoling V. Francisco, S.J. Arranged by Norman A. Agatep In a Deliberate Tompo J = 64 > BD cm AC Bin? m® Am Am AAG cm Introduction BF oust F Dima? o c ap >o Lord, what You wi fet it be ce dim Dm. ome a FIA Gn will, there we will . What is Your will? Help us ‘to Lord, when You will, the ume Is right, In You, there's joy in & PrarreComeme i Jur cousmrnsFanera i Atonineanel! o FIA, Gm? atte Foe Your wit, Mt give ny the To Bes cause You will i You wit ne s SS * blest Tut In Your ‘our heats find — rast Tw hearts find o A $S=555555 a int Bast Ein? Fm Ft SIGE = f= . Lond, when You wi, tho tian 1s right In You, thore's Joy in a . ay: . Lord, whon You wi . @ % Lord. when You will, tho . ——, a 5 fof ryt Lord, whon You wil tho time Is ight in You, there's joy tn o wy Ba wo or Fm ———— f s Sr Sala —— ste, For Your wil, I glvo my lo. To esto Your bur -den brings ro aa es £ = : ay = = _ ShSS=i SSS ES SS sto For Your wi hove my Wes, To tate. Your but -don_ bins 90 fot zs — T et f2 EEE 4= = sti For Your wi Mahe my He. To eneo Yar bar -don_bings ve _- B/E $ = oy 7 = =} DSREy (SSS = SSS sto, For Your wil, TH give my ie, To oase Your bur -den brings no cm ce Fm on ot in? on pain, To fore-go all for You Is gain, as long as | tw You re main, pein. To fore-go all for You ls gain, as long ast In You to -main. pain, To fore-go all for You Is gain, as ong. Tp pain, To fore-go all for You Is gain, as fong ag L___— Im You fe main, Arrest open aes 90d a Edin? =a ost Bo- cause You wil LE notte Bo- cause You wil Sy You wit 3 blest, ap YO MR, hams fod et = capes SSS blest tn Your hands, our heats find rst a ey SS = aE f Dlest, —_ ae TiW In Your hands our ‘earts find rest, > yp = —— = Se blest, TH In x hands our hearts find rast, . Bar oA OM Edin” Fm Fav mp Oni? decrese. 2 a ‘our hearts find rest, Til Im Yourhands,our heats find rest. ap decrese. P Tm In Your hands.our hearts find rest ap decrese. P four hearts find In Your hands,our hearts find rast. four hears, find 2 decrese. hearts find rast four hearts find ost TW In Your hands,our

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