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The Impact of Informatics on Nursing Education: A Review of the Literature

Article  in  The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing · June 2009

DOI: 10.3928/00220124-20090422-02 · Source: PubMed


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The Impact of Informatics on Nursing Education:
A Review of the Literature
Bonnie Ainsley, MS, and Abbie Brown, PhD

base, slow adoption of information technology, failure

abstract to address consumerism among patients who are better
educated and more informed about their health needs
On the basis of a study by the Institute of Medicine, the and health care, and work force shortages and discon-
current health care system is facing several challenges that tent (Hundert et al.). Because technology could be used
may be addressed by changes in health professions educa- to impact the five core competencies and, as a result, the
tion. The study focused on integration of five core compe- quality of health care, this article focuses mainly on the
tencies into health professions education, one of which was use of technology. It also explores inclusion of infor-
informatics. This critical analysis investigates current use of matics in nursing education.
technology and online instructional strategies in nursing ed-
ucation. It also explores the potential impact of integration of Nurses as Learners
informatics into nursing education to increase the cognitive The ages and academic achievements of nursing stu-
skills of nurses to promote evidence-based nursing. Advan- dents vary greatly. Nursing students can be identified as
tages and disadvantages of using online education in the in- intended nurses and practicing nurses. They can be high
struction of nursing students and recommendations for best school graduates who enroll in higher education to com-
online practices in nursing education are discussed. plete prerequisites for nursing programs or currently em-
J Contin Educ Nurs 2009;40(5):228-232. ployed nurses. Nursing students may be enrolled in nurs-
ing programs at universities or community colleges or in
nursing diploma programs. Many nursing programs of-

A ccording to the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) re-

port Health Professions Education: A Bridge to
Quality, “All health professionals should be educated
fer courses or degrees online. Regardless of learners’ ages,
they enter programs to prepare for nursing practice, earn
an advanced degree, improve chances for career advance-
to deliver patient-centered care as members of an in- ment, or improve their level of professional practice.
terdisciplinary team, emphasizing evidence-based prac-
tice, quality improvement approaches, and informatics” Review of the Literature
(Hundert et al., 2003, p. 45). The IOM report focuses Li and Kenward (2006) completed a national survey of
on integrating five core competencies—patient-cen- nursing education and practice of newly licensed nurses.
tered care, working in interdisciplinary teams, empha-
sizing evidence-based practice, quality improvement, Ms. Ainsley is Academic Advisor and Dr. Brown is Associate Profes-
and informatics—into health professions education. It sor, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina.
also lists some challenges facing the current health care This manuscript was based on a paper originally produced for a
system. These challenges include the absence of a sys- course in East Carolina University’s graduate program in instructional
tem and coordination across sectors, resulting in lack Address correspondence to Abbie Brown, PhD, 106 Claybourne
of continuity, poor accommodation of patient needs, an Court, Greenville, NC 27834.
inability to assimilate the increasingly complex science doi:10.9999/00220124-20090422-02

228 The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing · May 2009 · Vol 40, No 5
Their study attempted to link educational elements to nurse information and knowledge to support the practice of
preparation for practice. Li and Kenward found that: nursing and the delivery of nursing care” (p. 227). Al-
Inadequate preparation of several nursing functions were though 80% of deans and directors who participated in
[sic] identified as predictive of difficulty with patient care an online survey expected baccalaureate nursing gradu-
assignments. These areas include working effectively
within the healthcare team, administering medications ates to have nursing informatics competencies such as
to groups of patients, analyzing multiple types of data proficiency with e-mail, word processing, bibliographic
when making client-related decisions, delegating tasks retrieval, and the Internet, fewer than one third reported
to others, and understanding the pathophysiology un- teaching such competencies (McNeil et al., 2003). The
derlying a client’s conditions. In addition, it was found authors of the online study concluded that current nurs-
that the graduates were more likely to feel adequately
prepared when nursing programs taught them use of in- ing informatics education in baccalaureate programs was
formation technology and evidence-based practice; inte- lacking in areas necessary for nursing professionals to
grated pathophysiology and critical thinking throughout use evidence-based practice and collect accurate clinical
the curriculum; taught content related to the care of cli- data (McDowell & Ma, 2007).
ent populations as independent courses; and had a higher
percentage of faculty teaching both didactic and clinical
components of the curriculum. (pp. 110-111) Nursing Informatics Defined
The American Nurses Association’s Scope and Stan-
According to Li and Kenward (2006), only 62.1% of dards of Nursing Informatics Practice provides a de-
registered nurse study participants felt that they were scription of informatics competencies for nurses ranging
adequately prepared by their classroom education to use from “beginning” to “specialist” (American Nurses As-
information technology to enhance patient care. sociation, 2001). Beginning nursing informatics compe-
Informatics develops new uses for information tech- tency includes information management and computer
nology to solve specific problems in areas as diverse as literacy skills (e.g., using a word processor, database, or
biology, fine arts, and economics. Informatics is also in- spreadsheet program). Experienced nursing informatics
terested in how individuals transform technology and competency focuses on proficiency in information man-
how technology transforms individuals (Indiana Uni- agement and communication directly related to one’s
versity, 2006). Erdley (2005), who published a study that major area of practice. Specialist nursing informatics
focused on developing a definition for nursing informa- competency relates to standards of practice and profes-
tion, concluded that: sional performance.
Nursing information is contextually dependent, multidi-
mensional, complex, and necessary for patient care. Es- Current Online Instructional Strategies Used in
sential elements of nursing information include interven-
tion (doing for the patient and others), communication, Nursing Education
form (attributes/traits), and value (commodity). Use of Simpson (2006a) discussed several strategies for on-
power can enhance or detract from the value of nursing line nursing education being either used currently or
information in the patient care encounter. (p. 98) projected for the near future. He discussed Internet2,
McDowell and Ma (2007), who studied computer lit- a consortium of 207 universities, industry, and govern-
eracy among baccalaureate nursing students, stated: ment with the goals of creating a leading-edge network
Students may be entering nursing programs with ba- capability for the national research community, enabling
sic skills in word processing and e-mailing, but educa- revolutionary Internet applications, and ensuring the
tors need to ensure graduates are leaving the program
equipped with other experiences that incorporate the rapid transfer of new network services and applications
use of databases, spreadsheets, and statistical analysis to the broader Internet community. Internet2 is similar
packages. These programs may assist them to deal with to the consortium that was instrumental in the develop-
technologies that are still on the horizon and essential to ment of the Internet. In 2003, Internet2 Commons was
professional nursing practice. (p. 35) used to offer a pilot course via videoconferencing in
Evidence-based nursing is nursing practice based on nursing informatics for the University of Iowa, the Uni-
research and the literature resulting from that research. versity of Wisconsin-Madison, Indiana University, and
Nurses who are skilled in using technology and data- the University of Michigan. The Internet2 Commons
bases can retrieve information to make sound decisions videoconferencing service allows institutions to partici-
based on current research rather than opinion. The pate even though they may use different videoconferenc-
field of nursing informatics was defined by Graves and ing applications. Instructors and students participated in
Corcoran (1989) as a “combination of computer science, live, interactive lectures and had access to archived vid-
information science and nursing science designed to as- eos. Web-based conferencing and course management
sist in the management and processing of nursing data, were also used. The course employed traditional teach-

The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing · May 2009 · Vol 40, No 5 229
ing and learning strategies. Participating classes were also niques. The Teaching Health Sciences with Technology
able to schedule group or class sessions to accommodate link includes collection, animation, simulation, lecture/
research and education (Simpson). presentation, tutorial, and reference material examples.
Simpson (2006a) also discussed how pervasive com- A brief definition is provided for each, along with a link
puting allows access to educational content anytime and to a working example.
anywhere. Virginia Commonwealth University’s De-
partment of Nurse Anesthesia, School of Allied Health Advantages to Using Online Education in Nursing
Professions, received funding allowing the creation of Online education in nursing increases accessibility
simulator-based video modules that can be viewed using for students in rural areas and those who work or have
mobile memory devices. The short videos enable stu- family responsibilities prohibiting them from attending
dents to see and hear instructors as they present patient traditional classes. The number of online programs is
profiles and perform proper procedures and tasks on pa- growing. The College of Nursing at East Carolina Uni-
tient simulators (Simpson). versity (2006) offers a transfer program for associate de-
According to Simpson (2006a), virtual reality settings gree nurses who return to school to earn a bachelor of
using avatars allow learners to master technical skills science in nursing that is completely online. The College
in virtual clinical settings and gain practice interacting of Nursing also offers several master’s degree programs
with patients through role-playing. In addition to vir- online.
tual reality, Simpson discussed how augmented reality, Online educational settings offer nursing students the
an emergent technology, allows users to overlay com- ability to collaborate with colleagues in other geograph-
puter-generated graphics, sounds, sensations, and smells ic areas through participation in online group activities,
on the real world. Because this technology requires users thus increasing opportunities for social professional-
to wear some type of device, it will most likely be used in ism. Participating in online courses, videoconferencing,
clinical settings or preceptorships (Simpson). group discussion threads, and group chats gives nursing
Online instructional environments are also used in students the opportunity to gain experience working in
nursing education. Social interaction with peers was interdisciplinary teams. Using online databases to search
identified as necessary for professional socialization in current literature offers nursing students the opportu-
order for individuals to become members of a given soci- nity to understand the value of research and literature
ety. The constructivist pedagogy typically used in online to evidence-based nursing practice. Online collaboration
virtual communities allows learners to develop personal regarding search results also provides nursing students
constructs based on personal observations and interac- with the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to
tions; thus, they gain the socialization necessary to make identify valid sources through peer reinforcement.
them members of the society of which they are study- When instructors include cutting-edge technologies in
ing to become a part (Simpson, 2006a). Several strategies their teaching strategies, students have the opportunity to
for developing social presence in an online setting were become technology literate. Simpson (2006b) asserted:
identified by Steinweg, Trujillo, Jeffs, and Warren (2006). Despite a wealth of studies showing how information
They found that web-based photo albums, student in- technology (IT) improves care, makes the workplace bet-
ter for clinicians, and reduces costs, nursing has been the
formation sheets, student-friendly language, audio and slowest constituency to accept it. Whatever basis nurs-
video files, podcasting, assistive technology, discussion, ing has for not using IT, there are even more compelling
and group projects helped to establish relationships and reasons why nursing must. Paramount among these is
social presence in online courses (Steinweg et al.). the rise of consumerism in healthcare and the resultant
Faculty members also have access to virtual commu- demand for evidence-based nursing (EBN). (p. 12)
nities for collaboration, support, and resources. Multi- Nurses can use online databases to stay up-to-date on
media Educational Resource for Learning and Online current research and can make decisions based on that
Teaching (MERLOT) is an online community providing research, thereby increasing the possibility of improved
“. . . a leading edge, user-centered, searchable collection health care. Simpson (2006b) proposed a PLAN (prod-
of peer reviewed higher education, online learning mate- ucts, learning, access, and need) for tackling the obstacle
rials created by registered members, and a set of faculty to information technology ubiquity. Simpson asserted:
development support services” (MERLOT, 2006). Us- One of the best ways to get technology into education
ers can also share advice and expertise about education. is collaboration between those who have knowledge and
those who can deliver it. Such technological ubiquity will
The site has active communities from several disciplines, prepare students to take positions at hospitals, regardless
including a teaching and technology community. The of the presence or absence of an electronic health record
Teaching link offers several examples of online tech- or the specific vendor product. (p. 16)

230 The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing · May 2009 · Vol 40, No 5
Simpson (2006b) went on to say: preciation; modeling an attitude of “being the best one
If computers exist but we can’t understand them or get can be”; finding a chord of harmony; and feeling the
to them, do they really improve practice? Organiza- passion of caring. Further, Leners and Sitzman found
tional culture is a leading determinant in our use of IT,
evidence, and research in practice. (p. 16) that the caring attitude of faculty promoted students’
achievement and an attitude of giving their best. This
Participation in online instructional activities and “passing down” of a caring attitude incorporates the in-
learning exposes nurses to the very technology that is structional strategy of modeling into nursing education
becoming so central to nursing practice. by providing an example for nursing students, who will
later enter the nursing profession as more caring health
Disadvantages to Using Online Education in care providers.
Nursing Instruction related to psychomotor skills or activities
Educators not “knowing” their students’ needs, re- might also be problematic in online learning environ-
ceiving adequate training in online education, or using ments, but audiovisual technology may offer a solution.
information learned in training are disadvantages. Weber Love, McAdams, Patton, Rankin, and Roberts (1989) con-
(2005) discussed several issues associated with technol- ducted a study that found no difference in performance
ogy use in relation to students with disabilities. He fo- of psychomotor skills between students who learned in
cused mainly on students in grades K through 12, but a self-directed manner and those who were taught in a
also on learners in higher education programs, asserting: structured clinical laboratory. Each student participating
Instructional technology may present barriers to learning in the study was given a skill package that included an au-
that nurse educators do not consider, because it has fea- diovisual resource. Love et al. found laboratory experi-
tures not accessible by students with disabilities. Further-
more, access and use needs of students with mild disabili- ence, prior to direct patient care, important for students
ties, such as those with learning disabilities, who can use enrolled in nursing education programs.
standard platforms, are routinely overlooked. (p. 451)
Weber (2005) suggested that faculty “do their home- Conclusion
work” by determining how technology is used in general Technology and online instructional strategies can be
instruction and brainstorming how it can be used to bet- used in positive ways in nursing education. Evidence-
ter meet the needs of nurse practitioner students. based nursing practice requires that nurses possess the
It might seem that educators may not be able to pro- cognitive skills necessary to identify problems, research
mote a caring atmosphere for nursing students in online them, and solve them by applying new knowledge. In-
education and, therefore, may not be able to have a posi- cluding instruction in basic technology (e.g., e-mail, data-
tive impact on the affective domain of nursing education. base, and spreadsheet applications) in nursing education
On the basis of a literature review and a study of gradu- is important to adequately prepare nurses and promote
ate student perceptions, Leners and Sitzman (2006) as- evidence-based nursing, communication, and collabora-
serted that caring has long been associated with nursing tion. Using technology to teach and teaching students to
and should also be evident in nursing education. They use technology and informatics can ensure that nursing
stated: students learn the psychomotor skills associated with the
Intentional caring on the part of the teacher improves use of the hardware and software that will be beneficial
nursing student outcomes in face-to-face settings in a health care setting. The opportunity to interact and
through enhanced learning, enhanced student self-es-
teem, perceived competency, retention, and program collaborate with and learn from a diverse group of fac-
completion. (p. 258) ulty and peers via online educational settings and tech-
nology can promote growth and the nursing profession’s
Leners and Sitzman (2006) went on to say, however, caring attitude. Exposure to technology and informatics
that caring has been attached to: in nursing education can have the broad impact of im-
. . . one-to-one interactions where participants are able proved health care.
to directly and physically experience the other’s voice,
body language, facial expressions, and shared physical
context, as found in face-to-face classroom settings. On- Recommendations
line interactions lack the direct, physical aspects of face- Based on the review of the literature, several recom-
to-face interactions. (p. 316) mendations can be made regarding promoting technol-
Leners and Sitzman (2006) identified several areas ogy awareness and skill and including technology in on-
where faculty model caring for their students, such as line learning environments.
possessing an empathetic perspective toward students; Instructors should take advantage of professional
communicating in a timely fashion; using a tone of ap- development opportunities and promote an attitude of

The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing · May 2009 · Vol 40, No 5 231
key points The strategies offered in this article are a starting point.
Educators should model a love of learning, teaching the
Informatics importance of being informed and staying up-to-date on
Ainsley, B., Brown, A. (2009). The Impact of Informatics on strategies to improve professional practice.
Nursing Education: A Review of the Literature. The Journal of
Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(5), 228-232. References
American Nurses Association. (2001). Scope and standards of nursing

1 The Institute of Medicine recommends integrating the follow-

ing five core competencies into health professions education:
patient-centered care; working in interdisciplinary teams;
informatics practice. Washington, DC: Author.
East Carolina University. (2006). Undergraduate catalog 2006-2007.
Retrieved February 23, 2007, from
emphasizing evidence-based practice; quality improvement; upload/UgCat0607-4.pdf
Erdley, W. S. (2005). Concept development of nursing information: A
and informatics.
study of nurses working in critical care. Computers, Informatics,
Nursing, 23(2), 93-99.

2 Informatics (i.e., information management and computer

literacy skills) impacts the other four core competencies.
Graves, J. R., & Corcoran, S. (1989). The study of nursing informatics.
Image, 21, 227-231.
Hundert, E. M., Wakefield, M., Bootman, J. L., Cassel, C. K., Ching,

3 Health professions education strategies may be used to equip

students with skills and experiences in technology and infor-
matics with the goal of improving health care delivery.
W., Chow, M. P., et al. (2003). Institute of Medicine report—Health
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tional Academies Press.
Indiana University. (2006). What is informatics? IU Department of
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life-long learning. Awareness and investigation into the Leners, W. D., & Sitzman, K. (2006). Graduate students’ perceptions:
use of new and cutting-edge technologies, or new uses Feeling the passion of CARING online. Nursing Education Per-
spectives, 27(6), 315-319.
for existing technologies such as Internet2 and Internet2
Li, S., & Kenward, K. (2006). A national survey of nursing education
Commons, can improve educational experiences and and practice of newly licensed nurses. Journal of Nursing Adminis-
possibly increase access to course and degree programs. tration’s Healthcare, Law, Ethics, and Regulation, 8(4), 110-115.
Training and mentoring should be used to increase facul- Love, B., McAdams, C., Patton, D. M., Rankin, E. J., & Roberts, J.
ty acceptance and skill in developing online instruction. (1989). Teaching psychomotor skills in nursing: A randomized
control trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 14, 970-975.
Technology solutions should be considered when cre-
McDowell, D. E., & Ma, X. (2007). Computer literacy in baccalaureate
ating innovative learning environments. Video and vir- nursing students during the last 8 years. Computers, Informatics,
tual reality can be used to model psychomotor skills for Nursing, 25(1), 30-36.
students. Technology should be used if it will increase McNeil, B. J., Elfrink, V. L., Bickford, C. J., Pierce, S. T., Beyea, S. C.,
understanding, learning, or access. Nursing education Averill, C., et al. (2003). Nursing information technology knowl-
edge, skills, and preparation of student nurses, nursing faculty, and
should include, or at least reinforce, training in e-mail,
clinicians: A U.S. survey. Journal of Nursing Education, 42, 341-349.
word processing, bibliographic retrieval, and the Inter- Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.
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will help educators and students remain knowledgeable
about current practice. Simpson, R. L. (2006a). See the future of distance education. Nursing
Management, 37(2), 42-51.
Increased social interaction should be promoted.
Simpson, R. L. (2006b). What’s nursing’s PLAN for IT ubiquity?
Web-based photo albums, student information sheets, Nursing Management, 37(9), 12-16.
student-friendly language, audio and video files, podcast- Steinweg, S. B., Trujillo, L., Jeffs, T., & Warren, S. H. (2006). Maintain-
ing, assistive technology, discussion, and group projects ing the personal touch in a growing program: Strategies for estab-
can be used to establish relationships and social presence lishing social presence in online classes. Retrieved January 1, 2007,
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Weber, S. (2005). Addressing technology pros and cons. Retrieved Febru-
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attitude, desire to achieve, and future nursing practice. =6&sid=5b3d76c9-ff05-4a91-a9e5-6c89b2d33659%40sessionmgr9

232 The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing · May 2009 · Vol 40, No 5
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