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Currently, a design for an electronics box calls for 11 electronic boards and a battery

to be enclosed. Each electronic component will generate a heat of 2.1 watts. The
current design uses two fans to blow air through the box to cool the electronics. The
fans blow air at a rate of 35 cubic feet per minute. The box is expected to operate in an
environment where the temperature reaches a maximum of 114 degrees Fahrenheit.
The main constraint on the design is that the electronic components need to be
maintained below 200 degrees Fahrenheit, otherwise the components could be

The box itself is ABS plastic, the components will be modeled as copper, and the material
properties are shown in the table below.

Domain Selected for meshing

Meshed Model
Meshing Properties
Nodes: 41813
Elements: 217196
Element Size: 0.01m
Element Type: Tetrahedral
Aspect Ratio: Max 8.63
Skewness: Max 0.82

Physics Setup

1. Double Precision, Parallel with 2 processes.

2. Models: Energy
Viscosity: k-e Turbulence model with Realizable and scalable wall functions
3. Cell Zone Conditions: Heat Generation chips- Copper
Source Terms: No of Energy sources- 1
Value- 40682 W/m3(Constant)
Domain- Air
4. Boundary Conditions:
Inlet: Velocity Inlet, Velocity = 57.609m/s,
Temperature (in) =318.706K
Outlet: Pressure Outlet, pressure =0 (Gauge),
Temperature (Out) =318.706K,
Wall-part- solid: Material- ABS, Adiabatic
Wall-heat-generation and Wall-heat-generation-part solid:
5. Reference Values: from inlet
6. Methods: SIMPLE, Least squares cell based, Pressure, Momentum, Turbulence and
Energy all are Second order
7. Residuals: 0.001 (All)
8. Initialization: Standard from inlet
9. Calculation: 5000 iterations

1. Total Heat transfer rate: 22.092845

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