Birhane Design Report For Residence Building

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MARCH 2020

Table of Contents
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Plumbing services.............................................................................................................................. 1
2.1. General................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.2. Design standards and guidelines....................................................................................................... 1
2.3. Plumbing Materials............................................................................................................................. 1
2.4. Domestic water services...................................................................................................................... 1
2.5. Water Supply Pipes Sizing............................................................................................................... 4
2.6. Waste water drainage system........................................................................................................ 6
2.7. Waste water drainage system........................................................................................................ 7
2.8. Rain water drainage system........................................................................................................... 7
2.9. Sub- surface water drainage........................................................................................................... 8
3. Firefighting services....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1. General.................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2. Design standards and guide lines................................................................................................. 8
3.3. Plumbing materials........................................................................................................................... 8
3.4. Capacity of fire pumps...................................................................................................................... 8
3.5. Reservoir Capacity............................................................................................................................. 9

1. Introduction

This design report describes design services in PLUMBING FOR BIRHANE RESIDENCE
BUILDING. This consumption building consisting of ground level to 2nd floors require special
attention in the design of building service engineering works for attention should be paid in
creating regulated pressure in water system & firefighting facilities, and related services.
Accordingly, design requirements are established following provisions of Ethiopian building
codes such as ES – 3960 & 3964 etc. as applicable.
2. Plumbing services

2.1. General

The plumbing services of this building address the design of water supply and drainage facilities
`as detailed in the following.
 Water storage for domestic services.
 Water transfer services.
 Waste water drainage services.
 Waste water disposal services.
 Rain water drainage services.

2.2. Design standards and guidelines

The water supply and drainage system design is based mainly on the Ethiopian Building Code
standard for plumbing service of Building ES 3960.
Relevant illustrations and guidelines presented in the Principles, Procedures and Design Examples
to Plumbing Services of Buildings are also used in the system design.

2.3. Plumbing Materials

The plumbing materials (pipes, appliance, pumps, etc.) to be envisaged shall satisfy approved
specifications for quality, suitability and shall comply with the specific nature of the project. The
cost effectiveness of the plumbing materials shall be taken into account in addition to the
mentioned requirements.

2.4. Domestic water services

2.4.1. Source of water

The source of water will be from the nearby municipal water main via 32mm diameter intake pipe.
2.4.2. Water storage
Dedicated storage tank of adequate capacity, which shall be constructed from Hot Press Molded
Sectional GRP/Glass Reinforced Plastic/, are proposed in the water reservoir room located on 1st
basement floor.
2.4.3. Storage tank capacity determination
The new building has various functions & is expected to accommodate the following population.
The daily water consumption is calculated based on the number of people in each function as
shown below.
Parameter Value/calculation Remarks
Dwelling Residence
No. of dwellings 1*5 = 5 Unit * Number of People
Diversity factors 90% To account for lesser number
of residents
Per capita water 250 LPD This figure is assumed for
consumption medium Consumption
LPD = Liters per day
Apartment Total water =5*250*0.9 = (Population) x (diversity) x
consumption = 1125 (per capita consumption)

Consider two days storage = 1125 x 2= 2,250 lit =2.25m3

Total water consumption = 3 m3 use tanks at 3m3 capacity.
2.4.4. Water distribution to plumbing appliances.
Variable speed driven domestic water booster pumps located on Ground floor are proposed to feed
plumbing appliance.
Booster pumps capacity determination.
• Flow rate determination
The flow rate of the pumps for fixtures from ground to 2nd floor is determined considering the peak
demand of the connected appliances following ES 3960 Provision.
Type of fixture, Quantity & loading unit:

Sanitary Fixture Sub-Total Loading
Quantity Loading unit/fixture
Type Unit
Hand wash basin 8 2 16
WCs 7 2 14
Showers 4 3 12
jaccuzi 1 10 10
Kitchen sink 1 3 3
Total loading unit 55

Using Figure 4-4 Conversion chart - loading unit to flow rate of ES 3960 the flow rate will be 0.8

However, there is a much higher probability that more fixtures can be simultaneously used then
the expected. Thus it is worthwhile to consider the peak flow rate 1.20 times the calculated value.
Thus consider peak flow rate to be 0.96 l/s to size the transfer pump.

 Pump head
The pumping head is determined considering static head, friction & fittings losses.
Hs = (From Ground up to Roof slab) di
3.6 x 6 +1.5= 23.1
Total length of pipe up to roof slab = 23.1 +10 = 33.1m
Effective length = 33.1 x 1.3 = 43.03 m
Cumulative flow rate of appliances reduces upwards, however, on average pressure drop of
5m/100m is considered to determine the friction loss.
H friction =43.03 x 5/100 =2.15
HL fitting losses =3m
Hout -----------=3m
H Total = 23.1+.2.15+3+3= 21
= 31.25 m
Booster pumps @ 0.96/s AND H=31m.

2.5. Water Supply Pipes Sizing

Sample calculation of the water distribution pipe sizing is shown below for one of the critical route
riser. The same approach has been applied for the various water distribution risers. The calculation
is made following ES-3960 Provisions. Please refer to figure 1 for the schematic diagram.
Volume of tanker, V = 2,000liters
Time of fill, T = 120minutes (Assumed)
Pipe diameter, D = 40mm (Assumed)
Rate of Fill, Discharge, Q = Volume of tanker/Time of fill
= 2,000liters/ (120minutes*60seconds/minute)
= 0.278 lts/sec.
Velocity of flow, V =Discharge/Area of pipe
= (4Q/ (π*D^2))/1000
= (4*0.25/ (3.1415*0.04*0.04))/1000
= 0.22 m/s<= 3.0m/s Safe!!
For the internal distribution system:
Fixture unit loadings given in ES-3960 are used.
No Fixture Type Unit
1 Hand Wash Basin 2.00
2 Water Closet 2.00
3 Shower 3.00
4 Bath Tub/Jacuzzi 10.00
5 Kitchen Sink 3.00
6 Washing Machine 3.00
7 Wash Trough 3.00

Table 1 Fixtures & Their Respective Loading Units.

For water supply riser one (W1)
Ground Floor Level:
Pipe diameter, D = 20 mm (Assumed)
Fixtures fed by riser one @ Ground Floor level:
KS = 1*3.00 = 3.00
Total = 3.00
Using Figure 4-4 Conversion chart - loading unit to flow rate of ES 3960 the flow rate will be 0.3

Velocity of flow, v =Discharge/Area of pipe

= (4Q/ (pi*D^2))/1000
= ((4*0.3)/ (3.1415*0.02*0.02))/1000
= 0.955 m/s<= 3.0m/s Safe!!

First Floor Level:

Pipe diameter, D = 20 mm (Assumed)
Fixtures fed by riser two @ First Floor level:
WC = 1*2.00 = 2.00
HW = 1*2.00 = 2.00
SH = 1*3.00 = 3.00
KS = 1*3.00 = 3.00
Total =10.00
Using Figure 4-4 Conversion chart - loading unit to flow rate of ES 3960 the flow rate will be 0.3

Velocity of flow, v =Discharge/Area of pipe

= (4Q/ (pi*D^2))/1000
= ((4*0.3)/ (3.1415*0.020*0.020))/1000
= 0.95 m/s<= 3.0m/s Safe!!
Second Floor Level:
Pipe diameter, D = 25 mm (Assumed)
Fixtures fed by riser two @ Second Floor level:
WC = 2*2.00 = 4.00
HW = 2*2.00 = 4.00
SH = 1*3.00 = 3.00
KS = 1*3.00 = 3.00
Total =14.00
Using Figure 4-4 Conversion chart - loading unit to flow rate of ES 3960 the flow rate will be 0.37

Velocity of flow, v =Discharge/Area of pipe

= (4Q/ (pi*D^2))/1000
= ((4*0.37)/ (3.1415*0.020*0.020))/1000
= 1.17 m/s<= 3.0m/s Safe!!

2.6. Waste water drainage system

PVC pipes of suitable size are recommended both per the external and internal wastewater
drainage. Drainage pipe sizing of internal systems are done as per the recommendation given in
ES-3960. Taking into consideration mishandling of the drainage systems in most cases we have
designed the drainage system greater than the minimum recommended pipe sizes.

External drainage pipe sizing collection is made for selected pipe section (see the attached
drainage pipe layout schematic diagram and table –2)
Wastewater Drainage Pipe Sizing
No Fixture Type Discharge Unit
1 Hand Wash Basin 1.00
2 Water Closet 4.00
3 Shower 2.00
4 Bath Tub 4.00
5 Kitchen Sink 2.00
6 Washing Machine 5.00
7 Wash Trough 5.00
8 Floor Drain 1.00
Table 2 Fixtures & their Respective Discharge Units.
Wastewater drainage stack sizing
Fixtures drained by stack two (S1)
HWB = 2*1.00 = 2.00
WC = 2*4.00 = 8.00
SH = 1*2.00 = 2.00
KS = 1*2.00 = 2.00
FD = 1*1.00 = 1.00

Total = 15.00
As per ES-3960 requirement the minimum stack size where there is a WC connection shall be
100mm (internal diameter). Hence, a pipe diameter of 110mm internal diameter is considered as a
vertical drainage pipe for S1.
The rest also done accordingly!!!!

2.7. Waste water drainage system

2.7.1. General
The wastewater drainage system is designed as fully vented and fully vented modified system
following the provisions of EBCS-9. Wastewater collected from the building will be discharged to
septic tank located on the basement floor.
2.7.2. Septic Capacity Determination
V septic tank= V sedimentation+ Vsludge
= {(τ sedX q)/103+(VeX τac X P)/103}
Where: - τ sed- is the hydraulic detention time.
P - is number of population.
Q -is water consumption per capita per day,
Ve – is sludge production per person per day.
τac- is the number of days between de-sledging.
Liquid volume as per previous calculation = 3 m³
V sedimentation= = (τ sedX q)/103
=2.0x 3,000/103 = 6 m3…Taking the detention time period 2.0 day
Vsludge= (VeX τac X P)/103(m³)
= 2(365 x 0.15 x 5/103) = 0.55 m3…Taking the dislodging period 2year
Septic tank volume = 6+0.55 = 6.55m3…. Take 10 m3 capacity as overall volume.
2.8. Rain water drainage system

Rain water pipes and grated roof drains with receivers are sized using rainfall rate of 100mm/hr in
accordance with the provision of EBCS-9. Rainwater collected from the roof of the building and
the site will be discharged via pipes to the nearby street drainage line.
Rational & Manning’s formulas, Regional Rainfall classification of Ethiopia & Intensity-
Duration-Frequency curve as per Ethiopian Roads Authority Standard are used to compute the
discharge, size & number of down pipes for each roof surfaces drainage system of the project.
Rational Formula,
Q = CAeI/ 3600

Where, Q = Storm Runoff, L /s

C = Runoff Coefficient
I = Rainfall Intensity, m/sec
A = Drainage Area, m2 /1000
2.9. Sub- surface water drainage

Sub-surface water expected from the surrounding and within the site will be collected in a pump
sump via purpose made perforated pipes from which it will be pumped to the site storm water
drainage system.

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