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JOB TITLE / AIM: Manual Unloading of Pre Cast of RCC Slabs for accommodation Block C
JSA DATE: 13 /11/2006 JSA NO./ REVISION:
PARTICIPANTS: Dhani Bux , Agha Saeed ,Shafakat
Attach copies of any relevant documentation/ drawings.
Part 2: Job Safety Analysis
Job Steps:
1. Mobilization of equipment, materials &Workers.
2. Manual Unloading of Pre Cast RCC Slabs.
3. Manual Hauling of Slabs.
4. Demobilisation

Alternatives Considered: N/A

Now undertake the JSA and record in the table below. Use prompts on JSA Prompt Sheet and Hazard Checklist PA-HSEC-02-040-002-F03.
Part 3: Contingency Plans. Standard PPE,S First aid kit must be present at the area and the Hse personnel is the first response in case of emergency

Part 4: Review. After the job has been completed, JSA leader should note: any hazards, which were identified in the original JSA? Any practices that
need to be captured in the OMS? List action items, changes, and transfer any changes to the Change Management system.
File: 10.30


Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
1 Mobilization of equipment and Unauthorised equipment/tools brought out to Before mobilizing any equipment/tools make sure
materials site that the E &P Personnel got inspected the
equipment. Equipment must have valid BHP
Unskilled and uninducted personnel starting Ensure that all personnel prior to start the have
the job been inducted By BHP Operation and oriented
about the hazard at the job site.
Workers starting the job unfit to work All personnel not fit to work shall not be allowed
to work at the site.
Workers starting the job without JSA JSA must be in place prior to work. Ensure all the
persons take part in the toolbox meeting
Hand Injury Ensure proper hauling of materials/get help if
required/Wear hand gloves.
Back Injury. Ensure that all workers are using proper method of
manual handling.
Heat Stress Ensure the provision of cold water & proper shelter
for the workers at the site.

Ensure that the material has been properly placed

Material fall down during transportation
to prevent materials from fall down
Ensure all workers shall perform the job carefully.

Ensure banks person and speed limit must be

2 Manual Unloading of Pre Cast RCC Exposure of workers to various hazard like Ensure workers are complying with the min. PPE
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
Slabs. hand injury, dust, eye injury req..Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass,
Heat Stress/Exhaustion Ensure potable water/sufficient shelter is available
each area where workers are doing the job. ORS is
available at the area
Back injury Workers will be oriented about the proper posture
and positioning during the execution of the job.
Ensure that workers shall lift min, load.
Unskilled and uninducted personnel starting Ensure that toolbox meeting was regularly
the job conducted and people are aware of the job and the
hazard enclosed in the job they are performing.
JSA was discussed and signed at the back
Personnel and equipment interface Ensure that during unloading of materials it will be
unloaded at the safe side not in traffic side. A
watchman must be available during unloading
Fall of materials to worker Materials should not be thrown down during
unloading instead there will be two person at the
trolly and three person shall stand down receiving
the rebars at a time and place at the ground.
Hand injury Ensure workers are wearing the hand gloves

Trips Ensure materials are properly stack.

3.. Manual hauling of Slabs. Exposure of workers to various hazard like Ensure workers are complying with the min. PPE
hand injury, dust, eye injury req..Safety shoes, helmet, safety glass, dust mask,
Heat Stress/Exhaustion Ensure potable water/sufficient shelter is available
each area where workers are doing the job
Un proper placing Ensure three workers shall Keep the slabs at even
distance and placing a banks person to manage the
traffic movement of other people walking at the
road & from possible clash to the materials being
Step Describe Job Step Potential Hazards Hazard Controls
No (Copy from part 2 of form) (Use Hazard Checklist)
Unskilled and uninducted personnel starting Ensure that toolbox meeting was regularly
the job conducted and people are aware of the job and the
hazard enclosed in the job they are performing.
Snake Bite. Be aware of snake while performing the job.

Back injury Ensure workers properly inducted about the proper

positioning and hauling of slabs.
Do not overload the hauling of materials maximum
of five rebars per travel
Pinch point hazards Ensure that the materials shall be unloaded in
proper location and in proper coordination to
prevent possible injury
4. Demobilization Same as mobilization

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