Basic Impetus Baroque

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Draft Version 0.

By Lorenzo Sartori, with contributes of Franco Antonelli,

John McLennan, Ken Clark and Ian MacDonald

1) INTRODUCTION and to keep things easy we have decided to

This is not a new set of rules but an use the double definition.
Expansion (yet a developing draft) of of MOUNTED TROOPS
Basic Impetus and Impetus for the European
warfare in late XVI Cent to early XVIII Cent. Gallopers (GA-CP)
(Marlborough). To use this Expansion you Fast, hard hitting Horse. Trained to charge at
will need a copy of the Basic Impetus or the Gallop, using the pistol with the sword or
Impetus rules. on contact. They must pursue if they win a
This is the frontage suggested Trotters (TR-CP)
25-28mm: 18cm Troopers trained, armed and lead, much as
15-20mm: 12cm the bulk of Horse during the Thirty years
10mm: 8cm (or as an alternative 6cm) war. Not necessarily in a Caracole fashion,
6mm: 6cm (or as an alternative 8cm) but certainly discharging their pistol (see
All troops have a 12cm frontage with the Point Blank Pistol rule on paragraph 5) well
exception of Artillery that can be 6cm for before contact and then advancing at the trot.
28mm, 4cm for 20-15-10cm and 2 or 3cm for Cuirassiers (three-quarter plate armour horse)
6mm. enter in this category too.

Suggested depth for 15mm Reiters (RE-CP)

ECW-TYW P&M (Pike&Muskets): 4-6cm Tend to avoid contact preferring to discharge
Tercios: 12cm their pistol using the Caracole
Skirmishers and Late 17th Cent. P&M: 3cm formation/manoeuvre. They can shoot their
Irregular foot (e.g. highlanders): 5 or 6cm pistol using the various weapons values on
Gallopers, Trotters, Light Horse and Siphais: the firing table. They cannot pursue if they
6cm win a melee.
Late 17th Cent. Cavalry: 3-4cm
Reiters: 8-10cm (we suggest to form 2 Spahis (SP-CM)
columns) Same as CM in Basic Impetus /Impetus but
Dragoons: 4cm or 8cm (if horse holders are now used mainly by Eastern armies
For depth of other scales refer to Impetus Light Horse (CL)
/Basic Impetus. Same as in Basic Impetus / Impetus

3) TROOP TYPES Horse & Muskets (HM)

For simplicity these new troop types are Some Trotters (e.g. the Swedish) were often
based on the original BI/Impetus troop types supported by Commanded Musketeers,
forming mixed formations. Units fighting through hedges get no impetus
You can depict these Units in a single base bonus.
mixing Horse and Musketeers, but you can Units take a full move to cross a hedge and
use a standard Horse Unit and place in are disordered after doing so.
contact (on the back as a chit) a small base of
Musketeers. They usually shoot with a 5) ADDITIONAL RULES
negative Musket Modifier. a) Movements
Movement of Mounted Troops
FOOT All mounted troops can perform a
side/oblique without becoming disordered.
Pike & Muskets (PM-FP) In addition, Dragoons can perform the same
Mixed units of pikemen and musketeers. movements without disorder.
They are considered FP to all effect but they
can shoot. Retreat movement
Pikes nullify the impetus bonus of charging All troops can perform a retreat movement.
mounted troops. This movement is a rear movement fully
performed at double speed. During this
Tercio (TE-FP) movement, the retiring Unit can
Similar to a PM Unit but considered as a interpenetrate all friendly Units that it meets
Large Unit. on the way.
In melee benefit of the Pike Depth Bonus The retiring movement causes disorder. If the
(par. 7.3). Unit is already disordered then gets 1
Tercios ignore minuses deriving from rear casualty (and keeps the disorder status).
and flank attacks.
Retreating after a melee
Muskets (T) Mounted Troops that don't win a melee must
Units made only of musketeers. Perform like retreat in Disorder by 5U+1d6
T in Basic Impetus.
Some, like Swedish musketeers, can have Pursuing
special rules (see army lists). Gallopers must pursue if they win a melee.
Other troops can choose (provide they do not
Skirmishers (S) have an I=0) unless they are RE, who cannot
Same as Basic Impetus / Impetus pursue. DR, M, PM and Tercio Units can
follow-up only if they win against a foot Unit
Dragoons (DR-FL) as they cannot contact Mounted troops.
They are classed here as light infantry with
shooting capability and good mobility. Charge limitations
They shoot only if stationary. DR, M, PM and Tercio Units cannot charge
mounted troops.
Artillery (Art)
Same as in Basic Impetus / Impetus. Some Countercharge
P&M (see army lists) will be given regimental Countercharge is the same as in Impetus.
guns. This can be depicted as a small gun For BI countercharge is allowed if the Unit
fitted in the base with the other figures but for (with I>0) is not disordered. Countercharging
gaming purpose it is a +1 bonus on shooting. Unit meet the charging enemy at half way
and benefit the Impetus Bonus.
A new terrain features has been added: the About face
hedge. This can be an area enclosed by a (For BI) Any Unit, not in Disorderd, can
square hedgs of usual size or a single hedge perform an about face. The Unit ends the
of equivalent size or a double hedge half that move in Disorder.
size on either side of a lane.
Artillery in melee proportion of Musketeers could vary within
(For BI) Artillery contacted in melee is units/armies these Units get a Musket
removed. Modifier (MM). This is a modifier (in dice)
on shooting.
b) Fire 1:2 ratio or less: MM=-3
Targets are determined by distance from 1:1 ratio: MM=-2
centre of the firing unit to any part of the 2:1 ratio: MM=-1
target unit and the angle between these two 3 or more to 1 ratio= MM=0
must be within 45°. For every minus in MM a unit armed with
For BI, firing troops that move get a -1 pike and shot will get a plus in melee to
modifier instead of -2. represent pikes. So a unit with MM 2 will get
a +2 in melee.
Use Basic Impetus/ Impetus table and halve Point blank pistol shooting
distances of Muskets, with the exception of Used by Trotter Units. It is represented by a
5U for Impetus (=Zone of Control). roll of 2 dice before melee (similar to the
For Impetus any T and P&M unit that hasn't pilum rule) either if they charge or are
reached the 50% of losses can fire by charged. It is available till the Unit is Fresh
opportunity at point blank (resolve fire and only just after a contact is made. If
before melee, like rules for pilum) to any attacked on flank/rear the Trotter Unit
charging enemy. The charge must be frontal. cannot shoot.

Musket Modifier
Applies to PM Units and Tercios. As © 2006-2009 Dadi&Piombo

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