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Army Lists for the period

3000BC - 1900AD

For use with 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm, HO/OO and 25mm scales
Compiled By
Franco Antonelli

These army lists are to be used in conjunction with AlienStar’s

Phalanx (3000BC to 1500AC) rules and their “Into Glory Ride”
(1500AC-1900AC) rules.

Many thanks are due to AlienStar, the Humberside Wargames Society

for their 19th century add-on, the DBA resources Web page and its
contributors, as most of these lists owe a lot to the DBA & DBM rules
and army list system. Thanks are also due to Phil Barker and Richard
Bodley Scott for the original DBA and DBM rules.

The following notes will help you convert to/from DBM/Phalanx. All
2HC may operate as HSC or LSC and 4HC can operate as HCC or
HSC. The way you want to use your chariots must be declared at the
start of play and most not be changed during the game.
I’ve chosen this method because, most chariot crews were nobles or
elite troops trained to use a variety of different weapons, such as the
bow, shield, spear, javelin, dart or thrusting spear. Research the army
you are trying to represent and then decide the appropriate tactical
Phalanx Integrity CLASS II (see page 7 of the Phalanx rules) units
are the parallel to the DBM “Inferior (I)” class either in training and or
protection and or offensive capabilities.

Phalanx Integrity CLASS III units are the parallel to the DBM
“ordinary (O)” class both in training and morale.

Phalanx Integrity CLASS IV units are the parallel of the DBM

“superior (S)” either in training and or offensive capabilities.

The Phalanx CLasses of I & V units are used in very few

circumstances. Integrity Class I are green, levy, raw or recruit troops
and equate well with masses or hordes. Integrity Class V on the other
hand are fanatic, elite or veteran troops such as Spartans, Varangian
Guard, The Old Guard, some Samurai and Some Zulus.


Some examples, DBM (F) is also graded as II CLASS, for Bd(F) or
(HIN II IA). Irr Bw(S) Indian longbow is (HIB-III-IA), because they have
good firepower & discipline but poor protection.
If any of the following army compositions are not to your liking or you
want a larger battle or you want to field a particular army that isn’t
reflected in any of the 12 unit made-up armies here, please feel free to
amend them. My research is by no means exhaustive and regardless
of claims no list can be absolute.

The below table demonstrates equivelents in the

DBM and Phalanx systems.

Aux (X) or Aux (S) LIS
Wb (F) or (O) LIW-III
Kn (S) CAT-IV or V
Irregular IA
Regular RA

You do not have to buy new lists to use Phalanx. Your existing
army lists are easily converted to the Phalanx Format.


All armies have 8AP and deploy with a single line MBL (see Page 11
of Phalanx) unless otherwise stated. Dates of each army is rounded
to the nearest full century (regardless of what some say, dating isn’t
that accurate), so 3B, 2A, 3B-4A, 4-6A mean 3rd Century Before
Christ, 2nd Century After Christ, 3rd Century Before Christ to 4th
Century After Christ and 4th to 6th Centuries After Christ. Where a
more accurate dating can be given we have done so. Effort has been
made to retain as much compatibility with other lists in order to make
your life easier. The army Key Vignette(s) (see Page 19 of Phalanx) is
highlighted in Orange. The use of Key Vignettes is optional.

1) Egyptian, Later Predynastic Period (about 34-30B):

2 (LIW-III-IA) club and axemen.
4 (VLI-II-IA) or 4(HIB-II-IA).
2 (LIS-II-IA) Levies.

2) Mesopotamian, Sumeria (30-28B):


3) Egyptian, Old Kingdom and 1st Interperiod (30B to 21B):

4 (HIS-II-RA).
2 (HIS-II-RA) or 2(HIB-III-RA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) Nubian, Bedouin & Libyan.

4) Hill Tribes - Mesopotamian (30B to about 16B):

1 (HIB-IV-IA).
5 (LIN-II-IA).
3 (VLI-III-IA) or 3(HIB-II-IA).

5) Elam (30-26B):
1 (HIB-IV-IA).
11 (VLI-III-IA) or 11(HIB-II-IA).

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 1-5
6) Nubian (30-7B):
1 (LIW-IV-IA).
9 (VLI-III-IA or 9(HIB-II-IA).
1 (LIS-II-IA).

7) Early Bedouins (30-15BC):

1 (LIW-IV-IA) or 1(LIN-IV-IA).
6 (LIN-II-IA).
1 (LIN-III-IA) or 1(VLI-III-IA).
4 (VLI-II-IA).

8) Libyan (30-1BC):
1 (LIW-IV-IA) or from 12BC 1(2HC-IV-IA).
9 (VLI-II-IA) or 9(LIN-II-IA).

9) Mesopotamian, Sumeria (28-23BC):

2 (4HC-II-RA).
1 (2HC-II-RA) or 1(HIN-III-RA) or 1(HIB-III-RA) or 1(VLI-III-RA).

10) Makkan (28-13BC):

3 (HIN-I-IA)
1 (LIS-II-IA) or 1(VLI-II-IA).

11) India, Indus Culture (27-11BC):

4 (HIS-II-RA) or 4(LIS-II-RA).
4 (HIB-II-RA).
1 (LIN-II-IA) or 1(IND-III-IA) or 1(LSC-II-IA).
3 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.

12) Elam (26-21BC):

1 (4HC-II-RA) Sumerian Chariots or 1(HIB-III-RA).
2 (HIS-II-RA) Sumerian Spearmen.
9 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA).

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13) Syrian, Early States (25-22BC):
1 (4HC-II-RA).
2 (HIS-II-RA).
3 (VLI-II-IA) or 3(HIB-II-IA).
4 (VLI-II-IA) or 4(LIS-III-IA).

14) Northern Beaker Culture (24-17B):

2 (HIN-II-IA).
6 (LIS-II-IA).
2 (LIN-II-IA) or 2(HIB-II-IA) or 2(VLI-II-IA).
2 (VLI-II-IA).

15) Mesopotamian, Akkad (23-22 B):

1 (4HC-II-RA) or 1(2HC-II-RA) or 1(HIN-II-RA)
2 (HIS-II-RA) or 2(LIS-III-RA) House/Royal Troops.
4 (HIS-II-RA).
3 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIN-II-RA) 2(VLI-III-RA) House/ Royal Troops.
2 LIN I IA (Reserves).

16) Mesopotamian, Guti Tribes (22-21B):

1 (2HC-II-IA) or 1(HIB-IV-IA).
2 (HIS-II-RA) or 2(LIN-III-RA) House/ Royal Troops.
4 (HIS-II-RA).
1 (LIN-I-IA) or 1(VLI-II-IA) Guti warriors.
1 (HIB-II-IA) B1(VLI-II-IA) Elamite

17) Mesopotamian, Guti Kingdom (21-21B):

1 (2HC-III-IA) Platform wagon or 1(HIB-IV-IA).
2 (HIS-II-RA) Sumerian-Akkadian Spearmen.
4 (LIN-II-IA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) or 2(HIB-II-IA).

18) Egyptian, Middle Kingdom (about 21-15B):

4 (HIS-II-RA).
1 (LIN-III-RA) or 1(VLI-IV-RA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) Nubian, Bedouin and/or Libyan.

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19) Mesopotamian, Ur III (21-20B):
1 (2HC-II-RA) or (HIN-II-RA).
2 (HIS-II-RA) or 2(HIS-II-RA) or 2(LIS-II-IA).
4 (HIS-II-RA) or 2(LIS-III-IA).
1 (LIN-II-IA) or 2(VLI-III-IA) Highlanders.
1 (LIS-II-IA) or (HIB-II-IA) or (VLI-II-IA) Highlanders, Elamite.
From 20B must use 4(LIS-III-IA) units.

20) Elam (21-14B):

1 (2HC -II-RA) Platform wagon.
1 (HIB-IV-RA) or 1(VLI-III-RA).
10 (VLI-III-IA) or 10(HIB-II-RA).

21) Mesopotamian, Sumerian Successor and Dynasty of the

Sealand (20-14B):
1 (2HC-III-RA) or 1(HIB-III-RA).
6 (HIS-II-RA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA) Elamite.
1 (HIB-II-IA) Highlanders.
1 (LIN-III-IA) Amorite et. al..

22) Mesopotamian, Later Amorite, Old Babylonian and Old

Assyrian Period (18-15B):
1 (2HC-III-RA) or 1(HIB-III-RA).
4 (HIN-II-RA).
2 (LIS-III-RA) or 2(VLI-IV-RA).
2 (LIN-III-IA) Nomads.

23) Syrian, Later States (17-11B):

3 (2HC-IV-IA).
1 (HIB-III-RA) or 1(HIS-III-RA) House/ Royal Troops.
4 (LIS-II-IA) or 4(VLI-II-IA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) or 2(HIB-II-IA).

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24) Hittites, Old and Middle Kingdom (16-13B):
3 (2HC-III-IA).
1 (HIB-II-RA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA).
1 (LIS-I-IA) Levies.

25) Mesopotamian, Early Kassite i.e. Hill Tribes. (16-10B):

1 (2HC-III-RA).
3 (VLI-III-IA) or 3(HIB-II-IA).

26) Egyptian, Hyksos (1650-1350 BC):

3 (2HC-IV-IA)
1 (2HC-III-RA).
1 (HIS-II-RA) or 1(VLI-II-RA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA).

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1(HIB-II-RA) Egyptian.

27) Mitanni (16-12B):

6 (2HC-IV-RA).
2 (LIS-III-RA) or 2(HIS-II-RA).
1 (VLI-III-RA) or 1(HIB-II-RA).
2 (LIN-II-IA) or 2(VLI-II-IA).

28) Greece, Minoan and Mycenaean (16-12B):

3 (4HC-III-RA).
4 (HIS-II-RA).
1 (LIN-II-IA).

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29) North European, Bronze Age (16-12B):
1 (2HC-III-IA) or 2(LIW-III-IA).
2 (LIW-III-IA) or 1(HIN-II-IA) + 1(VLI-III-IA).
1 (LIS-I-IA) Camp Followers etc.

30) Mesopotamian, Kassite, Later Babylonian Dynasties (15-7B):

2 (2HC-III-RA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA).

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1(4HC-III-RA) after 890BC only.

31) Egyptian, New Kingdom (15-10B):

3 (2HC-IV-RA).
2 (HIB-II-RA).
1 (VLI-III-RA) or 2(VLI-III-IA).

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (LIW-III-IA) and 1(VLI-II-IA) or 1(LIN-III-RA), 1(LIW-III-IA).
Before 1279 BC you can replace the 2(HIS-III-RA) with 2(HIN-II-RA).

32) Early Bedouins (15-10B):

1 (2HC-III-IA) or 1(Cm-III-IA).
6 (LIN-II-IA).
1 (LIN-II-IA) or (VLI-III-IA).
4 (VLI-II-IA).

33) India, Vedic Period (15-9BC):

1 (2HC-III-IA).
1 (HIN-II-IA).
1 (LIS-I-IA).
2 (2HC-III-IA).
1 (HSC-II-IA).
6 (HIB-II-IA).

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33a) India, Vedic Period (9-5BC):
1 (4HC-IV-IA)
1 (IND-IV-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA)
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers
2 (2HC-III-IA).
1 (HSC-II-IA).
6 (HIB-II-IA).

34) Elam (1400-800 BC):

1 (2HC-III-RA) Chariot
1 (LSC-III-IA) or 1(VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA).
10 (VLI-III-IA) or 10(HIB-II-IA).

35) Hittites (1380-1200 BC):

3 (4HC-III-RA).
2 (2HC-III-IA) Syrian or Anatolian.
1 (LIN-III-IA) or 1(LIW-III-IA) Anatolian vassals.
2 (LIN-III-IA) Syrian spearmen.
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA) Syrian archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Anatolian archers.

36) Mesopotamian, Middle Assyrian Kingdom (1365-860 BC):

2 (2HC-IV-RA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) or 2(HIB-II-IA).

37) Syrian, Ugarit (1340-1200 BC):

1 (4HC-III-IA).
2 (2HC-IV-IA).
2 (HIB-III-RA) House/ Royal Troops.
1 (LIW-III-IA) or 1(HIN-II-IA) (Sherdan).
4 (LIS-II-IA) or 4(VLI-II-IA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA).

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38) Makkan (1300-313 BC):
3 (HIB-II-IA).

39) Northern Europe, Urn Field Culture (1300-700 BC):

1 (2HC-III-IA) or 1(LIW-III-IA).
1 (LIW-III-IA) or 1(VLI-III-IA).

40) Greece, Later Myceneaen (1250-1150 BC):

2 (2HC-III-IA).
1 (HIS-II-RA) Pylian or 1(VLI-II-IA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA).
1 (HIW-IV-IA) Myrmidons.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (HIS-II-RA ) Pylian

41) Early Hebrew (1250-1000 BC):

1 (LIW-III-IA) Simeonite and Ephraimite.
1 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA) Benjaminite.

42) Sea Peoples (1231-1165 BC):

1 (2HC-III-IA) or 1(LIW-III-IA) or (HIN-II IA).
1 (4HC-I-IA) Ox carts or 1(LIW-III-)IA.
1 (HIN-II-IA).

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43) Philistine (1165-975 BC):
2 (2HC-IV-RA)
4 (LIN-III-IA) or (VLI-II-IA).
1 (LSC-III-IA) Scouts or 1(LIN-IV-IA) Gibborim or 1VLI-III-IA Slingers.

44) Geometric Greek (1150-700 BC):

1 (2HC-III-IA).
1 (HSC-II-IA).

45) Syrian, Neo-Hittite and Aramaean States (1100-901 BC):

2 (2HC-IV-RA).
1 (HSC-III-IA) Camelry.
2 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA).

46) Early Pre-Islamic Arabs(1000-313 BC):

2 (HSC-III-IA) Camelry.
1 (LSC-II-IA) Scouts on Camels.
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA).

47) Italian Villanovan Culture (1000-650 BC):


After 800BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:


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48) Later Hebrew (1000-587 BC):
1 (2HC-IV-RA).
1 (2HC-IV-RA).
1 (HSC-II-RA) or (LSC-III-RA) or (Cm-III-IA) or (LIN-III-IA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA).

After 800BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (4HC-III-RA)

49) Cypriot (1000-496 BC):

2 (2HC-III-RA) also Key vignette.
6 (HIS-II-RA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA).
2 (VLI-II-IA).

After 900BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (4HC-III-RA)
1 (4HC-III-RA) or (HSC-II-RA).

50) Italian Hill Tribes(1000-290 BC):

10 (LIN-III-IA) or 10(LIW-III-IA).
1 (VLI-II-IA).
Umbrian, Samnite and Hernicinot allowed to use the (LIW-II-IA).

51) Mannaian (950-610 BC):

1 (2HC-III-IA).
3 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA).

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52) Egyptian, Libyan Dynasties (945-700 BC):
3 (2HC-IV-RA) or 2(4HC-III-RA) and 1(LSC-II-RA)
1 (LIW-III-IA) Sea peoples.
2 (VLI-II-IA).
1 (HIS-III-RA) Guard
1 (LIW-III-IA) Sea peoples
2 (VLI-II-IA) or (HIS-II-RA) Libyan.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

2 (HIS-II-RA).
1 (HIB-II-RA) Egyptian.

53) Syrian: Neo-Hittite and Aramaean States (900-710 BC):

2 (4HC-IV-RA).
2 (2HC-IV-RA) or after 750 BC: 2(4HC-III-RA).
1 (HSC-III-IA) Camelry or 1(LIN-III-IA) or (LIS-III-IA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) or (HIB-II-IA).

54) Urartu (880-781 BC):

1 (2HC-IV-IA).
1 (2HC-IV-IA) or (HSC-II-IA).
1 (HSC-II-IA).

55) Mesopotamian, Early Neo-Assyrian Kingdom (860-745 BC):

1 (4HC-III-RA) or 1(2HC-IV-RA).
2 (2HC-IV-RA).
1 (HIN-II-RA).
2 (VLI-III-IA) or 2(HIB-II-IA).

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56) Early Persian States (835-621 BC):
4 (HIS-II-IA).

57) Phrygian (800-676 BC):

1 (2HC-III-IA).
2 (VLI-II-IA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-II-IA).

58) Elam, Neo-Kingdom (800-639 BC):

1 (4HC-III-IA) or 1(2HC-III-IA).
2 (2HC-III-IA) or 2(2HC-III-IA) Kallapani chariot.
1 (LSC-IV-IA).

59) Urartu (780-585 BC):

1 (4HC-III-RA).
1 (2HC-IV-RA).
1 (LIN-IV-RA) or 1(HIS-IV-RA) Guards.

60) Cimmerian, Skythian and Early Hu (750-50 BC):

1 (HSC-III-IA) or Skythian from 300 BC 1(HCC-III-IA).
3 (LSC-III-IA) or 1(LIN-III-IA) and 1(HIB-II-IA) and 1(VLI-III-IA).

61) Mesopotamian, Babylon under the Assyrians (746-626 BC):

2 (4HC-III-RA).
1 (HSC-II-RA).
1 (HSC-II-IA) or 1(LIN-III-RA) or 1(HIS-III-RA).
8 (HIB-II-IA) or 8(VLI-III-IA).

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62) Mesopotamian, Later Neo-Assyrian Kingdom (745-681 BC):
2 (4HC-III-RA).
2 (HSC-II-IA).
1 (LIN-III-RA) or before 704 BC 1(HIN-II-RA).
1 (LIN-III-RA) or 1(LIN-III-IA) or 1(VLI-III-RA).
3 (LIN-III-IA) or 1(VLI-III-IA).

After 704 BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1(HIS-IV-RA) or 1(LIN-IV-RA).

63) Egyptian, Kushite Dynasty (712-664 BC):

2 (4HC-IV-IA).
2 (HIB-II-IA) or 2(VLI-III-IA).
2 (HIB-II-IA) or 2(VLI-III-IA)

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (HIB-II-RA) Egyptian.

64) Greece, Archaicand Early Classical Period (700-450 BC):

Greece, other than Phokian, Aitolian and Acharnanian:
1 (VLI-II-IA).
1 (VLI-II-IA) or (HSC-II-IA).

65) Phokian, Aitolian and Acharnanian:

6 (VLI-II-IA).
2 (VLI-II-IA) or 2(HIS-III-IA).

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66) Italian Greeks:
1 (HSC-II-IA) or 1(LSC-III-IA)
1 (VLI-II-IA).

67) Illyrian (700 BC - 10 AC):

8 (LIN-IV-IA).
1 (LIN-IV-IA) or 1(VLI-IV-IA).

68) Thracian (700 BC - 46 AC):

3 (LIN-IV-IA).
3 (VLI-IV-IA).

69) Lydian (687-546 BC):

1 (HCC-III-IA) or 1(2HC-III-IA).
1 (LSC-III-IA) or 1(VLI-III-IA).
2 (HIS-III-IA) or 2(HIS-II-RA).

70) Mesopotamian, New Assyrian Kingdom (680-609 BC):

2 (4HC-IV-RA).
1 (HIS-IV-RA).
1 (LIN-III-RA) or 1(LIN-III-IA).
1 (2HC-III-IA) Kallapani chariot or 1(HIB-II-IA) Elamite or Egyptian.

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71) Egyptian, Saitic Dynasty (660-525 BC):
1 (4HC-III-RA).
1 (HSC-II-RA) or 1(LSC-III-IA).
2 (HIS-III-RA) Hoplites.
4 (HIS-II-RA) Egyptian.
2 (HIB-II-RA).

72) Early Macedonian (650-355 BC):

1 (HCC-III-IA) or 1(HSC-III-IA).
8 (LIN-II-IA).
1 (VLI-II-IA).

73) Italian, Umbrian (650-290 BC):


74) Italian, Early Latin (650-400 BC, incl. Rome up to 578 BC):
7 (HIS-II-IA).

75) Italian, Etruscans (650-450 BC):

1 (2HC-III-IA).
4 (HIS-II-IA).
2 (VLI-II-IA).

76) Kyrenean Greeks (630-314 BC):

2 (2HC-III-IA).
2 (VLI-II-IA).

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77) Mesopotamian, Babylon Kingdom (625-539 BC):
2 (4HC-IV-RA).
1 (HSC-III-IA) or 1(LSC-III-IA) Skythian.
2 (HIS-III-RA) (Guards and/or Hoplites) or Cm III IA (Arab).

78) Mede Kingdom (620-550 BC):

4 (HIS-II-IA).
2 (HIB-II-IA).
1 (LSC-III-IA) Kaspian or Parikanian or 1(LIN-III-IA) Armenian.

79) Kushite Kingdom in Merok (590 BC - 350 AC):

1 (HSC-III-IA) or from 300 BC 1(IND-III-IA).
3 (HIB-II-IA).
1 (VLI-II-IA).

80) Servius Tullius reformed Roman (578ish-400 BC):

3 (HIS-II-IA).
2 (VLI-II-IA).

81) Persian: Early Achaemenid (550-465 BC):

1 (LSC-III-RA) or 1(HSC-III-RA) Light Chariots.
1 (HIB-II-IA).
2 (HIB-IV-IA).

After 546 BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1 (HIS-III-IA) or 1(HIS-II-RA) or 1(HIS-II-RA) Egyptian or Greeks.
1 (HIS-III-IA) Lydianor Greece or (VLI-III-IA).

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82) Early Period Carthaginian (550-275 BC):
2 (HCC-III-RA) or 2(HSC-III-RA) Heavy Chariots.
1 (LIN-IV-IA) Spanish.
1 (HIS-III-RA) or 1(LIN-III-RA) or 1(LIW-III-IA) Campanian or Gallic.
1 (LIN-III-IA) Ligur or 1(VLI-III-IA) Lig/Sardinian or 1(LIW-III-IA) Gall.

83) Lykian (546-300 BC):

1 (HSC-III-IA) or before 500 BC 1(2HC-III-IA).
1 (HIN-II-IA).
2 (HIS-III-RA) Hoplites or (LIN-III-IA).

84) Paionian (512-284 BC):

10 (LIN-III-IA) or 10(VLI-IV-IA).

85) Republican Indian (500-321 BC):

2 (4HC-IV-IA) Heavy chariots.
2 (HSC-II-IA) Indian cavalry.
2 (HIN-II-IA) Javelinmen.
6 (HIB-III-IA) Archers.

86) Northwest Mountain Indian (500-170 BC):

1 (IND-III-IA) Elephant or 1(LSC-III-IA) or 1(LIS-III-IA) Spearmen.
2 (LSC-III-IA) Cavalry.
4 (LIS-III-IA) Spearmen.
4 (HIB-II-IA) Archers or 4(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
1 (HIN-II-RA) Indian mercenaries.

87) Classical Indian - Pre-Maurya (500-321 BC):

2 (IND-IV-IA) War elephants.
1 (HCC-III-IA) Heavy chariots or 1(2HC-III-IA) Light chariots.
1 (HSC-II-IA) Indian cavalry.
2 (HIN-II-IA) Javelinmen.
5 (HIB-III-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Peasant slingers or tribesmen.

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88) Middle Achaemenid Persian (465-405 BC):
1 (2HC-III-RA) Light chariot or 1(HSC-IV-RA) Guard cavalry.
1 (HSC III IA) Persian cavalry.
2 (LSC-III-IA) Sogdian, Arachosian or Skythian.
2 (HIB-III-IA) Persian Infantry.
1 (HIB-II-IA) archers with shield.
3 (LIN-III-IA) Persian Peltasts.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Various auxiliaries.
2 (HIS-II-RA) Egyptian, Karian and/or Greek.

Middle Hoplite Greece (450-211 BC):

89) Athens (until 275 BC):
1 (HIS-IV-RA) Tyrant’s bodyguard.
5 (HIS-III-IA) Hoplites.
2 (LIN-III-RA) Peltasts.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.
1 (VLI-II-IA) Javelinmen or 1(LSC-III-IA) Paphagonian.

90) Theban and Boetian (until 275 BC):

1 (HIS-V-RA) Sacred Band.
2 (HIS-IV-RA) Mercenaries.
3 (HIS-III-IA) Hoplites.
3 (LIN-III-RA) Peltasts.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Javelinmen.

91) Sparta (700 to 450 BC):

6 (HIS-V-RA) Spartiates.
2 (HIS-III-RA) Tegean or other Allies.
2 (LIS-III-RA) Ekdromoi (young Spartans. Lit. Runners Out).
2 (LIN-III-IA) Peltasts.

91a) Sparta (450 to 275 BC):

8 (HIS-V-RA) Spartiates & bodyguard.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Helots.
2 (LIN-III-RA) Peltasts.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (HSC-II-IA) Spartan cavalry.
1 (VLI-II-IA) Helots or 1(LIN-III-RA) Peltasts.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 88 - 91
92) Aitolian and Phokian (until 275 BC):
2 (HIS-III-IA) Hoplites.
2 (HIS-III-IA) Hoplites or 2(VLI-III-IA) Slingers.
1 (LIN-III-RA) Peltasts or 1(VLI-III-RA) Cretan archers.
5 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
1 (VLI-IV-RA) Slingers or Javelinmen.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Atolian or 1(Art-IV-RA) Phokian.

93) Syracusan (until 211 BC):

2 (HIS-IV-RA) Tyrant Bodyguard & Mercenaries.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Greek.
4 (HIS-II-RA) Italiot or Siciliot Hoplites.
1 (LIN-IV-IA) Iberian.
3 (VLI-II-IA) Javelinmen.
1 (LIW-IV-IA) Gallic.

94) Tarentine (until 280 BC):

2 (LSC-III-RA) Tarentine cavalry.
6 (HIS-II-RA) Italiot or Siciliot Hoplites.
2 (LIN-III-RA) Peltasts.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.

Note: The game is lost when any two of the 6(HIS-II-RA) is broken.

95) Thessalian (until 321 BC):

1 (HSC-III-RA) Thessalian Nobles.
1 (LSC-III-RA) light horse or 1(HSC-III-RA) Thessalian Cavalry.
2 (HIS-III-IA) Hoplites.
4 (LIN-III-RA) Peltasts.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.
3 (VLI-II-IA) Javelinmen.

96) Etruscan (450-280) BC:

2 (HSC-III-RA) Nobles.
2 (HIN-III-RA) Axemen.
4 (HIS-III-RA) 1st Class Hoplites.
2 (HIN-II-RA) Hoplites (Pilum) or 2(HIS-II-RA) (2nd,3rd Class Hoplites).
2 (VLI-III-RA) Javelinmen & archers.
Note: The game is lost when any two of the 4(HIS-III-RA) 1st Class
Hoplites is broken.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 92 - 96
97) Bithynian (435-74 BC):
1 (LSC-III-IA) Persian.
4 (LIN-III-IA) Peltasts.
2 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
3 (LIN-IV-IA) Peltasts.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Archers & Slingers.

After 278 BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
2 (HIW-IV-IA) Galatian or 2(LIN-IV-RA) Citizen foot.
2 HIP II RA (Phalangites) or 2(LIN-III-IA) Peltasts.
After 278 BC the general must be the 1(HSC-III-RA).

98) Italian, Apulian (420-203 BC):

2 (HSC-III-RA) Heavy cavalry.
8 (LIN-III-RA) Warriors.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Javelinmen.

99) Italian, Bruttian (420-202 BC) and Lucanian (420-206 BC):

8 (LIN-III-RA) Warriors.
1 (LIN-IV-RA) Armoured Warriors.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Javelinmen.

100) Italian, Campanian (420-340 BC):

1 (HSC-III-RA) or 1(LIN-II-RA).
4 (LIN-II-RA) Warriors.
4 (HIS-II-RA) Hoplites.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Javelinmen.

101) Later Achaemenid Persian (405-330 BC):

1 (2HC-III-RA) or 1(HSC-IV-RA) Guard or (HCC-IV-RA) Guard.
2 (HSC-II-IA) Colonist cavalry.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Paphlagonian or Arachosian.
1 (LIN-III-IA) Takabara or 1(LSC-III-IA) Skythian or Parthian.
2 (HIS-II-RA) Karian, Egyptian or Greeks.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Various auxiliaries)
1 (LIS-III-IA) Takabara.
1 (LIS-III-IA) Hillmen or only 330 BC 1(HIB-II-IA) Indian and Mardian.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Persian slingers.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 97 - 101
Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1 (SCH-III-IA) Scythed Chariot
1 (LIN-III-IA) Takabara or only until 333 BC 2(HIS-III-RA) Kinsmen.

102) Egyptian, 28th-30th. Dynasties (405-343 BC):

1 (LSC-III-IA) or 1(LIN-III-RA) Greek Peltasts or 1(VLI-III-RA).
6 (HIS-III-RA) Greek Hoplites.
2 (HIB-III-RA) Egyptian archers.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Various.
If the General is (HIS-III-RA) he must be represented by a Greek, if
General is the (HSC-III-RA) then he can be either Greek or Egyptian.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

2 (HIS-II-RA) Egyptian Hoplites.

Note: The game is lost when any two of the 6(HIS-II-RA) Greek
Hoplite vignettes is broken.

103) Italian, Latin (400-338 BC):

2 (HIN-III-RA) Hastati.
2 (HIS-IV-RA) Triarii.
2 (HIS-III-RA) Principes.
4 (VLI-II-IA) Leves.
This army can deploy in one, two or three lines.

104) Camillan Rome (400-274 BC):

2 (HIN-III-RA) Hastati.
2 (HIS-IV-RA) Triarii.
2 (HIS-III-RA) Principes.
1 (LIN-II-IA) Non-Latin.
3 (VLI-II-IA) Leves.
1 (LIN-II-IA) Non-Latin or 1(VLI-II-IA) Leves.

This army can deploy in one, two or three lines.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 103 - 104
105) Gallic (400-50 BC):
2 (2HC-III-IA) Nobles or 2(HSC-III-IA).
8 (LIW-III-IA) Warriors.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
Note: The game is lost when any three of the 8(LIW-III-IA) Warrior
vignettes is broken. Optional rule: When any one of the (LIW-III-IA)
Warrior vignettes is broken, all its vignettes must immediately be
moved directly away the distance of 6 vignettes widths or to the tables
edge whichever is closer. The Gallic player may do as he wishes
continuing from his next turn. The Gauls kept this sort of thing up for
hours, complete with dismal and loud cries.

106) Philip II and Alexandrian Macedonian. (355-320 BC):

1 (HCC-IV-RA) Companions
1 (HCC-IV-RA) Companions or 1(HIS-III-RA) Allied Hoplites.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Thessalian Cavalry.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Prodromoi.
4 (HIP-III-RA) Pezetairoi.
1 (HIS-IV-RA) Hypaspists or 1(HIP-IV-RA) Hypaspists.
2 (LIN-III-RA) Mercenary Peltast or 2(LIN-IV-IA) Thracian Peltast.
1 (VLI-IV-RA) Agrianian Javelinmen.

107) Italian, Samnite (355-272 BC):

1 (HSC-III-RA) Nobles.
11 (LIN-IV-RA) Cohorts.

108) Ariarathid Kappadokian (330-322 BC) and (300 BC - 17 AC):

2 (HSC-IV-IA) Nobles on armoured horses.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Light horse.
5 (LIN-III-IA) Foot warriors.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 2(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
1 (HSC-III-IA) Cavalry.
1 (LIN-III-IA) Foot warriors.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

330-322 BC 2(HIS-III-RA) Hoplites or
from 255 BC 2(HIB-IV-IA) Galatian or 2(LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 105 - 108
109) Alexanderian Imperial (328-320 BC):
2 (HCC-III-RA) Companions.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Skythian & Sogdian.
1 (HIP-IV-RA) Hypaspists.
3 (HIP-III-RA) Pezetairoi.
1 (LIN-III-RA) Thracian and Mercenary Peltasts.
1 (VLI-IV-RA) Agrianians.
1 (HCC-III-RA) Thessalians, Thracian
1 (LSC-III-IA) Thracian, Hippakontistai, Arachosian or
1 (Art-III-RA) Bolt-shooters or 1(IND-III-IA) War elephant.

After 324 BC only: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1 (LSC-IV-IA) Bactrian or 1(VLI-III-IA) Persian Slingers or Archers.
1 (VLI-III-RA) Cretan archers.
1 (HIB-II-RA) mixed Phalanx.

110) Indian Maurya Dynasty (321-180 BC):

2 (IND-IV-IA) War elephants.
1 (2HC-III-RA) War chariot.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Indian Regular cavalry.
4 (HIB-III-RA) Regular archers.
2 (HIN-II-RA) Regular Javelinmen.
1 (HIB-II-IA) Irregular archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Mountain Indian foot or 1(LIS-II-IA) NW Indian.

Asiatic Early Successor (320-300 BC):

111) Antigonos (until 301 BC) and Demetrios:
1 (HCC-II-RA) Xystophoroi.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Tarantines.
1 (HIP-IV-RA) Macedonian phalangites.
3 (HIP-III-RA) Pantodapoi phalangites.
1 (LIN-III-RA) Greek mercenary Peltasts.
3 (VLI-III-IA) Persian slingers and archers.
1 (HCC-III-RA) Xystophoroi.
1 (IND-III-IA) War elephant or 1(LSC-III-IA) Medes or Persian.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

Demetrios in Greece: 2(HIS-III-IA) Athenian volunteer hoplites or
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Pirates.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 109 - 111
112) Eumenes (until 316 BC):
2 (HCC-III-RA) Xystophoroi.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Thracian.
1 (HIP-IV-RA) Argyraspids.
3 (HIP-III-RA) Pantodapoi.
1 (LIN-III-RA) Mercenary Peltasts.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Persian.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen
1 (VLI-III-RA) Cretan archers or 1(HSC-II-RA) Greek Cavalry.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (IND-III-IA) War elephant.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Indian.

113) Lysimachid (320-281 BC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) Macedonian cavalry.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Thracian, Paionian or Greek.
2 (HIP-III-RA) Macedonian or Thracian phalangites.
2 (HIP-III-RA) or 2(HIS-II-RA) Coastal Greek subjects.
1 (LIN-III-RA) Mercenary Greek Peltasts.
3 (LIN-IV-IA) Thracian Peltasts.
2 (VLI-IV-IA) Thracian Javelinmen.

114) Successors in Macedonia (320-260 BC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) Agema and Xystophoroi.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Thessalian or 1(LSC-III-RA) Greek Mercenaries.
1 (HIP-IV-RA) Veteran Phalangites.
1 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites.
2 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites or 2(LIN-III-RA) Mercenary Peltasts.
1 (VLI-III-RA) Archers or slingers.
2 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
1 (LIN-III-RA) Mercenary Peltasts.
1 (IND-III-IA) War elephant or 1(Art-III-RA) Bolt-shooters.
1 (LIN-IV-IA) Thracian Peltasts or 1(HIS-III-IA) Allied Hoplites.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

After 277 BC: 1(HIB-IV-IA) Galatian and upgrade (LIN-III-RA) to
(LIS-III-RA) Thureophoroi.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 112 - 114
115) Seleucid until Seleucus IV. (320-175 BC):
1 (HCC-III-RA) Agema or Companions.
1 (HCC-III-RA) Line Horse or after 205BC 1(CAT-III-RA) Cataphract.
1 (PEL-III-IA) War elephant or 1(SCH-III-IA) Scythed Chariot.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Civic militia or Tarentine.
1 (HIP-IV-RA) Argyraspids.
3 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites.
2 (LIS-III-RA) Thureophoroi or Thorakitai or 2(LIN-III-RA) Peltasts.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Asiatic archers & slingers.

116) Ptolemaic until Gabinius Expedition (320-55 BC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) Cleruch cavalry.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Ethnic cavalry.
4 (HIP-III-RA) Macedonian phalangites.
2 (HIP-IV-RA) or 2(LIN-IV-RA) Agema
1 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi.
1 (LIN-IV-IA) Thracian or Aitolian.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Aitolian or 1(IND-III-IA) War elephant or after 274 BC
1(AFR-III-IA) Afrian elephant.
After 167 BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1 (HIN-II-RA) Imitation legionaries.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Egyptian or Syrian slingers.

117) Kyrenaean Greek (313-74 BC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) or until 274 BC: 1(2HC-III-IA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HCC-III-RA) or until 274 BC 1(2HC-III-IA).
2 (HIS-III-IA) or 2(HIP-III-RA) or 2(LIN-III-RA).

118) Nabataean Arab (312 BC - 106 AC):

1 (HSC-III-IA) Nobles.
2 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers.
3 (LIN-III-IA) Javelinmen or 3(VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
2 (HIB-II-IA) Archers or 2(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
3 (HIB-II-IA) Archers or 3(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 115 - 118
119) Nomads:
2 (HSC-III-IA) Warriors.
1 (LSC-II-IA) Camel scouts.
3 (HSC-III-IA) Camel mounted warriors.
4 (HIN-II-IA) Archers.
1 (HIB-II-IA) Archers or 1(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.

120) Other Arabs:

1 (LSC-III-IA) Horsemen.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Nomads.
1 (HSC-III-IA) Nomad Camelry.
4 (HIN-II-IA) or if Yemen: 4(LIN-III-IA).
1 (HIN-II-IA) or if Yemen: 1(LIN-III-IA).
2 (HIB-II-IA) Archers or 2(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers and mercenary Javelinmen.

121) Bosporan (310 BC - 100 AC):

6 (HCC-III-IA) Lancers.
6 (HCC-III-IA) Lancers.
Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Bosporan Greeks.
3 (LIN-III-IA) Sindi or Maiotian Javelinmen.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Sindi or Maiotian Archers.

122) Early Rhoxolani Sarmatian (310 BC - 100 AC):

2 (HCC-III-IA) Nobles.
1 (HCC-III-IA) Nobles or 1(VLI-III-IA) Plebs or 1(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
6 (HSC-III-IA) Other cavalry.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Cavalry or 2(VLI-III-IA) Plebs or 2(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Adolescent scouts.

123) Siracae, Iazyges, Later Rhoxolani Sarmatian (3BC - 3AC):

2 (HCC-III-IA) Lancers.
7 (HCC-III-IA) Lancers.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Other horsemen or 2(VLI-III-IA) Peasants.
1 (HCC-III-IA) Alan allied horsemen or 1(LSC-III-IA) Alans.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 119 - 123
124) Early Armenian (300 BC - 428 AC):
2 (CAT-III-IA) Cataphracts.
4 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers.
4 (LIN-III-IA) Javelinmen or 4(VLI-III-IA) Slingers.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 2(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
also see: Tigranic Armenian.

125) Ancient Iberians (300 BC - 580 AC):

2 (HCC-III-IA) Horse (both also Key Vignettes).
2 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers.
6 (LIN-III-IA) Javelinmen.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Javelinmen, Slingers or Archers.

After 220: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (CAT-III-IA) Cataphracts or 1(HSC-III-IA) Horsemen,
3 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers or 3(HSC-III-IA) Horsemen.

126) Pyrrhus of Epirus (300-272 BC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) or after 280 BC: 1(HSC-III-RA) Shielded cavalry.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Italian or Thessalian.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Tarantine or Greek.
4 (HIP-III-RA) Epirot or Macedonian Phalangites.
1 (VLI-III-RA) Archers or Slingers.
1 (IND-III-IA) War elephant.
3 (VLI-IV-RA) Psiloi or 2(VLI-IV-RA) and 1(LIN-III-RA).

280 - 275BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (VLI-IV-RA) Javelinmen or 1(LIN-IV-RA) Javelinmen.
2 (HIS-II-RA) Hoplites or
After 275 BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1 (VLI-IV-RA) Italian or Greek.
2 (HIB-IV-IA) Galatian.
General must be (HSC-III-RA) after 275 BC.

127) Galatian (280-35 BC):

1 (HSC-III-IA) Nobles or until 48 BC 1(2HC-III-IA) Light War chariot.
2 (HSC-III-IA) Warriors.
6 (HIW-IV-IA) Limed and naked Warriors.
2 (HIW-IV-IA) Warriors, after 48BC 2(HIN-II-RA) pseudo Legionaries.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
After 48BC all HIW are (HIW-III-IA).

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 124 - 127
Hellenistic Greek (275-146 BC):
128) Achaian:
1 (HCC-III-RA) Lancers.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Taratine mercenaries.
4 (LIN-IV-RA) Citizen or mercenary Thureophoroi.
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi or 2(HIN-III-IA) Hoplites.
1 (VLI-IV-RA) Javelinmen.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) or 1(LIN-IV-IA) Illyrian.
2 (VLI-IV-IA).

After 208: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

4 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites.
2 (HIP-III-RA) Hoplites or 2(LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi.
1 VLI III RA (Archers).

Only in 146BC: Replace the Purple colour coded vignettes with:

2 (HIP-II-RA) Freed Slaves.

129) Aitolian:
1 (HSC-III-RA) Nobles.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Aitolian horsemen.
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi.
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi or 2(VLI-IV-IA) Aitlian Javelinmen.
6 (VLI-IV-IA) Aitolian Javelinmen.

130) Sparta up to 225BC

1 (HSC-III-RA) Nobles.
1 (LSC-III-RA) (Taratine mercenaries) or LSC III IA (Aitolian cavalry).
4 (HIS-III-RA) Hoplites.
4 (LIN-IV-RA) Spartiates
1 VLI III RA (Archers or Slingers).
1 VLI IV IA (Aitolian Javelinmen).

130a) Sparta:
1 (HSC-III-RA) Nobles.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Taratine mercenaries or 1(LSC-III-IA) Aitolian cavalry.
6 (HIP-III-RA) Phalanx.
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi.
1 (VLI-III-RA) Archers or Slingers.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Aitolian Javelinmen.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 128 - 130
131) Punic Wars Carthage (275-146 BC):
2 (HSC-III-RA) Poeni or Campanian cavalry.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Numidian.
2 (HIS-III-RA) African spearmen.
2 (HIS-III-RA) African spearmen.
1 (LIN-III-IA) various Latins.
2 (LIW-III-IA) Gallic or Celtiberians.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Numidian or Libyian Javelinmen.

Replace any Vignette with: 1(AFR-III-IA) African Forest Elephant

132) Middle Republic Roman [Polybian] (275-105 BC):

1 (HSC-III-RA) Roman or Italian.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Roman or Italian.
6 (HIN-IV-RA) Latin Hastati & Principes.
2 (HIS-IV-RA) Triarii.
2 (VLI-III-RA) Velites or after 210 BC 2(VLI-IV-RA).

Triarii can be replaced by Hastati and/or Principes.

133) Attalid Pergamon (263-129 BC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) Pergamene Lancers.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Pergamene Horsemen.
5 (LIN-IV-RA) Mercenary Peltasts.
2 (VLI-III-RA) Cretans or Trallian Slingers.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Mysian or Masdyenes or 1(ART-IV-RA) Bolt-shooters.
1 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi or 1(LIN-II-RA) Pergamene citizen inf,
1 (LIN-III-IA) Mysian/Masdyenes or VLI IV IA (Mysian or Masdyenes)

Only after 190 BC Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1 (CAT-III-RA) Ex-Seleucid cataphract,
2 (HIP-III-RA) Ex-Seleucid Phalangites or
1 (HIP-III-RA) and 1(PEL-III-IA) Ex-Seleucid War elephant.

Replace any three vignettes except Pergamenes with:

1 (HSC-III-IA) Galatian.
2 (HIW-IV-IA) Galatian.

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© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 131 - 133
133) Later Macedonian (260-148 BC):
2 (HSC-III-RA) Macedonian, Greek, Thessalian.
2 (HIP-IV-RA) Guard Phalangites.
4 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites.
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi or Thorakitai.
2 (VLI-IV-IA) Agrianian or Thracian.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (LSC-III-IA) Greek or Illyrian,
1 (HIB-IV-IA) Galatian or 1(LIN-IV-IA) Thracian or Illyrian.

134) Bactrian Greek (250-130 BC):

1 (HSC-IV-RA) Greek or Bodyguards.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Iranian Lancers.
3 (LSC-IV-IA) Bactrian.
1 (HSC-IV-RA) Greek.
2 (HCC-IV-IA) Iranian.
3 (LSC-III-IA) Saka or Arachosian.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

2 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites.
2 (VLI-III-IA) or 2(HIB-II-IA) Indian mountain archers.
2 (LIS-III-IA) Indian mountain spearmen or
2 (LIN-III-RA) Pisidian Colonist Peltasts.

135) Parthian (250 BC - 225 AC):

3 (CAT-III-IA) Cataphracts.
5 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers.
2 (LIN-III-IA) Mountain tribesmen.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Mountain tribes or 2(CAT-III-IA) Cataphracts.

After 216AC Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (CAT-IV-IA) Camel Cataphracts.
3 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers.

136) Iberian, Celtiberian and Lusitanian (240-20 BC):

1 (HSC-III-IA) Long shields.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Round shields.
5 (LIN-IV-IA) Iberian or Lusitanian or 5(LIW-III-IA) Celtiberian.
1 (LIN-IV-IA) Iberian or 1(VLI-IV-IA) Lusitanian) or 1(LIW-III-IA).
4 (VLI-IV-IA). Also see: Sertorius Spanish List 151.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 133 - 136
137) Numidian and Early Moorish (215 BC - 25 AC):
2 (LSC-III-IA) Numidian.
4 (LSC-III-IA) Numidian.
4 (VLI-IV-IA) Numidian.
2 (VLI-IV-IA) Numidian .

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

213-203 BC: under Syhax 2(LIN-III-RA) Roman trained infantry.
118 BC-105 BC: 2(LIN-II-RA) Gartuli or 1(AFR-III-IA) War elephant.
After 56 BC: 2(HIN-II-RA) Imitation Legionaries.
Only 47 BC: under Bogud 2(LIN-IV-IA) Iberian.
Also see: Numidian under Juba I. List 157

138) Later Seleucid (175-83 BC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) Companions.
1 (CAT-III-RA) Cataphracts or 1(HSC-III-IA) Galatian.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Civic Militia or Taratine.
2 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites.
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi.
1 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi or 1(LSC-III-RA) Tarantines.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Asiatic Slingers & Archers.
2 (HIP-IV-RA) Argyraspids.

After 167 BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1 (HIN-III-RA) Roman Argyraspids.
1 (LIN-IV-RA) Thureophoroi or Thrakitai.

139) Indian Greek (170-55 BC):

1 (HSC-IV-RA) Greek.
1 (HSC-II-IA) Indian.
1 (LSC-III-IA) NW-Indian.
1 (IND-III-IA) War elephant.
2 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites.
3 (HIB-III-IA) Indian.
1 (HIN-II-IA) Indian.
1 (LIS-III-IA) NW-Indian.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Indian.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 137 - 139
140) Maccabean Jewish (168-104 BC):
1 (LSC-III IA) Guerrillas horsemen or 1(LIN-III-IA) Guerrillas infantry.
1 (LIN-II-IA) Guerrillas.
1 (LIN-III-IA) Bodyguards.
1 (VLI-II-IA) Guerrillas.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Guerrillas.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Guerrillas Slingers or Archers or 1(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
2 (LIN-III-IA) Guerrillas infantry.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Guerrillas.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 1(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Guerrillas

You can replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (HCC-III-RA) Cavalry of the Army.
1 (LSC-IV-RA) Cavalry of the Phalanx.
1 (LSC-IV-RA) or 1(VLI-II-IA) Guerrillas.
4 (LIN-IV-RA) Foot of the Phalanx.

141) Commagene (163 BC - 17 AC) and (38-72):

1 (CAT-III-RA) Cataphracts.
2 (LSC-III-RA) Tarantine.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers or 1(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
2 (HIP-II-RA) Macedonian phalangites.
1 (LIN-IV-RA) Mercenary Thureophoroi.
4 (HIB-II-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.

142) 1st Sicilian Slave Revolt (135-132 BC):

5 (LIN-II-IA).
1 (LIN-III-IA) or 1(HIN-II-IA) axemen.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Herdsmen.

143) Kushan and Successor States (135 BC - 410 AC):

You can replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
2 (HIP-II-RA)., 2 (LIN-III-IA).
2 (HIB-II-IA) or 1(VLI-III-IA) Greek and NW-Indian.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 140 - 143
144) Hatra (126 BC - 225 AC):
1 (CAT-III-IA) Cataphracts.
1 (CAT-III-IA) Cataphract camels.
2 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers.
1 (HIN-II-IA) Swordsmen.
2 (LIN-III-IA) or 2(VLI-III-IA) Javelinmen.
4 (HIB-II-IA) or 4(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers or 1(Art-III-IA).

145) Early German (115 BC - 200 AC):

1 (LSC-III-IA) Tencteri or 1(HSC-III-IA) or 1(VLI-IV-IA).
10 (LIW-III-IA) Cherusci, Batavian or 10(HIW-III-IA) Others or
10 (HIW-IV-IA) Chatti.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Foot skirmishers.
Also see: Revolt of Julius Civilis List 165.

146) Mithridatic Pontic 110-47 BC:

1 (HSC-IV-IA) Pontic heavy cavalry.
2 (LSC-III-IA) Pontic light cavalry.
1 (LIN-IV-RA) Thueophoroi.
1 (LIN-III-IA) Javelinmen or 1(VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 1(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
2 (HIP-II-RA) Brazen shields.
2 (HIP-II-RA) Ex-slave Phalangites.
1 (HIN-II-RA) Imitation Legionaries)]
1 (HIW-IV-IA) Galatian or 1(SCH-III-IA) Scythed Chariot or 1(HIN-II-IA)
Bastarnae foot or 1(HCC-III-IA) Bosporans, Iazygians or Rhoxolani.

Only after 84 BC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
4 (HIN-III-RA) Italian Deserters & Imitation Legionaries.
1 (LIS-III-IA) Chalybes or 1(LIN-IV-IA) Thracians.

147) Marius Reform Roman (105-25 BC):

2 (HSC-III-RA) Roman cavalry.
8 (HIN-III-RA) Legionaries.
1 (VLI-III-RA) Cretans.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) German, Numidian or Spanish or 1(LSC-III-IA) Numidian,
Thracian or Spanish or 1(LIN-IV-RA) Peltasts or 1(LIN-IV-IA) Spanish,
Thracian, Rhartian.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 144 - 147
148) Early Hasmonean Jewish (103-63 BC):
1 (HCC-III-RA) Lancers.
1 (LSC-IV-RA) Phalanx, Judaean cavalry.
4 (LIN-IV-RA) Phalanx or similar foot.
1 (LIN-IV-RA) Mercenary Thureophoroi.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 2(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-II-IA) Javelinmen.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.

149) 2nd Sicilian Slave Revolt (103-99 BC):

3 (HIN-II-IA) Ex-gladiators, Roman equipped.
5 (LIN-II-IA) Bandits.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Herdsmen.
1 (LIN-II-IA) Bandit or 1(LSC-III-IA).

150) Tigranic Armenian (83-69 BC):

2 (CAT-III-IA) Cataphracts.
3 (LSC-III-IA) Horse archers.
2 (LIN-III-IA) Javelinmen or 2(VLI-III-IA) Slingers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 2(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
2 (HIP-II-RA) Ex-Selecid Phalanx.
1 (HIN-II-RA) Imitation legionaries.
1 (LIN-I-IA) Camp followers etc.

151) Sertorius Spanish (80-72 BC):

1 (HSC-III-RA) Roman cavalry.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Thracian or Iberian or 1(HSC-III-IA) Various.
2 (HIN-III-RA) Legionaries.
2 (HIN-III-RA) Legionaries or 2(LIN-IV-RA) Achaian Peltasts.
3 (LIN-IV-IA) Iberian/Lusitanian.
1 (HIW-IV-IA) Galatian or 1(VLI-III-RA) Cretan or Syracusan.
2 (VLI-IV-RA) German, Greek or Spanish, Numidian.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

2 (HIN-III-RA) Legionaries or 2(HIW-IV-IA) Galatian.
3 (LIW-III-IA) Celtiberian.
1 (LIN-IV-IA) or 1(VLI-IV-IA) Lusitanian.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 148 - 151
152) Revolt of Spartacus (74-72 BC):
1 (HSC-III-IA) or 1(LIW-IV-IA) Gallic or 1(HIB-IV-IA) German.
4 (HIN-III-IA) Ex-gladiators with Roman arms.
6 (HIN-II-IA) Other Roman equipped foot.
1 (VLI-II-IA) Herdsmen.

153) Late Hasmonean and Herodian Jewish (63 BC - 6 AC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) or 1(LIN-IV-RA) Mercenary General.
2 (LIN-II-IA) Bandits or 1 (LSC-III-IA) German/Celtic/Thracian and
3 (LIN-IV-RA) Judaean.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 2(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.
2 (LIN-I-IA) Rioting mob or 1(HIN-II-IA) Idumaen Cohorts and 1(VLI-
II-IA) Javelinmen.

154) Dacian (60 BC - 106 AC):

1 (HSC-II-IA) Nobles.
6 (LIW-III-IA) Javelinmen.
1 (HIN-II-IA) Falxmen.
3 (VLI-III-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen or 1(HCC-III-IA) Sarmatian.

155) Ancient British (1BC - 1AC):

2 (2HC-III-IA) Nobles.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Skirmishers.
6 (LIW-III-IA) Foot warriors.
3 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers.

156) Scots-Irish (55 BC - 846 AC):

2 (HIW-IV-IA) Nobles/Guard or before 432 AC: 2(2HC-III-IA) Chariot.
8 (LIW-III-IA) Warriors.
2 (VLI-IV-IA) Skirmishers.

157) Numidian under Juba I. (55(?)-46 BC):

1 (HSC-III-IA) Gallic and Spanish bodyguard.
4 (LSC-III-IA) Numidian.
1 (AFR-III-IA) African Howdah.
2 (HIN-II-RA) Legionaries.
4 (VLI-IV-IA) Numidian.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 152 - 157
158) Later Ptolomaic (54-30 BC):
1 (HCC-III-RA) Cleurch cavalry.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Celtic Bodyguard or 1(LSC-III-RA) Ethnic cavalry.
2 (HIP-III-RA) Phalangites.
2 (HIN-III-RA) Remnant Legionaries.
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Cilician and Syrian Thureophoroi.
1 (VLI-IV-RA) Jewish or Bedouin.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Egyptian etc. archers.
2 (LIN-II-IA) Rioting mobs.

159) Blemmye or Beja (30 BC - 1500 AC):

2 (HSC-III-IA) Heavy cavalry.
8 (HIB-II-IA) Archers or 8(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
2 (LIS-III-IA) Spearmen.
After 200 can exchange infantry on an even basis for (LSC-III-IA)

160) Nomades (30 BC - 1500 AC):

3 (HSC-III-IA) Heavy cavalry.
6 (HIB-II-IA) Archers or 6(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
1 (LIN-III-IA) Blemmyes spearmen.
2 (HIS-II-IA) Nodades or Kushite spearmen.
After 200 AC can exchange two Foot vignettes for two (LSC-III-IA)
Camelry. This list can also be used for the Blemmye, exchanging in
240 AC as the Niltal.

161) Early Imperial Roman (25 BC - 193 AC):

1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites Alares.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites Alares.
4 (HIN-IV-RA) Legio.
1 (HIN-IV-RA) Legio or 1(LIN-IV-RA) or 1(LIW-III-IA) Symmachiarii.
3 (LIN-IV-RA) Auxiliaries.
1 (VLI-III-RA) Auxiliary archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Spanish slingers or 1(LSC-III-IA) Numidian.

162) Later Moorish (25-696):

1 (HSC-III-IA) Bodyguard or 1(LSC-III-IA).
5 (LSC-III-IA) Moorish cavalry.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Moorish cavalry or 1(VLI-IV-IA) Moorish javelinmen.
3 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
2 (VLI-II-IA) Moorish slingers & archers or 2(LIN-I-IA) Mob of slaves.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 158 - 162
163) Alan (50-1500):
1 (HCC-III-IA) Nobles.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Nobles.
6 (LSC-IV-IA) Cavalry.
1 (HCC-III-IA) Nobles.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

2 (HIN-II-IA) Axmen.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Archers.

164) Jewish Revolts (66-70 and 132-135):

1 (LIW-V-IA) Zealots
2 (LIW-V-IA) Zealots
1 (LIN-I-IA) Masses.
3 (VLI-III-IA) Archers and Slingers.
4 (LIN-I-IA) Masses or 4(LIN-III-RA) Picked men.
1 (LIN-I-IA) Masses.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (LIN-IV-RA) Picked men.
1 (LIW-V-IA) or (only 66-70) 1(HSC-II-IA) Josephus’s bodyguard.

165) Revolt of Julius Civilis (69/70):

2 (HSC-III-RA) Batavian deserters.
4 (LIW-III-IA) Gallic allies.
2 (HIW-IV-IA) Germanic tribesmen or 2(LIW-III-IA) Batavian.
2 (LIN-IV-RA) Batavian Auxilia.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Germanic skirmishers.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Germanic skirmishers 1(HIN-III-RA) Legionaries.

166) Caledonian (75-211):

2 (2HC-IV-IA) Light chariots.
8 (LIW-III-IA) Warriors.
2 (LIW-III-IA) Warriors or 2(VLI-IV-IA) Skirmishers.

167) Abyssinian and Horn of Africa (100-1529):

1 (IND-III-IA) War Elephant or 1(HSC-III-IA) Cavalry.
2 (LSC-II-IA) Camel Scouts.
6 (LIW-III-IA) Spearmen.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 163 - 167
1 (HIN-II-IA) Swordsmen or axemen.
1 (HIB-II-IA) Archers or 1(VLI-III-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Skimishers.

168) Middle Imperial Roman (193-324):

2 (HSC-III-RA) Equites.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Moors or 1(HIN-III-RA) Legio or 1(LIS-IV-RA) Lanciarii.
4 (HIN-III-RA) Leginaries.
4 (LIN-III-RA) Auxiliaries.
1 (HIB-III-RA) Auxiliary archers or 1(VLI-III-RA) Auxiliary archers or
from 275 in East or in 312 Maxentius’ army 1(CAT-III-RA) Clibanarii.

Early Goth (200-493):Early Visigoth (200-419):

see Vandals (200-442) List 171.

Early Ostrogoths (200-493):

see Herul, Sciri and Taifali (200-493 AC) List 172.

169) Early Gothic (about 200-280):

1 (HCC-III-IA) Noble cavalry.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Skirmishers or 1(HIW-III-IA) Warriors.
8 (HIW-III-IA) Warriors.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Archers.

170) Later Gothic Armies (about 280 AC until settling of Visigoths

in Spain in 419 AC or until the invasion of Italy by the Ostrogoths
in 493 AC):
2 (HCC-III-IA) Nobles.
2 (HSC-III-IA) Ostrogothic Horse or 2(HIS-III-IA) Ostrogothic Foot.
4 (HIS-III-IA) Foot warriors.
2 (HIS-III-IA) or 2(VLI-III-IA) Skirmishers.
2 VLI IV IA (Skirmishers).

Only after 454: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
2 (HCC-II-IA).

Only after 388: Replace the Purple colour coded vignettes with:
2 (LIS-I-IA) Dissatisfied Roman provincials.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 168 - 170
171) Vandal (200-442 AC):
1 (HCC-III-IA) Nobles.
10 (LIW-III-IA) Warriors.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Skirmishers.

172) Herul, Sciri and Taifali (200-493 AC):

1 (HCC-III-RA) Cavalry.
7 (HCC-III-RA) Cavalry.
4 (VLI-III-IA) Archers.

173) Pictish (211-846 AC):

1(2HC-III-IA) Chariot or after 500 1(HSC-III-IA) Horse.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Light horse.
6 (LIS-III-IA) Javelinmen.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or light crossbowmen.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Light horse or 1(VLI-III-IA) Archers or crossbowmen.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.

Before 500AC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (LIW-III-IA) Caledonian or 1(LIW-IV-IA) Attecotti.
1 (LIW-III-IA) Caledonian or 1(LIW-IV-IA) Attecotti.

174) Sassanid Persian until Chosroes I. (220-531 AC):

2 (HCC-IV-IA) Noble cavalry.
2 (HCC-IV-IA) Noble cavalry.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Other cavalry or before 400AC 2(CAT-III-IA).
2 (LSC-III-IA) Unarmoured horse archers.
2 (LIS-I-IA) Peasant levy spearmen.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Archers.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Slingers or 1(PEL-III-IA) War elephant.

175) Burgundi (250-534 AC), Early Frankish (250-496), Alemannic

(250-496), Suevi (250-584), Rugian (250-487) or Turcilingi (250-
1 (HSC-III-IA) Nobles.
9 (HIW-III-IA) Warriors.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) Javelinmen.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Archers.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 171 - 175
176) Gepid (250-566 AC):
2 (HCC-III-IA) Cavalry.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Cavalry.
8 (HCC-III-IA) Cavalry.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

4 (HIW-IV-IA) Spearmen.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 2(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Cavalry or 2(VLI-III-IA) Archers or 2(HIB-II-IA)

178) Old Saxon (250-804 AC), Frisian (250-690 AC), Bavarian (250-
788 AC), Thuringian (250-531 AC) or Early Anglo-Saxon (about
428-640 AC):
3 (HIW-IV-IA) Noble warriors.
7 (HIW-II-IA) Peasant spearmen.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or (LIN-I-IA) Levy spearmen.
1 (HIW-III-IA) Peasant spearmen or 1(VLI-III-IA) Archers.

179) Palmyran (260-273 AC):

3 (CAT-III-RA) Cataphracts.
1 (HSC-III-IA) Camelry Guards.
1 (HSC-III-IA) Camelry Guards or 1(CAT-III-RA) Cataphracts.
2 (LSC-IV-RA) Regular light horse.
3 HIB II IA (Archers).
1 (HIN-II-IA) Allies or 1(LIN-III-IA) Allied infantry.
1 (VLI-III-IA) Allied skirmishers.
Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:
1 (LSC-III-IA) Volunteer light cavalry.
1 (HIB-II-IA) Archers

Replace the Purple colour coded vignettes with:

1 (HIN-III-RA) Legionaries.
1 (LIS-III-RA) Auxilia.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 176 - 179
180) Late Western Imperial Rome until Eugenius (307-394):
2 (HSC-III-RA) Equites.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites or 1(LSC-III-RA) Equites Illyricani.
4 (HIN-III-RA) Legionarii.
2 (HIN-III-RA) Legionarii or 2(LIS-IV-RA) Auxilia Palatina.
2 (VLI-III-RA) Supporting Legionarii archers.
1 (VLI-III-RA) Supporting archers or 1(Art-III-RA) Bolt-shooter.

Until 351AC: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (CAT-III-RA) Cataphractarii or Cilbanarii.

Replace the Purple colour coded vignettes with:

Only in Africa: 2 (VLI-III-RA) Skirmishers.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Equites Sagittarii mounted archers.

181) Late Eastern Imperial Rome until Valens (324-378):

1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites or 1(LSC-III-RA) Equites Illyricani, Sagittarii.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Equites Illyricani.
4 (HIN-III-RA) Legionarii.
2 (HIN-III-RA) Legionarii or 2(LIS-IV-RA) Auxilia Palatina.
1 (HIB-III-RA) Auxilia Sagittarii or 1(VLI-IV-RA) Skirmishers.
1 (LIS-IV-RA) Auxilia Palatina or 1(VLI-III-RA) Skirmishers.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

From 338: 1(HCC-III-RA) Cataphracts or
From 351: 1(CAT-III-RA) Clibanarii.

182) Gupta Indian (320-545):

1 (HCC-III-IA) Heavy horsemen.
2 (IND-IV-IA) War elephants.
1 (2HC-III-IA) War chariots or 1(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
1 (LSC-II-IA) Mounted bowmen.
5 (HIB-II-IA) Archers.
2 (HIN-II-IA) Javelinmen.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 180 - 182
183) Hun (374-559):
1 (HSC or HCC-IV-IA) Nobles or 1(LSC-IV-IA) Hunnic horsemen.
5 (LSC-IV-IA) Hunnic horsemen.
6 (LSC-IV-IA) Hunnic horsmen.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

If under Attila 433-453:
1 (HCC-III-IA) Ostrogothic subjects.
4 (HIW-IV-IA) Allied Goths, Herul etc.
1 (VLI-IV-IA) (Skirmishers).

184) Eastern Roman until Anastasius I. (379-491 AC):

2 (HSC-III-RA) Equites.
1 (CAT-III-RA) Cataphractarii or 1(HCC-III-RA) Clibanarii.
1 (HCC-III-IA) Foederati.
1 (HSC-IV-IA) Hunnic or 1(LSC-IV-IA) Hunnic.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Equites Illyracani.
2 (HIN-III-RA) Legionarii.
2 (HIN-IV-RA) Legionarii or 2(HIW-IV-IA) Foederati.
1 (HIB-III-RA) Auxilia archers or 1(VLI-III-RA) Skirmishers.
1 (LIN-I-IA) Political Factions, Peasants or Religious Fanatics.

After 467: Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

2(LIN-III-IA) Isaurian.

After 399: Replace the Purple colour coded vignettes with:

1 (VLI-III-IA) Skirmishers.

185) Patriarch Roman (395-493 AC):

1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites.
1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites or (HCC-III-RA) Equites.
1 (HCC-III-IA) Allied Gothic, Frankish, Visigothic.
1 (LSC-III-IA) Allied Germanic, Alan or Other.
2 (HIN-III-RA) Legionarii.
4 (HIW-IV-IA) Foederati.
1 (VLI-III-RA) Skirmishers.
1 (HIN-III-RA) Legionarii or 1(LIS-IV-RA) Auxilia or 1(VLI-III-RA)
Auxilia skirmishers.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 183 - 185
186) Post-Roman and Arthurian British (407-945 AC):
1 (HSC-III-RA) British horsemen or 475-539: 1(HCC-III-RA) Nobles.
1 (HSC-III-RA) British horsemen.
4 (LIS-II-RA) Pedyt or 4(HIS-II-IA).
1 VLI III IA (Archers).
4 (LIS-II-RA) Pedyt or 4(HIS-II-IA) Roman allies.
1 (HIW-IV-IA) Saxon or other mercenaries.

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

1 (HSC-III-RA) Equites.
1 (LSC-III-RA) Equites Illyricanii or Sagittarii.
1 (HIN-III-RA) Legionarii.
1 (LIS-IV-RA) Auxilia.

Replace the Purple colour coded vignettes with:

1 (LSC-III-IA) Alan or British light horsemen or before 580 1(LIW-III-
IA) Irish mercenaries.

187) Visigoths in Gaul and Spain (419-711 AC):

1 (HCC-III-IA) Bucellarii.
2 (HSC-III-IA) Gardingi.
1 (HSC-III-IA) Gardingi or 1(LSC-III-IA) Basque or other allies.
6 (HIN-III-IA) Spearmen or until 621 6(HIW-III-IA) Spearmen.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Archers or 2(HIB-II-IA) Archers.
The option for the HIW corresponds to the traditional view of the
Visigoth armies.

188) Vandals in Africa (442-535 AC):

2 (HCC-III-IA) Vandals.
9 (HCC-III-IA) Vandals.
1 (HCC-III-IA) Vandals or until 500 1(LSC-III-IA) Alan.

189) Early Slavic (476-829 AC):

1 (LIN-III-IA) Warriors or after 580 1(HSC-III-IA) Mounted Warriors.
8 (LIN-III-IA) Warriors.
1 (LIN-III-IA) Warriors or 1(VLI-III-IA) Skirmishers.
2 (VLI-III-IA) Skimishers.

List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 186 - 189
190) Early Lombards (489-584 AC):
2 (HCC-III-IA) Heavy cavalry.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Heavy cavalry.
2 (HCC-III-IA) Heavy cavalry.
2 (HCC-III-IA) or before 568 2(HIW-III-IA).
4 (VLI-III-IA) or 4(HIB-II-IA).

Replace the Green colour coded vignettes with:

2 (HSC-III-IA) Heavy cavalry.
2 (HSC-III-IA) or before 568 2(HIW-III-IA) Retinues.

191) Ostrogoth and Rugian in Italy (493-561 AC):

2 (HCC-III-IA) or 2(HIS-III-IA).
1 (VLI-III-IA) or 1(HIB-III-IA) Archers with Pavise.

The armies and enemies of ancient China will be added next followed
by the ‘Dark ages’ 600AD to 1080. Eventually this list will be taken all
the way to 1900. Another 1300 years to go!

Finally, a very big Thanks to Franco for compiling these lists.

We value your comments, playing experience and feedback. If you
would like to email us please do so.

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List No.
© ASP Games 2004 FULL VERSION 190 - 191

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