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NATIONAL CONTRACTING CO. LTD. Sa goal) Lath gil oY gldall As wis (Abo Dhabi Bronch bat 70. Box: 40927 cee) ‘Abs hots 1a Cet sca Wee), wail Jol: 4971 2 447 2990 / 487 2993 “Sa SAVVY EVAL: / EEA Gib fox 99712 447 2901 ese ph a cab Tan cee etay ost Eel: necBreconratenoe Beg ES pd accel gins an ‘Transmission & Distribution Division ¥ © NCC/OMAN/OETC/74/2010/A8/01 05.10.10 M/s, AL-BABTAIN POWER & TELECOMMUNUICATION CO. Tel : + (82-2) 2189-9378 P.O.Box. 88373, Riyadh 11662. Fax : + (82-2) 2189-9349 Saudi Arabia. E-mail : leonidlee@/ ATIN.: MR. Tamer A. Kalo, Marketing & Sales Manager Dear Sirs, Subject: OETC-85/2010 - UPGRADING 220kV SUR GRID STATION ~ 400kV Tower Design Inputs . NCC email dt. 06.09.10 Al-Babtain Fox Message # TAK-257A/F-Gé5/10/T-A(™) dt. 21.09.10 NCC email dt. 23.09.10 Al-Babtain Fox Message # TAK-2578/F-G65/10/T-A("*) dt. 21.09.10 Meeting @ NCC Abu Dhabi Office on 02.10.10, Reference yeep e With reference to the above and various discussions during meeting, we hereby enciose the followings documents for structural design. 1, OEIC # 74~ 400kV OHL SUR + OETC General Technical Specification for OHL © OETC Circulars * Technical Data for Conductor ‘+ Technical Data for OPGW Drawings for Hardware Fittings Please acknowledge receipt cf above documents. If you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanking You, Yours faithfully, For NATIONAL & ‘A Menber ofthe Alteza Group of Componies TD Division Office :Tel- +966 3 8683120 Fox: +966 3.868 3130 Head Office Tel #966 3 8828008 / 2825700 Fax +946 3 8826678, PO Box 90, AlKhohor 31952, Kingdom of Saud Arabia [ASSOCIATED COMPANY : REZAYAT EUROPE {TD, 2, MOUNT STREET, JONDON, WIK 25F OETC, OMAN TENDER NO. 74/2010 : UPGRADING 220kV SUR GRID STATION S.No Description Addi Des. ‘Annexure Comments and Response Sheet from Other Vendors 4 OETCGeneral technical Specification for Vol.2 Sec.40.17; 1 OHL Pages 1-50 2 OETC Circulars 19 Pages 2 ‘Addendum No.1 14 Pages Circular No. 4 18 Pages Circular No.3 1 Page = Circular No.5 7 Pages 3 Technical Data for Conductor 3 Midal Cables - Guaranteed Technical Particulars 41 Page - Drum Drawing 1 Page - Details of Grease 3 Pages | 4 Technical Data for PGW 4 - Technical Particul Guaranteed Technical Particulars 10 Popes from Taihan 5 Technical Drawings for Hardware Fittings los - Drawings of Insulator & Fittings, 20 Pages OPGW fittings from M/s. Pfisterer QETC, OMAN TENDER NO. 74/2010 : UPGRADING 220kV SUR GRID STATION 7a 7 re 70 80 Vendor Enquiry NCC Reply Please confirm the type of Conductor fo be used for this project (whether High Cenchcintty type oe Neral YEW conductor Refer attached M/s. Midal Cable Data Sheets & Drawings of AAAC YEW (HC) Please contirm the OPGW to be used for this project. Refer attached M/s. Tahihan Data Sheets & Drawings of OPGW Please confirm the details of "V" Suspension Insulator to be used for this project. Refer attached M/s. PFSTERER SEFAG AG Drawings Please confirm the details of Double Tension insulator (High Duty] to be used for this project. Refer attached M/s, PESTERER SEFAG AG Drawings Please confirm the details of Pilot Suspension insulator (Sting) lo be used for this project, Refer altached M/s. PFISTERER SEFAG AG Drawings Please provide the details of Pilot Suspension insulator |V-String] including drawing, which cast too wood ols lor smote ceonemne Soxgn Refer attached M/s. PFISTERER SEFAG AG Drawings Please provide claification/confirmation regarding electrical clearances, as follows: Please confirm the Shielding angle required. As per conceptual drawing provided, OPGW ishaving shielding angle of ODeg with respect to Top Phase Conducior, please confim | OF As per conceptual crawing provided, clearances for Safe Live Line Climbing Spaces was rot shown, however, as perllem # 5 of Circular Letter # 5, provision of DIN VDE 0105 i, Please refer Tender Circular Letter # 5. Item # 9 Engineers Clarifications. — Refer acceptable. Please provide the Safe live Line Climbing Spaces to be used for this Annexure -2 project. lease confirm that Top Cioss-aim Projection required to be exlended up-to the mid- portion of 2-Phase conductors in the Bottom Cross-armn as shown in the conceptual ox drawing, Please provide the mid-span separation requirements (arect valve} as per the requirements of Hem # 1 of Circular Letter # 5 Please refer Tender Circular Letter # 5, Item # | Engineer's Claifications. Please provide claiiicalion/confimation regarding OMT accessories, as follows: No. of aviation warming spheres provided for one span per OPGW: Nos. far DS and 7Nos. fenlersion Towers fla Reanored cotengament) Pease conten Maximum spacing shall not be more than 60m & 30mc/c staggered. Page 1 of 2 QETC, OMAN TENDER NO. 74/2010 : UPGRADING 220kV SUR GRID STATION S.No 8 af 89 90. 9% 96 Vendor Enquiry NCC Reply No. of OPGW vibration-damper in one span: 4Nos. Please confi and provide aso the drawings of vibration-damper. No, of conductor avialion warning lights (AWL] provided for one span: 2 Nos, (INO. per Circuil on Top Phase Conductor). Please confirm and provide also the drawings of AWL fo other detail No, of conductor spacer-damper {for Quad -Conductor) in one span: 10Nos. Please Confirm and provide also the drawings of spacer-damper for other details, Please confirm that vibration-dampers (normally stock-bridge type} shall not be provide for conductors in case you required such dampers. kindly provide the details/drawings and Noss requited, We have not considered access-ladder in the design, since it was not specifically required. Please confirm, OK (OX and details will be provided shortly, ‘Around 40. m Maximum spacing, 8 Nos for basic span of 360m. Not required. Not required. Please confirm also whether platform for battery storage (for Tower Waming Light/Solat Panel) is equi for this project. also please give us the details for such requirements [if to be provided in the tower) Please provide clatification/confiemation regarding tower materials, as follows: Angle profes o be vse per BSEN 10025 grade $3558 fr High Tense Steel ond grade S275,R for Mild Steel, Please confirm. Bolls fo used as per ISO 898, port Please confirm, Grade 6.8 with assembly of Ibolt+Inut+Ipiain washer. We propose to use step-angle as an alternative to 24mm diameter x 200mm length step boll, which is to be provided on two-diagonally opposite legs at 400mm apart, Please contr Please provide provision of the some for all owers and we request you to assume those details as per your previous design for other projects in Oman or as per industry standards. As por OFIC Specification’ & Standords, As per OFIC Specification’ & Standards Please follow as per OEIC requirements Page 2 of 2 Annexure - 1 yrdar Documents Volume = Section 447 Page 1 ‘Oman Electrical Transmision Co. S.AO.C, parading 220K” Sur Grid Station 4.17. 41nd. 4172. 4173 4.174, 4175. 4.176. 4.177. 4.178 4.179. 220 kV OVERHEAD LINES SCOPE LINE CONDUCTORS EARTHWIRE / SHIELDWIRE INSULATORS LINE ACCESSORIES TOWERS AND FOUNDATIONS ACCESS, CLEARING AND ERECTION INSPECTION AND TESTING DRAWINGS AND DATA SHEETS Pox 50ND 417-2208 OFA. [rerorceant ‘Uparading 220K Sur Grid Station 47. 471. 4472. ‘oman Elecvical Trantmiasion Co. SADC, Section 417 ] Volume 2 Pape 2 GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ELECTRICAL 220 kV OVERHEAD LINES SCOPE The specification covers: © Complete supply, erection and commissioning of 220 kV double circuit wansmission line on steel lattice towers with twin conductor AAAC ~ ARAUCARIA , polymer insuletors and shield conductor (earth wire) OPGW. ‘The scope of work shall include the design, manufacture, supply, testing, inspection at manufecturer’s works, insurance, packing for export shipment, delivery to the site, unloading, survey and profile plotting of support position, pegging out, clearing and provision of access road where necessary complete erection, setting to work and ‘maintenance for a period of 12 calendar months of the 220 kV double cireuit line. ‘The scope also inches all parts of work to be completed in every respect for commercial operation to the satisfaction of OBTC. ‘The three phases of cach circuit are to be in vertical formation et suspension position ‘with one over running carth wire LINE CONDUCTORS Line conductors for 220 KV OH line shall be twin AAAC ARAUCARIA and shell comply with this specification, the characteristics entered in the Technical Data Schedule, Volume 1, and with IEC 61089/91 ‘The inner layers of each conductor shall be covered with an approved grease such as Shell ENSIS compound or equal having a minimura drop point of 100 °C, completely filling the interstices between the strands of the outer layer. The mass of grease shall represent a minimam of 0.7 % of the total conductor weight, ‘There shall be no excess grease remaining on the outside surface, which may cause sand and dust particles to adhere during pulling out and erection of conductor. The outer most layer of the conductors shall be stranded with a right hand lay. Aluminum alloy conductor shall be made of heat-treated aluminura magnesium silicon alloy wires having mechanical and electrical properties as per IEC 61089791 Joints in individual wires are permitted in any layer except the outer most. In addition, joints are also permitted in the base rod or wire before final pulling, but no two such joints shall be fess than 15 m apart in the complete stranded condzetors. Such joints shall be made by resistance welding and shall be annealed after welding over a distance of at least 25 cm on each side of the joint. They should conform to the mechanical and Dac SUR 2417-220 KV OH, MB 4.17.3. det Documents voume 2 Section 447 Page 3 ‘Oman Electrical Tranamission Co. SAO.C, ‘Upgrading 220RV Sur Si Station electrical requirements for un-jointed (healthy) wires The conductors shall be supplied on impregnated drums of approved material to enable the conductor to ran smoothly and in lengths convenient to handle and erect. The cut ends of conductors, together with the joints, clamps and fittings atteched to the conductors shall be treated in an approved manner to prevent the ingress of air or moisture. EARTHWIRE / SHIELDWIRE The earth wire/shield wire shall be of Composite Fiber Optic (OPGW) type with appropriate nominal cross section sized for fault current of 10 kA for 1 sec. ATuminurn clad steel or/and aluminum alloy wires shall form the stranding part of earth wire, Optical Fiber Cable, containing the umber of single-mode optical fibers as per Technical Data Schedule, Volume 1, shall be embedded loosely inside the protective tube. The protective tube shall be of aluminum oF aluminum alloy or stainless steel. ‘Other construction could be also proposed and subject to the Engineer's approval. Both fiber optic and stranding part of OPGW shall comply with this Specification and the characteristics entered in the Schedule ‘The earth wire shall be suitable for climatic condition and electrical system prevailing in ‘Oman as per OES 11 Optical fibers should be single mode, conforming to ITU-T G.682 or to IEC 60793-2- BI recommendations, with following main optical and mechanical characteristics: 8) Operational wavelength shall be 1310 or 1550 nm. b) Maximum optical attenuation shall he as follows: at 1310 nm 0.40 dBhkm at 1550 nm 0.25 dB/km ©) Maximum chromatic dispersion coefficients shall be as follows: at 1288 nm ~ 1339 na 3.5 psiom-km at 1550 nm 18 psiam-km 4) Zero dispersion shall be attained in the wave length range from 1300 nm to 1324 nm. ©) Cutoff wavelength (cabled fibers) shall be maximurn 1260 nm. 1) Meximum optical loss variation at temperature range of 0°C to 40°C shall be 20.0548/kan. 8) Mode field diameter shall be 9.5 jm with tolerance +0.5 ym, non-circularity max. 6% and concentricity error max. 1m. Doe SUR 24.17-220KV OL, MB ENERGOPROJEXT ENTEL nn sansa Volume 2 Pane 4 (Oman Electric! Transmission Co. SAQ.. Tender Documents Upgrading 20KY Sur Grid Station h) Cladding diameter shall be 125 um with tolerance of +3 am and cladding non- circularity max 2%. i) Primary coating diameter shall be 250 um with tolerance +15um. ‘The construction of the cable shall be loose tube with the following characteristics a) Number of single mode fibers shall be 24. b) The tensile strength of the cable shall be such that a nominal pulling tension of 1000 Newton's shall cause no temporary or permanent optical degradation or mechanical cable damage. ©) The permissible bending radius of the cable shall be at least 400 mm and no temporary or permanent optical degradation shall occur as a result of a bend of a 400 mm radius. 4.17.4, INSULATORS 4.74.1, General This specification covers the design, manufacture, and testing and performance requirements of 220 KV Long road composite insulators of silicone rubber insulators for use on 220 KV ‘Transmission lines for Oman Electricity Transmission Company. 220 KV Long road composite insulators shall be made of silicone rubber insulation and suitable for operation under service conditions stated in OES-11.The silicone rubber shall be the HTV type for improved mechanical strength. Housings of carbon based polymers, such as EPDM, EPM or silicone and liquid silicone added to these formulations shal! not be accepted. Composite silicone rubber insulators shall give highly reliable service and performance without mzintenance and live line washing. The manufacturer shall have minimum of 10 years of field best performance record for having supplied the Silicone rubber insulators to the desert, polluted industrial area, seashore environments. Detailed drawings shall be required for approval. 4.17.42 Performance Requirements a) Nominal system voltage 220 KV 4 System highest voltage 245 KV 4) Lighting impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) 1080 KV ©) Power frequency withstand voltage 460 KV 4) Minimum mechanical Breaking Load (suspension) 230 KN (Double Tension) 2x 320 KN Pegs SUR 2:4.17- 20 8 OL MB EMEREDPROJEKT ENTEL me Volume 2 (Oman Electrical Transmission Co. $.A0.. ender Documents Section 417 Upgrading 22067 Sur Gr Station I ae 8) Total Creepage Distance 12,250 mm 4.17.43. Creepage The minimum creepage shall be 50 mm / KV of highest system volage between phases. The minimum specified creepage distance shall be measured fiom the insulator metal cap to the base over the surface of the insulstor sheds. 4.17.44, Profile The long road composite silicone rubber insulators shall have aerodynamic profile sheds with good self- cleaning properties and generally fre of maintenance. The sheds shall have uniform or non-uniform diameters and uniform spacing between each shed as per !EC 60815. The shed shape, spacing and inclination shall be such’ as to withstand pollution due to desert sand, sea sand and industry pollution, The strength of insulators as given by the electromechanical test Joad shall have such that the factor of safety, when supporting their ‘maximum working loads shall not be less thaa 2.5, 4.17.45. Construction The long road composite silicone rubber insulators shall consists ofa solid FRP-ROD core with icone rubber housing. The FRP-ROD core shall be epoxy resin reinforoed with ECR glass fibers and fire of boron. It shall be resistant against acid attacks in order to prevent stress corrosion of the FRP Rod core. ‘The manufacturer will have a minimum of 10 years experience with comosion resistant rod und provide test reports as evidence that the rod meets the requirements of this specification. The housing shall be made of HTY silicone rubber. The colour shall be blue or grey (Munsile}. A, seamless, uniform sheath of 3min thickness shall he extruded and firmly bonded to the rod. ‘The weather sheds shall be firmly bonded to the sheath by high temperature vulcanization, The strength of the bond shall be greater than tearing strength of the materials, Any injection molding process used to form the complete housing in a single shot shall be accepted, provided flaws and residual mechanical stresses are not produced, Further any process ‘which results in longitudinal mould or parting shall not accepted., Materials and workmanship Insulators The silicone rubber sheath with thickness of 3 gun shall be sound, thoroughly vitrified and free from defects and blemishes which might affect the life of the insulator. The surface of the silicone rubber shall be free from irregularities and rough particles. lone SUR 24.17. 220 KY OWL. MB EXERC PRAIEAT ENTEL bee Voume a (Oman Eletriel Transmission Co. S.A0.C. Section 47 ‘Upgrading 220KY Sur Gra Station sees ‘The exposed part of silicone rubber shall be smooth and shall be unchanged irrespectively of number of years in use and weather conditions. ‘The materials used in the manufacture of long rod silicone rubber insulators shall not cause fracture by contraction, foosening or by expansion and proper care shall be taken to affix the individual metal end fittings correctly. Cementing of end fitting is not acceptable. Sealing material shall not chemicelly react with the meta) base and its thickness shall be uniform, ‘The silicone rubber insulators should possess the properties of inherent hydrophobic, high resistance to weathering, sand erosion, electrical stress, not tracking and shall be absolutely stable against UV radiation, Molding or parting lines are not acceptable. Boron free corrosion resistant rod shall be supplied for all long rod composite insulators regardless of core diameter. End fitting End fitting shall be forged steel, malleable cast iron and shall be applied on to the corrosion resistant rod by a multi-point longitudinal crimping system to ensure uniformity and prevent the ingress of moisture, The interference between fitting and housing shall be sealed by a R TV clastomer with permanent elasticity. The scaling material shall be stick permanently 1o the surface of metal cap as well as the housing. Tolerances Dimensions are subject to tolerances in accordance with IBC 61109 except the creepage distance, which may exceed its nominal value without any Limit., Protection of ferrous parts against corrosion All ferrous metal parts shall be hot dip galvanized in acoordance with OES-11, as per BS 729 or ASTM A152 with a minimum zine thickness of 127 microns. Marking Every insulator unit shall be legibly and permanently marked with th following information in English in accordance with IEC 61109. © Manufacturer’ name and trademark «Year of manufacture © Specified mechanical joad (SML) 4.ATAA1. Tests Tests shall be in accordance with IEC 61109 Type tests © Dry lightning impulse withstand as per IEC 60383, © Wet power frequency withstand as per IEC 60383, © 96 hour mechanical load test Doc SUR 2447. 220kY ONL. MB EWERGOPROIENT ENTEL ote ants Tender Documents Upgrading 220KY Sur Grid Staion 417.8. Voume 2. clon 47 Page 7 ‘Oman Elctical Transmission Co. SAC. ‘© Aging test under operating voltage simulating weather conditions as per 61 109 and TC 37. ‘© Test on resistance of the fiberglass core against stress corrosion. © Housing material shall be subjected to # 5000 hour combined cycle against test in accordance with LEC 61109 Annex c. © Aging test in accordance with TEC 61109 Annex C. © Artificial Pollution test (Salt Fog method) in accordance with requirement of IEC 60507. Sample Test ‘© Verification of dimensions «Verification of SML © Galvanizing test Routine Tests © Visual examination * Mechanical routine test * Visible discharge test (power frequency voltage) LINE ACCESSORIES 4.17.51. Fittings ‘Dee SUR 2-4.77- 220kY OHL, MB Fittings shall comply with BS 3288. Suspension and tension clamps shall be as light as possible and shall be of aluminum alloy. All clamps shall be designed to avoid any possibility of deforming the stranded conductors and separating the individual strands. Suspension clamps shall be free to pivot in the vertical plane containing the conductor and shell permit the complete conductor to slip at a load lower than the breaking load of the conductor. The conductor-supporting groove shall be curved at its ends in the verical plane to a radius of 150 mm and for a sufficient distance to allow for the conductor leaving the clamp at the maximum angle of inclination obteined in service, The grooves in the clamping pieces shall be bell mounted at each end, Bell mouth shalt ‘be smooth and free from waves ridges or other irregularities. ‘Suspension clamps for OPGW wire shall be of amour grip type capable of being used in conjunction with pre-formed helical amour rods and neoprenc liners. Particular attention shall be paid to elimination of corona emission from all parts of suspension clamp. The mechanical efficiency of the tension clamp shall not be affected by methods of erection involving the use of come-along or similar clamps before, during and after assembly, or by erection of the tension clamp itself, Bolts and nuts shall be in accordance with the appropriate clauses of this specification, Bolt threads shall be coated with approved grease immediately before tightening down at erection. Split pins for securing attachment of fittings of insulator shall be of stainless steel and shall be backed by washers of approved size and gouge. Voume 2 ‘Secdon 417 Poe 8 ‘Oman Electrical Tranamiasion Co, GAD.. Tender Documents Upgrading 220KV Sur Grid Station All insulator strings shall be attached (0 cross arms by means of shackles. Hooks shall not be used. Tension insalator scts shall be fitted with sag adjusters to enable the sags of the conductors of the duplex bundles to be individually adjusted. Light duty reverse tension sets shall be equipped with tum-buckles. Note: Insulator fittings and conductor fitings shall be supplied from the same manufacturer. Midspan Joints, Dead Ends, Jumper Terminals, Repair Sleeves, sag adjuster All midspan joints (tension splices), dead ends (tension clamps) and jumper terminals shall be of the compression type. The ends of compression accessories shall be tapered in such a manner that the pressure will be gradually reduced to zero on that part of the conductor allowing the accessory and the conductor stresses caused from bending and vibration 10 be reduced to a srinimum. The midspan joints, dead ends and repair sleeves shall not permit slipping of, or cause damage 10, of failure of the conductor at a Toad less than 95 % of its nominal ultimate strength. Jumper terminals for conductor should have a guaranteed slipping strength not less than 25 % of conductor strength. The conductivity of all conductor splice fittings in which the conductor is not continuous shalt not be less than that of an equivalent length of conductor. The design of dead ends shall be such as will facilitate the formation and fitting of jumper loops for the electrical or mechanical continuity of the conductor or shield wire. The design of all compression fittings (tension clamps and tension splices and compression type repair sleeves) shall be sucks that only one pair of dies is necessary for cach size of conductor. Where mating surfaces of jumper terminals are to bolt to the main body of the tension clamp, they should be protected from the manufacturer's works by removal piastic or other means. Repair sleeves shall be suitable for repairing accidentet minor damage to the conductors. They shall be used on conductors where not more than two wires of the outer layer are broken. All tension insulator sets shall incorporate sag adjusters for adjusting the sag of either individual phase conductors or sub-conductors forming a phase conductor bundle. The total range of linear adjustment shall not be less than 300 min and individual steps shall be specified. Doe: SUR 2-4.17- 208V CHL, MB Tender Documents Upgrading 220K¥ Sur Gr Station T Voume 2, Section 417 Page (oman Elercel Tranemision 4375.3. When specified low-duty tension insulator sets shill incorporate a tumbuckle for adjusting the sag of the complete downlead. The tumbuckle where appropriate shall comply with the requirements of BS 4429 and shall be fitted with locknuts. The total range of linear adjustment shall not be less than 230 mmm. The tumbuckle shall be fitted jn the earth end of the low duty tension insulator set Vibration Dampers Dampers shall be of the Stockbridge type with clamps made of aluminum alloy with two or four degrees of resonance. They shall be designed to minimize vibration to conductors caused by wind speed of 0.5 m/s to 10 m/s for the phase conductors and opaw. ‘The dampers shall be so designed that for the specific conductors and a range of the given span lengths it shall not allow bending strain at the conductor clamp to exceed + 150 or - 150 microstrains. Specific consideration should be given also to spans of either an earth wire or a conductor which is to have aircratt waming spheres or aircraft waming lights erected upon it, ‘The resonant point of the damper impedance characteristic should be within the vibration frequencies set up in the conductor or earth wire in question by the range of wind velocities mentioned and should be proven in the type tests. The design shall be such that drooping of the counterweights does not occur during service, ‘The dampers shall be designed to minimize the risk of corona discharge or radio interference, The clamping devices shall be such as to avoid damage to the conductors when tightened, or at any time during the service life of the dampers, and it shall be free from slipping. For OPGW the transmission properties of the optical fibers shall be unaffected by the vibration damper. During installation, the interface between the clamp and the conductor shall be filed with grease to exclude moisture and this fact shall be taken iato account in the design, Dampers shall be so designed that during operation, the conductor is not damaged due to the impact of the damper. The vibration dampers shall be capable of being installed and removed from energized lines by means of hot-line tools, withot complete separation of components. In addition, the clamp shall be capable of being removed and reinstalled on the conductor at the design torque, without shearing or damaging bolts, nuts or cap screws. ie SUR24 77-2204 OF, MB Tender Documents 4ATS4. 41755. Volume 2 Section 417 Paget ‘oman Electrical Tennamission Ca, SAO.C. Upgrading 20KV Sur Grid Station ‘Manufacturer shall submit calculations and placement charts for dampers and shall test dumpers for relevant line conductor and OPGW. Rigid Spacers Conductor spacers shall be fitted to maintain distance between the sub-conductors under normal operating conditions of 550 mm. Spacers shall not collapse under short circuit currents, Spacers shall be so designed as to pertuil rsiative torsion and axial movement between sub-conductors. This flexibility shall be obtained without the use of metal-to-metal hinged joints or sliding parts, which could be subject to wear. Spacer parts consisting of organic materials are not acceptable. Spacers shall withstend a compression load of 13 kN applied between conductors and maintained for 1 minute without failure. The spacing between clamps after this load shall be within $ % of the initial spacing. ‘The resistance berween each conductor and the central frame shall be greater than 1 M2 ‘when the voltage between the frame and the conductor is 100 V, $0 Hz. Clamping bolts should be of the captive type to permit fitting of the spacers on the sub- conductors withsut removal of bolts. ‘The clamping device shall be such as to avoid damage to the conductors when tightened or at any time during the services life of the spacer and shall be free from slipping. Spacer Dampers Spacer dampers shall be fitted to maintain distance between the sub-conductors under normal operating conditions of 550 mm, Spacer dampers shall be designed to permit relative torsion and axial movement between sub-conductors. This flexibility shall be obtained without the use of metal-to- metal hinged joints or sliding parts, which could be subject to weer Spacer parts consisting of organic materials are not acceptable, Spacer dampers shall not collapse under short cireuit current. Clamping bolts should be of the captive type to permit fitting of the spacer dampers on the sub-conductors without removal of the bolts The clamping device shall be such as to avoid damage to the conductors when tightened or at eny time during the service life of the spacer damper and shall be free from slipping. The spacer dampers should supply the damping ability required of dampers in Section and spacing ability of spacers required in Section 4.17.54. The Contractor should specify the number of spacers required per span to comply with these requirements Doe SUR 2-417. ZOKVOHL MB EMEREOPRASEKT ENTEL ew ms Tender Documents ‘Upgrading 220kV Sur Gri Station a Toman tore anaiein em 84.06 —s Page 1 47.5.7. 41758. Manufacturer shall submit calculations and placement charts for dampers and shall test dumpers for relevant line conductor, Jumper Spacers For muitiple sub-conductor lines jumper spacers shall be fitted to maintain $50 mm. spscing between the sub-conductors. They shall be of the rigid type designed to maintain a good electrical connection between sub-conductors. Jumper spacers shall be so designed as to permit relative torsion and axial movement between sub-conductors without damage. ‘The jursper spacers shall be designed to incorporate weights of up to 50 kg to reduce the swing of the jumpers. ‘The clamping device shall be such as to avoid damage to the conductors when tightened or al any time during the service life of the jumper spacer and shall be fee from slipping Aircraft Warning Spheres Daylight warning spheres shall be fitted to earth wire of overhead lines in approaches 10 ainports of in the nommel flight paths of low flying aircraft or where helicopter traffic is present. ‘These should be as light as possible with a diameter of not less than 600 mm and made of either plastic fiberglass or aluminum. They should be single colored spheres in the aviation orange color. They should be bolted or otherwise securely fixed to the earth wire with non-corroding metal clamps in such a manner as not to damage the earth wire and not to permit slipping, Aircraft warning spheres should conform to the requirements of the civil, military aviation and civil defense authoritics of the Sulnate of Oman and the recommendations of the ICAO, FAA and CAA. ‘They should be fitted with drainage holes ix the lower half to prevent water accumulation in the sphere. ‘The clamp hardware should be compatible with earth wire material Aircraft Warning Lights a) Conductor Marking Lights Night time warming induction lights shall be fitted to phase conductors of overhead lines tn approaches to aisporis or in the normal flight paths of low flying aircraft or where helicopter traffie is present ‘These should conform to ICAO, FAA and CAA requirements for light output and ee: SUR 2-417. Z0KV OH, M8 EXERGOPROJEKT ENTEL am se encet Documenta OntnthenedTamemmincaaacc, | — vaume 2 | ‘grang 220 Suro Siton visibility. The light should have an average life of $0,000 hours and should conform to the corona and radio interference requirements of other line hardware. oe $08 2-497-2208V 0H, MEREOPROJEAT ENTEL me Voume 2 ‘Oman Electical Transmission Co. S.AO.C. Becton 4a7 Tender Documents ‘Upgrading 220kv Sur Gri Station Pape 13 The conductor marking lights should conform to the requirements of the civil, military aviation and civil defense authorities of the Sultanate of Oman. ‘The performance of the lights shoutd not get affected by the high humidity prevailing in Oman. b) Tower Marking Lights Nighttime solar powered warning lights shall be fitted at the top of tower and at the mid-height point of every tower. The light shall be equipped with neon discharge lamps of the cold cathode type. The light shall be controlled by photoelectric switch. The tower marking lights should conform to the requirements of the civil, military aviation and civil defense authorities of the Sultanate of Oman. ‘Two tower lights shall be installed at each 220 kV OHL tower. ‘The performance of the lights should not get affected by the high humidity prevailing in Oman. 4.17.59. Armor Rods Armor rods shall be used for phase conductors and earth wire at every suspension support. Armor rods shall be of the preformed type. Arcing Horns All insulator sets shall be fitted with line end and earth end arc horns. The Arc Homs sball be designed such that in the event of flashover no damage will occur on a conductor of conductor fittings or atthe insulator itself. For multiple unit insulator string, intermediate arc horns shall be fitted to ensure that the power arc is kept away from the porcelain so that excessive thermal stroke of surface is avoided. Gap in between arcing homs shall be such as to withstand maximum value of impulse fleshover voltage. Gap shail be specified by manufacturer. 4.17.11. Earth wire bonding and bonding clamps Earth wire bonding clamps for the connection of flexible earth wire bonds to the requirements of BS 4579; Pert 3, For OPGW temnination positions the C-type connectors shall be complete with a lug. The lug shall have an 18 mm diameter hole. Earth wire bonds shall be manufactured from multi-strand, muiti-wire fatigue resistant aluminum alloy to BS 3242, with a minimum nominal cross sectional area of 100 mm”, ‘The overall bond and individual strands shall be thoroughly greesed with an approved conductor grease before being covered by an extruded flexible PVC sheath, of minimum thickness 1.5 mu. Pow, SUR 2-417. 220 RV OH, MBS om ‘man Elect Tranamiesion Co, $A. yaume 2 “Spmacing 2080 Sur Oa Staton cio 4AT5.12 ‘The bond shall be fitted with either a compression type lug or a compression type pin 20 mam diameter as appropriate. Compression Jugs sball accommodate either M16 or M12 bolts. Particular Requirements for OPGW Earth wire Fittings and Accessories The fiber optic ground wire shall be used with approved conductor fittings and accessories in accordance with relevant Section of the Specification. The epplication of these fittings shall not damage the ground wire of the fibers, either mechanically or optically. At each support, a bypass device sball be provided to guide the cable around the ground wire fittings associnted with suppor. A bolted clamping system shall be used to attach the OPGW to the inside of the support, without drilling or modifications to the support steelwork. The attachment clamps shall be capable of being attached and de- attached from the support without affecting the OPGW. The cable rm from the ground wire to the joint box shall be secured to the support and suitable protection shall be provided to prevent damage of any accidental means. A brief description of accessories is as follows a) Suspension Assembly ‘The suspension assembly shall consist of: - armor grip suspension clamp (aluminum alloy hyper-formed armor rods and ‘suspension clamp); - associated hardware for earth wire suspension; ~ flexible earthing loop connection b) Tension Assembly ‘The tension assembly shall consists of: = hyper-formed alumoweld dead end grip, or other approved type: associated hardware for earth wire attachment (shackle, link, clevis, clamps): = flexible earthing loop connection, ©) Vibration Damper Dampers shall be of Stockbridge type installed complete with the armor rods of the size suitable to the earth wi 4) Optical Joint Box (OB) ‘Two types of the Optical Joint Box (OB) shall be supplied: = Type A - OPGW-OPGW splice slong the O/H line = Type B- Terminal OJB located at the gantry of the O/H line ‘Type A of OFB should have following characteristics: - The fiber optic cable glands shall be fitted to accept OPGW cables with 24 single mode fibers and loose buffered construction, - Waterproof housing of the closure aluminum or stainless steel construction with oe SUR 24 17-20 8V OF. MB ‘EWERGOPROJENT ENTEL om do Tender Documents 4.17.6, 4176.1. 4.17.62. (Onan Encl Yananiaton a. 808. vaue ‘Upgrading 220KV Sur Grid Station ne protection class IP 65 of IEC 60529. The housing shall be tower-mounted type, tamper-proof, environmentally sealed and of rugged construction. Height of mounting shall be 3m above ground level. = Maximum optical attenuation shall be 0.1 6B per splice. = The optical connectors shall be F.C.-P.C. type. Type B of OJB should have the same characteristics a8 Type A except that one gland ‘hall be fitted to accept OPGW cable with 2¢ single mode fibers and loose buffered construction and another one to accept Fiber Optic Approach Cable (FA) with 24 single mode fibers and loose-tube noz-metallic construction. Height of mounting at O/H line gantry shall be 1.5 m above ground level TOWERS AND FOUNDATIONS General ‘The double circuit towers shail be suitable for twin bundled conductor 820 mm” AAAC (Araucaria) per phase in vertical formation, with one earth wire giving a maximum shade angle of 30 °. to the top most conductor. Towers shall be of self supporting broad based lattice steel construction and shall be provided with 3 m, 6 m and 9 m extension above standard height where required. Design Spans The design of all 220 KV structures shall provide for the following basic and weight spans: Suspension and tension towers ‘Span ‘Type of tower (m) ~T Basic span 390 Wind span 430 Maximum weight span Suspension supports 780 Tension supports 1170 Minimum weight span Suspension supports 700 “Tension supports “390 Maximum actual span 660 Terminal tower a Wind span 320 Maximum weight span $80 Minimum weight span 290 ‘Maximum actual span 660 ‘Security loadings (broken wire conditions) ‘Suspension and tension tower Doc: SUR 2-4.17-220.8V OH MA ‘Oman Ect! Trnamisionce.saoe. | Youre 2 Upgrading Z20KV Sur Grid Staion Secton Wind span 320 Maximum weight span Suspension supports 585 Tension supports 1170 Minimum weight span Suspension supports 100 Tension supperts 670 N.B. Spans for broken wire condition apply only for the conductor considered broken. Loadings for the intact conductors are to be based on Normal Working Spans. The tem basic span length shall mean the horizontal distance between centers of adjacent supports on the ground level from which the height of standard supports is decived with the specified conductor clearances to ground in still air at maxinvuro temperature, ‘The term wind span shall mean half the sum of adjacent horizontal span lengths supported on any one tower, The term weight span shall mean the equivalent length of the weight of conductor supported at any one tower at minimum temperature in stil air. At suspension positions, the minimam weight of conductor supported shall not be less than 30 % of the total ‘weight of conductor in two adjacent spans. In steeply sloping country where the gradient between adjacent support points exceeds 15 ° to the horizontal, special consideration shall be given to the vertical loading on towers, ‘Types of Supports Structures will be designated as follows: Suspension Tower (0 - 2°) Ds Suspension Tower - 3m Ds-3 Suspension Tower +3 m Ext. DS+3 Suspension Tower + 6 m Ext Ds+6 Suspension Tower + 9 mn Ext DS+9 2°-20° Angle, Section Heavy suspension 2 2°. 20° Angle, Section Heavy suspension ~ 3m DI-3 2°-20° Angle, Section Heavy suspension +3 m Ext. p2+3 2°-20° Angle, Section Heavy suspension - 6 ro Ext. D2+6 2° 20° Angle, Section Heavy suspension ~ 9 rm Ext. D2+9 20°- 60° Angie Dé 20° - 60° Angle-3 m (*) 6-3 20° - 60° Angle +3 m Ex D6+3 bee, SUR 24.57 220 KV OF, Volume 2 eee owposaing 2K Sur Cd Staton ee 20°. 60° Angle +6m Ext. D6+6 20°- 60° Angle +9 m Ext. D6+9 60° - 90 Angle ps 60°- 90° Angle ~3.m(*) 9-3 60° - 90° Angle+ 3m Ext D9+3 60°- 90° Angle + 6 m Ext D9+6 60° -90° Angle-+9 m Ext, D9+9 Terminal DT Terminal ~3 m (*) DT-3 Terminal + 3 m Ext. Dr+3 Terminal +6 m Ext. DT+6 Terminal +9 m Ext. DT+9 Minimum clearance between live metal and carthed steclwork for suspension sets, and/or conductor, andor weighted jumper loops. andor pilot suspension sets deflected between 0° and 10° from the vertical with the conductor leaving the suspension clamp at any angle between 0 * and + 10 ° (downwards) and/or for tension insulators inclined berween — 10 ° and + 15° (#)-3 m tower bodies should be fitted only with “zero legs” Suspension structures shall be equipped with suspension insulstors and all other towers with tension insulators. Extensions are to be fitted without change to the standard height of tower. Conductor and Earth wire Spacing and Clearance For all towers, the clearances from the conductors, arc horas, jumper loops and all live ‘metal fo the tower steelwork shall not be less than those specified below. Where uplift occurs at tension tower positions the minimum clearance between any arcing hom and the jumper loop of the phase irmmediately above it shall not be less than the minimum still air clearance from live to earth meta. Electrical Clearances - Live Metal & Karthed Steelwork Doc SUR 2-4.57-220 nV OM, MB ‘Oman Eiectrcal Transmission Co. SAC. Tender Documents Upgrading 220k¥ Gur Gr Staion Volume 2 Section 417 Page 18 Minimum clearance between live metal and carthed steelwork for suspension sets, and/or conductor, deflected between 10° and 40° from the vertical, with the conductor leaving the suspension clamp at any angle between 0° and +10° and/or tension insulators inclined between — 10° and +15° mm | 2100 ‘Minimum clearance between live metal and earthed steelwork for unweighted jumper loops deflected between 10° and 25° from the | vertical (25° assumed maximum) mm | 2100 Spatial Distances Minimum height of phase conductors at the support on standard | m | 20.35 height DS type towers, from ground level Minimum shielding angle of the erathwire (still air) from the vertical | (*) | 30 Maximum swing of the earthwire from vertical © | Down Leads Clearances The minimum clearance in still air at the assumed ‘maximum conductor temperature between adjacent down leads shall not be less than. m | 35 In exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the Engineer, based on the condition of maximum (opposing) conductor swing and sag, the clearance may be reduced to. ‘The length of angle tower crossarmn shall be such as to ensure that the distances between conductors of the two circuits at straight line structures, are maintained in plane normal to the conductors, For angle towers carrying deviation angles up to 60 (ic. types D2 and D6) crossarms shall generally be so proportioned that live metal clearances are maintained under all, conditions without the use of jumper suspension insulators. Jumper suspension insulators may be used, if roquired, for angles greater than 60° (type D9). Allowance should be made o increase or decrease the length and vary the arrangement of all terminal crossarms 10 enable downlead span connections to be made in any Gesired phase sequence. ‘The maximum angle of shade protcetion of the earth wire to the top conductor shall be not greater than 30 °to vertical at any point in the span. Doe SUR 24.97: 20kV OML 8 1EKT EWTEL poweed Tender Documents ar Can Ete Taramain Co, BAS. Se ape ers aa Secion 47 4.17.65. In addition, at every-day temperature with basic span the still air dizect distance between earth wire and conductors at mid-span shall not be less than 6 meters, out of whick one meter shall be provided by differentia! sagging. Clearance to Ground and Obstacles The clearance between the Line conductors and the ground in still air under the maxirmam specified temperature of 80 °C and final tension shall not be less than the figures stated below. The contractor shall be responsible for evaluating the inelastic extension, which is likely to occur in the conductor over the defined period of years. Reference shall be made to the recommendations contained in CIGRE Electra No. 75 for the evaluation. Compensation for the inclastic extensions so determined shall be made by the selection and use of an optimum pretension and time period and over tensioning the conductor at the time of erection. Over tensioning of the conductor shall be made by and ellowance in the erection temperature i.e. sagging temperature equals conductor temperature minus equivalent temperature correction. However, it should be noted that the maximum conductor tension under the defined system loading must not be exceeded at the time ‘the transmission line is handed over, The Contractor shall ensure that the erection tensions do not exceed the appropriate system loading on the supports. The Contractor's proposals shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval with the erection sags and tensions. ‘The minimum clearances defined below shall not be infringed at the specified maximum conductor temperature with the phase conductors and suspension insulators hanging vertically or deflected t any angle up to 45 ° from the vertical. Description of Clearance ‘Minimum Clearance Ground not accessible to vehicles m 80 Residential areas m 0 Regional ighvays m 95 | istrict Roads = 185 Graded Tracks (m) 175 Buildings, structures, walls or other objects onwhich a person can stand or against which he can lean a ladder and metal clad | (m) 33 buildings Trees under and adjacent to the line. Applicable for trees falling on the line with ) (m) aq the conductor in vertical plane Telephone lines (mn) 56 Dee SUR 2-4 17.2208 OL MB ENERGOPROJEKT ENTEL aoe [Tendar Documents ‘Oman Electcal Transmission Co, SAO. Upgrading 220KV Sur Gr Station a 4.17.66, Clearances are measured to the nearest projection of an object. For vertica) clearances 0.6 m to be added. Towers shall be located such that the minimum distance to main roads shall not be less than 45 m, Clearances at Transmission Lines Crossing Where a transmission line crosses above or below another transmission Line, the following clearances shall be obtained. {In still sir, and with the phase conductor temperature of the lower transmission line at 5°°C and phase conductor temperature of the higher transmission line at maxinmam operating temperature, the following minimum clearances between the lowest conductor (phase or earth) of the higher transmission line are applicable Minimum Clearance Description of Clearance for 220 kV ‘The Righest conductor (pbase or earth) of the lower transmission line ~ assuming that the conductor of the lower line could swing up to 45°, the sag of the upper line shall be that of the maximum temperature and the lower line sag at 5°C m 5.6 ‘Support of upper line and any conductor of the lower line at specified maximum temperature and deflected at to45° Assumed Normal Working Loadings The assumed maximum simultaneous working loadings on tower shall be as follows: ‘A) Suspension Towers (0° 2") i) Vertical Loadings - the weights of insulators, spacers and all other fittings and the actual dead weight of specified weight span lengths of line and earth conductors. ii) Trensverse Loadings - a wind pressure of 0.971 KN/m? at right angle to the lines overall projected areas of the conductors, insuletors and earthwire, In addition a wind pressure 1,599 N/m*(163 kyfm? on | 1/2 x the projected area of the members on one face of the tower. Suspension towers shall be used for line angle deviations up to 2°. B) Angle Towers Maximum vertical and transverse loadings as described above plus the transverse and longitudinal components of the maximus conductor and earthwire tension stated in Schedule, calculated for the most critical angles of deviation concemed. In addition, acs SUR 2-4 17: 220KV OF, MB (EREREOPROUEKT EXTEL bw te ae ‘Oman Electrical Tansmiasion Co. SAD.C. Youre 2] ‘Upareding 220kV Sur Grid Station ron | angle towers shall be designed for uplift loading equivalent to a negative weight span of 390 m. ©) Section, 20 ° and 60 ° Angle and Heavy Suspension Towers (Types D2/D6) The towers type D2 and Dé shall meet any one of the following four loading conditions, which shall in all cases include for transverse loadings es applied to straight line supports: 1) 0-20 and 20 ~ 60 * Angie - As for angie tower loadings. * Section Loading at nil angle deviation; weight span - 1170 m unbalanced longitudinal foading of 15 % of maximum working tension at all conductor and earthwire points. Il) Uplift Loading - Same as for condition (ii) but with negative weight span of 670 m, IV) Heavy Suspension Tower. In special position the tower, strength capacity derived from loadings (I) or (ti) may be utilized in position of extra long wind and weight spans, using heavy suspension insulator sets. The tower stall be so arranged that electrical clearances are maintained either with tension insulators. The Tenderer shall indicate the maximum wind span available for towers under this condition. The lowering of conductor attachment level when suspension sets are fitted will be taken into account when plotting profile, but need not be allowed for in calculating the height to the lowest crossarm. D) Terminal Towers Loading for DT type towers shall be the vertical and transverse loadings as for straight line supports together with full maximum longizadinal conductor and earthwire tension as given in Schedule, together with a plan angle of entry up to 45 ° on the line side, In addition the towers shall be designed for droppers having a maximum tension of: 8) 1200 kg. for each sub-conductor, and b) 500 kg. for earth wires, respectively, acting at any plane angle of deviation from 0-90 ® to the incoming line and from the horizontal to the vertical plane. All terminal towers shall be designed for 2 slack span carth wires to substation structures. Where necessary auxiliary conductor and earthwire crossarms shall be uscd for a large angle of deviation into the substation and the bodies of terminal towers shall, be designed to accommodate such auxiliary crossarms. Terminal towers shall also be designed to take slack spans into substation gantries for other substation equipment connections. Auxiliary conductor crossarms and crossarm extension shall be designed to carry the dropper tension mentioned above, together with the relevant weights of insulators etc. rue SUR 2-4 17-2208 OM MB. ENERGOPROUENT EXTEL ban me ‘Tender Document ‘Upgrading 220kV Sur Grid Station ‘Oman Etec! Tranamlasion Co, $A0.,, E) Tension Tower Erection Loads The loading conditions for these transmission lines shall be considered and shall provide adequate margins of strength in the designs for unbalanced erection loadings. Points of support for tower back stay when stringing shall be stated. Factor of safety obtained for 20° tower under these conditions shal be stated. Broken Wire Conditions Suspension structures shall be designed for the reduced vertical and transverse loadings derived from Clause plus the unbalanced longitudinal force at maximum tension due to the break of the two sub-conductors or one earthwire. In the case of a broken conductor, the pull om a suspension tower shall be assumed reduced to 70 % of the specified maximum working tension. Teasion structures shall be designed for vertical and transverse loadings plus the full unbalanced longitudinal forces at maximum working tension due to the simultaneous break of four adjacent sub-conductors in any two phases on the same side of the tower or of one earthwire. Calculation of stresses in angle tower members under broken wire conditions shall be made for the worst conditions of loading of thet particular member for the range of loadings for which the tower may be employed. For D2 towers, the design shall take into account possibility that the unbalanced tension referred fo in Clause (C) (li) and (ii) may act either in the same direction as ‘broken wire forces, or in the opposite direction, applying increased torsion moments to the body. Factor of Safety for Towers and Foundations ‘The DS type tower shall be designed so that no failure or permanent distortion shall ‘occur when tested with applied forces equivalent to twice the maximum siraultanecus normal working loads specified in Clause 4.17. 6.6 (factor of safety 2.0) Bach type of angle, terminal, or special tower shall be designed so that no failure or permanent distortion shall occur when tested with applied forces equivalent so 2.5 times the maximum simultaneous normal working loads specified in Clause (factor of safety 2.5) Foundation for all towers shall be designed to have a factor of safety against overrming or uprooting not less than the factor of safety for the tower. All towers shall also be designed so (hat no failure or permanent distortion occurs when tested with applied forces equivalent to 1.25 times the maximum simullaneous broken wire loads specified in Clause (factor of safety 1.25) os, SUR 2-6 17- 20KV OH Ma [Tender Documents Oman Electeal Transmission Co. SAO. Upgrading 220KV Sur Gi Station 4.17. 9. The factor of safety of Zoundations shall not be less than 1.5 when the towers are carying the maximum simultaneous broken wire(s) loads as specified in Clouse Design tests on tower types selected by the Engineer will be required as specified in Section 7. Construction of Support Steelwork. All designs shall be such that no trouble shall occur in service from vibration or excessive deflection due to the use of tuo light a section. All structural steel sections, flats, plates etc. shall unless otherwise approved, consist of mild or high tensile steel to ISO 630 Grades Fe 44A and Fe 52C respectively or to such equivalent standard as may be approved. Bolts and nuts shall comply with BS 4190 or equivalent. The minimum diameter of any ‘bolt on a structural connection shall not be less than 16 mm. All bolted connections shall be locked by galvanized spriag washers, or other approved method. Alll steel members, bolts, nuts and washers or locking devices shall be hot dipped galvanized in accordance with OES 11 as per BS 729 or equivalent standard with the exception of the threads of nuts which shall be oiled. Minimum zinc thickness shall be 127 microns (915 g/m’). Bolts and nuts of any given diameter shall all be the same grade of stec! and properly marked for identification. Round flat washers and spring washers shall comply with BS. 4320 or BS 4464 respectively or equivalent. The threaded portion of a bolt shall not form part of the shear plane between the connected members of any point. High grade rolled steel, when stored in the manufacturer's stockyard before fabrication and galvanizing, shall be marked continuously throughout its length with a light blue water paint line, In addition, the grade number of the steel shall be painted on and ringed round with paint, ‘The standard rolled steel sections used for all main members including legs, tower top verticals, crossarm members (except bracings), shall be not less than 6 mm thick. No standard rolled steel section is to be less than S mm thick. Bolt holes diameter shall not exceed the corresponding bolt diameter for more than 1.5 mm. The design should keep the number of different parts as small as possible, and should facilitate transport, erection and inspection. The ultimate design stress in tensile members shal! not exceed the yield strength of the matcrial, The ultimate stress in the compression members shall not exceed a figure obtained from an approved formula to be entered into Technical Data Schedule, Volume 1 based on the yield strength. Doc SUR 2-4 17-220KV OF MB Tender Documents Youre Can etal ranaieion Go. 0 og 2200 Sur otis fein 4s The maximum allowable slendemess ratio for various classes of member shall not exceed the values giver in Technical Data Schedule, Volume i, The crossarm tips of tension towers shall be so arranged that two Boles for the attachment of conductor erection and maintenance tackle and provided adjacent to each hole for tension set shackles. It shall be possible to apply full conductor tension safely to either additional attachment point. ‘The nuts of all bolts attaching insulator set droppers, U bolts and earth conductor clamps to the tower shall be locked with a locking nut, For use on steeply sloping ground only, independent single leg extensions shall be designed and provided where necessary for standard and extended towers within the range -2 m to +3 m in steps of Im. If used of flat ground only to increase the height of the tower in extreme cases, leg extensions could only be used after maximum tower body extension has been used, namely only with body extension +9 m. The provision of hillside or special extension, crossarm steelwork, to standard towers will be made, The calculation of weight of additional steelwork is to be made on the standard weight per meter of the cross sections employed non-galvanized, measured to ceaters of frame intersections plus 7.5% to allow for all gussets, bolts, plates, ends, galvanizing ete, Foundations The following types of concrete block foundations may be employed: A) Normal Foundation This type of foundation shall be suitable for soft soil, sand or loose gravel occurring generally for the full foundation depth. B) Soft Rock Foundation This type of foundetion shall be suitable when soft rock occurs for more than the bottom 50% of the soft soi} foundation setting depth. The soft rock encountered may be of a homogenous limestone or coral nature or of a harder limestone or other rock but being fissured and stratified. The soft rock foundation shall be suitable for both conditions. ©) Hard Rock Foundation ‘This type of foundation shall be suitable for homogenous hard rock occurring less than 1 meter below ground level ee. SUR 2-417. 220 RY CHL, MB ENERROPR OJEKT ENTEL ee ‘Oman Electrical Transmission Co. SAC ee ‘Tender Documents Muegraang uae eae oreacrben Section 447 D) Other Foundations In addition, where existing ground conditions do not allow for any of the above designs in an original or modified form to be applied, other types of foundations may be employed. ‘The design of foundations shall follow the Specification and assumptions set out below and given in Technical Data Schedule, Volume 1. Such designs are subject to modification (o suit site conditions. ‘Ultimate foundation loadings per leg shell be calculated as follows: Suspension Towers (Vertical component load per leg due to overturning ‘moment + 1/4 applied vertical loads + 1/4 tower weight) Compression x factor of safety | (Vertical component load per leg dus to overturning, cer moment + 1/3 max. applied vertical loads - 1/4 tower PI weight) x factor of safety horizontal shear | AS derived from tower desiga calculation Tension Towers As above but zero or negative applied vertical load in uplift case. {In computing compression, ultimate bearing stress the weight of concrete in foundations shall be multiplied by the relevant factor of satety. Foundations are to comply with requirements as follows A) Normal and B) Soft rock concrete block Where concrete block foundations are used, & concrete caver of at least 100 mm is to be provided over any part of steelwork below ground and extcaded above ground for 4 minimum distance of 300 mm. The maximum allowable bearing pressure, lateral pressures, the adhesion value between concrete and steel and the assumed weight of earth shall be as specified in Technical Data Schedules, Volume 1. The stub ley shall not be of lesser thickness than the main tower leg and cleats shall be attached at the base to assists in transfer of leg load to the concrete pyramid in accordance with Schedule. Doe SUR 2.4 17. 20K OH, MB CRERDOPROREKT EXTER ey sto ‘Oman Elgetscal transmission Co. $A.0.C. ccs tan Upgrading 220k Sur Gr Station ts x 4AT611. For uplift foundations preference will be given to undercutting or other approved method allowing upward bearing of the pad against undisturbed soil for a minimum width of say 250 mm all around, Altematively, the concrete pad shall be cast to the edge of the excavation for a minimum height of 250 mm in order to gain assistance by adhesion to the original ground. Proposals shall be submitted with the Tender. In eases where the conerete block is cast in contact with the edge of the excavation for at least 250 mm, the earth frustum assumed to resist uplift shall be considered to start from the bottom of the vertical edges of the block. Otherwise, the frustum shall be assumed to start from the top of block edges. Allowances shall be made for loss of uplift resistance due to overlap of frustum where necessary. In no case shall the angle to vertical of the sides of the assumed frustum be greater than 30°. The minimum depth of any foundation shall not be less ‘than | meter. The slope of all pyramid top faces unless reinforced shall not be less than 45° to the horizontal ‘The concrete block foundition design data is preliminary only and the Engineer may ‘modify the values and request re-design of foundations on a new basis at the conclusion of soil investigation tests along the route, ©) Hard Rock Where foundations are installed in rock, the depths of the support or stub leg grouted or cconereted into rock shall in no case to be less than 0,9 m. The upper part of the stub is to bbe encased in concrete to a height of 150 mm above ground level. To ensure adequate upkit resistance, a sufficient number of reinforcing bars shall be grouted in the rock, asing an expanding grout, for a zninimum depth of 1.2 m from the base of the ‘excavation, The reinforcing bars are to be tied together with the concrete block. Such foundations are to be approved before the erection of the support or stub legs procecds. Aggressiveness of Soils to Buried Conerete Throughout the line routes the Contractor must at regular intervals and at the time of preliminary survey, obtain samples of the subsoil and ground water, which he shall have analyzed fo ascertain presence of any agents, which may have an adverse effect on concrete. Concrete Concrete for concrete block foundation shall consist of one part sulphate resisting cement if required, two parts sand ard four parts approved gravel or broken stone (metal). Gravel, stone and sand shall be clean and fiee from dust, earthing or organic matter, or salt. All gravel and broken stone is to be of approved grading to be retuined on a mesh not less than 13 mm square, and of a maximum size to pass a mesh not more than 40 mm’, Where specifically approved in writing by the Engineer, aggregate of uniform size not larger 25 mm mesh may be used throughout. All sand shall be coarse, Doe SUR 2.4.17. 2204Y OH MB Youre 2 ‘oman Eleccal Transmission Co. SAO lieaplosertaee! Upgrading 220KV Sur Grid Station ceo ] sharp, clean and free from dust, salt, clay, veyelable matter or other impurity and screened trough a mesh not more than $ mm in the clear. Tt is to be a well-graded mixture of coarse and fine grains from 5 mm gauge downwards. Water shall be clean end free from all earth and vegetable matter and alkaline substances either in solution or in suspension. All foundations shall be cast using the sulphate resistant cement or OPC following recommendations from Soil Investigation Report and CIRIA Guide for Gulf region. ‘The upper surface of the concrete for all types of foundation shall be finished smooth and sloped in an approved manner 10 prevent accumulation of water. A concrete additive of approved type may be used. ‘The concrete compaction may be by means of an appropriate size vibrator, Concrete shall not be directly poured from a height more then 1.5m to avoid mix segregation, Concrete cubes are to be taken and tested 10 verify the concrete strength, The test specimens shail be 150 mm cube and the mould shall be of metal with inner faces accurately machined to ensure that opposite sides of the specimen are plane and parallel. Each mould shell be provided with a metal base having a smooth machined surface. The interior surface of the mould and base should be lightly oiled before concrete is placed in the mould. Test specimens should be molded by placing the fresh concrete in the mould in $ cm layer being thoroughly compacted with a steel bar 38 cm long and having ramming face 2.54 mm square and weighting 2.8 kg. The concrete should be subjected to at least 35 strokes per layer. Alternatively, the concrete should be compacted by vibration, each layer being vibreted by means of an electric or pneumatic hammer or by means of a suitable vibrating table. Concrete for the test specimens should be taken at the point of deposit. To ensure that the specimens are representative of the concrete in the foundations a number of samples should be taken from different points. Each sample shall be large enough to make one test specimen and should be taken from one point in the work. ‘The test specimens should be stored at the site at place free from vibration, under damp sacks for 24 hours + 1/2 hour, after which time they should be temoved from the moulds, marked and stored in water at a temperature of 10 to 21 °C until the test date. Specimens, which are to be sent to a laboratory for testing, should be packed for transit in damp sand, or other suitable damp material, and should reach the laboratory at least 24 hours before test. On arrival at the laboratory, they should be similarly stored in water until the date of the (est ‘The tests should be made at the age of the concrete corresponding to that for which the strengths are specified. Compression test should be made belween smooth plane steel plates without end packing, and a load should be applied axially at the rate of approximately 13.8 N/mm” per minute. One compression plate of the testing machine should be provided with a ball seating in the form of a portion of a sphere, the center of ‘which coincides with the central point of the face of the plate. Test specimens should be Doc, SUR 2-417. Z0KV OHL, Mi (ERERGOPROJEXT ENTEL Oe be (Oman Elstrica! Transmission Co. S.A. ‘Upgrading 220k¥ Sur Gri Station, placed in the machine in such @ manner that the load is applied to the sides of the specimens cast. Cube strengths for 1:2:4 concrete are 10 be not fess than 13,8 N/mm? within 7 days after mixing and 20.7 N/mm? within 28 days after mixing. The cost of cube testing is deemed {o have been included in the Contractor's general schedule rates. For tower foundations where excavations are (o be backfilled immediately following the striking of shutters, the concrete is to be thoroughly wetted before backfilling commences. Where shutters are to be struck and backfilling of the excavation is not to take place immediately, the concrete is to be covered by hessian sacking and is to be kept continuously moist to avoid rapid drying of concrete. In the event that the Contractor proposes to use mixed concrete for foundation work, approval must first be obtained from the Engineer, who will inspect the batching plant and sand, cement and gravel used in the making of concrete at the works. No ready mix concrete is to be used in foundation work if it has been mixed in lorry during its journey to site for more than 45 minutes. If joumey is more than 45 minutes special admixtures have to be added. Admixtures are subject to Engineer's approval. Anth-Climbing Guards and Climbing Steps Each straight line, angle and terminal tower shall be fitted with an approved anti- climbing device with gates, which shall provide climbing facilities for use by authorized personne!, Gates shall be provided with locking facility. The height of the anti-climbing device may be either adjustable or on members forming an integral part of the tower, designed within the limits of 3 m and 4.5 m from the ground on the towers of normal height. Where the support or tower is crected on sloping ground the height should be measured from the foot of the support where the ground is the highest Each tower shal! be provided with step-bolts on diagonally opposite legs at not more than 400 mm centers starting immediately above the anti-climbing device and continuing to the earth wires. Step-bolis shall be of 20 mm diameter and shall protrade from the tower leg by at least 150 mm, Holes for removable step-bolts helow the anti-climbing guards shall be provided at not ‘more than 400 mm centers om the legs to which the permanent step-bolts are fitted Danger, Number, Phase and Acrial Plates Numbering, phase marking and danger plates shall be as per OETC Safety Regulations (Identification Policy) Danger plates are 19 be provided and fixed in approved positions on all. structures Danger plates shall be red with a white background, Phase plates of approved (ypes colored red, yellow and blue to indicate the line phases Doe SUR 2-417: 2204V OF, MB ‘ENERGOPROJEKT ENTEL pe ane Tender Documents Voume 2 ‘Oman Electrical Transmission Go. 8.A0.C. ‘Secon 417 ‘Upgrading 220kV Sur Grd Sta poaeiat a, shall be provided and fixed in approved positions on each structure. ‘Tower mumber plates are to incorporate circuit color identification. Two number plates are required for each tower, one on a step-bolt leg under each circuit positioned just above anti-climbing gates. The background color of each plate will indicate the circuit color identification. The required number and background coloring will be advised of, ‘Aerial plates are to be provided and fixed at the top crossarms of the tower structure. Correct position of plates shall be approved by the Engineer. Such acrial plates would enable easier recognition, from the air, of the line section or tower location affected by any accident that may occur during the line service. Aerial plates sball have the tower number in black on a white background. All plates shall be of anti-cortsive material. If enameled iron plates are used, the whole surface of each plate including the back and edges shall be properly covered and resistant to corrosion. On all plates, the colors shall be permanent end free from fading. With enameled plates, washers of approved material shall be provided back and front of tbe securing bolis or screws. Lettering, colors and size of plates shall be to the Employer’s requirements and approval Support Structare Earthing Steel supports need not be fitted with a separate earth bond and earthing continuity will therefore depend upon surfece contact of bolted members and the contact between earthwire fittings end structure steel, except at tension tower where earth wires are to be made electrically continuous by jumpers or other approved means, and are to be bonded 10 the tower steelwork. The grounding of tower shall be on two opposite legs by means of copper rod of a diameter not less than 25 min and of adequate length to achieve the footing resistance ‘not exceeding 20 2 but not less than 3 m buried in good soil, and electrically connected to tower grounding pad provided at the base of tower. Conductor connecting tower grounding pad and earthing rod shall be drawn through PVC pipe of sufficient diameter laid in tower foundation from tower leg to minimum depth of 300 m below ground level. Where the tower stands on rock, efforts shall be made to obtain good earth by providing earth mat connected as close as possible to the tower leg, Alternatively, counter poise earthing system nominally comprising two 60 m legs of 25, x 3 mm tinned copper tape and connceted to individval leg members shall run one is each direction underneath the lines where possible. The ezrth counter poise is to be buried not less than 600 mm in the ground. Suiable precaution shalt be taken to avoid clectrolytic action where the tinned cooper tape is bolted to the gelvanized steel tower leg. oe SUR 2-4 17-2204 OHL. MB ‘Oman Electric! Transmssion Co. S.A0.C, ered Hy ‘Upgrading 220k) Sur Gra Station 4“ For improvement of rod contact with the ground in no case charcoal and salt shail be used. Instead bentonite, GAP or any similar filler - subject to Engineer’s approval — may be used. Workmanship All steel lattice members shall be eut to jig and the holes in steelwork shall be drilled or ‘punched to jig. All steel parts shall be carefully cut and holes located so that when the ‘members are in position the holes are opposite to cach other before being bolted up. The drilling, cutting, punching and bending of all fabricated steelwork shall be such as to prevent any possibility of irregularity occurring which might introduce difficulty in the erection of structures on the site, High tensile steel members shall be bent hot. Care shall be taken not to punch holes too close to the edge of metal. Means shall be provided to enable the Engineer to carry out such checking of members as he may consider necessary. Built-up section, when finished, shall be true end froe from all kinds of twists and distortions and the material shall not be strained in any way. In order to check the workmanship, not less than 1%, of the members corresponding to each type of support or crossann shall be selected at random, assembled to form complete latticed supports or crossarms and tested in the presence of the Engineer at the ‘manufacturer's works. Members to be galvanized shall be of the full dimensions shown or specified, and all punching, cutting, drilling, screw tapping and removal of burrs is to be completed before galvanizing process commences. Galvanizing shall be done by the hot dip process with spelter not less than 98 % of pure zine. No altemtative process may be used without the approval of OTC. Bolts shall be completely galvanized including the threads, The zinc coating shall be uniform, clean, smooth and as free from spangle as possible. In case of component parts, galvanizing shall be in accordance with BS 729 and the minimum zinc coating shall be 915 g/m? (127 30). Af a tower is fabricated or galvanized by sub-contractors, the Contractor shall, if required by the Engincer to do so, provide a resident inspector al the works of each sub- contractor during the time when the bulk of the steelwork is being fabricated or galvanized, Aircraft Warning Painting Steel structures shail be painted altemate bands of aviation orange and white paint for aviation warning. The width of bands shall be equal. The width of band shall be 1/7 of height of structure as laid down by Director General of Civil Aviation, The paint used shall be of approved make and carried out as per the recommendation of the ‘manufacturer. The paint shall be suitable for application over galvanized surfaces with a ‘proper primer. Painting of towers shall be completed prior to installation of insulators Doe SUR 2-447. 22080 OF, MB Tender Documents 4A772. Youme 2 ‘Oman Enctce! Tanamiasion Co. S.A. on Upgrading Z20KV Sur Grd Station ners ACCESS, CLEARING AND ERECTION Construction Access to Site OETE will provide the following facilities: a) Such right of access to the route of each line section as is necessary to enable the Contractor to proceed with the clearance of any trees and scrub for erection and investigation of foundation conditions. ) The right to construct and make use of a reasonable width of track along the route for the transport of stores and material and for carrying out erection operations, except where the route crosses buildings, gardens or other ground over which such a track is reasonably not practicable. ) The right to transport material from road on to each continuous Jength of route at agreed points of access provided that this right of access shall not involve the MEW in compensation claims or wayleave charges. 4) The right to transport material and equipment, from suitable roadside dumps to tower positions and from one tower position to adjacent tower positions. After obtaining preliminary approval by the Engineer, the Contractor shall et an carly stage of the Contract arrange all proposed points of access with land owners or other interested bodies and thereafter prepare Access Maps for agreement and approval by the Engincer, The Enginecr shall then submit the approved Access Maps to the Employer for settlement of wayleave arrangements, compensation claims etc. ‘Where the above facilities have been provided no other access shall be used except with the consent of the Engineer. When submitting construction Access Maps, they shall be so arranged thet the OETC shall have access for patrol and maintenance to all parts of the finished line where considered practicable by the Engineer. The Contractor shall ‘make all necessary arrangement (other than for matter of wayleaves and permanent access tracks) with the occupiers before going on to private land, but if any difficulty arise, the Contractor shall inform the Engineer thereof. (Tender after brackets: necessary for the exception of works with the private landowners and interested bodies). Route and Access Clearance ‘Where clearing 1 necessary, the following requirements shall be observed. Trees and tall scrubs shall be cleared to a distance of 15 m on either side of the centerline of the route, Trees and bushes shall be cut down (o a height of not more than 1.25 m above ground level. In addition, tall trees outside the cleared area, of such height that they could fall within 2 m of conductors, shall be cut down by the Contractor after obtaining the necessary permission from the owners. Cut-down trees and scrubs shall be removed from a path 2.5 m wide running as far as possible continuously along the route. The Contractor shall grub up tree stumps and ee SUR 24 17-2047 OM 8 [EWERGOPROVEKTENTEL ne Tender Documents | Voume 2 Oman Elactieal Transmssion Co, SAO. bom Ae Upgrading 2208 Sur Gri Stacon ease 4.17.73., 475 roots from this track and Jeave a greded way for the use by four-wheeled drive light vehicle for patrolling and maintenance by the OETC. ‘The Contractor shall clear 2.5 m wide agreed construction access track from public roads, ofall trees, stumps, scrub and vegetation. Preliminary Survey ‘The preliminary route of line survey has been conducted by the OBTC and the Engineer in the tendering stage of the Project. The proposed mute was approved by the concerned Government and other authorities (pretiminary approvals). The appropriate route maps are attached to the Volume 3, Tender Drawings. Obtaining of the final approval of the line route shall be the complete responsibility of the Contractor. Alignment Survey The alignment survey has been completed by the Engineer in the tendering stage of the Project. The terminal and angle points as well as center line were set out and marked on the ground by the visible sign. All terminal and angle points are tied to the National Survey System of Sultanate of Oman. The above-established rouie of line shall be mandatory for the Contractor. Only exceptions shall be made in case that some modification could be required by any concemed authority during the process of final route of line approval. Te Contractor shall be fully responsible for participating in the discussion and necessary expediting with the authorities concemed to get the final line route approval lo their satisfaction. The Contractor shall carry out necessary modifications to the line route on the ground. Setting out shall be carried cut in the same manner as specified above. The Contractor shall in the meantime without delay reinstate the angle point pegs removed or replaced by the unauthorized persons, to peg out the limits of clearing and to mark trees for felling both inside and outside the line trace (see Clause, paragraph 1). The Contractor shall allow sufficient time for the local authorities concerned to issue notices to the landowners to get the clearances. Profile Survey a) Profile Survey and Tower Spotting Immediately after the Engineer has inspected and approved the route afler alignment survey, route clearing shall proceed as specified in clause in order to commence the profile survey with the minimum delay. Clearing and profile survey shall proceed in convenient sections and shall not await completion of the aligament survey over the whole route. oc SUR 2-4 47 20KY CHL, MB Tender Documents Voume 2 Secon 417 Page 33 ‘Oman Electrical Tranamission Co. SACL. ‘Uparading 229kV Sur Grid Station Strip plans and longitudinal sections are to be prepsred by the Contractor for the complete length of the line at scales approved by the Engineer, preferably at horizontal seale of 2000 10 1 and vertical scale 200 to 1. The Contractor is to plot there on the proposed tower position and submit the profile to the Engineer for approval. A “sinkage” of 300 mm should be allowed in plotting tower positions but this should not bbe added to the designed height of towers. ‘The following information related 10 tower spotting shall be indicated on the profile drawing: + Location, type an number of tower; © Span lengths and section lengths between the angle/tousion towers; + Equivalent spans; + Angles at angle towers; * Catenary curves of the of the lowest conductor in still air at maximum temperature; Ground clearance line at minimum required ground clearance. ‘The tabulated tower schedules (material/structure lists) showing provisionel and final tower numbers, design spans, angle deviations, type and relevant heights of tower, type of insulation and earthwire attachment, data on the other information considered necessary for reference during the operation of construction contract to be provided. Before submitting profiles for approval, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with two complete sets of transparent sag templates in stout perspex or similar material based on the range of equivalent spans required. The templates arc to show the sag in still air at maximum temperature, the ground clearance line, and a line showing the sag in still air at minimum temperature. Each template is to be clearly endorsed with the design loading conditions, particulars of condition, perticulars of conductors, equivalent span and the scales, which shall be appropriate to the scales of the relevant profile drawings. ‘The profiles shall only be deemed good for construction with the written approval of the Engineer, The Contractor is to lose no time in expediting survey and profile work at the commencement of the Contract in order to establish final quantities of materials at an carly stege of Project works. Any delay in survey and profile work will not be held as a valid reason for lack of progress in manufacture and the Contractor will be expected to commence manufacture on a provisional basis even though final quantities are not know until a later stage. Attention is drawn to the urgency of having tower stubs and templates om site in order thet foundation work can proceed with a minimum delay. Doc SUR 24 17-220 RV OH. MB [BAER OPROJENT ENTEL a Tender Documents Voune 2 ‘Oman Electrical Transmission Co. SAO. Secton 417 Upgrading 2200 Sur Grid Station 417.7.6. 417.77. ae SUR 2-4.17- 2208 OH, LB b. Soil Investigation ‘The test of the sub-soil conditions shall be carried out along the whole route of the line at not more than one kilometer intervals. In addition soil investigation shall be carried oul at individual tower locations in poor ground conditions as agreed by the Engineer. The investigation shall be made by means of un approved hand-operated penetrometer- sampling tool. The results shall be shown on the profile drawings or separate schedule, ogether with ground encounter, which are likely to require special foundations. ‘The Contractor shall make soil resistivity tests using an approved method, at I km intervals as ebove and the values so obtained shall be indicated on the profile drawing or on separate schedule. ‘The cost of foundations shall include for excavation through any material and no extra payment will be made for rock. Payment for any additional excavation carried out in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer shall be the same irrespective of the nature of the ground, weather it be rock or soft soil. It is therefore advisable that the Tenderer visit the site in preparation of his Tender to ascertain site and ground conditions, Wayleaves Where required, wayleaves and wayleaves for access (subject to the requirements of landowners and their tenants) will be provided by the Employer to enable the Contractor to carry out the Contract Works. However, before commencement of work on any property the Contractor shall be responsible to obtsin necessary permits and approvals for the wayleaves and any special requirement of the tenants or owners concemed. The Contractor shall also be responsible for giving adequate notice of commencement of work, Before commencement of construction works, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer (by not less than seven day's notice} lists of the tower locations that are ready for inspection. Crossing of Public Services Whea the Contractor is about to carry out erection of the conductors, along or across power lines or telecommunication circuits, public roads, waterways oF the like, he shall be responsible for giving requisite notice to the appropriate authorities of the date and ‘time at which he proposes to carry out the work. Where it is necessary to provide scaffolding over roads or telecommunication lines in order not to interfere with the passage of traffic ctc., this shall be earricd out by the Contractor at such times as may be convenient to the requisite Authority. Flagmen and approved types of danger or warning notices shall be provided by the Contractor to ensure safety of the public. Tender Documents Volume 2 Section 417 Page 38 4.17.78. 417.79, 417.710, Scaffolding and decking shali be erected in a safe manner to the approval of the Engineer and the time taken to affect the crossing and remove the temporary work shall bbe kept to a minimum. The Contracior shall provide with his tender, drawings showing the live line scaffolding proposed Other Crossings ‘The Contractor shall at his own expense make necessary arrangements and take any necessary precautions where the route crosses rivers or streams, buildings, orchards, plantations, gardens, or other obstacles or ground over which erection cannot be carried ‘out in the normal manner. Livestock ‘Adequate provision shall be made by the Contractor 1o prevent the straying of or damage to livestock during the execution of the current Works and until the permanent reinstatement of fences, walls, hedges, gates and the like is completed. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any loss or damage to livestock due to failure to comply ith the above requirements. Damage to Crops aad Property The Contractor shall take all precautions to avoid damage to crops and sball ensure thet the work is adequately supervised so that damage is reduced to tae minimum, Otherwise the Contractor shall be responsible for all damage to land, property, roads, field drains, fences, walls, trees, hedges, crops, gates and like which are damaged or disturbed during the execution of the Contract Works and shall remove all surplus material after erection. Removal of Obstructions Necessary agreements for the removal of obstructions such as pipes, or for the removal of telecommunication and power lines which are to be deviated or placed underground will be arranged by the Engineer upon advice from Contractor, with adequate notice, that he is ready to commence work in the section so affected. The removal of obstructions by the Contractor such as pipes (other than field drains) and where agreed with Engineer will be paid for by the OTC at rates entered in the Dayworks Schedule. Where a tower is set across a hedge, bank, or wail the OBTC will pay for the removal and reinstatement of such obstraction, to the extent necessary for the foundation setting ‘aad tower erection, ne: SUR 24.57. 220 KV OF MB ‘ENERGOPROVEKT ENTEL ay Volume 2 ‘Oman Electrical Transmission Co. SADC. r es Tender Documents "Opprading 2208Y Sur Ge Station assole Foundations ‘The Contractor shal! be responsible for ascertaining that the sub-soil is suitable for the type of foundation used and shall provide details of site investigations and relevant tests carried out. He shal] be responsible for any subsidence or failure duc, in the opinion of the Engineer, to insufficient care having been taken either in the preliminary examination of ground conditions or in the choice or installation of the foundations. Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, afier examination of the Contractor's soil investigation data, the nature of the ground warrants special investigation and tests the Contractor shall carry these out to the instructions of the Engineer unti satisfactory informaton is obtained on the ground bearing properties. Such test will be paid for at the rate set out in Price Schedule, This may involve excavation of trial pits to at least foundation depth. ‘The decision of the Engineer as to which type of foundation shall be employed at any given location shall be final. In gencra, for steep hillsides the formation of a level tower platform by digging the high side and using the soil to ill the low side will not be accepted. Heavy rains are liable to wash away the fill in certain areas. Concrete foundations shall extend to at least 300 mim above ground and shall be sloped off around the sieel leg section and smoothly finished to cnsurc drainage away from the steelwork Positioning of tower in the area of wadi should be avoided as far as possible. If however it becomes necessary to position a tower within the area of a wadi then the foundations and the bottom section of the tower must be protected to above flood level agsinst scouring and/or from debris brought down by the flood water or special type of foundation shall be designed. Foundations in the wadi are subject to Engineer's approval on case-by-case basis. In case the backfilling is required the adequate protection (with wadi stones set in @ concrete or conctete slabs) of the slopes will be provided. All exposed concrete shall be painted with two coats of approved bitumen based paint Bach coat of paint shall extend at least 150 mm above the highest point of the shaped concrete cap and at Jeast 150 mm below finished ground level. The first coat of paint shall be applied not loes than 48 hours after any shutters used in forming the concrete cap have been removed. The second coat shall be applied not less than 24 hours after the first. Before painting, al! surfaces shall be clean, dry, and free of dust and grease, Stubs for stee! tower foundations may be erected along with the lower part of the tower or carefitly adjusted to template. In the former case the steel shall be supported and concreting carried out in an approved manner so that no stress is thrown on the structure. In the latter, the stubs shall be held in correct position by the template while the concrete is placed. The templates are not to be struck until at least 24 hours after the foundations have been completed and backfilled. Stub setting templates shail be approved type with sufficient rigidity to ensure correct setting of the stub having regard Dac: SUR 2-447. 220 KV OL, 8 EWERGOPROUEAT ENTEL a ae [rn Dome Volume 2 ‘Onan Elactcal Tnnamiasion Co. $.A0.C. a ‘parading 220KV Sur rid Station seme far to the steeply sloping nature of the ground and necessary for packing at low spots where using hillside extensions. Trussed beam main members are to be preferred. The spacing and levels of the stub after the templates have been struck are to be such as to ensure correct alignment of the supports without forcing members during erection. Unless otherwise approved, supports having concrete foundation are not to be erected until ten days after completing the foundation concrete work ‘The backfill of all types of foundations shall be thoroughly rammed, the ramming 10 be carried out at intervals of not greater than 300 mm to ensure thorough consolidation, Probe test are to be carried out to prove the degree of compacting of the backfill, as the Engineer be required. In no circumstances shall peat or equivalent material be used as backfill for concrete block foundations. Where necessary, excavation in peaty material shall be backfilled in approved manner with suitable soil or hard-core from an approved source. Where a foundation is located in shifting sand or soil, the area surrounding the tower shall be sprayed with crude oil in an approved manner. The sprayed area shall include the frustum of earth on which the foundation is designed. ‘The use of vibrators in concreting of foundations may be necessary and should be executed in accordance with the request of the Engineer. Erection of Supports All towers and supports shall be vertical under the stresses set up by the complete overhead line. Proper precautions shall be taken to ensure that no parts of the tower or supports are strained or damaged in any way during erection and drifting shall not be allowed. Where tower members arrive on site with slight distortion due to handling in transit, they shall be straightened by the Contractor using an approved means and offered to the Engineer for inspection and acceptance or rejection before erection commences. Suitable ladécrs shall be used whenever necessary during erection, but such ladders and removable step bolts shall be removed when erection work is not in progress. Painting of towers shall be completed before commencement of fitting of insulators and conductor stringing, After erection, all supports shall be cleaned of ell foreign matter or suzplus paint. Spanners used during erection shall be well shaped and fit closely on the hexagon to avoid damaging nuts and bolt heads. oy SUR 24 17 220 kV Ont, MB [snr eet Volume 2) Secton 47 Poe 38 ‘Oman Electrial Transmission Co. SA0.C. ‘Upgrading 20kV Sur Grid Station Conductors stringing ‘The fullest possible use shall be made of the maximum conductor lengths, in order to reduce the number of joints to the minimum. The number and location of each line conductor and earthwire midspan joint shall be subject to Engineer's approval. Tension Joints shall not be fess than 25 m from the nearest conductor clamp, and joints between different wires in the same span should be adequately segregated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Mid-span joints shall not be used: A) With less than two complete spans between joints; B) In span crossing power lines, telecommunication lines, public road or buildings. Conductor repair sleeves shall not be used without the permission of the Engineer. The ground which the transmission line traverses is in many parts boulder strewn or rocky and the Contractor must employ an approved method of pilot wire tension stringing to keep the conductor off the ground during stringing operations whilst the conductor is in motion. The Contractor is to forward with his Tender, full details of the tension stringing method together with details of the machine and equipment he will use. The Schedule sate for stringing shall be deemed to include for all costs associated with the above stringing method, ‘The conductors, joints and clamps shall be erected using the approved tools and in such a manner that no bird-caging, over-tensioning of individual wires or layers or other deformation or damege 10 the conductor occurs. Clamps or hauling devices used in erection shall be of approved design and shall allow no relative movement of sirands or layers of the conductors. The Contractor shall keep 2 record of each joint, clamp, etc., giving the location of the fitting, the date of assembly of the conductor and the name of the linesmen responsible for the assembly. This record shall be handed over to the Engineer on completion of each section of line, Where records of joints made by any particular linesmen show a repeated performance below the required standard the Contracior, atthe request of the Engineer, shall cease to employ that linesman on jointing operations and shall immediately replace him with, other qualified personnel, ‘At each suspension clamp the conductor shall be suitably clcaned and coated with approved grease immediately before final assembly in the clamp. At least three months before stringing commences the Contractor shall give due consideration to all the factors involved and submit to the Engineer for approval a fully detailed stringing schedule stating locations of conductor drums for stringing end the proposed position of mid-span joints, together with temporary staying of supports and all other relevant information. oe SUR 2-4 17: 220KV OHL MB (ENERGOPROLENT EXTEL a snd Tender Documents 4177.15. Voume 2 Section 447 Page a8 ‘Oman Electrical Transmission Co. SAO. Upgrading Z20kV Sur Grd Staion ‘The Contractor shall at the same time forward his proposals, together with supporting. calculations, for over-tensioning in order to partially compensate for conductor stretch and long term creep. Pre-stressing of about 10 % of everyday tension for all conductors should be applied for a minimum of one hour with the conductor resting in the running out blocks before regulating the sag at ebout the seme over-tension and marking off for fitting dead and clamps. The “lemperature difference” method shall preferably be employed for evaluating sag reductions, Sags and Tensions ‘The assumed minimum, everyday, and maximum temperatures of conductor are sinted in Schedule. The conductor shall be erected with such sags that at everyday temperature in still air the final tension shall provide a factor of safety on the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor of not Jess than that stated in Technical Data Schedule, Volume 1 The term “Final Tension” shall mean the tension existing in @ line conductor, for any given condition of loading, after sufficient period in service to allow for “bedding down” stretch and crcep to take place. For purposes of celculated creep allowance, this should be taken as ten years from erection, For determining sags the “equivalent span” method is to be used, in which the tension in any section length is the one that would apply to a single span equal (o the square root of the figure arrived at by dividing the sum of the cubes of the individual span lengths, in the section considered, by their sum. The calculated tension at the fime of initial erection shall be increased by an approved amount to allow for settling of the conductors. Other means may be adopted subject ta the approval of the Enginecr. Immediately after the conductors have been erected and clamped in, the mean sag of the conductors shell not depart from the correct erection sag by more than minus 4 %. In addition, the sag of any conductor is not to depart by more than 150 mm from the sag of other line conductors in the same span. Where required by the Engincer before the issue of the Taking Over Certificate, the Contractor shall be responsible for checking thatthe reletive sags ofthe conductors and earth wires are within the specified tolerance. Such checks shall be carried out at selected points along the route as requested by the Engineer. In addition, at this time the line conductor’s sag adjusters shall still have at least + 75 mm for future adjustment. Clearances between conductors and ground and between jumpers and structures shall be checked during erection and before handing over the line. The Contractor shall provide suitable dynamometers, sighting boards and levels or other approved apparatus necessary for the proper checking of work. When required by the Engineer dynamometers shall be tested and if necessary recalibrated. Say adjustment should be done through sighting boards and sighting levels; seg should be adjusted and ‘measured at mid spans to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Dee: SUR 2-4 17. 720V OFF MB EMERGOPROJEKT ENTEL owe a [Fender Cocumente Section 447 Pave 4a 4.17.8. 4178.1, 4ATBAL. The Contractor shall keep a record of the particulars of the sagging of conductors in cach section of the route showing the mean actual sag of the line conductors and date of stringing as well as the ambient temperature, The data shall be handed to the Engineer ut the conclusion of erection work. INSPECTION AND TESTING GENERAL Inspection and Testing During Manufacture The Enginecr shall inspect the plant during manufacture and installation, Every facility is to be provided by the Contractor to enable the Engineer to carry out the necessary inspection of the plant. Costs of all tests during manufacture and preparation of test record are deemed included in the Contract Price. The passing of such inspection or test will not, however, prejudice the right of the Engineer to reject the plant if it does not comply with the Specification when erected, or give complete satisfaction in service. Tnstruments shall be approved and shall, if required by the Enginecr, be calibrated by the ‘National Physical Labozatory or such other body as may be approved, at the expense of the Contractor. Breakdown test vollages shall be measured by means of a crest or electrostatic voltmeter connected to the high voltage side of the transformer, or by an instrument connected to the low voltage side of the transformer supplying the test voltage and calibrated in an approved manner by means of a sphere spark gup. Electrical tests, other then impulse tests, shall be carried out at a frequency of 50 Hz. ‘The following tests shall be cetried out at the manufacturer’s works: Conductors 1. Routine Tests Samples of individual wires from each length of finished conductor shall be taken at the ‘option of the Engineer and subjected to the tests stated in IEC 61089/91 or such other standard as may be approved. Where practicable, tests shall be taken on samples of individual wires before stranding and related to the tests teken aficr stranding. In the event of the sample from any length not passing these tests. a second and third sample shall be taken from the same length, and if one of these also fails under the test the length ftom which it has been taken shall be rejected. Du SUR 2-6 57. 204V OH, MB MERGAPROJENT ENTEL am dot ‘Tendor Documents AATRL2. 447.813. 7 Volume 2 (Oman Electrical Tranamission Co. S.A.0.C. pera i Upgrading 220xv Sur Grd Station 4s 2. Sample Tests Sample tests shall be carried out on the complete conductor to prove compliance with the details entered in Schedule. Jp addition, the Creep test will be performed for a period of 1000 hours at a tension corresponding to (he site everyday tension of the conductor. The Engineer may request short creep-time tests too. All creep-time curves shall be extended to the time of ten years Earth wires Samples of the individual wires from cach length of the finished carthwire shell be taken, at the option of the Engineer and subjected to the (ests stated in ASTM B 415-69 ‘or such other standard as may be approved. OPGW shall be tested in accordance with IEC 60793 and IEC 60794. Lightning strike test and routine tests shall be performed and fetigue, crush and impact, temperature cyeling, fault current, water ingress, stress - strain and tensile performance type test certificates submitied, Insulators General Type, sample and routine tests on individual insulator units shall be carried out in accordance with TEC 61109 ‘Composite Insulators for Overhead Lines with a Nominal Voltage Greater than 1 000V" - Definitions, Test Methods and Acceptance Criteria’ ‘The test conditions shall comply with the requirements of Appendix C for the test specified in Clause 5.3 of TEC 61109. In addition to the tests specified in [EC 61 109 the insulators (each design) shal) pass the following tests: (a) Design Tests ‘As an additional vevfication test following the tests on Interfaces and connections in Clauses 5.1 of 61109, Moisture Penetration Tests One end each insulator shall then be submerged in a dye, composed of 1 g of fuchsin in 100 2 of methanol, for a minimum of 15 minutes. The insulators shall then be removed from the solution and wsped dry. Each insulator shall be cut at 90 ° to the axis of the core and about 50 mm from both metal end fiuings. The metal end fittings shall then be cut on each insulator longitudinally into two balves and the housing stripped off, Evidence of dye penetration at the interfaces shall constitute failure, oe SUR 2-4 17-2204 OL MB ‘EWERGOPROVEKT ENTEL exe nt [Tener Documents Oman Electrical Transmission Co. SAO. Volume 2 Section 417 ‘Upgrading Z20KV Sur Grid Station os 4A7B1A. Flammability Test The material used in the manufacture of composite insulators must undergo ‘Mammability tests 10 demonstrate that they are suitable for the insulators particular application and use. Two complementary test methods are necessary: The critical oxygen index (CON) as described in ASTM 2863-77; Tests conforming with [BC 60707 - Test methods for the determination of the flammability of solid electric! insulating materials when exposed to an ignition source. For the CO! test, the materials must have a COI in excess of 21% to be classified as, “flame setardant”. ‘The best materials used here will have the greater COI index. When the materials are exposed to an ignition source (as per 60707), the flame should not propagate (category BH2 or FH2) and should be self extinguishing (category FVO). Other tests may be necessary to prove the insulator assembly and its materials are suitable for the particular application use. These extra tests should be agreed between the mamufacturer and purchaser and should consider: Ignition points; = Residual strength on exposure to heat; = Smoke and toxic gas emissions. () Type Tests Torsion Load Test Five insulators shall be subjected to this test with a torsion load of 55 Nm. The torsion strength tests shall be made with test specimen adequately secured to the testing machine. The torsion Joad shel! be applied to the test specimen through a torque member so constructed that the test specimen is not subjected to any cantilever siress Atl five insulators afier torsion must pass the Dye Penetration Test in Clause 5.1 of 61109. Insulator Strings Design Tests ‘One suspension and one tension string of each type, selected by the Engineer. shell be subjected to the following tests in accordance with the provision of IEC 60383 - 182/93 or such other standard as may be approved: 1) Impulse Tests. Dry withstand, positive and negative polarity; 2) Power frequency tests Doc SUR 2.4.17. 220.87 OM, MBL ‘ENERGOPROJEXT ENTEL AES Youre 2 Section 417 Page ‘oman Electrical Tranemission Co. SAC. baetabaceta Upgrading 220kV Sur Grid Station ‘One string of each type, selected by the Engineer, shall also be subject to Radio Interference Tests (Grade [) in accordance with the provisions of BS 137 or such other standard 2s may be approved. Tests shall include vibration dampers, spacers and any other fittings attached to the conductors in service, and shall be made with arc horns. Insulator and Earthwire Fittings Routine and sample mechanical tests shall be carried out on fittings in xcordance with the approptiate section of BS 3288, Part I or such other standard as miay be approved. Tension Clamps and Joints Two samples each of tension clamps and tension and non tension joints shall be subjected to mechanical and electrical type ests, galvanizing and mechanical routine tests in accordance with the appropriate section of BS 3288, Part ! or such other standard as may be approved. The Engineer, from time to time, shall make further similar tests a3 may be required to ensure that the quality of the product is being ‘maintained throughout the Contract. Spacers - Overall Movements Tests ‘The movement detailed in Clauses 4.4 and 4.5 shal] be demonstrated 1. Mechanical Strength Tests i) With the clamp in the normal attitude, spacers shall withstand for one minute each, without permanent distortion, a compressive Joad and then e tensile load of 0.1 times maximum working tension of one sub-conductor. The loads shall be applied through rigid bars simulating the conductors. These bars shall be fice fo rotate about their {i) One clamp of the spacer shall be fitted to a conductor. The clamp shall be held rigid in its aormal position and a load of 0.1 times maximum working tension of one sub- conductor shall be applied along the axis of the conductor. The conductor shell not slip through the clamp, Dynamic Tests Where these can be arranged the following tests, or agreed equivalent tests, shall be carried out: ‘ENERGOPROVENT ENTEL ben ano Dee SUR 2.4 17-2208V OH, MBE —_— { Vouume 2. Section 417 rae 44 ‘Oman Electrical Tanamission Co SAO. “Upgreing 220k¥ Sur Ged Station i) Arrangement ‘One clamp of the spacer shal! be applied to « length of conductor of the appropriate size so that there is at least 600 mm of conductor exposed on either side of the clamp. The conductor shall be tensioned to at least half maximum working tension. Under all conditions, the axis of the clamp remote from the conductor must be maintained parallel o the undisturbed axis of the conductor but not further restrains, other than these required to produce the test movements, shall be applied. The test movements shall be applied by means of a rod held in the clamp remote from the fixed conductor and shall bbe determined from the following load/deflection mieasurements. ii) Load/Deffection measurements The following deflection shall be measured for the purpose of dynamic test: “I the linear static deflection in the longitudinal direction of the conductor spacer system caused by a 110 N static load or 150 mm if that is I “V" the linear static deflection in the vertical direction caused by a 110 N static load or 150 mm if that is tess; the sngular static deflection in torsion caused by a static torque of 5.65 Nm or 15° if that is less; sm" P22) * Should the spacers be so designed that, in eny of the motions defined above, it is stiffer in one direction about its normal attitude than the other, the appropriate test parameter (1%, $v" or “9") can be taken as the mean of the two values obtained in each direction, iii) Dynamic Test Motions shall be applied to the clamp not attached to the test conductor as follows a) Motion + or -"m" - 50,000 cycles at a frequency between 30 and 100 cycles per minute at the disoretion of the Engincer. 1b) Motion + or -"t" - 50,000 cycles at a frequency between 200 10 400 cycles per minute at the discretion of the Engineer. Motion “t” shall be applied during the application of motion “mm”, The above tests need not be carried out in one continuous mun, but no part of the dynamic test shall be less than two hours in duration, during which time an equal number of cycles of motion “y" shall be applicd as of motion “m”. 3. Test Requirements ‘The sample spacers subjceted to the Mechanical Strength Tests and Dynamic Tests shall not cause fatigue or other damage, distortion or undue wear; neither shall the conductor, to which the test spacer was applied, show signs of fatigue or other damage due to the action of the spacer during the tests, Dog SUR 266 17-2204 OML MB [ENEREOPROIEKT ENTEL poe Tender Documents Voume 2 Secon 417 Page 48 (Oman Electrica! Transmission Co. SAO. parading 220K Sur Gra Staton 4. Electrical Resistance Test The measured resistance between the conductor 25 mm away from one spacers clamp and the other conductor 25 mm away from the other clamp, shalll be as per agreed value. 5. Corona Test With the conductor in the normal attitude and with a minimum clearance of 6 meters from the spacer to any carthed plane, and with the conductors energised to the voltages given in Clause 7.1.4, the spacer shalll not produce any visible or audible corona. 6, Routine and Sample Tests Further routine and sample tests, including ali the above design tests with the exception of the dynamic and corona tests, shall be carried out to the Engineer's requirements on an agreed basis Supports Design Tests Tower design tests shall be according to TEC 6065279, The Engineer will select one straight line and one angle support of whatever type for 220 kV OH line , which shall be assembled at the manufacturer's works, or other approved place. for test on a rigid foundation. Towers shall be tested with maximum body extension, If the Contractor, in carrying out erection of supports on site, proposes to assemble the supports on the ground and subsequently raise them to the vertical position, the sample support submitted for tests shall be so assembled and raised to the vertical position on the test foundation in the presence of the Engineer, if so required. Each structure, complete with eross arms, shall then be submitted to such test loads in such order as the Engineer may specify, io prove compliance with the factors of safety stated in Clause of this specification. The test loads shall be applied in an approved manner and maintained for one minute without showing signs of failure or permanent distortion in any part, Lf required by the Engincer, tests to destruction shall be carmed out on all or any of the structures submitted for tests. If required by the Engineer, these tests may be repeated from time to ime on siructures assembled from members selected by the Engineer. No pant of @ tower to destruction shall be used in the permanent works and the Contractor shall confirm disposal to the Engineer Where tower tests are salisféctorily completed and not taken to destruction, the tower shall be carefully inspected after dismantling to cnsure that no parts have been damaged, Dee SUR 24 17-220RV OML MB ENENGOPROJEXT ENTEL Dn send Volume 2 Section 447 Pogo 45 es eee Upgrading 220kV Sut Grd Station 4 bundled separate from routine tower material, and marked for use in the permanent ‘works at a position of relatively light loading 2. Routine Tests Samples of the material for supports and fittings shall be tested in accordance with ISO R 630 or such other standard as may be approved. Galvanizing Galvanized articles other than wire shall be tested in accordance with 1S0 1459, 1460, 1461 as appropriate, or such other standard as may be approved. If evidence of white rst is apparent upon receipt at site of bundled steel section, the Engincer shall order the Contractor to make such tesis as he deems necessary to determine the extemt of damage, ifany, and the remedial measures necessary. 4.1782. Test at Site Soil and Foundation Tests 1. Ground Probe Tests ‘The Contractor shail carry out tests by means of an approved type of penetrometer, or other approved means, at intervals as per clause (b3) along the centerline of the route and at selected positions during the profile survey. Results of these tests shall be included on the profile to give a preliminary indication of the ground bearing properties and water levcls. Bore penetration shall be at teast 10 2. Soil Resistivity Tests Tests by an approval method, using an approved instrument, shall be carried out by the Contractor at suitable intervals along the center-line of the route during the survey as provided for in Clause 5.5, 3. Laboratory Soil Tests ‘The Contractor shall obtain soil samples and submit these for tests to an approved laboratory to determine the necessary properties of the soil for purpose of foundation designs. Such information is to be detailed in an approved manner and conclusion given as to the recommended bearing pressures to be adopted. 4. Ground Bearing Tests The Contractor shall carry out ground esting tesis to determine the ground bearing capacity, by means of loading a 300 mm square plate in an approved manner. Tests shall be carried out generally in the manner described in BS 5930, 1981 or such other standard as may be approved. Duc SUR 2-4 17-20 KV OH, ME ENENGOPROJEAT ENTE, as hae ‘Oman Electrica! Tranamission C2. $.A0. : can emer parading 220kV Sur Gil 8 toa Doe SUR 2417-220 KV OHL, ME 5. Special Tests Where ordered by the Engineer, special tests shall be carried out to determine such other data as is considered necessary for confirmation of foundation designs such as full scale uplift tests on individual footings of normal or other type. 6. Record of Site Investigation Tests All records of site investigation tests shall be detailed in an approved manner. Sample log sheers, charts, etc., shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before any investigation work commences. All site investigation data, charts, cte., shall be handed to the Engineer in duplicate (copy to the Employer) upon satisfactory conclusion of the tess, Tests During Erection 1. Support Footing Resistance The resistance to earth of the complete foundation of individual structures shall be measured in an approved manner before the earth conductors are erected, as specified in Clause 5.15. The placing of the test electrodes shall normally be along the center-line of the route in such direction as to ensure that the lowest resistance to earth is recorded, and a note shall be made of the direction in the test log, ‘The schedule sed for recording earth resistance tests shall contain, in addition to the measured resistance values, details of the surface soil and general conditions at the time of tests 2. Additional Tower Footing Tests If, in the opinion of the Engincer. it is necessary to reduce the tower footing resistance by approved means such as coumterpoise tapes, the Contractor shal! make further tests after the additional measures have becn carried out and before the earthwires are erected, at no extra charge. 3. Conduetor Joint Tests In the case of tension clamps, joints and bimctal terminals, tbe resistance of each part shall be measured by instruments supplied by the Contractor and approved by the Engines. The resistance of such fittings shall not exceed 75% of the electncal resistance of an equivalent length of conductor and the current capacity of such joints shall be at least equal lo 100% that of the conductor. These tests shall be cartied out in the presence of the Engincer, Stringing shall not commence until sustable instruments arc on site and ready for use. All results of tower earthing and conductor joints resistance shall be noted and shall be part of as built docusnents. Tender Qocuments 4178.23, AATB2A. 4.179. 4.17.91. (Oman Electical Teanamission Co. SAD. Uporeding 220KV Sur Grd Station 7 Youme 2, Section 417 Page 48 4. Measurement of Galvanizing Thickness Tre Contractor shall provide two identical instruments suitable for the accurate checking of galvanizing thickness. One shall be available on the site and the other shall bbe handed over to the Engineer. The gauge shall atthe site be available from the time of arrival of the first consignment of steelwork unti the issue of the Taking Over Certificate. Tests on Completion 1, The lines shall be energized at full working voltege before handing over and the arrangement for this, and such other tests as the Employcr or the Engineer shall desire to make on the complete Ime, shall be assisted by the Contractor who shall provide such labor, transport and other assistance. Apparatus for special tests shall be provided by the Employer. Measusement of positive and zero sequence impedance shall be done by the Contractor. 3. The line shall be tested for insulation by the continuous application for 24 hours of the rated line volrage between phases. ‘Tests at the End of Maintenance Period ‘The Contractor sball be responsible for checking dust total and relative sags of conductors are within the specified toferances. Such checks shall be carmed out at selected points along the route as requested by the Engineer and the Contractor shall provide necessary surveying instruments to enable the check to be carried out with the lines tive and in service. DRAWINGS AND DATA SBEETS Tender Dra es ‘The Tenderer shall submit with his proposal drawings covering the following:= «© Outline drawing with indicated main dimensions of the tower members for a of towers and terminal gantry; types » Diagram of external loads for cach tower/gantry type; + All types of insulators, insulator strings, conductor clumps and tower attachment Bitings: * All tower and conductor accessories; + Details of foundation types and stubs; ioe SUR2-417- 20057 OM ‘EAERGOPROIENT ENTEL ow ane | render Documents 4.175 Youme 2 Secon 437 Page 49 ‘Oman Electeal Transmssion Co. SAD, Upgrading 220k Sur Gra Station '¢ Details of the proposed earthing system; ‘+ Sketches with description of the proposed method for unrolling, stringing, sagging and clipping-in of conductors and earthwires; «Type (est certificates for the major equipment. Design, Workshop and Construction Drawings The Contractor shall furnish the following information for review by the Engineer: # Loading diagrams showing loads applied to tower crossurms as well as stress diagsarn with calculation for eack type of standard tower/gantry; «© Tower/gantry clearance diagram; * Sag tension calculation and charts for line conductor and earthwire including erection sag schedule; * Details of foundations, applied loadings and resistance to uplift and compression, together with full foundation setting details for each tower/gantry type including details of stub setting templates; + Tower earthing drawing including details of all earthing accessories, © Aircraft waming spheres and lights arrangement; * All salculation justifying equipment selection, such as number of insulator units, type and number of dampers and spacers, etc.; © All drawings giving complete relevant details of all plant and equipment to be supplied and installed. + Installation Manual in which on a separate page for every tower location the following information shall be presented: + Provisional and final support numbers ~ Profile end Record Map reference drawing numbers = Tower coordinates ~ Span - Wind span — Weight span - Angle of deviation = Support type, leg and body extensions and general arrangement (G.A.) drawing reference numbers - Foundation type and G.A. drawing reference number - Earthing details and G.A. drawing reference number = Insulator set details and G.A. drawing reference number = Sag adjustment setting = Phase conductor jumper details including spacer and general arrangement drawing reference number Doc SUR 2-4 17-2208 OML MB ' Voune 2 ‘Oman ElcicelTanamision Co, SAO. in jnmcoumee ‘orang HV Sur Grd Staton ree - Barthwire set details and G.A. drawing reference number - _ Barthwire vibration damper G.A. drawing reference number Aircraft Navigation (obstruction aids) drawing reference number - Fiber optic junction boxes and cabling G.A. drawing reference mumber The following schedules shall be included in the document: ~ Phase conductor and earthwire sags and tensions (erection and final) = Suspension insulator sets off-scts ~ Location and spacing of phase conductor spacers and spacer dampers - Location of all phase conductor and earthwire tension and non tension joints ~ Location and spacing of all aircraft waning spheres, tower top lights and ‘conductor lights ~ Location of all fibre optic joint boxes = Schedule of tower earthing resistance = Schedule of conductor joints resistance In addition, any other drawing or information as required by the Engineer shall be submitted. ENERGOPROJENT ENTEL oo se Dec SUR2- 4,17 2208V OL MB Annexure - 2 ‘may Fearn Taronsion Ga 8A0G % Peralta pang 200 brn Saasn Seton 4ara ATTACHMENT NO, 1 400 kV OHL — GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Content: GENERAL 4.17. 400 kV OVERHEAD LINES 4.17.1. SCOPE 4,172. DESIGN PARAMETERS 4.173. TOWER DESIGN 4.17.4. FOUNDATION DESIGN 4.17.8. CONDUCTORS AND SHIELDWIRES 4.17.6. INSULATORS 4.17.7. LINE ACCESSORIES ‘Doe: SUR Adnan No.1 Auchan [EWERGOPROJEKT ENTEL ‘tacnment Not MB, soe Voune 2 render Documents ‘Oman Electrica Transmission Co. 8A0.C Addendum No, Uporading 220k” Sur ra Station section 417A 400 kV OHL - GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION GENERAL This General technical specification mentioned in this Addendum is prepared based on change of scope of works due to request of construction of 400 kV OHL Jahloot-Sur instead of 220 KV OHL proposed in original issue of Tender Documents. General technical specification mentioned in this Addendum covers specification relevant for change of voltage level (from 220 kV to 400 kV) but for other common specification for 400 kV OHL and 220 kV OHL please refer to General technical specification specified in original issue of Tender document for 220KV OHL (refer Tender, Vol. 2. Sec. 4.17). ‘Therefore, this specification is designed with the same volume and section (Vol. 2, Sec 4.17) as Technical specification for 220 KV OHL. 4.17. 440 kV OVERHEAD LINES SCOPE The specification covers: ‘© Complete supply, erection and commissioning of 400 KV double circuit transmission line on steel lattice towers with quad conductor AAAC ~ YEW , polymer single mode insulators and double shield conductor (earth wire) OPGW (one per circuit). The scope of work shall include the design, manufacture, supply, testing, inspection at ‘manufacturer’s works, insurance, packing for export shipment, delivery to the site, unloading, survey and profile plotting of support position, pegging out, clearing and provision of access road where necessary complete erection, setting to work and maintenance for a period of 12 calendar months of the 400 kV double circuit line. The scope also includes all parts of work to be completed in every respect for commercial operation to the satisfaction of OETC. oe: SUR Addendum Ne. 1 -Atfchmant a sono No MB Volume 2 en eer era a Estrin 4.172. DESIGN PARAMETERS DESIGN PARAMETERS FOR 400kV OVERHEAD LINES TOWERS: type: Double Circuit Delta Configuration [Material: Lattice Steel Tower Type cee DS 35 D70 DT70 90 [Straight Line| Straight | Angle | Terminal | Angle Line / Angle (fany) [Basic Span | 360 360 360 360 360 ‘Angle of Deviation 0) 0 25 70 30 50 Maximum Simo ap] 800 800 800 : 800 Maximum single span (@)| 610 610 610 410 610 ‘Maximum wind span (m)| 400 400 400) 240 400 Maximum weight span (@)| 610 610 610 460 610 ‘Minimum weight span (m)| 260 “150 “150 “15 “is ‘Body Extension @) 3.0m, +3.0m, +6.0m, +9.0m, 112.0m ‘Note:]. Minimum Weight Spans shall apply at 0°C under still air conditions. 2. Tower body extensions (+3.0 m, +6.0 m, +9.0 m, +12.0 m) shall be used only when topographical conditions of terrain are such that safety ground clearance can not be achieved with| tower basic height and shall not be used in flat areas. ‘Tower leg extensions might be used on sloppy terrain to reduce benching or when maximum height of tower is needed for special cases (road crossings or crossing with other OHLs). Use of tower leg extensions is subject to Engineer's approval for each particular case. Extensions are to be fitted without change to the standard height of tower. (Clearance between Live Metal and Earthed Steelwork b ‘Minimum clearance to ean sieelwork fom “Vee™ suspension sts ive metal and/or te conductor deflected from 0*-10° and leaving the suspension clamp ‘with a drop angle of 12° | 3500 mm jb) Minimum clearance between live metal and earth steel work for jumper loops | ‘and/or pilot suspension sets deflected bil O15" —_ 3500 mm bay 15*30° 1750 mm Sm Spaces shall FOUNDATIONS: _ Contractor to Type: propose Matera Concrete Dc: SUR Adeendum No 4 -Atachmant as soe No 1M

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