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2 History Prehistory ro thousned years ago there was an Hon Age Cesc clone throughout the norswese Europes lan Ie sceme thar & (ks bed iecrnngled wit the peoples wh were hes ates; we ow that religious ites hat hed been bal long befve tir arial ontined to be used in Cate times For peopl in Britain eda, the chief igificance of the prehisoric petted sits ence of mystery This eae Binds is foe roa eal {the astonahing monumenal architect of this period, he remains of which exis throughout the county. Wii in south ‘ester England, hast spectacular earsple:Sibary Fl, he ier boral cud in Butope rel Soc eorster)Ser ‘plaesRave pei imporance for some people wich inl {ovarde mccim and toterewligon. Tor example, we know that Celtic sory had a priestly cae alld ce Druid. Thee na vies tay inthe Order of Bards, Ovates and Druid sickpeticie twat Pitas tay a The Roman period (43-410) The Roman province of Bani covered mos of presencday England and Wales whee the Romar imposed thei on way of HE ann ult, making ss of the exiting Cele arsocacy o gover snd encouraing theme to adopt Roman dees aed the Lain ng. They never went toiland and exerted an nflaenr without actly governing there, ve nly the southern part oF Scotland Ieee ‘dunn dis ume thaa Cel be called the Scots grated or Irland eo Scoland, wher alongwith nother tribe, de Pets ey ecame opponents of the Romans. Ths division of che Cel ne thowe who experienced Reena rule (Gh Bion in England and Wes) td thse who did nor (tbe Gals inland and Seeland) nay Blp tevesplin the emergence of two disinr branches of the Celtic group oflanguage. Te remarhable thing about the Romans that, despite thelong ‘otopation of Britain che fevey Be behind. To many other prt ‘of Europe they begucutod a jem ofl and adminiraion which Tormsthe basis af the modern syzem ad a language which developed into the merdern Romanes family of languages In Bran, they ei titer. Moreover, eae ther ils bathe and tempeh ‘Epese netwolf recy and the ites they Rounded neectiog Landinsum (London) sere soon detoyed ofl int dips. ‘Almost he only ling reminders oftheir presence ate plac ames Uke Chester, Larester and Glouctter, which inde varanes of the {Latin word ean (a iiay camp. ‘The Germanic invasions (410-1066) Te Roman ceupaton had bee a matter of coenal conse rather than langcale etlerent Bu dung the Bit century, nursber ‘frites fom the Enopean mainland invaded and seed in age numbers Two ofthese rites were the Angles and the Sans. These ‘Anglo Stars con had the soutlreast ofthe cour in her prop. the west cher adkance as temporarily hale by an army f(t) Britons under dhe command of Ue legendary King Arr (rg ‘drt Nevertheless, by the end ofthe seth entry they and hee Someta dates in rts ory SobGie as abn dies The ara cecraaitemale ABQ tate. eas rect pe ran Siaieneesismeaekey SOT Ame ance 61 SEE 419 herein eae sme fife redeoninated in net al of present day England Cac ‘ulate and language survived only in resentdiySccland, Wales snd Comal “The Anglo Sanons ha Tine ie eros ae ities Bu they hada reat fle on the countryside, where dh ncetend now fering fhethods and founded he thousands ofulenlicene villages which fered the bets of English sore forthe next thousand oro ye ee (Woe they amet Bel the Anges wee pgp Ding thea and sesh centres, Canty pend ogo eae eee Iain fom wo diene desons Byte tiee ewerieteciced poplin baad inno the south of England byte Roman sina Se gue, Sapam uae ithadaledy ben seduced ino Stand ad orb aso Engin fon nnd which Tadbecome Chricinmosethan 0 SedpaTéyeaab yr sae Atheugh Roman Chesney ook oer eee ‘rye the Code nedel pred neon anand oe Sauternes soya cde oasis kat rurally orgaiod obo Sienna terrintes ted for ssnong onarcyosupprri Th purty expanswry eel Teh cciar and sgloaspome tesco counts conned, enemy tobe bork moe local bard and kaos houghont the toil prod Bean experienced another wave of Germanic imasions in the tigtth abun. Thee favadrs let ox icing Noreomen or DDanes, ere from Scandinavia. In the mnt enmary they conquers snd sted the lands around Scotland and some coastal eopons fleeland. Their conguest of England ws alted when ty wee ‘efeated by King alfred ofthe Saron kingdoms of Weer (ig Ai). Aa venuly hei tetement ws confined only eo the noth ad, tov the country. Howes, the cull dfernces beeen Anglo-Saxons and Danes ‘see comparaaly sll They ed roughly the same way of if and Spoke dite waite of th ste Germanic tongue Moreen ‘the Danes son converted ro Christian These sires made politi unifcation easier and by Uh end oF the vents entry England wa a urited kingdom wich a German cule thocghoct ‘Mer of Scotland was alo ited by cise ac lear in name, in 2 (Cai) Gaelic Kington. 793 Mesesnescer! 73 Wem semtensentns reer ie Tweemetngefnadat Serene ert Comcettoninscorordiy — Gromy tngrdandtrbefortme — Teotaraar thence Siigrandis moran ‘Senne lagen ed ‘Seerenemrnn 878 powscnee a r Can ree ing Seiad ener ‘Secon ecny ments enon ecegenesse an pps nob Scnovhernd ae Rooter acing ai edo Ey rent Peking eer rpc Sparen eoralinge erayinae 1066™*""""" 1086 crise rpne etcronpeera ert pi ‘The medieval period (1066-1488) The succesful Norman evasion of England (1068) brought Britain coche maiscream of western European culate Previouly, most [ks ha been with Seana, Only ny Seotland di his link sve the western ses (nt de 13h century) and ube nerhern ‘Sands (ane the Bfteenth cencury) eemaining under the conte oF Scandinavian kings, Throughout ths period, he English Kings alko owned land on the continent ae were often at War with the French kings. Unlike the Germanic iasons the Norn invasion wat salsa Tee was sch thing as Norman ars of witlemene Intend che Norman sles who had imac were given the cvnersipof and and ofthe peopl ving on fe A tic feudal tem was pod. ‘Great nobles orbarons wee responsible diel tothe King leet lord cach ontngavllags, wore ety resporaibe toa baron Under chem were the pearance by aie seem of mucus and obligations othe loa lod nd febidde co travel without his fermion. The pases were he Englaspeaking Saxon. The lords Spd the bars wae the French pening Norra: Tiras the sare ‘ofthe English clas tem (Language and cos cs). “The sper of rong gonernment which the Normans introduced tiadethe Anglo-Norman kingsom the mot powerful plea ore ‘Brain and ireland, Net surpnsingy therefore, the auchowty ‘ofthe English monarch graduly extended o other pars ofthese ‘sands in che nee 250 years. By the end of the thre century, large prt of nse ieland was concoled by Anglo-Norman lords inthe name oftheir king and the whole of Wales was under ‘is direct rule ft which time, the eustom of raring the monarchs ‘lex son the Prince of Wales began). Scotland managed o remain policy andependenc inthe medial period bu was obliged vo Fi occasional wars do a, Te clr story ofthis period deren. Inthe 250 years afer the Norman Conquest war a Geman guage, Middle English, and not the Norman (Fen lange, which had become dhe ‘ernie one in al clases of etary tx England Furccrnore i wes the Anglo Stun concept of common las and not Roman as; which Formed the bas of tele yen 1170 cerca 1171 Doce. 220 ee ee ean ocevocnb pipe erhinar oe =e Despite English rl, northern and canta ales was raver stein great uber by Sains or Notas. Asa esl, the (Cele) Web, Linger and colture rind song Esteli, eon sal fle song and eee continaed throughout the media peed and sl continue cox. Th Anglo Norma lowds oF eland remained Tiga eo the English Ring bu, despite Ls othe contrary, nee ‘slopes the Gas anguage sr uszome The political independence of Seotland did nor prevent ageadual snitch vo English language and customs in che lowland (outhera) Fat te cmtry. Many AngloSeesrtmerats bad fe hee Mer the Norman conquest In addition, the Celi king saw chat che Adoption ofan Angle Norman ay of fonermment orld arengthen Toya power: Bethe end of chi period ulurlsplic had dewlope betwen the lovlands where the way of and language was sar to that in England, andthe highlands, where Gaelieuleue and Tnogsage pried and where, der ube mountainous tran, the suthouty of che Seotish hing was hard wo enfore leas in this period that Paiarsen began ts rad elution ince the demeersi body which stay The wor psn ‘hich comes fom the French word parlor peal) firs used glen he chirecdh ent to decibe an astrbly of nbles called gether the king ttaropsetaintn od ‘ere Cte Uintah note eo tg ee ‘seorandyhosed eee ‘Sh repress) Ba 1215 enters 275 aoa Geecceie Bees. Emitetnagecmeemtnc” 1284 worse. lhe eer pean epi ches Siete (Cakpen mon Totem Sen beng gar apenas rae aca geereeaee 1295 Resweee eae 1328 weastents, Bees cooctarson dae Fol Tee pong ler) one ‘sen eveugh racers Cae 1534 wircteor mis biped 1536 remmermdincn seinnonedee ‘The sixteenth century In ite isc ourbrenk in the mide ofthe fourteenth censury bubonic Plague noun in England ax the Black Death Kile about a hid ‘eth population of Grex Brtsn periodically reappeared fr fnother 300 years. The shortage ofaboue which i caused, and tbe increasing imporance of wade and vovns, weakened dhe tational tes Leese Tord and pessane Ata higher lela feudal sructre, the power ofthe grat Earn wos gently weakened by ivlghting (hear ofthe Ross. Boch shee deelopmenc allowed English monatchs to incease thei power Th Tudor dynasty (1485-1608) xalished a stem of spvermentdeparsments ste ly profesonsls who depended for Eck postion onthe monarch The tal atecercy et no boger needed for mplementing goverment policy. rw nec ese for ing iro. OF te traditional sg House’ of Paament, the Lacs {nd the Commons, twas now more important for monaco gee ‘he agreement ofthe Commons fo the policies bacnue tat wa ‘where he nel power erchans and landowner were represent Unlike in uch ofthe reat of Europe, he immediate case of the rie ‘of Preesantism in England was plital and personal aber han ‘ocr The King (rann vi) wanted a divers, which the Pope trou nor give hi: Alu by nang biel head of he "Church (Finland ndepesent of Rome, all church ands care under his oneal rd pave him large new soure of income “This refection of che Reman Church luo acorded with anew apie ef patio confidence in Engen. The counery had rally lot ey reac claim to lands in Frans thas boring more consi 2 dnt ‘ilar natin’ Arte ame ime, ncesing European txploration ofthe Americas mea that England was eset te geographical centre of western eelzation insted of bag, se preulyon the elge oe Iran thease quarter of thie Sdtenrurour and opie entry that Shakespeare began writing Ins Famous plays, gong ice wo de modern form of Enis. eas therefore patotsmas much a religous conviction that had caused Pretestriasm to become the major rip in Eland by the end ofthe entry. Le took a for know at Anglaise, nt 0 ‘er ier fem Catlin is organization anal Batis 1538 wemreona 1560 miscacaions or Scotenpuastantoah” — tyeuieeoelaannae eyauad ela - 1580 srrcrectenone mind eevotcgantapanmen the lowland of Scola cook more ideale frm. Calis ‘ich ee src insistence on spl aris lke of ritual ad “eleration Beene de dominant eign. fom his date atthe esocype nage ofthe dour, chify Scouish dewloped. Homer the tighamts recined Cathal rd ao further widened he gulf tevren the owo parts ofthe nan. Iredand also remained Catholic. Thee, Protratantian wat identified with the Engl, who ac that tine wee taking further attempts to conta he whole ofthe country canted ering pe iS Sasa 603 Saal GOS a 1642 =o ‘The seventeenth century ‘Wher James [became the St English king ofthe Stare das, bea alrendy Jaren VI of cela, so hat dhe cons of thee Po counties were ited. Although ther government continued tobe Separate, cet igus iftrences were Iseed inthis cena. The ‘ind of Middle English spoken in lowland Scorand had dele nem written language owe a Sco: Howes, the Scersh Prowesane church adopted English racer thas Sees ies. This and dhe glamour of dhe Engl coure vee dhe ing now st eaused ‘modern English ro Become the writen standard in Sccland a wel, (Scot gradually became just'a lect) In che seventeenth century the ink betwen religion and polities became incense, Ache str ofthe century, some people tied © Ul dhe King because he was't Catholic enough By te end of he cet moth Eng es bec ll ly eae toc Catholic, and yet anther had been fred nto eile forthe Thiswas the cootetin which during the eens, Paiament established is supremacy ener the monarchy: Ange ge inthe ouneryat the way the Start monarchs sed money without, 8 lwaiien presbed, geting the apeement of che Hexne of Commer Ene. In addon, elogelProewantar especially Pusan, had grown England. Prstane rege the lungs ifsc of the King and bis followers as immra. Thy wee also ar-Catolic sind suspicious ofthe apparent spat’ rowardsCaelcsm of he Seuare mona, This conic Ie to the Cal Wa (The Cul Way), which ended sith comple vor forthe palamentary forces, sme’ 50m {Cares beeare the fr monarch in Europe ro be emeuted ‘fer formal tal for crimes againat his people, The lade of the paflamencary ary, Olver Conve, became ‘Lord Protector’ of republic ith muleary government which after he had brotlly ‘used revstance in Island efferiely encompassed all of Brn fd ireland ‘Bur bythe sme Crommell did he, his system of government, and the puritan ethics thar went wich iheates and ener ors of srmerent bad been bred) bd Become 9 unpopalar car the ‘route ling’ son was ake to rnon and become King Chases 1649 fesse — L660 simrariymnve oleae Cee Homer the confit brwcen monarch and Fasigment soon werent in che eign of Chale Is brother, James IL Agu ragion wake Fis James red o ge flights to Catholic and vo promote them inhis gnemmene. The Glorious Revelation (glorious beets itwat ‘ocdlessllowed in whieh Prince Willam oF Orange, lero he Nathan and his Sear wie Mary accep Parent’ ivaton so tome King and queen Parent enmenely reap Blof Rig, stich ined sore ofthe monarchs ome. elo allowed Diners (these Peestans who dd not agre wath the practices of Anglicans) to praca thet religion fly Ths ant that he Presbyterian Church {Debi the neo ofthe Rouand Scontah belonged wat praneed seal, However, Diener were noc allowed hold goternmert pews or Become Members of Parmene (MP) 1666 rearime 1688 Sfeeoghadwcnse target Sactontoncpupe cies croemmenncastbcaye ‘acces eae Pas Shara can ombeprodt ‘Sovegchen end [aig Seat tepaan gs aes simsetinesss 1690 Serrrrincee ‘whcaehaeh oscar ‘rsp ote See Saoripderont 1707 ™ se 1708 veiiiromriron ‘wacaprat pasty Paton ‘The eighteenth century 11707 the Accof Union was passed. Under his agreement the ‘Scents paises wan Gatctied aed some of ts mers one ‘he English an Welsh ptianenrn Landon ad the former C00 kingdoms became one ‘United Kington of Great tai, Howe, ‘Scoland reine ie oo sat ofa more ena co condita European sjetons than dutef Eagan’, Irdoe soo Hos day Political the eighteenth cennury was sable: Monarch and Psiament {oton quite voll ogeher One reason fortis mas that he monarch’s favourite pois, through the eal over of patronage (he ailiy tu pe people jb) were ble to contre the erin and voting habits (flings rumber MPs in the Hous f Commons ‘Within Paliamene, the bier divsons of he peonseonary were chord nthe frmation of wo vagy opposed lose celetons of ‘Mie One group, che Whig, were the politieal descendant’ ofthe palencarane They supported the Protestant vals of ard week [nd Usa were sympa eo setae and believed in government by menardn and artoeay toate The cher group the Toe, ad = sear espe or the ide of te monary snd he importance of che ‘Rogiean Church (a setae ven ite spt for Cache and the Sear) This ware begining othe ary tem in Bean “Thenly part of Bian to change radically ares of plied Fowcesin this century was he highlands of Scorn Ths ea vce supported Faled auerpes opt a (Catobi) Sart menare ack nthe theoe After the second attempt, mary inhabitant ofthe highlands were ele or sen ay fom Brian and the wearing of highland dre (che ert i) was banned. The Ceti way of Hwa effective destroyed. Teas cultural change chat was mos matked i this century. Bain gradual acquired an empire inthe rere long the wet can fest and in India The prety read race thillowed war oe Tacroc which coche Industral Recton,Ocer factors wee the ‘ay technic innovations in mance and cope. 1746 ‘civins rnmecay fei at rtrascow aac gon sfarnar hel apoplr (Timatuarce Pinch 1763 sectpncincore ite hmee pena" sre 1771 Resecaes ‘nino ob aed eh 782 eee In England, the growth of che industal mode of producto eens Coin roppther ith advances in aprelture, caused che pests pease inthe pacer of veya if since the Germanic invasions. Areas of ~ common land, which had been sed by everybody ina ills for ehe (ging of etal disppesred es downer incorporated then {noth increasingly lag and move efficent fara (ete remain scene pcr of comenon din Briein today, sed rainy at paths They areafen called the common) illions sored foe rsa ares into new rows and tis. Mote of thee wren the nocth ‘of England where ther acral for induc were avalable i" In this way che north, which had preity ben econo Backward, bocame the industrial Beardand ofthe county The ight conditions als exited in lowland Scotland and south W funder actentented the diflrencea between thee parts of thce ‘unureg cd thc ther ror Ta ta south of Engend, Londo, ‘ane ro dominate aocar an induel cent, Duca a business and trading entre N73 eereeeeniae Seeds ee 1788 perc 1805 seers eS etalon 1829 rocrnt rine ear Sealey kat poten ea comet trundle ty ‘hoviom cfherane Haber) ttenalngietns ‘esi aon, ‘tne mee Queen vitor Aeon in me th ee The nine ath cencury ‘Not long before thi century heya, Britain losis mosrimporane oleic tc ese ce eur tegen i ee ‘ofthe centre was locked ina war with France dating which an fnvason of the country was real posi. Soon afer the end ofthe centre contoled che Biggest emp the woe had ee en ‘Ge secon of thi erp was lard: Dang chit ener was fn ieeparcof the UX ie and cw during this cencusythae Bish uur and way of ie cre to predarinate n rland In 18s, the poe crop fled es eas in aro and here wa 8 ie famine. Millions of pesants, hove vith Gadi language aed festons, ithe ied or emigrated By the en ofthe enn amet ‘he whole of the remaining population had svtched vo Engi thle ge Another par of de empire was made up of Cana, A fnd New Zealand, whore Bish ses had bucome the joy Iain. Another was indi, an enernous country wh cule Ther ancient than Been’ Ten of thousands of Boh en evans nd reops were tee vo gwen eA the hed ofthis adminiracion tara viceroy (governor whose poltionvihin che county wa rar {othe monarchs in Brin fell. Becete Tela wt fa ey ard ‘he journey Fm risn cooks long these British oficial pee row of their working esther and so develope distin ay ‘fi The majony, however, remained seconaccusy Beak as hey imposed Beth newton an methods of gowtnment on ney Large pars oF fie alo bonged coche expe, Enc Afi where there a eee Beh serene aol i's Acar colonics sre sting bases on che coe and swe onysneorpom inte the empire ate end fhe cone As tells there ares che empire inlodednsmerous salle seat and ‘lands Some, soc a those he Cartan, were the suf erie Betis element, but most were incded becuse of eel sretgic positon slong madi route. ‘The growth of he empire was encouriged by change in aude ge century. Presoush; colonization had been a mater of ‘ecleent conimere, orally sat. The aa was simpy vo 1868 lone” 1893 se” Cae posts terrier; but no certo govern fe Ben che ery, coloniation was sen axa mater of destiny During the ‘try, Bets became the woed's fremont econo powe. This pthc with lng ears of poll seat unequal anyhere ‘dee in Europ, gave te Bish sense of supreme conden, we rogane, about er cols and cilzaion. The Beis ere eo fee themacler as having dry eo spread eis culere and clition| ‘ound the world Beng the ruler ofan empire was hefne 8 ‘rater of roel ciation (the White Marts urer). ‘There were pet changes in social stucere. Most people oe {in toons and cies. Thy no lenge depended on county landowners fortheilving but ether on dhe mes of industries. These ones tal the rowtig mille cas of acepenple al profesional ‘therel pomerin the county. Along oth their poser vent aa of ‘aloes which emphasized hard work, thf, igious observa Emly an ananenen of o's ry, acl’ honesty ix pic, nd ‘exrme espeabiy in socal ates This che eto ales hich [Seow called Viena, Middle class riious eooniction,eoedher ith able chat ‘nfo as heer han olin, allowed errs in pbc ‘These inluded not ony pole veforns but also reforms whic rmcogeind some human rights (awe nell hen). Slavery and che Ines agsng people on the bass of reigon were abolished. and law were made a protect workers frm some of the wort exeees ofthe Indeseral mode of production. Pub series such a the post and the pelce wee begun Despite reform, the nature of che new indus society Fnced eer eves esd ln fey teas emreags ‘Waters and itllctal ofthis period eer preted against the honors ofthis na style of (for example, Diekens) or Simply ignored it Many expecially the Romarc poss, praned the brates ofthe couneyside and the virtues ofeounery if. This was 2 new development In previous entues, the countryside wart fomething be dicusted or amir. Bue Fom hi time on most Beinsh people developed a sentimental attachment the iS oF che countryside (oe chapter 8 poe! 1908 mister igh nese eu amet ae ar Epiciaes 100, atc escenlepeies eihtapml Suey Glinrewene ‘onthe (fens ‘rare ae en, ofentotaae perremterera Setecka eter yor (sensu arco oo ed a fee an fel “ifr ger, aah thea ‘Senora 1914 corerrren ‘cima. Unie bee oe oui 1916 m""" “heel mpi aie peak 1918) 1918 =a: (eccaperit) 1920 erent fozten ia i 1926-“""™ 1928 Sn 1939 mmr 1942 Mesento-rens elec ‘eleremal imei etched (xcoper 1944 Sarrrone eS neste 1946 crests iseeper 8 Cours and ne stead Otc ow (ec | 1949 sat ‘The twentieth century Around the bepining of he teeth cen bethe word chet county. eape thi cased aur of he Vicon conidenor nga form, What he eso the fa 20 yeas ofthe cet wre a pete of exremie in Brian ‘The Suftageres women demanding che righrco vere, were prepred to darnage propery an een defor thr Del seme seco of ‘he army append ready to dacbry he government ver pies concerning User inland; and the governments inreduction of ‘ew earaton was opposed 0 abolutey ty the House of Los chat ‘sen Patament the foundation ofthe polcl tom, eed to Feean nce four Bary the 1980, chee aus had en ‘ese (alhough oly temporal in dhe cas of Ue ad the ‘ather uns ciate of emir ded ou ican ceased “The ih pie reached grates extent in 1919. By this, Ihave, vas already becoming ess ofan empire and mere of a ‘oof. At etre nerntcal Con ence which Bea ‘paral cy posuere ica of Vera teal Cana, New Zealand and South Afica were all epresented separately foe Briain. coupe of yeas ne, rain ls ot os lest. colony (The ceston of Northern ear). ‘There dsmandig ofthe empire teok place inthe 25 ears the Second Word War In dhe ne peo gradally Became ‘earehar Botan war no longer a superpower nthe Sor and is forces wore no lenge able oat unlaeayIn 1956 for inten, Ith and French military ation estoy the Fan goverment taking ovr dhe Sue canal ed because id no recsve American ‘Suppost During the 195D5ichad ben general understood hata Conference ofthe worlds great pours trae tne USA, the Sve Union and Brain, Burin 1962 che Cuban misc, one oF the ‘greet tears global peace inthe ence enya soe ‘thou rfrene ro Brsin. And when, in 1974 ee and of Cypres, {former Brith colony, was ivaded by Tsk, Bish lary city wat ete toiling the personnel fs military base 1953 See 1963 te OSS Resets 968 mista es ee ‘Soe ee 1969 Sresenoar 1959 gro wea Cop pine Se bpinget each ‘rons me ieocoreenieey 1971 Srescree some, 1973 tata 19e7 meee epee ere Be oo ae ‘equ ares dy (cetopr 8) 1990 Sen hee lity ~ evn thought wid Sac of te pants of Cyptae independence. Atte end of the exe, in 1997, Britain banded Hong Keng back ts China eh losing sat rperal possesion of 1ewas om the sacof the eset century thar the ban working class (ehe majority of the population) Bal began to make ‘ice hen In Patament, he Labour pay gradual placed the Liberal the ‘descendants’ of che Whigs asthe ain opposition the Conservatives (the descendane of the Tori). In adon cade tions manage to organiechemestes In 1925, chy mee power enough vo ld a Gene Sts and rom dh 130s unl dhe 19800 ‘he Trades Union Congres oe caper 15) was rey the single ‘post powerfl pole eee curd dc rons o rere tnd Pararene Since then the working class has faded as 2 poiial fore. They fay hinory mover im cele. Ar the star of ce tent ceney ‘historian poined or hat Briain i sore way had mote in ‘ornmon wich de ear of the twentieth century than with ts ‘idle 1900, a general sense of prosperity was combined with 2 che high longterm unemployment ee and concerns about thr underla’ This i exactly where Bean stood in 2000, bu ‘en diferent om 1950, when a sere of austere wa connbined trick ser low sof uncrploymee e190, ome srt ‘comprised a fall 10% ofthe morc. In 190 chi gre was 1994 mon 2003 ares 2007 sr IMac foae tds seer eee dows 40 38 and sil fling But by 2000, with so many profesional ‘women with no ime wo loakafter the houre or theculden iewas back upto hand increasing every yen Een the erage speed of seFe through Loon was Ue sae in 1900 and 2000 hile in 1980 evar much fcr) QUESTIONS 1 Briain asin most counees, history and popular eyth are mized ‘up mgsther: How many css can you find in this chapter of stories, shicrat of doubeil historical euch? 2 Acpresnt thet i iacusion in Briain abou ce idea of ‘suching national ay (which Brita has never had). Navona) (Ej usualy commamorte some important eertin saunas iar: Whicheveren Bris ory do your think eos worthy ofeuch commeronstion? 3 Hw woul you deserbe she charging raion between rgon tnd plies in Bish ston? Ae the changes ec ave ake pace Sire those in your coun? 4 Beinn is unusual among European counts in that, Sor more dh | 300 years te Pere has oe been single revolt oro wa ‘Why’ do you think this? SUGGESTIONS ‘Undersanng Brin by John Randle Blackwell, Onfod) is readable history of Britain writer wth che student in rin ‘The Say of Engl was a BBC erie of programmes which ro" avaiable on DVD. Epaodes oo wo four are gly storia in coer sod ey incest. The series as abo made tn abeck. “Thereis song ition oFhszorieal novels in English (ee atsarous times in Brissh histor). The writings o€ George Hoyer, Norah Lots, Jean Paid, Roseraty Suc, and evey and Geof Tree te ‘pod cnamples For he ea sory enthusiast, you cannot doer than rsd Ti er yy Nera Dae (Papormac| les 1.000 pages log and very scala Buri alo very vada A Pass nda by EM Forster ist in Ia atthe eight ofthe 2rksh Empire andi an etaminston of clos rides, (Uhre ‘salt. film ofthe book) Te Rj Quart by Pal Severs sein Toda chistrein he inal ears Bris ale here Qussrons ND sLcKISTIONS a apie ‘sewer garb hee

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