Jab We Met

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Name- Anaswara Radhakrishnan

Roll no- ME2-72

Submitted to- Mr. Rajeev Jhaveri

Jab We Met- Three Act Structure

Act 1

 Point of Entry

Aditya Kashyap is at the lowest point in his life. Mother wants the part of the business and
his girl friend dumped him.

 Exposition

The board room where the conversation between him and his mother is happening, and the
news about his ex girlfriend’s marriage.

 Inciting Incident

The protagonist( Geet ) missing the train, which forces Aditya( Shahid Kapur) to leave
everything behind and accompany her till Bantinda in the meantime he falls in love with
her( which is never featured in any of his plans)

 Plot 1

The scene where Aditya helps Geet run away from home to Manali. Until now the single
point was to reach Geet home safely but in the process his life gets entangled with hers. For,
from now onwards Geet’s family will think Geet has run away with him. So they blame him
when she goes missing for nine months. Because he helped her run away, he is in fact
responsible for her whereabouts – if she has not get back in touch with her family after her
marriage to Anshuman, he feels morally bound to reunite her with her family. And then, he
discovers she never married Anshuman. She ran away from home just so that she could
marry him. Why didn’t she? What had happened to her?

Act 2

 Plot 1

Aditya decides to run away with Geet m to help her reach Manali. And here we notice the
character transformation that is happening. Aditya reprimands Geet for taking everything as a
joke. She retorts back by saying he took everything so seriously, did that help in anyway?
She goes on to say, she would like to do exactly whatever she felt like, and take ownership
for whatever happened to her in her life, that her choices in life would be her’s alone. She
wouldn’t want to blame anyone else for it. This becomes a turning point in Aditya’s life all
this while he had been letting circumstances control his life. From now onwards he will take
charge of his life. Another change is when they have come down from the terrace and are
running way into the darkness. Geet looks back at her house and asks him if he thought what
she was doing was wrong. Aditya replies it might be wrong but after all everything is fair in

Act 3

 In “Jab We Met” this turning point is when Anshuman tells Aditya that he had turned
away Geet. He is callous and so obviously unworthy of Geet’s devotion. The
audience now knows that Geet will ultimately choose Aditya over Anshuman.
 Climax

  Geet realizes she loves Aditya and not Anshuman. She tells Aditya that the biggest
favour he has done her is to get back Anshuman in her life, so that she could recognize
her true love.

 Resolution

 Geet and Aditya get married. Aditya’s mother participates in the marriage.
 Afterlife

Here it is Geet as a mother of two kids. The director wraps it up neatly by having her
grandfather comment on Aditya and Geet as a couple – before they got married.

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