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(and more)

Can you imagine what it would be like if you were to arrive in another country
that was completely foreign to you. You do not know the language or culture so
you can't communicate effectively. You feel confused and lost. Or imagine
attempting to play a game, but have no knowledge of the rules. Take for example
baseball. You get up to the batters plate, they put a bat in your hands and the
pitcher pitches the ball to you. You have no idea what you're supposed to do next.
Do you swing the bat? Do you stand still? Do you run? You feel confused and

This is what life is like without the understanding of the universal laws. This is
what life is like for many people.!

Fortunately for you, you are reading this book. You will now have an in-depth
explanation of the universal laws that effect everything in your life. These laws
are the unwavering and unchanging principles that govern every aspect of the
universe and are the means by which our world and the entire cosmos continues
to exist, thrive and expand. This, of course, also includes you. So, it is very
important to understand them and use them powerfully so that you can live a
happy, successful, prosperous and most important struggle free life.

Harmonizing with the immutable and Unwavering power of the Universal Laws
is Absolutely NECESSARY to manifest lasting success, abundance and happiness
into YOUR life!

Universal Laws, also referred to as Spiritual Laws or Laws of Nature are the
unwavering and unchanging principles that rule our entire universe and are the
means by which ourselves, our world and the entire cosmos continues to exist,
thrive and expand.!
Contrary to majority belief, Universal Laws are not based on theory
or speculation. What at one point was believed to be only theoretical,
mystical or spiritual in nature and understood only by those who
learned to tap into the place from where 'Higher Truth' comes, has
now emerged and become evident in the latest discoveries and is now
being measured on a physical level.

In essence, Universal Laws are the governing force that determine

without fail EVERY aspect of creation, including each of the events,
conditions and circumstances experienced by you, me and everyone
else in the world on both an individual and collective level.
With the understanding of the universal laws you are now on your
way to becoming the powerful creator of the happy, successful life
you are meant to live!
This book will help you to develop the necessary awareness of the
incredible power of these simple truths called the Universal Laws. By
consciously utilizing this power you will be well on your way to
uncovering the answers that seemed to evade you for so long.
Universal Laws and Principles determine your individual capability
to attract whatever it is you desire into our life.
Nothing happens randomly. Everything is governed by perfect laws.
Even though, up to now you may not understand or be familiar with
them, you are always experiencing them.
Let's begin with the basic understanding of these powerful Universal
Laws that effect everything in your life:

The Law of Vibration-states that anything that exists in our universe,

whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in it's purest
and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates
and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.

The Law of Attraction- is the Universal Law which ensures that

whatever energy is broadcast out into the universe is joined by (or
attracted to) energies that are of an equal or harmonious frequency,
resonance or vibration.
The Law of Cause and Effect-states that any action produces or
returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to the act or cause
which initiated it. Also referred to as Sowing and Reaping or Karma.

The Law of Resonance -is the Universal Law which determines the
various vibratory patterns or frequencies which are determined and
projected based on various thoughts, beliefs and emotions and the
resulting projected frequency which activates the Law of Attraction
ensuring that this resonance or projected energy can only harmonize
with energies that vibrate or resonate at a similar harmonious
vibratory frequency which determine and create your physical

The Law of Growth- is the Universal Law which is one of the simplest
to comprehend. It simply exists to ensure that something always
grows, that creation is constant and determined by the kind and
quality of seed which is planted. In the case of Universal truth this
seed is determined by the energy projected. Through it's immutable,
unwavering and predictable operation you can become conscious and
purposeful in what you project or plant which will determine what
you will receive or harvest in each area of your life.

The Law of Abundance- can best be understood by looking at the

continual growth and unlimited resources available within our
Universe. It is continuously producing and multiplying effortlessly
through the power of the above Universal Laws, the abundance of
which is determined only by the kind and quality of the seed or
energy projected.

The Law of Polarity - you ever wonder why in a world of

unfathomable Abundance why it is that we must sometimes go
through events, conditions and circumstances that we perceive as
unpleasant? Becoming aware of and developing a deeper
understanding concerning the Law Of Polarity may provide the
insight that you need.
The Law of Reciprocity- which is intricately connected and
harmonizes perfectly with all Universal Law, initiates and creates an
unwavering and unfailing process which "Reciprocates" meaning to
give and take mutually or to return in kind or degree.
Now you have the basic understanding of the Universal Laws that
are affecting everything in your life. By consciously using them, you
will become the deliberate creator of your life. You will be using the
power that is here for us and begin to live the life you are meant to
live- a life of joy, happiness, grace and ease.
It is my sincere desire to assist you in harmonizing and aligning with
the Universal Laws to bring into your physical world all that you
Knowing is not enough. Correctly implementing this new found
knowledge and learning to harmonize your actions with the
unwavering certainty of the Universal Laws and Principles is what
allows and enables you to experience your magnificent and successful

Now that you have the basic understanding of the Universal Laws, it
is time to become an expert!

The Law of Vibration: which states that anything that exists in our
universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in
its purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which
resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.!

Science and Spirituality agree; the essence of all things is vibration.

Science reveals that everything in the manifest universe is ultimately
composed of packets of energy; quantized units vibrating at specific

This is why it is so essential to be a close observer of yourself. As you

think, feel and act, so you create the primary vibration of your life.
This fundamental vibration then creates resonance with identical
vibrational frequencies in the universe. The result is an attraction of
circumstances, people, challenges and opportunities in exact
vibrational resonance with your own dominant vibrational

One way of imagining this, is to think about what happens when you
throw a pebble into water. The pebble creates vibrations that appear
as ripples which travel outward in the water. Thoughts also create
vibrations that travel outward into the universe that attract similar
vibrations that physically manifest as the circumstances, people,
situations and events in your life.

Another example is, when you tune your radio dial to a station you
want to listen to, you expect to hear that station. You can't tune your
dial to 88.9 am and hear 98.6 fm. They aren't the same frequency.
The same is true about you.

For instance, you can't tune yourself to 'lack' and experience

abundance. The frequencies don't match. Let's use the example of
money. If you are focused on the lack of money, you can't attract
more money. The frequencies simply don't match. The same is true
about everything you desire. If the feeling you have is 'I don't have a
loving relationship', you will have a difficult time attracting the
loving relationship. The way to go about successfully attracting
anything we desire is to feel the feeling of already having it. This is
where practice comes in. It is necessary to practice daily imagining
and feeling your ideal life even before it has manifested.

Most have been going about it the hard way. Most people say, "when
I have the money or the relationship or (fill in the blank) -then I will
be happy." The practice is to feel the feeling of 'happy before it
happens. Now you are projecting out the matching frequency of what
is wanted.

The Law of Vibration exists and is always present and it is due to its
unwavering power that you are creating the conditions you call your
life, whether you believe it or choose to deny its irrefutable existence.

Because of the understanding known as Quantum Physics, we now

know that the smallest particles known to man are vibrations.
Thoughts are vibrations. Words are vibrations. Sounds are
vibrations. Light is a vibration. Our planet is a vibration. Our entire
universe and everything within it (seen and unseen) is a vibrating
mass of atoms and subatomic particles.

It is important to become consciously aware of this truth. We can

then learn to control what vibrations we are creating and emanating
within ourselves and projecting into the field of energy in which we
live. By becoming more aware of our thoughts and emotions, it is
possible to align and harmonize those vibrations with and to
consistently attract, the things we desire to experience in our lives.

Thought and feelings are where its at! As your conscious mind dwells
habitually on thoughts of a certain tone, these become firmly
imbedded within the subconscious mind. They become the dominant
vibration (feeling). This dominant vibration sets up a resonance with
other similar vibrations and draws them into your life.!

Therefore, to draw what you desire into your life, you should begin
with the mind, and make it your dominant focus. Most people do
things the other way around, and come up with practical ways to
generate their desires, and then take an action. However, when these
methods are not in tune with your dominant vibration, then you will
have great difficulty attracting your desires. You will also feel very
uncomfortable if you aren't ready. You have trained your mind in a
certain way, you have set the thermostat at a certain level, and now
you are trying to exceed the limits you have set upon yourself by
sheer force of will.

Let's use the example of money again. The reason most stay at a
certain level of income is because they have a set point of that
amount. That amount is what they believe they can make. It is a
belief that causes certain thoughts and feelings. So, the action that is
taken is a match to those thoughts and feelings. Have you ever known
anyone, or perhaps it's you, that goes from one job to another that is
a match to previous employment with the same type of job and same
income?! Until you practice new thoughts and feelings, nothing can
change because there is no new frequency to match.

The challenge is that, by focusing continually on what you have

become as a result of past conditioning, you guarantee that you draw
this same dominant vibration into the future. This is also why your
desired future can seem so far away from you. It is vibrating at a
very different frequency, so in a real sense, it is very far away.

The trap most people fall into is that they condition their future with
expectations from their past. It's like driving with your eyes fixed on
the rear view mirror the whole time. You cannot see where you are
going because you are too busy looking back at the past. Is it any
wonder that, for most people, the future DOES closely resemble the

Instead, you have to first change the dominant vibration within.

Once your dominant vibration is in harmony with what you seek, it
must literally be "attracted" to you. And it doesn't mean you have to
struggle! It will seem easy in comparison to what came before. In a
very real sense, you have to become what you seek on the inside
before you can ever have it in physical reality.
This quote truly sums it up: "when you change the way you look at
things, the things you look at change." The reason for this is all due
to the universal laws.!
There are several ways to gradually change your dominant vibration
and begin to resonantly attract what you seek. First, it is very
important to have a clear vision of your life as you want it to be;
completely independent of the circumstances of your present or past.
Lack of absolute clarity about a desired future could well be the
number one reason why people fail in life.!

A good way to gain clarity is to write down your desire and include
fine detail. What would it look like? How would you feel if you
achieved it? What difference would it make to your life? Where will
you be? Who will be there? What will you be saying? Be as specific as
you can. When you take the time to put pen to paper, you take an
idea from the non-physical to the physical. This is a very necessary
step to take to create change. Every successful person has taken this
step. The very people who we admire and look at as powerful
creators such as Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Henry Ford,
Martin Luther King, JFK, athletes, actors, musicians...(too many to
name) -they wrote it down and set the tone for what they wanted
their lives to look and feel like.!

Taking the time to quiet your mind and soothe your energy is another
very important way to harmonize with The Law of Vibration. When
we set aside 15-20 minutes one or two times a day to be quiet and
focus on something neutral such the breath, a sound or a candle;
your frequency is in a place of allowing. Asking for the answer at this
time is a very powerful way of being at the frequency of receiving.
You can also use this time to quiet the mind with the intention to 'feel
the feeling' of living your ideal life. Feel the ease and grace of being
who you truly are.!

You create this imagined 'reality' in your mind to the point where
your subconscious actually believes it to be physical reality and goes
about making it so. It will attract the circumstances, the people, and
the opportunities you need to bring about the vision you have

So, now you know that what you think, feel and manifest are always
a vibrational match. The Law of Vibration makes it so! Set the tone
today for your ideal life!

By learning to consciously and intentionally direct and focus

thoughts on that which you have a desire to see manifest, and feel the
feeling of already having it, you will have mastered the creative
power of The Law of Vibration and the ability to attract the life of
Abundance, Happiness and Success that is, always has been and
always will be available to and for you to enjoy!

The Law of Attraction: You may already be familiar with The Law of
Attraction. Since the release of the book and movie 'The Secret' by
Rhonda Byrne and the New York times best seller, 'The Law of
Attraction: the basics of the teaching of Abraham' by Esther and
Jerry Hicks, along with the! myriad of other writings about The Law
of Attraction by many many wonderful teachers; hearing about it has
become common place.

As with all of the other Universal Laws, The Law of Attraction will
continue to operate methodically, flawlessly, and with 100%
unwavering certainty regardless of your awareness of it or ignorance
to it. It will continue to operate exactly as it was created, regardless
of your belief or disbelief in it.
The Law of Attraction delivers to all, in exactly the same way, and
with the same unwavering and predictable certainty, regardless of
your age, gender, religious belief, nationality, etc. It does not
differentiate, discriminate or judge in any way, shape or form. You
cannot hide from it or escape it's effects.

So, what is the The Law of Attraction really and what does it have to
do with your life?

Simply put, The Law of Attraction is considered the most powerful

law in the universe. It is the law that manages vibration. It states:
-'that which is like unto itself is drawn'. You may have also heard
expressions such as 'like attracts like' or 'where your attention goes,
your energy flows'. Or perhaps you have heard words and
descriptions such as; synchronicity, fate, karma, coincidence, luck,
chance, and serendipity, among others.

As The Law of Vibration above explains: 'anything that exists in our

universe, whether seen or unseen; broken down into and analyzed in
its purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which
resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or 'pattern'. So, now
you know that everything is energy.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever is broadcast out into the
universe is joined by (or attracted to) energies that are of an equal
frequency, resonance or vibration.
All energy has a vibration; radiates a signal, and attracts a matching
signal back. Thoughts and feelings are also energy. When we send
out our thoughts, our thoughts have a certain vibration, which then
radiates a signal, and a matching signal is then sent back to the
source of that signal. This happens at the speed of thought; the
fastest energy that exists. Did you know that you have over 60,000
thoughts in a day? Most of them are the same thoughts you were
thinking the day before. So, is it no wonder that we keep living the
same experiences day in and day out?! The good news is, if you don't
like the way your life looks and feels, you can change it by changing
your thoughts and feelings. (more about how to deliberately direct
your thoughts as we go on.)

The Law of Attraction says, you can't feel poor and become rich. Law
of Attraction says, you can't feel fat and become slender. Law of
Attraction says, you can't feel powerless and become powerful. But, if
we think thoughts of abundance, that particular vibration is sent out
into the universe. The abundance signal is sent out and we receive
back matching energy in the form of abundance. The same is true if
we are thinking thoughts of lack or limitation. The Law of Attraction
delivers both what is wanted and what is unwanted depending on the
signal we send out to the Universe. This Universal Law demonstrates
how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives.
Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in
turn, attract 'like' energies. Is this starting to make sense? Is this also
beginning to make you want become a match to what you want?

Also known as Cause and Effect or Sowing and Reaping, The Law of
Attraction is, like all Universal Laws, extremely important to
understand and put into effect if you are to learn to decisively and
consciously attract the things into your life that you most desire. It is
equally as important to learn how not to attract those things that you
do not desire. Most of us don't realize that the very reason we are
attracting more of what we don't want is because we are focused on,
and giving our attention to what we don't want. The evidence of your
dominant attention is the life you are living.!

Everything, and I mean everything that you are experiencing in your

life is coming from the inside out. This is a very good thing to
understand. When you understand this, you will no longer be feeling
like a victim in life. Once you understand that you are the creator of
your reality by the means of your mind, you become the powerful
creator you are meant to be. You are the master of your mind. You
can change a thought. Do you realize the power in that? That means
that there isn't anything, and I mean anything, that you can't change.

We create our 'reality' each day with the thoughts we are thinking
and the feelings that we feel as a result of the thoughts. More
accurately, you get the 'essence' of what you think about whether you
want it or not. Essence is a very important word. Essence means the
feeling that projects out from you from what you are thinking. You
can't fool the The Law of Attraction. Remember, it is responding to
how you truly feel.

For instance, let's use money as an example. You may think that you
have been entertaining thoughts about having a lot of money. You
believe that you have been thinking about wanting more money. Who
isn't thinking about wanting and having more money, right? Well, if
you don't have the 'more money' that you have been thinking about;
the 'essence' of that thinking that you would swear is about 'more
money', is actually the 'essence' or feeling of the 'lack of money'. The
experience of not having enough money created the feeling of
wanting 'more money', but your attention is on the 'lack of money' so
you keep getting the 'lack of money'. The dominant vibration The
Law of Attraction is responding to is 'lack of money'. Do you get it?
You are asking with your vibration more than with your words. And
the proof is what you are living. On the other hand, if your
experience right now is an 'abundance of money', then you have been
feeling the 'essence' of an 'abundance of money.' The Law of
Attraction makes it so.!

Now, there is another very important part to the understanding of

The Law of Attraction and it's response to the essence (feeling) of
what we are thinking and feeling. At the same time The Law of
Attraction is responding to the 'physical' you, it is also responding to
the 'non-physical' you. The non-physical, or spiritual you; some call
it soul or God, is the part of us that most believe created us; and that
we are never separated from. It is always experiencing !your life as
you want it to be. It does not experience what is going wrong, it
experiences what is going right. It will not join you in your negative
feelings because it is pure positive energy.

For instance, going back to the money example; at the same time you
experience the 'lack of money', you also have the desire for 'more
money'. This experience is called 'contrast'. (more about the benefit
of contrast as we go on). But, in that moment, the non-physical part
immediately has the experience of the 'abundance of money'. As a
result of the new desire for more money you have created a new
version of 'you' with more money in your imagination. This is also
known as your 'vibrational reality.' That negative feeling of not
having money within, is actually a message or guidance from our
non-physical self, communicating with our physical self. It is letting
us know that we are focused on what we don't want; in this case 'lack
of money', while 'it' is focused on and has become the new you with
an abundance of money.!It wants us to wake up and pay attention.
It's our biggest fan; our cheerleader. It is always going to let us know
that we are veering off track and heading away from our desires. It
does this through the use of a feeling or emotion that feels some way
'negative', so that we will do what it takes to get back on track.
!Think about this. This is truly wonderful! It's the same as having an
internal GPS system like the one in your car that lets you know that
you are; heading toward or away from where you want to be. You
will always know that you are heading in the right direction because
you will be feeling good.

OK, so now you have noticed that you have a negative feeling about
something that you want to feel better about.! Now what should you
do? How do you become the attractor of what you want? The first
thing to do, is to choose a better feeling thought about this object of
your attention. If that is not possible, then take your attention off it
and put your attention on something else that feels better.!The Law of
Attraction will match your better feelings with more of the same.

This is where I am going to emphasize the importance of being

accountable and becoming acutely aware of how you feel. It is very
important to understand that although it is your thoughts that create
your feelings, it is your feelings that you want to notice. Remember
the number of thoughts you have in a day I mentioned before? It is
near to impossible to monitor your thoughts, but you can notice how
you feel as result of your thoughts. You definitely have some negative
aspects of your life that have your attention often. There are just
some things that you are aware of that do not feel good when you
think about them. You now have a pattern of negative thought that
you have been practicing. Once you notice the negative feeling, now
you can exercise your power to choose a better feeling thought.

This is where 'The Practice' comes in. Let's go back to money again.
Let's say that you are having one of those moments when you are
feeling negative because you notice you don't have enough money to
pay the bills. You are worried and scared with some frustration
thrown in too. It's a very common experience because you notice not
having enough money just about every day. You have been practicing
thoughts about 'lack of money' so much that it has become the
dominant experience in your life. The next step is to take your
attention off of 'what is' (lack of money) and put it on what you want
(more money). Practice the 'essence' of money. Feel the feeling of
having more money. Use the power of your imagination to conjure up
images, and thoughts that fill you up with the feeling that having
more money would bring. Would you be feeling relief, excitement,
happiness? Then, feel it now so you can be the vibration that the law
of attraction responds to. Imagine what you would be doing. Where
you would be living, what you would be driving, what you would be
wearing. What vacations would you be taking? What beautiful things
would you own? What charities would you be contributing to? How
would you be speaking? What would your conversations be about?
This is what I meant before about the 'new you' in your 'vibrational
reality'. And for you to join that 'new you'; you have to match that
new vibration. And I can assure you it takes PRACTICE! It takes
true dedication to yourself to replace the 'old you' with the 'new you'.

No longer will you be discussing all your troubles with your family
and friends. You won't be telling the sad story of your lack of money.
You won't be relating to others who tell their sad tales of woe. You
won't be complaining and commiserating. You WILL be telling the
new story of your abundant life.
You may ask, "how can I tell a story of abundance when I'm not"?
The fact is you are abundant-no matter what your current situation
is. You are surrounded by abundance. All you have to do is give
something else that feels abundant your attention and you will
incrementally attract more and more abundance in all forms.!

You are always surrounded by an abundance of something special in

your life; perhaps it's love, laughter or the beauty of nature that you
can place your focus on. We have been given our senses in order to
experience a variety of pleasure in our lives. We can listen to music
we enjoy, watch a movie that makes us laugh; read something that
uplifts us; eat something delicious; or get a massage; you get the
picture. There are infinite choices. Don't discount this attention, it is
very powerful and will change your point of attraction. The more you
practice, the more abundant you will feel. It is also especially
powerful to practice appreciation. Appreciation is considered the
most positive and powerfully attractive feeling we can have. There is
so much to appreciate, that you could spend your entire life
cultivating it.!

I want to take a moment to explain something very important here.

Practicing these new feelings is not so that you will get the more
money or things in your life. It is so that you will feel good. Feeling
good is at the core of you. It is your nature. The reason you want
anything is because you believe that you will feel good having it. So
when you think about this, you will actually be getting!what you
want (feeling good) right away; even before those things show up.
The 'things' are just the natural result of feeling good.!

Another important point: I used the word 'contrast' before to

describe something unwanted. I want you to realize that without the
'contrast' in life, you would not birth your new desires for more of
what you want. Think about this. Contrasting experiences help us to
know what we don't want so that we can know what we do want. It is
how we evolve and how life continues to get better. All the wonderful
inventions and discoveries came as a result of the contrast. And, in
your own personal experience, the contrast has served you
tremendously. Every so called 'negative' thing (aka 'contrast') in
your life caused you to desire something better and once you gave
that new desire your dominant attention, you attracted it into your
life; didn't you? You can probably bring to mind many past
experiences that seemed quite negative at the time they were
happening, but without that contrast you would not have the better
life you have now. So, the point is, we want to begin to appreciate the
contrast, because without it you simply would not desire more

The Universal Law of Attraction, and all the universal laws are here
for you to understand and use so that you can live the life you are
meant to live. A life that includes love, abundance, joy, freedom and
all good feelings.

Now you know that you are being responded to and that it has all to
do with being a vibrational match to what you want more of. Now
you know that you can deliberately direct your thoughts and that you
can feel better even before the things show up. And they will, as you
become a match to them. Remember; what you think, feel and
manifest are always a vibrational match.

All day, everyday you are given opportunities to create your new
reality; your 'new you'; living the life of your dreams. It's up to you!
Isn't that wonderful!

So , !now let's continue with the next powerful law, The Law of Cause
and Effect.! !The Law of Cause and Effect states that 'any action
produces or returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to the act
or cause which initiated it'.! It is also referred to as 'sowing and
reaping' or Karma.!Cause and Effect! is also considered to be the
scientific term for The Law of Attraction.
Remember, all universal laws including The Law of Cause and Effect,
are unchanging, unwavering, deliberate, and precise in their
application and delivery. They know no prejudice and deliver in
exact proportion the same to all, regardless of belief, age, gender,
origin, or religion.
To help you to understand this easily, I'll use the analogy of a seed.!
When you plant a seed in the soil, you expect that the result will be a
plant, the same as that seed.! That seed is the cause, and the effect is
the plant. This process is The Law of Cause and Effect in action.
Since the process described above is certain, exact, precise,
methodical, and predictable, and will not change or vary; then The
Law of Cause and Effect doesn't change , whether it is the carrot seed
or a corn seed. The seed that is planted can only produce, and must
produce, the type of plant that the seed was designed to grow, and
must grow into that, assuming that it had not been deprived of the
essential nurturing process, in the case of plants, the sun and water.
Just as with the example above, The Law of Cause and Effect acts in a
precise and specific manner in your day to day life, and all things,
both seen (physical) and unseen (spiritual) are subject to it's
Our thoughts are the 'seeds' we plant everyday in our lives. Since
thought has no apparent measurable physical structure, it is
considered to be spiritual. You can't see it, smell it, touch it, taste it,
!but we know it exists. !It exists only as a vibration. The thought, just
like the carrot seed, can only produce an outcome that is in direct
relation to the seed !(thought) that is planted. !If your thought seed
consists of fear, worry or doubt, we now know that through the
predictable and unwavering Law of Cause and Effect, those thoughts
can only grow into experiences that cause fearful, anxious, and
doubtful results.
If you recall previously about The Law of Attraction, I mentioned that
we have over 60,000 thoughts in a day. Imagine the size of that
garden! That 'garden ' is your life. And as I explained, it is basically
impossible to control all those thoughts. What we want to do is notice
the feelings that come from our thoughts.! You have certain areas of
your life, that you have been thinking thoughts about, that don't feel
good to you. Who doesn't? Maybe it has to do with money,
relationships, your body or your career etc.! The more we practice
those negative feeling thoughts, the more they become a
habit.!Remember, a belief is a thought you keep thinking, so it is very
important to become aware of the relationship between your
thoughts and your beliefs. What you are living right now is what you
believe. The good news is, you can change your beliefs by practicing
new thoughts.! Isn't that good to know!!
I have been using the example of money, but this time I am going to
use the example of relationships.! Let's say that you would like to
attract a loving relationship with someone special into your life.
That's a very common desire, isn't it? !There are many people
wanting a relationship. !We are surrounded by all kinds of ways to do
this. !And let's say that every time you think about wanting someone
in your life, you feel bad.! It feels like something is missing. When
you see other couples together , you get that empty feeling or perhaps
it feels like jealousy.! When you get into discussions with your friends
about wanting a relationship, it consists mostly of descriptions of
feeling lonely and how hard it is to meet someone etc.! Remembering
that every thought and feeling has a vibrational frequency, does this
sound like you are a match to attracting what you want? Obviously,
it doesn't. You are planting the seeds of the opposite of what you
want and The Law of Cause and Effect is responding. You want a
loving relationship, but what you are actually focused on is 'lack of
loving relationship'. You are, in those moments, literally keeping
yourself apart from what you want. !Remember, the proof of this is
what we are living.
You need to practice your new desire, or 'nurture' it, as in the seed
analogy.! Project out the feelings of already having a loving
relationship with all the details for The Law of Cause and Effect to
respond to. !Imagine what you would be doing, saying and sharing.
!Imagine your new conversations with friends that include the
description of this new loving relationship. Plant the seeds.!
Consciously direct your thoughts and feel the warm, loving and
excited feelings of already living it.
Here is a quote from *Abraham Hicks that explains this:
'The Universe does not know or care whether the vibration that
you're offering is in response to something you are living right now,
and observing, or in response to something you are imagining. In
either case, the Universe accepts it as your point of attraction and
matches it.'
Being accountable to yourself and your desire is a key element to
living a successful life and to your own self empowerment. When you
know that you create your reality, you realize that it is up to you to
'practice' your 'new you'. It takes true dedication to practicing daily
how you want to live your life.
Deeply understanding the universal laws will provide you with the
ability to begin to intentionally attract and experience more of what
you want in your life.

The most important aspect of this book I want to provide you with is
the ability to begin to consciously, intentionally!and consistently
attract and experience more of what you desire in your life. You are a
powerful creator! You can, be, do, and have anything you want in
your life!

Before I begin with the next universal law, I want to remind you that:

1) All things whether seen or unseen, when broken down

and analyzed in their purest and most basic form,
consist of energy and vibrations.
2) Our world and everything in it, first began as a!
3) The thoughts we think (seeds) are vibrational!
frequencies which are broadcast into the!
Universe which then attract to them vibrations of the!
same vibrational resonance or frequency which!
manifests as our physical world and our reality.
As was stated in the basic 'Understanding Universal Laws 101' in the
The Law of Resonance is the universal Law which determines the
various vibratory patterns or frequencies. These are determined and
projected based on various thoughts, beliefs and emotions. The
resulting projected frequency, which activates the Law of Attraction,
ensures that this projected energy can only harmonize with energies
that vibrate at a similar harmonious vibratory frequency. This then
determines and creates your physical results.
It is closely connected and works together with The Law of Attraction,
which as you know determines exactly what you will attract into your
life based on the resonance or frequency of the energy ( thoughts and
feelings) that your are projecting.
What The Law of Resonance really offers, is the answers as to how
The Law of Attraction works and creates the events, conditions and
circumstances in your life. Once this conscious awareness of The
Law of Resonance is attained, it will enable you to clearly understand
the importance and necessity of consciously directing your thoughts,
emotions and beliefs. This in turn will help you to begin attracting
and experiencing your!desires and goals.

So, what determines this resonance that you emit from your physical
body? Your FEELINGS and EMOTIONS. The feelings and emotions
that you experience, are projected outward which activates and
enables The Law of Attraction to do its job. It does this with
unwavering certainty and creates what you experience in your life.
The result is that you begin attracting to you precisely what you are
asking for based on the resonance or frequency of energy that you
are projecting.
The job of The Law of Attraction is to attract to you and bring into
your physical existence precisely what you are asking for. This means
that you are asking for both wanted and unwanted as a result of that
projected frequency or resonance. This is why it is so important to
project out only what you want.
Did you get that? It's very powerful! This is fine tuning the
understanding of the relationship between The Law of Attraction and
this particular law- The Law of Resonance. Are you beginning to
realize that you are also in a relationship with The Universal Laws
and that you are here to direct them?
The Law of Resonance is quite literally the law that determines how
ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is brought into (manifested in)
your physical world.
To help you to understand this as it pertains to you personally,
resonance is the outgoing frequency that you project based on the
quality of your "consciousness" which determines what you will
attract. It is much like the outgoing frequency from a radio
determines which radio station is picked up and heard through the
speakers of that radio. It is the matching frequency tuned by the
radio which harmonizes and resonates with the frequency emitted
from a radio tower which !enables the sound to be heard.
So what do radio frequencies have to do with emotions and
Your quality of your consciousness; your thoughts and feelings;
determines the quality or vibrational intensity of the energy
projected which then creates what is attracted to you.
Emotions of fear, apathy, grief, anger, and anxiety emit a much
different resonance or vibrational output than those emotions of love,
joy, freedom and ease etc. Just as tuning to 98.6 FM t is different
from the frequency of 101.7 FM on your radio dial.
Let's use the example of health. Everyone wants to experience
optimal health and wellness. So, !what would prevent us from having
a thriving healthy body? !Let's use the understanding The Law of
Resonance in relation to this. First remember that your body and its
health are a direct reflection of what you are projecting out as your
dominant thoughts, feelings and emotions. !Notice how you feel when
you think about your body. Notice how you feel when you think
about health. Is it a flow of thoughts, feelings and emotions that feel
light and easy? Do you wake up feeling energy flowing through you?
Do you move with ease? When you get into a conversation about
health, are the words you use descriptions of wellbeing? When you
hear about the rising cost of health care do find yourself not reacting
much because you feel healthy now, and know that you can for all of
your life? Or do you feel burdened with worry and fear about your
body and health? !Do you mostly notice aches and pains? Do you
listen to the complaints of others and join in with a description of
what is going wrong in your body? Do you have an expectation that
because other members of your family had such and such; it is going
to happen to you? And do listen to the fear based news about health
care and feel fearful and concerned? Well, knowing about The Law of
Resonance it's easy to see which descriptions set the tone for health
and which set the tone for illness. !
In other words, in this example of health you can't expect to send out
a frequency of !fear of illness and attract thriving health. The two
frequencies vary in vibrational intensity. A vibrational output of
something feared can only resonate and draw to you a harmonious
frequency which produces in your life more of what is feared. It is
The Law of Resonance that determines the varying frequencies
between the two predominant states of being. Another way to
describe this would be!a tuning fork. It can only resonate when there
is a matching frequency passing through it.
It is very important to understand !that resonance starts only when
the frequency of the two systems (the receiving and the emitting) are
very close or identical in frequency, and harmonize. This then
determines what The Law of Attraction will draw to you. Remember,
like attract like.
What can you do to change the frequency of something unwanted to
something wanted; whether it's health or anything you desire? !The
first step in the process is to become conscious of your thoughts and
how you feel as a result of them. Your emotions and feelings are your
guidance system. When you notice that you are feeling negative, stop
and change your thought. Shift your attention off !what is causing
you to feel badly and consciously and deliberately choose to focus on
what feels better. Remember, you are always 'at choice' and can
always choose to focus on something else. There are areas of your live
that you have been practicing thoughts and feelings about that now
have beliefs associated with them. The good news is, you can change
that. Now you know that there is a Law of Resonance. You can
intentionally practice new positive thoughts about what you want so
that you resonate with it. You will then attract what you want the
help of The Law of Attraction.
There are many techniques and processes that will help you to gain
the strength and power to direct your thoughts and feelings. It's like
strengthening a muscle that is weak. Each time you exercise that
muscle, you feel stronger. The same is true of the mind and the
thoughts we think all day. Consciously practice new more positive
thoughts every day, then they and you will become stronger and
more powerful. The result will be the living of the life you are here to
live; A life of joy, health and abundance!

Let us continue with The Law of Growth.

The Law of Growth is the Universal Law which is one of the simplest
to understand. It simply exists to ensure that something always
grows. Creation is constant and determined by the kind and quality
of the seed !planted. The seed is determined by the energy projected.
Through its immutable, unwavering and predictable operation you
can become conscious and deliberate in what you project out or
plant, which will determine what you receive or harvest in each area
of your life. It isn't The Law of Growth in and of itself that determines
the experiences in your life, but rather it is the unwavering law that
responds, and says that something must grow based on what is
planted.! Once the seed is planted, The Law of Growth in its perfect
timing,! guarantees with 100% absolute certainty;! when
combined with the unfailing certainty of all the universal Laws, that
new life is assured. Simply put, The Law of Growth states that for
every seed planted, a 'harvest' will be received. From a more
scientific perspective, for every cause there must be an equal effect.
This refers to The Law of Cause and Effect. Are you noticing the
interconnection between all the universal laws? The laws of the
universe all work together.! The Law of Growth is intricately
connected and works in harmony with The Law of Vibration , The
Law of Attraction and The Law of Abundance. This harmony is
perfect and ensures the balance of the universe.!
Now let's look at The Law of Growth as it pertains to your life and
how the events, conditions and circumstances that you experience in
your life come into being. Understanding this law will enable you to
see that it is necessary for you to become and remain "consciously
aware" of the seeds (thoughts) that you are planting which determine
your 'harvest'(life).
Just as in nature, a seed must first be sown to determine what the
harvest will be. Based on the type and quality of the seed planted, the
harvest will produce a harvest in kind. EVERYTHING produces in
kind 100% of the time. As mentioned above, The Law of Growth
doesn't judge or make determinations as to what is grown but it will
always create according to the seed planted.
It insures that something grows with unwavering perfection. What
grows is based on the seeds that are provided to grow. In this same
way, the thought 'seeds' you choose insure that a harvest is produced
without failure based on the kind and quality, or the 'essence' of the
If you are a gardener, you completely understand The Law of
Growth. And as with the experience of planting a seed in your
garden, you know that once sown, you detach from the outcome
because you have the 'knowing' or faith that through the process of
creation, you will harvest exactly what you planted; a carrot seed will
produce a carrot. Focusing on outcomes we don't want is in essence
planting 'seeds' that will produce the opposite of the desire.
Attempting to produce something in your life when you are focused
on the lack of it can only produce an outcome or experience of that
For instance, let's again use the example of health. Perhaps you are
someone who is experiencing illness or have a disease. Notice the
word dis-ease, which is the lack of ease. You have symptoms such as
pain that cause you to become concerned. Of course you are. One
day you are feeling fine, and the next you are in pain. You begin to
think negative feeling thoughts about this persistent pain. Maybe
they are fearful thoughts !such as: 'I am in so much pain and that
pain reliever didn't really work and it's getting worse, I guess I'll
have to go the doctor.' 'Oh great! Just what I need. I have no health
insurance and I'll have to miss a day of work.' Not only am I in pain,
now I'm losing money.' 'I wonder what this is?' I remember when my
Aunt Dolly had this same kind of pain and she ended up in hospital
and they couldn't figure it out.' This is pretty bad pain, so it has to be
something really bad." 'OMG I hope its not Cancer!" Please don't let
it be Cancer!! Now you are so worried, you get on the phone and call
your family and friends and talk about your pain. And now they are
joining you in this scenario. As you can see, once you start with a
negative feeling thought and don't replace it quickly with a thought
that feels better, The Law of Growth assures that the fearful thought
seeds that you planted will grow. And as you recall from the report
about The Law of Attraction, those thoughts are responded to with
more and more of the same. Your part to play in your life is to attune
yourself to your inner guidance that is making sure that those fearful
thoughts have a negative feeling, so that you will notice and change
them immediately and plant the 'seeds' of positive feeling thoughts.
When you notice the pain you can say things like this instead, ' I
know that my body is intelligent and knows just what to do', 'I'm
healthy and strong and this pain is just a sign for me to rest and
relax;' 'this is temporary and I always recover quickly'. You always
have the power to plant a better feeling thought knowing it will
produce more like it and you will feel better. The Law of Growth
assures it.
Nurture those seeds with emotions that act as the 'fertilizer' and you
will come to know what it means to become a conscious and
deliberate creator of the events, conditions and circumstances which
make up your life experience. The life of Joy, Abundance, Love,
Peace and the Freedom to be, do and have everything you desire.

Now on to The Law of Abundance. Understanding this law will help

you to know why you have an abundance of both wanted and
unwanted in you life and how you can attract more of the former and
less of the latter.!

The Law of Abundance is clearly evident everywhere. We are

surrounded by an amazing amount of abundance.! Abundance exists
and is thriving not only in the physical world that we can easily
observe with our 5 senses but beyond the physical, in the
!metaphysical or spiritual world as well.

The entire universe was created in that it produces an abundance of

all things far in excess of what could ever possibly be utilized by our
world.! This creation occurred without any human help or
intervention whatsoever. The powerful Law of Abundance is the
universal principle that keeps the universe thriving above and
beyond comprehension of the average human mind.

The universe is continually growing, expanding and thriving in an

endless cycle of plenty. Lack and limitation are not perceived by this
wondrous planet that we call earth.

The simplest way to become aware of the Law of Abundance is in

Nature. We are surrounded by innumerable examples of abundance.!
We are surely aware of the vast numbers of stars, the blades of grass,
the leaves on the trees, and the grains of sand. Species of plant life,
animals, and fish are being created and discovered every day. Just
being aware of the abundance of oxygen available at all times should
be enough to indicate that we are living in abundance.

Consider the human body and the trillions of cells that are contained
within us.! It is awesome to think of the amazing amount of energy
and life force within this magnificent !body that keeps it functioning
each and every day. Did you know that the human heart beats about
3 billion times in the average person's lifetime?

And think about the over 6 billion people on our planet that
continues to grow in number. Do you remember the over 60,000
thoughts that each one of us has in a single day? Well multiply that
by the number of minds thinking them and the abundance of
thoughts that happen in one day on our planet is staggering.

The Law Of Abundance stretches far beyond our limited physical

comprehension and abounds everywhere that we can see and beyond,
not only on planet earth in the places that we are able to personally
see and experience, but millions and trillions of light years into the
cosmos as well.

As advanced as technology has become, discovering planets millions

of miles into space, what scientists have discovered thus far, has
barely scratched the surface as to what what lies outside of our
limited technological boundaries.

Although many perceive themselves as separated from the

abundance that flourishes, the reality is that The Law of Abundance is
ALWAYS producing an abundance of something.

Now, let's take a look at how the Law of Abundance is continually

operating in your own personal life.

Look at every area of your life. Do you have the kind of abundance
that you desire? If there is any perceived lack, it is not because The
Law of Abundance has somehow failed you. The Law of Abundance is
continually producing with unwavering certainty an abundance of
what you are choosing just as you intended.

Let's talk about the Law of Abundance and your thoughts.

Remember, all of the universal laws are responding to how you feel
as a result of what you think. You get what you think about whether
you want it or not.! As within so without.!!

The quality of your thoughts, which act as the seeds, determines the
kind and quality of the abundance you will receive without fail as a
result of The Law of Abundance. This is how The Law of Abundance
was created to operate. It always does and always will produce
abundance regardless of how you might perceive it.

Are you experiencing an abundance of struggle, debt or relationship

problems ? Or are you experiencing an abundance of ease, money,
and happy relationships?
The Law of Abundance is consistently acting and producing in the
exact manner that it was designed to by providing you with an
abundance of whatever it is that you are asking it to give you with the
quality of the 'seed thoughts' that you choose to plant.

Provide The Law of Abundance with the types of seed thoughts that
you want it to respond in kind. Begin with noticing the abundance
you already have in your life. Notice what is going right. Imagine
your life as you want it to be. Think and feel in the direction of more
of the wonderful life experiences that you want and less of what you
don't want.

A very effective practice is to keep a notebook with you and write

down when you notice abundance in both their own personal lives or
around you in the environment. Remember, your point of attention is
your point of attraction. The more we notice abundance in our lives
and combine that feeling with appreciation, the more powerful we
are to create more of what we want and less of what we don't.

When you choose to examine and deeply explore The Law of

Abundance, you will not only discover powerful and life changing
insights, you will also begin to 'consciously' use them. You will then
find yourself personally experiencing the unlimited abundance that is
and always has been available to you.

The next law is The Law of Polarity. This law explains why the world
contains a field of possibility ranging from unlimited abundance to
extreme poverty and from the supreme good to the intolerable evil
and any number of points in between.

The Law of Polarity explains that all things have their polar opposites.
We know this. There are 2 sides to everything. Happy and sad; Male
and female; Up and down;Hot and Cold;! Light and dark; In and
out ,etc. The truth is that we couldn't have one without the
other.!Conscious awareness of The Law of Polarity is important to our
happiness and well being.
The Law of Polarity exists as a means to enable you to learn and
discover that within every perceived problem lies its solution, within
every perceived failure also lies success. Since they are the same thing
that lie just on the other side of the spectrum, we only need to turn
our thoughts to the side of the spectrum we want to experience.

Allowing is the opposite of resisting and will bring more of what you
desire. If we can accept failure for what it is and move forward, we
will have the ability to allow success. If, however, we resist failure
then we are putting our focus on the failure which in turn attracts
more of the same. The key is to focus on the success you desire in all
areas of your life.

As we have learned from the other laws, all things are relative.
Everything we experience is directly related to how we perceive it.
There are always two vantage points within you that are playing off
and in comparison to one another. You also have within you an
emotional guidance system that is letting you know at all times which
one you are paying attention to. If you feel negative you are focusing
on the what you don't want; if you feel positive you are focusing on
what you do. Do not resist what you desire. Accept it and direct
your thoughts toward what you want.

The Law of Polarity exists without judgment and makes no

determinations as what you will experience but rather exists that you
might know what it means to fully experience life. Whatever life
experience you may have in your reality right now, you possess the
potential as well as the ability to experience harmony and fulfillment
in each and every area of your life.

Knowing this, doesn't it cause you to feel hopeful to know, for

instance, that in the moment you are feeling sad, happy exists at the
same time? Or that on the other side of lack of money is abundance
and all the money you want? If you are sick there is a version of you
that is healthy; And, that if you are experiencing not having the
relationship of your dreams, because of The Law of Polarity, that ideal
relationship exists at the other end of the spectrum!

Understanding The Law of Polarity and all the Universal Laws makes
you a powerful creator. You now have the ability to notice what you
don't want, realize that what you want exists and by deliberately
directing your attention on your desires you will attract them. It's the

To work in cooperation with The Law of Polarity here are a few


*Whatever you are experiencing, learn to accept where you are.

Remember that acceptance is the polar opposite of resistance.
Resistance happens when we put our focus and attention on what we
don't want and prevents us from having all that we desire. When we
accept things as they are, there is no negative emotion and therefore
no resistance. Now, you are in the place of allowing your desires with
ease. By accepting whatever the current experience is and at the
same time expressing appreciation for the contrast that is causing the
clarity of what you do want, you will soon find those things that you
don't want will fall away.

* A powerful practice is to write out a list of what you don't want just
for the experience of becoming clear about what you do want; not to
pay attention to what doesn't feel good. Next, write out the list of
what you do want. Notice how you become clear about what you do
want by paying attention to what you don't. This exercise will help
you to put your attention on the vantage point of what you want so
that you can be in the place of attracting your desires.

You now have at your fingertips very powerful knowledge. The more
you know and understand the Universal laws, the more powerful you
will be to create the life you desire.

The Law of Reciprocity

Before I explain The Law of Reciprocity, I want to explain to you what

the 'field' is.! The 'field' is the energy that we are surrounded by. It is
also known as the 'unified field' and the 'field of infinite possibility'.
Our thoughts and feelings are projecting out into this field of energy.
!!Remember that everything is energy.! Energy is moving; it vibrates
and is being responded to by forces, such as the Law of Attraction,
which has an effect. The effect is that we get back the same energy.
!For instance, if you are feeling good, that feeling is being responded
to and you will continue to feel good.! Feelings come from thoughts,
so what we think and feel is going to create our life. !We get what we
think about whether we want it or not. This is why the most
important thing is that you feel good, if you want a life that feels
good. The universal laws guarantee it.

Simply put, The Law of Reciprocity is the law the determines that the
events, conditions or circumstances in our lives are received back at
all times without fail based on what we are focusing on and
broadcasting out in the form of thoughts and feelings.

Think about the word reciprocity. The dictionary meaning is 'give

and take', 'mutual exchange' and 'a reciprocal relation between two
or more'. The Law of Reciprocity is the Universal Law that states that
whatever is sent out into the 'field' as thought and feeling will
manifest in the physical world. The physical outcomes that unfold in
life are based on whatever is given out or broadcast out from us.

Remember, The Law of Vibration explains that thoughts and feelings

are energy.! Then, in The Law of Resonance, you learned that all
energy vibrates at a given vibrational frequency that creates a
resonance that is based on the kind and quality of the thoughts and
feelings. !The Law of Attraction explains that all energy that is
projected out in the form of thoughts and feelings, gravitate toward
the energy that they have a harmonious frequency with, which
through The Law of Growth determines the type of event,
circumstance or condition you will experience in your life.
As you can see, each of the Universal Laws is intricately
interconnected, and are a perfectly constructed group of unwavering
and immutable "Laws", each working in "perfect harmony" 100%
of the time without fail, providing a specific outcome?

The Law of Reciprocity in essence, reciprocates or returns to us based

on our individual choices and asking for what we want.! For many,
the problem is that they don't know what they want. Being unaware
of the response by the universal laws, most are asking from a place of
confusion wondering why life isn't working out for them. !Being clear
about what you want your life to look and feel like is necessary.!
Because you get back the essence of what you are thinking and
feeling, it is crucial to decide and then to deliberately project out the
feeling you want to receive back.

It is the quality of your thoughts and feelings which determines what

you asking for. Combined with believing that you will receive, The
Law of Reciprocity makes absolutely certain that you will receive just
accordingly.! The Law of Reciprocity, as with all the Universal Laws
doesn't make judgements!as to whether what you are broadcasting
out is good or bad , but only delivers the results in your physical life
based on that resonance! 100% of the time unconditionally.

For instance, if you are projecting out thoughts and feelings of fear
and worry about something such as money or your health, don't
expect to receive the evidence of an abundance of money and health.
The Law of Reciprocity ensures that if fear and worry are what you
are broadcasting, the outcomes that harmonize with fear and worry
are reciprocated back.!

This is why it is important to be accountable to yourself and what

you want to experience in your life. You are the cause. The outcomes
are the effect. Now that you know that The Law of Reciprocity ensures
that life will happen in precisely the way you are thinking and
feeling, doesn't it begin to make sense to use the power you have to
direct your thoughts and feelings toward what you want? You always
have the power to choose. If you don't like the way your life is going,
you can choose better and utilize the power of the universal laws that
guarantee that you will receive a better life.

The universal laws are always responding and are for us, never
against us. The universal 'field' of energy that we exist in is always
saying 'yes.' It gives us back what we give to it.

It is my sincere desire that whatever choices you choose to make

come from the understanding of the Universal Laws and that they
are ones that lead you closer to a life that includes Love, Joy, Peace
and Limitless Abundance. Because, there is no limit to what you can
be, do or have!

Kathleen Martin LOACC

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