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To be (étre) in the past simple : to have (avoir)

I was had
You were had
She, he, it was had
They were had
We were had
You (plural) were had
Some verbs in the past simple !
She spoke with her friend earlier (elle a parlé avec son amie plus tot )
She talked to her mother on the phone ( elle a parlé à sa mére au portable)
I was sick yesterday (j’etais malade)
I was sick for few days ( j’étais malade pendant quelque jours)
I was tired yesterday, i was in the hospital ( j’étais fatigué hier j’étais à l’hopital)
I ate a sandwich today with my friends ( j’ai mangé un sandwich aujourd’hui avec
mes amies)
I drank a coffee last Saturday (j’ai bu un café samedi dernier)
They were here before you came (ils étaient ici avant votre arrivée)
I had a nice car last year (j’avais une belle voiture l’année derniére)
Can/ must/ could/may/ musn’t/ shouldn’t/ should/ can’t/need to / couldn’t
Can, can’t, may, could : express ability ( capacité, possibilité)
Must, should, shouldn’t, musn’t, need to : express obligation
I can speak french very good ( je peux parler français trés bien)
I can’t eat indian food ( je ne peux pas manger cuisine indienne)
I must respect old people( je devrais respecter les gens agées)
You shouldn’t smoke in public place ( vous ne devriez pas fumer dans in lieu
You need to see a doctor if you are sick (vous avez besoin de voir un médecin)
You couldn’t sing when you were little (tu ne pouvais pas chanter quand tu étais
You may pass the exam with good mark (vous pouvez passer l’examen)
Sarah could sing when she was little (sarah pouvez chanter uand elle était petite)

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