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Kelompok 1 :

- Andre Firdaus (K1C018015)

- Azilfah Rishi Nurmizana (K1C018033)
- Muhamad Sofwal Widad (K1C018035)
- Widad Asahi Altof (K1C018051)
- Isnaeni Nur Hidayah (K1C018063)
- Maria Soviana (K1C018065)

1. The following table gives data, in kJ, for a system under going a thermodynamic cycle
consisting of four processes in series. For the cycle, kinetic and potential energy effects
can be neglected. Determine
a. The missing table entries, each in kJ.

Proses ΔU Q W Proses
1-2 600 0 -600 Adiabatik
2-3 300 -1000 -1300 Isobarik
3-4 -700 0 700 Adiabatik
4-1 -200 500 700 Isobarik

b. Whether the cycle is a power cycle or a refrigeration cycle.

Pada tabel diatas, jika masing-masing dijumlahkan
ΔU = U12+U23+U34+U41
= 600+300-700+200

ΔQ = Q12+Q23+Q34+Q41
= 0-1.000-0+500
= -500
ΔW = W12+W23+W34+W41
= -600-1.300+700+700
= -500

Jadi kesimpulannya ketika W-nya negatif (-) itu berarti membutuhkan kerja dan
termasuk ke refrigeration cycle.

2. A undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of three processes :

Process 1-2 : compression with pV = constant, from p1 = 1 bar, V1 = 1,6 m 3, V2 = 0,2

m3, U2-U1 = 0

Process 2-3 : constant pressure to V3= V1

Process 3-1 : constant volume , U1-U3= -3549 kJ

There are no significant changes in kinetic or potential energy. Determine the heat
transfer and work process 2-3, in kJ. Is this a power cycle or refrigerator cycle?


(2) P (Pa)

8 x 105

P1 105

V2 = 0,2 V1 = V3 = 1,6

 Proses 1-2 = termasuk proses isotermik sehingga PV = konstant, atau

P1V1= P2V2
P2 = (P1V1)/ V2

= ((105) (1,6)/0,2)

= 8 x 105

 Proses 2-3 = termasuk roses isobarik sehingga =konstant artinya, 1 = 2
T T 1 T2
V2 V3
T 2 T3

1,6 0,2
T 2 T3

1,6 T 3=0,2 T 2

0,2T 2
T 3=

T 3= T 2

Nilai kerja (W) dan kalor (Q) yang didapat dari proses 2-3 adalah :

W 2−3=P ∆V

W 2−3=P 2 ∆ V

W 2−3=P 2(V 3−V 2)

W 2−3= ( 8 ×105 ) (1,6−0,2)

W 2−3=11,2 × 105 kJ

Nilai kalor (Q) transfer yang didapat dari proses 2-3 yaitu :

Q = ΔU + W

Diketahui U2-U1 = 0 ... persamaan (1)

U1-U3= -3549 kJ ... persamaan (2)

Lakukan eliminasi pada persamaan (1) dan (2)

... (1) U2-U1 = 0

... (2) -U3+ U1 = -3549 kJ

U2- U3 = -3549 kJ

Jadi nilai Q2-3 = ΔU + W2-3

Q2-3 = ( U2- U3 ) + 11,2 ×105 kJ

Q2-3 = (−3549 ) kJ +11,2 ×105 kJ

Q2-3 = 1116451 kJ

 Proses 3-1 = termasuk proses iskhorik sehingga =konstant artinya, 2 = 1
T T2 T 1
P 2 P1
T2 T 1
8 ×105 105
8 T3 T1
8 ×10 5 T 1=8 T 3 (10 5)
8T 3 (105 )
T 1=
8 × 105
T 1=T 3

W total = W isotermik +W isobarik + W isokhorik

W total = n R T1 ln + P ΔV + 0
W total = n R (1/8T2) ln + (11,2 x 105)
Jadi kesimpulannya ketika W-nya positif (+) itu berarti membutuhkan kerja dan
termasuk ke power cycle.

3. A undergoes a thermodynamic cycle consisting of three processes :

Process 1-2 : constant volume, from V = 0,028 m3, U2-U1 = 264 kJ

Process 2-3 : expansion with pV = constant, U3 = U2

Process 3-1 : constant pressure , p = 1,4 bar, W31= -105 kJ

There are no significant changes in kinetic or potential energy.

(a) Sketch the cycle on a p-V diagram.

(b) Calculate the net work for the cycle, in kJ
(c) Calculate the heat transfer for process 2-3 in kJ
(d) Calculate the heat transfer for process 1-3 in kJ
(e) Is this a power cycle or refrigerator cycle?


P (Pa)

P2 (2)

P1 (3)
V (m3)
V1 V2
(b) W total = Wisokhorik + Wisotermik + Wisobarik

W isokhorik = 0
W isotermik = n R T ln
P1 = 1,4 bar = 1,4 x 105
V1 = 0,028 m3
W isobarik = -105 kJ = -105000 Joule

W isobarik=?

W isobarik = P1 ΔV
ΔV = P1 / W isobarik
= (1,4 x 105) / -105000
= 1,33 m3

ΔV = V2-V1
V2 = ΔV + V1
V2 = (1,33 + 0,028) m3
V2 = 1,3613 m3

P1V1= P2V2

P2 = (P1V1)/ V2

= ((1,4 x 105) (0,028) / 1,3613)

= 2879,6 Pa

P1 / T1= P2 / T2

P1 T2 = P2 T1

T1 = (P1 T2) / P2

= ( (1,4 x 105) T2 ) / 2879,6

= 48,617 T2

W isotermik = n R T1 ln

= (1) (8,314) (48,617) ln

= (1) (8,314) (48,617) 3,883991

= 1569,91587 Joule

= 1,56991587 kJ

W isobarik = P ΔV

= P1 (V2-V1)
= (1,4 x 105) (1,3613-0,028)

= 186662 Joule

= 186,62 kJ

W total = W isokhorik + W isotermik + W isobarik

= 0 + 1,56991587 kJ + 186,62 kJ

= 188,2319159 kJ

(c) Kalor (Q) transfer pada proses 2-3?

ΔU = Q – W

1 =Q–W
Q =W

Q = W2-3= W isotermik = 1,56991587 kJ

(d) Kalor (Q) transfer pada proses 1-3?

Pada proses 1-3 merupakan proses isobarik, dimana diketahui bahwa U2-U1 = 264 kJ,
dan U3=U2 maka;
U2-U1 = 264 kJ
U3-U1 = 264 kJ
Q = ΔU + W
Q = (U3-U1) + P1 ΔV
Q = 264 kJ + (1,4 x 105) (V2-V1)
Q = 264 kJ + (1,4 x 105) (1,3613-0,028)
Q = 264 kJ + 186,62 kJ
Q = 450,62 kJ

(e) Apakah termasuk power cycle atau refrigerator?

Wtotal = Wisokhorik + Wisotermik + Wisobarik

= 0 + 1,56991587 kJ + 186,62 kJ

= 188,2319159 kJ
Jadi kesimpulannya ketika W-nya positif (+) itu berarti membutuhkan kerja dan
termasuk ke power cycle.

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