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Science 8 2nd quarter reviewer

I. Match each description to each illustration below and identify the stage of cell
division. Write the letter of the correct answer and the stage of cell division on the
space provided before the number.

______, _________________1. The chromosomes align at the equatorial plate.

______, _________________2. The cell has grown enough and ready to undergo mitosis.
______, _________________3. Chromosomes migrate to opposite poles.
______, _________________4. Chromosomes coil up into rod like structures.
______, _________________5. Uncoiling of chromosomes, nuclear membrane forms around
each set of chromosomes.
______, _________________6. The cytoplasm divides into two cells.

II. Identify what is being described in each statement. Write your answer on the space
________________1. It is period when the cell continues to increase in size and synthesize
RNA and proteins.
________________2. It is the cycle of alternating stages of division and rest from division.
________________3. It is the period during which DNA is synthesized.
________________4. It is the stage when the cells differentiates or form two new cells.
________________5. It is a phase when the cell increases in size.
________________6. It contains the DNA in the nucleus.
________________7. It is the division of the cytoplasm.
________________8. It is the division of the nucleus.
________________9. It is the first stage of mitosis.
_______________10. It is the stage when chromosomes align at the equatorial plate.
_______________11. It is the stage when chromosomes migrate to opposite poles.
_______________12. It is a type of cell division in somatic cells.
I. Matching Type. Match the vocabulary word in column B with the proper
definition in Column A. Write the capital letter of the correct answer.
_____1. the process in which two gametes unite A. crossing over
_____2. The swapping of genetic material during meiosis B. diploid
_____3. A type of cell division in which the number of C. egg
chromosomes is reduced by half
_____4.event when homologous chromosomes stay side D. fertilization
by side
_____5. chromosomes of same size carrying same genes E. gametes
_____6. involves two parents F. gametogenesis
_____7. having half the number of chromosomes G. haploid
_____8. having twice the number of chromosomes H. homologous
_____9.a diploid cell I. life cycle
_____10. a haploid cell J. meiosis
_____11. the development of haploid cells into gametes K. meiosis I
_____12. reproductive cells that unite to form an offspring L. meiosis II
_____13. series of life stages and events of a sexually
reproducing organism M. oogenesis
_____14. reduction of division of meiosis N. sexual reproduction
_____15. equation division of meiosis O. synapsis
P. zygote

II. Multiple Choices. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
______1. After meiosis there are ___x___.
A. two haploid cells. C. four haploid cells.
B. two haploid gametes. D. four haploid gametes
______2. Differences between meiosis I and meiosis II include:
A. how the chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell during meiosis I or meiosis
B. the pairing of chromosomes in meiosis I but not meiosis II.
C. the amount of DNA in a cell at the end of meiosis I or meiosis II
D. all of the above
______3. Because chromosomes pair up during meiosis, crossing-over must occur during
A. Prophase II B. metaphase II C. prophase I D. anaphase I
______4. Homologous chromosomes separate during ____x____.
A. Metaphase I B. anaphase I C. anaphase II D. telophase II
______5. A human cell containing 44 autosomes and two X chromosomes is ___x___.
A. A somatic cell of a male C. a sperm cell
B. A somatic cell of a female D. an ovum

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer.

____1. The phase of cell division in which chromatic condenses into chromosomes is ___x___.
A. telophase B. anaphase C. prophase D. apoptosis
____2. The method by which a cell’s cytoplasm divides is called ___ X ___.
A. DNA replication B. interphase C. mitosis D. cytokinesis
____3. Cells divide for the following reasons except for ___ X ____.
A. reproduction in single cell organism C. repair injured cells
B. growth of organism D. rebirth dead cells
____4. The 2 chromosomes that have the same size, same shape, and carry genes for the same
traits are called ____X____ chromosomes.
A. homologous B. diploid C. sister chromatids D. haploid
____5. DNA that is spread out in an interphase nucleus is called ___X___.
A. Asters B. chromatin C. centrioles D. kinetochore
____6. During prophase, ___X___.
A. chromosomes begin to move apart
B. the DNA changes from chromosomes to chromatin
C. cells copy their DNA
D. the nuclear membrane disappears and DNA condenses into chromosomes
____7. Mitosis and meiosis differ in that ___X___.
A. Mitosis has one round of cell division, meiosis has two rounds.
B. Mitosis results in identical daughter cells, meiosis does not.
C. A cell that is diploid would produce two diploid daughter cells in mitosis, four
haploid daughter cells in meiosis.
D. All of the above.
____8. Diploids contain twice the number of chromosomes found in a single ___X___.
A. gamete B. zygote C. protein molecule D. synapse
____9. The process by which haploid gametes combine is called ___X___.
A. interphase B. fertilization C. genetic variation D. synapsis
____10. Substances known to cause cancer are called ___X___.
A. kinases B. carcinogens C. stem cells D. aster fibers
____11. The process by which haploid gametes combine is called ___X___.
A. interphase B. fertilization C. genetic variation D. synapsis
____12. Which of these events does not occur during telophase?
A. chromosomes arrive at cellular poles C. chromosomes relax
B. cytoplasm splits in two D. spindle apparatus disassembles
____13. What part of the cell is the arrow pointing to?
A. Asters B. spindle fiber C. chromosomes D. cleavage furrow
_____14. Which of the following is a major difference between mitosis and meiosis?
A. Interphase is present only in mitosis.
B. Homologous chromosomes associate only in meiosis.
C. DNA replication occurs only in mitosis.
D. Daughter chromatids separate only in mitosis.
_____15. Which phase of the cell cycle is the longest and when does it happen?
A. telophase – cytoplasm begins to separate
B. metaphase – chromatids line up at the center of the cell
C. interphase – cell grows and chromosomes duplicate
D. anaphase – chromosomes separate
_____16. What structure at the poles in a dividing cell attach itself to the spindle fibers and pull
A. asters B. chromatin C. centrioles D. kinetochore
_____17. Which of the following is the correct sequence in mitosis?
A. prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase
B. prophase,metaphase, telophase, anaphase
C. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
D. telophase, anaphase, metaphase, prophase
_____18. Which terms are incorrectly matched?
A. prophase I; crossing over C. cytokinesis: cell plate formation
B. interphase: DNA replication D. metaphase: centromere division
_____19. It is the phase of the cell cycle where chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.
A. prophase B. metaphase C. anaphase D. telophase
_____20. Why would diffusion be more inefficient in a large cell?
A. It relies on motor proteins.
B. It relies on the random movement of particles.
C. It relies on DNA mutations.
D. It relies on checkpoints in the cell cycle.
_____21. Which one of the following statements is true about crossing over?
A. It occurs in mitosis.
B. It occurs in meiosis II.
C. It ensures that gametes will be genetically identical.
D. It is the equal exchange of DNA between chromosomes.
____22. Homologous chromosomes separate during which phase(s) of meoiosis?
A. interphase B. anaphase I C. telophase I D. interphase
____23. During which stage of meiosis do chromatids separate completely?
A. Anaphase I B. anaphase II C. metaphase I D. metaphase II
____24. What happens to the chromosomes during crossing over?
A. They decrease in number.
B. The chromosomes mutate in the first division.
C. They produce new genes.
D. The chromosomes exchange corresponding segments of DNA.
____25. What process does this figure show?
A. protein synthesis
B. chromosomal segment exchange
C. replication of DNA
D. Mitosis

_____26. Which of the following phase of meiosis do synapsis and crossing over occurs?
A. Prophase I B. anaphase I C. prophase II D. telophase II
_____27. What structures are lined up at the center of this cell?
A. cyclins C. chromosomes
B. single chromatids D. kinases

_____28. Which of the following shows the correct order for the phases of the
cell cycle?
A. G1 – G2 – S – M C. G1 – S – G2 – M
B. S – G1 - M – G2 D. G1 – M – G2 – S
_____29. What can result from improper regulation in the cell cycle?
A. cancer C. control checkpoints
B. apoptosis D. mitosis without a prophase
_____30. A cell contains 30 chromosomes at the beginning of meiosis, at its completion how
how many chromosomes does the cell produce?
A. 15 B. 10 C. 20 D. 5

TABLE COMPLETION: Complete the table below by identifying the number of chromosomes
before and after cell division, the type of cell division and type of the daughter cell.

Organism No. of chromosomes Type of Cell Daughter cell

Before cell After Cell Division
division Division
E.asinus 62 1. ________ 2. _______ Diploid
Capra hircus 3. ________ 120 Meiosis 4. _______
Sus scrofa 5. ________ 76 6. _______ Haploid
Bison bison 60 7. ________ 8. _______ Diploid
Canis familiaris 156 78 9. _______ 10. _______

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