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Hi lovely! How have you been since the last time we spoke? Well, I hope!

:3 Finally found the time to

grab my laptop and reply to your old messages, as I’ve been busy with preparations for the New
Year’s with a few friends. Then my cousin came to visit again, and today I’ve been trying to study but
eventually gave up when I got to stressed out xD

To get back to your older messages: “very interested in sex in terms of fic/porn, but no desire to
actually have sex with another human.” Yes yes yes, precisely! I always found it so very weird and
always assumed I was ace. However, I don’t think this is the case for me, really. I pretty much blame
it on dysphoria, and crossed the topic a few times with my therapist. So she suggested that, when I
start having sex, perhaps being the top would be a good option for me, as in pegging / fingering my
partner and/ or being the dominant partner during BDSM scenes. And tbh that sounds great
actually! I enjoy the idea of topping very much, and it can make you feel more masculine or at least
that you own a penis xD Also, I kinda get where you’re coming from with struggling to get an
orgasm. I’ve never had sex, but I had a rocky start, as you put it, with masturbation too. I guess
everyone finds their own technique at their own pace, and y’know, that’s totally okay! From what
I’ve heard, it might be a little more difficult for female bodies to achieve orgasms, since psychological
factors play a bigger role for us. I’m happy to hear that your relationship with sex improved
though! :D

Oh, I see. Gosh, I’m still super sorry that it happened to you and that you struggle with its aftermath
in a way. But I’m also so glad that you have the help you need from your therapist :) Keep working
on that! I am sure you’ll have all of that figured out eventually :3

Asdfgh thank you so much for your kind words about that Curufin / Celegorm ficlet :33333 It
genuinely made me soooo happy and a bit more confident, since they’re one of the least explored
characters by me, especially in writing xD

“God, I love how this roughness, this cruelty is such an intrinsic part of their relationship.” I KNOW
RIGHT?! Cruelty and roughness defines their relationship and it simply feels right to portray them as
such. They have sooo many unsolved issues XD

Glad you enjoyed reading about Celegorm having a not-so-decent boner while being threatened by
his brother :P Whenever I think about such scenes unfolding between these two I’m torn between
‘god no this is /wrong/’ and ‘( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)’

“I will never get enough of Celegorm goading Curufin like this!” we stan for this :3

Oh my GOD, you have spoiled me with everything you said there! I’m still fanning myself over this
<333 And yesss, Celegorm being so desperate that he pleasures himself there and then is a delightful
mental image heheh. Unfortunately for now, I have nothing else saved on my laptop about these
two, but if inspiration strikes I’ll send whatever I write your way ^^

Oh, that test! It went really well actually! Totally nailed it xD

Ahaha, yeah, I think that’s the most lighthearted Angbang thing you’ve ever written too! But it was
really REALLY good!

“Cancel them.” OMFG I died at that bit xD Melkor sure has his priorities in the right order, doesn’t
he? :P

Also, JESUS, you have such an incredible way of describing make-out sessions and I’m such a sucker
for them :3 Why are those two so erotic in everything they do?
“You’re insatiable.” Indeed he is :P

“Suddenly he grasped Melkor’s wrists and pinned them down to the bed on either side of his head.”
Mmm I liked this a lot, the slight change of pace they’ve got going there. I think Mairon acting all
dominant and ‘taking control’ is a major turn-on for Melkor and you captured it brilliantly here!

“ “My lord doesn’t seem to be complaining,” Mairon retorted, moving his hips so that his own cock
glided against the underside of Melkor’s erection” oh my god… I just… I needed a break when I first
read that because holy shit, that was a hot move and I was smirking like an idiot xD

ALSO that whole handjob scene with Mairon coating Melkor’s cock in oil was absolutely delicious xD
And Mairon is such a tease, isn’t he? It’s really adorable how Melkor indulges him though!

ALSO ALSOOOO I am sooo here for Mairon bucking his hips when Melkor touches him! It’s a lovely
way of showing just how much he wants and desires Melkor, and uncontrollable movements are,
generally speaking, so very hot.

“Mairon caught Melkor’s gaze and held it for long burning seconds. He slowed down until each rock
of his hips on top of his master was gentle, ephemeral. Melkor arched his eyebrows in an unspoken
question, and Mairon simply leaned down and pressed his lips to Melkor’s own.” ; “You’re so
beautiful like this,” SJHBUSBEJDJK awwwwww, that was such a sweet, genuine compliment
highlighted by such a tender moment, and it honestly made my heart melt <3 I noticed that your
Melkor often calls Mairon beautiful when he’s gentle, or when he feels like being loving towards
Mairon (or so I assume) and I suddenly wonder if it’s also a way of locking Mairon in their vicious
little circle.

my fav kinks tbh and you described it so perfectly that I could only mumble ‘oh my gosh’ under my
breath. I’m so so in love with that whole scene. I won’t get it out of my mind anytime soon xD

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